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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. Buddhism turns you into zombies? Explain.
  2. I've said this time and time again about Spiritual leaders, gurus, influencers. THEY'RE HUMAN. No matter how wise someone gets they are still a human being and they are still flawed. You think once someone supposedly becomes enlightened they turn into this Buddha like character who has infinite compassion for everyone all the time, and has nothing but beautiful things to say? It's like the character Infinite Waters plays to make him look blissful and loving all the time, but it's garbage. No one human being is that good. You're just going to have to accept that all good people have their flaws, because they are nothing more than an imperfect animal. I hate how people idolize others and get all disappointed when their hero shows flaw and they feel let down. No one is really ever that Good.
  3. 27. Although I didn't understand some of the words.
  4. Yeah I visit from time to time. I don't spend that long writing annotated research essays calling out forum owners for being toxic. Leo is not a doctor or a psychologist. He has no duty of care towards any of you. Just like with Teal Swan or any guru, take the teachings, and then don't get too attached to the teacher. I respect Leo and his work, but I don't idolize him.
  5. You either die a hero...
  6. That is uncalled for. You don't know his circumstances. He may be trying to improve but is monitored by Stage Blue people who discovered what he is watching. I don't know, neither do you. Being group oriented is maybe just how he's been raised. Be more compassionate.
  7. you really felt the need to spend so much time writing this annotated research essay? This is a forum on the internet, no one here is a professional. Leave if you don't like it.
  8. If a specific company has evidence that efficiency has gone down since remote working they have the right to change things IMO.
  9. I hear people often complaining about 9-5. I used also, but then I ended up having to do late shifts in a job until 9pm and waking up at 5-6am for early shift the next day, and had to lose most of my weekends for so long. Now I'm back to 9-5 and I'm so grateful for it now. I love having my weekends back. I like being free at 5pm. People are ungrateful.
  10. I'm loving how Veganism has crept into this discussion, and it's the same bullshit over and over again. Finding examples of weak and emaciated vegans to back up your point is stupid, you can do that with any diet.
  11. It will change the planet, people are just resistant because they like their meat and people make billions of it.
  12. Agreed. I went through a period of pure OCD, and the only way out is to not react to the thoughts.
  13. All meaningless really. It's not the way the world is. You might as well say "all we need is for people to be different to how they are". Humanity and Society are difficult problems to crack. Life is never that simple.
  14. If they are used irresponsibly they can destroy a mind. I'd say the main reason simply is fear.
  15. You gave me "20 hours". I'm not obligated to visit this forum every day of my life, I have a life outside of the internet. The fact that a partner could literally talk back to you and that would make you leave them is sad. It makes me feel like you lack balls and are sensitive as hell. A strong man wouldn't feel threatened by a partner who can stand up for themselves and raise their voice. Yeah I get if you've got a completely Karen in your life that constantly screams and mistreats you of course you'd get rid of her, but sometimes people are right to raise their voice because you are in the wrong, or because they are reasonably upset. Just because someone raises their voice at you doesn't mean that you are being mistreated, unless you are so narcissistic and think that any behaviour that inconveniences you is equated to you being mistreated in someway. The fact that you think any man that can handle being shouted at is weak and desperate for a womans attention really makes me believe you've watched a little too much Andrew Tate, and you expect a woman to be weak-willed and completely submissive to a man? I look at myself perfectly fine, and in this situation I look at myself positively because I'm a man with a set of balls who can handle being shouted at by someone. I get shouted at every day by customers, and I can handle it just fine, it doesn't really bother me in the slightest most of the time. That doesn't make me weak, and it doesn't hurt my self esteem, because I know myself and don't let other people's anger and disrespect bother me. Just because I can handle being shouted at , doesn't mean I would accept being mistreated by anyone, but I'm well aware that someone shouting at you sometimes is justified or understandable at least. We all get upset and angry, and I certainly don't consider that enough to leave someone. I personally have no interest in relationships, but I don't look at everyone who gets angry at me as a bad person because sometimes I fuck up and deserve it, just like some of the people I shout at deserve it. There's nothing wrong with communicating your disappointment.
  16. Thanks very much for the warning I received. Yes I was calling you a name. I've seen plenty of name calling and bitching on here, I didn't see the issue, you obviously took it personally and sent me a warning out of spite. I called you a name because if you seriously would get rid of a woman simply because she raised her voice once than I can't help but express my disgust at that. And simply because I called you a name you felt the name to give me an official warning, which you'll state is just you doing your job, but we both know it's because I wounded your ego. The fact that someone with such a fragile personality is a mod on here is incredibly concerning. I've seen worse behaviour coming from Leo himself.
  17. Rofl really? What a pussy.
  18. I experience the same thing. From spring to autumn I avoid video games/TV and just hike a lot more and go outside. I feel more sensitive to life. I still enjoy music though and audiobooks.
  19. You may never completely recover, the only thing you can do now is given up drinking and smoking and live as healthy a lifestyle you can and reverse as much damage as possible, but you may not be able to reverse all of it.
  20. I'd love to know how you consider bananas a low quality carb.
  21. What I often don't see people talking about when it comes to anxiety is diet. Avoid - Caffeine - ANY amount. Get rid. Get rid of caffeine for a month and see what happens. High GI carbs/Processed sugars - Get rid of cereals, cakes, sweets, bread. Stick to Low/Mid GI carbs. The reason for this is high gi spikes your blood sugar which elevates stress chemicals. Alcohol - None. If you're not eating healthy, start. Bad diet makes anxiety a lot worse. I've heard lower carb diets can sometimes help, but for me it was more about types of carbs.
  22. - Have no desire for close relationships - Rarely/Never get lonely - I'm not attracted to people to any significant degree. Never had a crush on anyone as long as I can remember. I don't feel aroused by looking at others. - Never really get sexually frustrated. - Never get close to others - I have a social job, and have learned social confidence, but even now, I only socialise out of work maybe once per month. I was never heavily abused or neglected as far as I can remember. May it just be brain damage? P.S. This is not a recent thing, this is pretty much how I've always felt. I've been on different diets ect, it doesn't change anything. My blood tests indicate no nutrition deficiencies. I don't want watch porn or masturbate very often, was never an addict.
  23. I've never really had much drive for anything except maybe to pursue certain hobbies. I live a healthy lifestyle though, a lot of hiking, music and good food.