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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. Avoid High GI carbs that spike blood sugar. Fruits and Veg are fine.
  2. I've posted on here previously about an issue I have where whenever I've exercised recently, even if it's just going for a walk for an hour, I feel like shit after. I'm getting enough calories, blood tests come back excellent, explained to the doc who did the tests what my symptoms were, they stated it could be low glucose but to speak to another doc for more tests. When I do research, hypoglycaemia, specifically reactive hypoglycaemia, seems to be a good explanation. Whenever I go for any exercise, It triggers feelings of depression, irritability, tightness and pain around my body, and sometimes mild panic attacks. Sometimes I feel like I've lost control of my body and am losing my balance. If I stop exercising, these symptoms go away. It's been happening ever since I came back from a hiking holiday 2 months ago. It's basically crippled me. I cannot do one of the few things that have helped me with depression. I'm not deficient in anything. Iron, b12, D, calcium etc all fine. I've seen people say the key is more carbs - But I already eat a lot of good complex carbs - Oats, fruits, veg, sometimes rice. I've seen some professionals say that eating more carbs is the opposite of what you wanna do and you should go low carb/keto. This fucking sucks dude, I've literally been feeling suicidal over this because now I'm trapped in my house and cannot go out and enjoy much nature. and the effect of any exercise, even just a 30-60 min walk sends my insides into a greater state of depression, anxiety, racing thoughts and I get shitty testicular and rib pain. This blows.
  3. You seem crazy... in a good way.
  4. Hi. I've always had faith that you could find a natural way to deal with mental health problems, like therapy and lifestyle changes, self awareness etc. But I'm starting to believe I may need medication at some point for my issues. How do you accept that? That no matter what you do you may never be able to be happy without drugs and nothing you can do really fix you besides this?
  5. The science seems to suggest you can get everything your body needs from plants, so if that is the case, what argument can you make against being Vegan? I'm not trying to be bitchy or self righteous, I'm just curious to hear your guys point of view.
  6. No one who's gone through male puberty should be able to compete in female sports. It shouldn't be man vs women's sports it should be male vs female sports. It's the biology that matters not the identity. I respect trans women as women but they are not female and thus shouldn't be able to compete in female sports.
  7. Sorry to hear about this OP. I don't know how old you are, but I'd definitely consider giving life as much of a chance as possible before considering this, although I don't know how much you're suffering and I don't know how hopeless your circumstance. If you are going to go through with this, then rest in peace, but I hope you reconsider.
  8. Are you 100% sure it wasn't anything to do with your own decisions that made you feel this way? Are you sure you were thoroughly in your attempts to meet your nutritional requirements?
  9. Nah i haven't consumed caffeine in 4 years. Alcohol is a rare occurrence. No drugs/cigarettes.
  10. Even just going for a 1 hour walk which is sometimes relaxing, increases my anxiety/restlessness, I'm getting a tight chest. It doesn't feel mental, I have a good handle on my thoughts after therapy and meditation and there's no big external stressor in my life. It's all internal. It's all happened in the last few weeks all of a sudden for seemingly no reason. I'm tracking my calories and my nutrition, and nothing much has changed in my life. I drink no alcohol, caffeine or drugs etc. I booked an apt with my doctor because right now I'm having to avoid doing much exercise because of this. It feels just out of nowhere this is the case, and it's stopping me from doing what I love in Hiking. I am physically fit and healthy.
  11. I don't think so. They never used ot make me anxious, it;s not going for a walk that makes me anxious right now. It's not a case of something make me anxious, it's like I'm not scared of caffeine but the effect of it makes me feel anxiety. What i'm saying is right now any form of exercise is increasing my anxiety.
  12. Agreed, I've been trying to figure that out for a while, and lifestyle habits can play a part, and improving my lifestyle habits helps, I have improved my symptoms in some ways, but that being said, things have never returned to the way they were before I got all these problems several years ago. It's like sometimes a switch flips inside of me. Around age 23 it's like a switch flipped and that was it. I've been able to make changes to make myself feel better, but there's always an unease there on a daily basis. Btw sorry if I am a bit snappy I'm just irritable.
  13. It's nothing to do with lacking distractions. I know how to manage my thoughts. I know the difference between my thoughts making me anxious vs me just feeling at unease for no reason. Just like there's a difference between being depressed about something vs feeling depressed for no reason at all. It's got nothing to do with comfort zones or patterns of thought, it's not that sort of thing. You can feel anxious because you've drank too much caffeine, it's not always to do with that.
  14. Over the last 5-6 years I've kind of gone through stages of 6-9 months on a technology detox and felt better, but recently had a bout a year of spending a lot of time in front of screens, and have just come away from such a lifestyle again in the last 5 weeks or so. But my symptoms now in some ways are worse than ever. I've never had an issue with exercise causing me anxiety. I literally cannot go out for a walk for an hour without noticing it gradually leading to more irritability/anxiety/depression. I have the fitness to do it but its like the stimulation itself is causing me to feel worse and I notice my general levels of anxiety have in some ways gotten worse. This sucks. I feel so bad because at times I've made such good progress then gone back to screens thinking It wouldn't be so bad because of my other lifestyle habits are healthy. I hope I'm able to recover from this. I've never had panic/anxiety attacks before but recently got them. I'm holding on for now, hoping that if I continue on the right path I'll see improvements, but if not then I cannot live like this and I'm out.
  15. The problem is relying on humans to treat the animals well, which you cannot. We have this fantasy of animals gleefully strolling through the fields and having a happy life before they are slaughtered but it's bullshit.
  16. @Schizophonia No, plants do not contain: -B12 -D3 (an exogenous source is important if you live outside the equator) -EPA/DHA -Taurine -L-carnitine -Iodine (except if you regularly eat seaweed, and there is no archaeological evidence that this is something "natural" for humans). All of these things can be found in supplementation or fortified options. So it doesn't matter.
  17. But Vegans would argue that if you don't need to eat the animals, then their slaughter is completely unnecessary so it's unnecessary animal exploitation/killing purely for pleasure/convenience rather than need?
  18. I've recently been suffering with more anxiety and restlessness. My life is going by completely normal, but I've been taking a supplement Veg1 recently which includes b12, b6, b2, folic acid, iodine. It has quite high levels of vitamin b12. I've done research which states this sort of supplement can act as a stimulant. Anyone advice? I've stopped taking it, but after a couple of days off I still feel a bit restless, irritable and anxious.
  19. Get a decent job that will pay the bills, write books on the side.
  20. Veg1 is the one i'm taking but the cover of mine looks different . And yeah I'm always usually obsessed with making almost anything I consume natural because I assume unnatural options have side effects, this just reconfirmed by suspicions. I feel like such a FUCKING IDIOT for taking it tbh, but never mind. I hope I haven't caused myself permanent damage, but I only took about 15-20 of them over the course of about 3-4 weeks.
  21. I hope you get better soon. My supplement had 1000% of my RDA of b12 and 400% Vitamin D. I'm just hoping it wears off it's been a few days and I still don't feel great.
  22. Mike Tyson is on youtube. But the answer to the question is I dunno. I think if they previously used platforms to groom then yes they should be banned.
  23. Rofl, you consume too much energy and don't burn it, it gets stored as fat. People consume foods that are high in calories, low in nutrient density so they don't get energised and full off fewer calories.