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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. I live in the UK. My point is USA is one of the worst developed countries there is in regards to quality of life. Europe seems to be the hotspot for happiness as it values it's inhabitants quality of life significantly.
  2. You obviously took it personally lol. "Too afraid" - Not really. I'll take you as seriously as someone who says they talk to a vampire. It could be possible, I'm open to it, but it's most likely a lie or a hallucination. Like I said, I cannot disprove it. But what is proven is that humans are capable of being delusional or having hallucinations that are indistinguishable from reality. I think you are most likely either 1) Lying for attention 2) Psychotic 3) You could be experiencing something mystical/magical/extraordinary - But what makes you think this thing is a spirit specifically? Like those who think they've found proof of ghosts through video/photography - Why jump to the conclusion it's a ghost? Beliefs in ghosts, spirits etc may be blinding us to the reality of what these things actually are. Maybe what it is has no name yet. The fact that you think you've seen a spirit specifically makes me 99.9% sure you are simply hallucinating. I'm not close minded, I'm simply not convinced.
  3. Basically you should self actualized before you have kids unless you're already stuck with them.
  4. What sort of carbs were you consuming? Complex carbs like fruit? Or crappy carbs like bread and cereal?
  5. Well society requires you to be civilized. Imagine how retarded you'd be without others disciplining you. I think it's about noticing the programming and learning how authentic you can afford to be.
  6. Sometimes yes, but then I remind myself I have it good compared to many. Keep going.
  7. America is the worst developed country in regards to quality of life.
  8. They should not be legalized, just decriminalized. Let people organise themselves through sites like Silk road that give them a greater chance of safety. No guarantee, but greater chance.
  9. I don't think it's just about meeting behavioral expectations in general. It's also about being able to properly function and experiencing significant enough distress due to a set of symptoms.
  10. Complex carbs give me long lasting energy. Fat and protein satiates.
  11. @Razard86 The reality is something is considered a disorder if the symptoms impact functioning significantly. If a person is struggling to function and complete everyday normal tasks because their brain makes it so they literally cannot pay attention for long periods of time, causes forgetfulness, rapid moodswings etc, then it could be considered a disorder You could say disorders, mental or personality, don't exist, that is what we label them, and professionals label them disorders because of the disorder they cause in people's lives. ADHD is genuine disorder, as it has symptoms that impact functioning to a significant degree, and it requires medication/lifestyle habit changes/dietary changes, and still then it will not completely go away, and will require management. Some professionals may disagree it exists, but many do. I know I have it. No matter how much I try, the symptoms don't completely go away. Attention to most things for long periods of time is impossible. I cannot stay in the present with one thing for very long, no matter how much I've tried. The symptoms are manageable, but some forms of work are impossible for me, and I have had to find jobs that cater to my symptoms. You could just say "that's who you are, it's not a disorder".. But it's a disorder because it causes disorder and distress in your life. It's like personality disorders are what we choose to label certain people's personalities, you could say they don't exist, that is just who people are, but if people have symptoms, traits etc that cause significant distress, disorder and impact on functioning to a significant degree, then that's when they are labeled disorders by many professionals.
  12. For me it's quite simple. A mind that produces symptoms that significantly impacts a persons ability to function properly or achieve wellbeing, and the symptoms are not produced primarily by circumstance. E.G. Anyone can have a mental breakdown due to stress caused by their job/relationship, but that's not mental illness. Mental illness would be having something like an anxiety disorder/clinical depression that will impact your functioning/causing you significant distress regardless of your circumstances. A mentally ill mind will cause significant distress and impact functioning regardless of circumstance, and will likely require life long management.
  13. I spend a big portion of my day in internal dialogues. I can calm it down by limiting music, removing video games/tv/movies etc, and going on long walks where you awaken more and more from the daydreams. I cannot stop it from happening, it often overlaps any attempt to concentrate on other things, probably a result of ADHD really, as MDD is associated with OCD and ADHD. Only thing I can do is manage my lifestyle. I often stay away from high stimulation music. It's been hard as for many years I was in a state of constant technology stimulation, until my mental health got worse and I just got numb to it all. Now I go for hikes in the woods for 5-7 hours, and towards the end, my minds spends longer periods of time in the present in between day dreams, and when my mind is calmer, I can focus on lower stimulation music that doesn't make my mind hyper, such as ambient music, and also focus on listening to true crime podcasts and stories, which capture my imagination in a way I can remain present. It's just something you gotta learn to live with. I will never be a highly present individual unless I dedicate my entire lifestyle to it, and still will daydream and lose myself in internal dialogues for hours a day, I cannot stop it.
  14. Are you really serious about seeing a spirit? Because if so, I'd consider seeing a mental health professional. You maybe suffering psychotic symptoms. I don't claim to be able to prove spirits don't exist, but this could well be a hallucination, and I don't like how people are reinforcing this idea. Maybe OP is seeing something that could be called a spirit.. but they may also be psychotic. You need to be open to that possibility.
  15. Shinzen is a former monk, who is a meditation/mindfulness teacher. Sadhguru is a guru.
  16. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/07/14/ukraine-news-russia-war-live-equipment-losses-putin-nordstream/ Russia deporting Ukranian children to Russia... to brainwash them most likely. When does it get to the point we risk fighting them? When do we stop sitting back out of fear of WW3?
  17. I Understand this completely. As I got more anxious/neurotic in my 20's, I notice the original feelings of beauty I got with music declined and these thoughts about people with my music got more frequent. So I try to listen more to songs that feel meaningful for other ways, rather than just me imagining myself on stage playing them and gaining pleasure only at the thought of playing it well for a crowd lol. Ambient music is good to avoid these thoughts I find. You may not be able to avoid those social thoughts completely, but ambient/ambience music often inspires peaceful/abstract thoughts in me. It's just a case of perfecting mindfulness to know exactly which songs inspire the preferred thoughts. This is why mindfulness is important.
  18. Vegan over 6 years, feel fine. Never get sick. This video is stupid.
  19. None of us, to my knowledge, are cops. If you're a cop in a country like America and so many people have guns and there's so much gun violence, I can only imagine you're fearing for your life very often as a cop. It's easy for us all to sit there and judge. Tell me what level of spiral dynamics my comment is? I'm dying to hear this.
  20. You do realise that psychotic symptoms can make it so hallucinations/delusions become indistinguishable from reality right?
  21. lol
  22. 9-5 is not so bad. I used to work weekends and sometimes finish 9pm and wake up for 8am start the day after. Now 9-5 I see as a luxury.
  23. winkle