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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. Protein levels tested fine. Choline is an interesting one, but have no idea how to tell. I eat Soy and Nuts for Choline.
  2. Exercise intolerance, so to speak. Feeling lightheaded/strange while walking or doing any exercise The more physical activity I engage in, the more irritable, restless, depressed I feel. If I stop physical activity, the symptoms seem to subside. There's a correlation between the symptoms and my physical activity level. Last time I did a hike I had a panic attack, and had bad symptoms that only subsided after a week of rest. I had a rapid heart rate and also cold outsides of the hands.
  3. @undeather What would say about those results above bro.
  4. Procastination, IMO, is the result of us habitually escaping from something, or just a lack of interest in the things we need to get done. You don't procastinate from doing your favourite things. You don't procastinate when you're watching your favourite movie or playing a fun sport or game.
  5. Any advice on eyelid eczema? Moisturizer seems to make it worse.
  6. Considering you are a doctor, can I ask you what you consider to be a good b12 level for someone to be at? 292 ng/L is my most recent test.
  7. @undeather Ate some tuna and salmon last night. Gonna try eating meat for 3-4 weeks and we'll see what happens.
  8. Understood but I wanted advice because naturally a bit worried about eating meat again after 8.5 years without it. Just wondering if there's a best place to start
  9. Agreed with self sufficiency, but I'm not omniscient.
  10. This is bullshit. Obviously there's a % of men that are way more attractive than the average man, but it's the same with females. Most men would choose taylor swift over an average looking woman, but most men would not get close to banging Taylor Swift or the top 10% of women. At the end of the day most guys get laid, get married and have kids. End of discussion really. Average men and women have access to average looking partners, if you want above average partners, you need to become above average, if you're not willing to work to become above average, tough titties.
  11. I don't think I am. In fact I've discovered beauty by changing my life. I've gone to therapy and saw a psychologist and I went into depth with everything that has happened, they didn't offer anything practical for me to do. I don't have any trauma that Im aware of. It's just a feeling of numbness and unease.
  12. I've been getting tightness sometimes in my abdominal area, but I don't know if that's just the result of the exercise induced symptoms. Why do you ask?
  13. I don't see how people couldn't see this exact thing happening.
  14. Many studies show that massive portions of this species are deficient in this essential nutrient because our salt tends not to be iodized. What do you take for Iodine. Do you guys sup or use fortified salt?
  15. Can someone show me any evidence of most women wanting to be raped? I know rape fantasies exist but I don't see any evidence of most women secretly wanting to be raped by men.
  16. Ethics - If we don't have to exploit animals for food, then we shouldn't? It's unnecessary suffering inflicted on sentient beings for nothing other than pleasure and it damages the environment far more than well sourced plant based diets. "Good enough to be healthy". Not just that, it can be used to meet your nutritional requirements and I've met vegan bodybuilders and athletes. I see no evidence which suggests that diets with animal products are healthier, they are just easier to pull off.
  17. Then why bring it up then? If you bring up a point like that it would imply that you're using it as an argument against Veganism. And there you go "interest". That is probably the main reason you're not vegan, you simply just don't want to, not because you can prove it's insufficient to be healthy. Ethically becoming more plant based is the way to go, environmentally it definitely is better. Healthwise the science suggests you can be healthy being vegan.
  18. This means jack shit. Science and technology allows us to be vegan. It wasn't possible previously, now it is. The science suggests it should work now because the options are available to us.
  19. Is someone trying to argue that no vitamin A exists in a Vegan Diet. Have they heard of Sweet Potatoes at all? I consume sweet potato for that reason.