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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. I believe in Abortion up to a certain point that we hopefully can do our best to decide on, supported by science, where the fetus can be considered an unborn baby with a strong possibility of survival outside of the womb therefore deserving of human rights and protected.
  2. Yeah but outside of it's natural form it's harmful. There's a difference between sugar from fruit and sugar from candy. Your body processes it differently.
  3. The only thing that gives anything meaning is feelings, and AI has none, unless we give them feelings.
  4. If you're 18+, do whatever you want to your body. If you're a kid, you should get mental health support and support groups etc. I don't agree with giving kids drugs and other medical treatments that can have negatives, because I do not believe kids can consent to it. It feels wrong.
  5. I think OP expects this place to be the holy grail of knowledge.
  6. I got the initial two vax, but denying the boosters. The reality is it was a risk either way, neither side should walk away smug about this. You could flip a coin and choose the right side, it doesn't mean you chose the right side due to being more informed.
  7. If you're really concerned with health on a vegan diet you shouldn't be relying on mock meats/highly processed foods to begin with.
  8. My advice , If you want to make veganism work, don't bother with these 7 day, 30 day challenges. Gradually take animal products from your diet. I've been vegan for 7 years, blood tested fine, It took me 6 months to go from meat eater, vegetarian and then vegan. Any sudden change to your diet may impact you negatively.
  9. You have to give these things time to kick in. You wont be aggressive and irritable forever, it's a temporary period of discomfort. But tbh if you can get to the state where you're jerking off occasionally that might be the best for you. Just stop fapping to porn regularly. This is why nofap has a 90 day challenge, give it time to kick in.
  10. There's no such thing really as a life purpose, you have a purpose once you become useful to something other than yourself, and that can be in many different ways.
  11. So basically just embrace your dark side. Accept your animal nature, and be ruthless if necessary.
  12. So basically, I started to feel dead inside around age 23. It was quite random, I just felt differently one day. I felt by default more anxious, discontent and depressed. From age 27-now I've made a lot of changes and live a super healthy lifestyle. I've given up a lot of things I used to do like video games and watching TV regularly, as well giving up regular alcohol and eat healthy. All these changes have gradually made me feel better, and have sparked a bit of life in me. But no matter how healthy and self aware I am, although I'm better than I was, that switch that flipped in me at around age 23... has never quite flipped back. I know I can never been like I was because I'm now 8 years older, but I wonder if there's anything you guys could suggest to make me feel more alive than I am? I feel OK, I don't suffer much, but I feel a bit void of feeling a lot of the time despite being over the worst of it. I've tried different diets, exercise, making sure I'm meeting all of my nutritional requirements, gotten blood tests, meditation, hiking outside etc etc. All of them help. I don't expect to be as alive as I was a kid, but just 20-30% more feeling would do. I feel relaxed and calm, but still quite numb. I never getting excited for much, and when good things happen, I feel a small percentage of what I used to feel.
  13. You still with us OP?
  14. I like the hodgetwins, they are funny guys, good personalities, charismatic and used to give good fitness advice. But yeah their politics are usually pretty brain dead, but I find their videos funny anyway.
  15. I was irritable lol I just saw your post and it reminds me of people who talk about things too much through a lense like MBTI or star signs and shit. It does irritate me a bit. I guess I just find them limiting and don't understand why we can't just talk about people as individuals rather than always categorizing them. It's like the whole ALPHA, BETA, SIGMA B/S I keep seeing. I do agree with your final sentence though, however I think he may be self-aware about his attempt to play characters like the anti-christ. I almost think he knows what he's doing and doesn't feel the need to be above it. I don't think his desire is to wake up that much, but to just do what feels good for him, express himself and help people in the limited way he can while being a bit dysfunctional in his life. I was offended but I get that's not your fault.
  16. If you see it as a problem you'll potentially try to change it... and that sometimes is essential or very useful.
  17. It's kind of sad how some of you all take this spiral dynamics crap a bit too seriously, you almost sound as bad as the people who are obsessed with MBTI. The reality of the matter is his music and his personality has inspired a lot of people to express themselves more and challenge things. He's far from perfect, but he just shows himself largely as he is. Even though he obviously puts on make up and performs/acts, which is natural because he's an artist, he doesn't really seem like he cares about appearing like he's above his base nature, but as you say he wants to appear above "blue" because he hates conformity more than anything else which is what blue represents more than anything else. That's just the thing he despises the most, and that's ok. If you watch his interviews he's obviously a smart guy, if he lets himself down anywhere it's likely in over-indulgence ruining some of his performances. I like the fact that there's a hint of what you call RED in him, because not one single person on this forum is absent a bit of red. He's just being honest about what he is to some degree. As he says... hold the S because I am an Aint.
  18. He was proven innocent, how do you feel back that?
  19. Understood, but everyone should take personal accountability really. The Incel community tends to be toxic, and when they behave this way they deserve all the criticism they get.
  20. I have no sympathy really. Most virgin shaming will be done when we're in highschool/college and we're all just dumb teenagers. Mature adults don't really give a shit, and who fucking cares anyway? Man the fuck up and stop fucking giving a shit what other people think and the problem goes away. Most people who've ever been shamed for their sexual status eventually get laid. Just because most self-identified incels have supposedly been shamed for being virgins doesn't mean there's any correlation between being shamed and inceldom. Most people get shamed at some point in their life. The reality of the matter is this - Some people aren't very attractive, and some people have social issues or just shit personalities in general that impacts their ability to interact with others. If you spend 10 minutes reading incel forum posts, it's clearly people who are part of that community are completely detached from a reality that they don't experience enough to understand. There are plenty of romantically and sexually unsuccessful people out there, and the incel community is just a percentage of them who have allowed their virgin status to turn them bitter and anti-social.
  21. If you're searching for absolute truth they're limited, but not everyone is bothered with God Realization. Being satisfied with life is the only thing that really matters. Some buddhists probably just want peace.
  22. Hmmmm the beauty of Buddhism is you can practice as much or as little of it as you want.