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Everything posted by ZenAlex

  1. I suppose the reason I feel this way is because unfortunately some of the stuff I am trying cannot involve regular effort from me, I'm sitting and waiting to have tests done, and there's nothing I can do in the mean time but wait sometimes. I wish resolving the problem would involve constant effort and the more effort I put in, the sooner I resolve the problem. I have no choice but to go out and walk to places, but walking is causing me depression, anxiety and triggering mild anxiety attacks and lightheadedness. I'm also getting intermittent tinnitus. Based on my test results, b12 deficiency is the only physical problem that makes sense, if it's not this, then I may just because worsening mental health impacting me physically, if that is the case that I'll see another psychologist, as all the self help stuff like meditation, walking etc is not working as effectively anymore. If these things don't work, then I will likely kill myself because these issues have stolen the last 6 months of my life, when I was already suffering with MH problems anyway, but I had them undercontrol. I have barely been able to enjoy anything during this time, and the doctors are starting to insinuate it's all in my head, which it may be. I'm even starting to get stomach issues. I've not had a solid shit in 2 months now.
  2. @Jason Actualization Hello guys. So the above iron levels were done by a private company in novemeber. October NHS levels - 48 ug/l for ferritin November private company 85 (See above) Just had another NHS test done - Ferritin is 45 ug/l. This is despite eating more meat over the last few weeks. @undeather You said Ferritin can fluctuate, what do you mean by that? Also I've noticed that despite consuming more b12 via food over the last 2 weeks, my B12 levels have only slightly increased, and gone from 292 ng/l to 293ng/l (nanograms per lite). ---------- I also asked a doctor about potential pernicous anemia - Here's what he had to say Thank you for your question about pernicious anaemia. Your full blood count results, especially the haemoglobin and the red cell markers (MCV and MCH), suggest that you are very unlikely to have pernicious anaemia. In persons with pernicious anaemia the haemoglobin level declines to below the normal ranges (hence the term "anaemia") and the red cell size increase with the MCV and MCH usually above the normal range. If you have ongoing concerns about the vitamin B12 level you can request a repeat B12 and a blood methylmalonic acid level. This test is rather costly but is a sensitive marker of functional vitamin B12 deficiency. To specifically screen for pernicious anaemia we recommend gastric parietal cell antibody and intrinsic factor antibody testing. However, based on your full blood count results (red cell results) and the vitamin B12 level it is unlikely that you have pernicious anaemia.
  3. I have stopped being vegan just in case. I've done many tests for Covid and none have come back confirming Covid.
  4. Haha it's ok. I don't appear to be iron deficient tho.
  5. In reality if you are what can be described as a healthy vegan, you may not suffer for years.
  6. Would self administered IFS therapy help me here? Essentially the symptoms of my mental health condition has gotten worse, and I'm literally talking to myself sometimes for 30-120 minutes a day, acting out physically some internal arguments inside of myself. I have gone back to check myself in for therapy, but the waiting list is 18 months. I told them my issues make me feel homicidal and suicidal sometimes and that it's making me feel crazy. Real life situations aren't the main trigger, it almost feels like I don't have a trigger, it's just arguments coming out of nowhere, sometimes fights that may involve me becoming violent towards the characters in my head, or them being violent to me, or me being infront of a crowd or a set of people that I have to argue against. When I'm actually around people I'm ok, I'm not all that antagonistic.
  7. There are so many bad doctors out there dude.
  8. It took me a while to figure out what it could be, I've had these symptoms for 5 months, I hope no irreversible damage has occurred due to it going on for so long. I didn't have the symptoms earlier last year so maybe not
  9. @Jason Actualization @undeather @LfcCharlie4 These are the two tests I'm awaiting results on https://www.medichecks.com/products/methylmalonic-acid-mma-blood-test Cannot take b12 supps right now as need to avoid but getting MMA test done next week, as soon as bloods drawn, b12 supps daily. This one I had done along side an omega 3 test - https://bluehorizonbloodtests.co.uk/products/sports-blood-test-profile?_pos=1&_sid=574883dad&_ss=r Although the dumb asses at blue horizon didn't tell me to stop supplementing at any point until 2 days before testing they said "yeah stop supplementing 6-8 weeks before hand". But it should only impact a couple of things, it's the zinc, copper, magnesium I'm mainly interested in. I'm eating animal products to avoid further b12 deterioration.
  10. @Jason Actualization Hi again, just looked at my diet plan, I am getting 10mg of zinc per day and 2.9mg of copper. Will look into zinc supp to take my zinc up to 20mg and copper is 3 so at least I'll be getting up to a 7/1 ratio or there abouts and work from there
  11. I personally cannot but 9/10 when I've met people with permanent injury problems it's people who ran/jogged. Running seems to cause most fitness related injuries. It's why I stopped jogging and started using an exercise bike.
  12. Agreed. Just sit for an hour like sadhguru says. Just sitting, not resisting or controlling.
  13. Agreed. Eckhart tolle inspired me to "just sit" and let everything be as it is. I do just sitting for 1 hour a day, especially when I cannot meditate due to adhd
  14. I tested for potential hypoglycaemia with a BGM, and my tests always showed between 4.0-5.0 or there abouts, within normal ranges I even walked on an empty stomach once in the morning to test all this out, and my blood sugars were still fine.
  15. Over the last 9 years or so, I've noticed the need to avoid certain activities because they just started to make me depressed and amplifying my anxiety symptoms. Like any stimulating activity such as Video games, television, stimulating music - Not because I was anxious to do the activities, but because they instead of making me feel happy like they used to, just stimulated my depression and anxiety. I started to spend more time outdoors, hiking, walking because these activities made me feel peaceful, it's like my mind was becoming DE-stimulated and calmed down. But over the last 6 months, I've noticed that exercise of any kind, even just WALKING is making me feel worse. I've been thinking I must have some sort of deficiency or some physical problem as I don't even have to do high intensity exercise, literally any amount of physical activity is making me feel more depressed and anxious. I've not been able to do much exercise because of it, and the last time I went out on a hike I had my first ever panic attack. It makes no sense, because I wasn't initially afraid to do any of these activities because of all the positive feelings associated with them, I was looking forward to my hiking. I eventually noticed that even going for short walks, although sometimes they would calm me down, I noticed as I walked and walked further I would feel worse and worse. At times I've just tried to power through it because I don't want to become sedentary, but I noticed my mood was altogether worse. The more exercise I do, the worse I feel, and even just going for a walk down the park I notice I feel worse, and the symptoms arising as the time goes on. I think it may be a deficiency, but could it just be a side effect of mental health problems?
  16. Also I have opted mostly for Salmon 2x per week, Tuna 1x per week and chicken 1x per week. Sometimes I'll have haddock. Zinc deficiency makes sense as I sometimes notice small white marks on my nails, although not many, I have thinning hair and eyebrows. I also notice some signs of premature aging which sucks, but I don't care about looks now, just feeling at peace.
  17. Wow didn't expect for you to make a full video on me, currently watching it now. Thank you very much for this. In regards to my RDA's however, I was aware that non-heme iron doesn't absorb as easily so I ate 200% my rda alongside Vit C. With b12 I was consuming at least the RDA in fortified foods and also consuming a multivitamin veg 1 which contained quite a bit of b12 in it, although not high strength. I was also consuming a DHA/EPA supplement once per day as I realised the conversion from ALA to DHA is not good. Sorry man I should I have gone more into detail on some things but you didn't come back to me asking for more information. But thank you a lot I definitely learned a lot from this. In regards to zinc to copper, I was getting a lot of copper from cashews and nuts everyday, and around 90-110% of the rda of zinc from oats, nuts and seeds. I was not aware of the zinc/copper ratio though, so that's an interesting thing to note. It's weird because I felt absolutely fine physically for 7.5 years, so much energy, then this problem arose. I'll take your advice on board.
  18. My symptoms occur during exercise mainly, but the after effect remains throughout the day. My BP fluctuates but actually seems to be higher 120/80 just after exercise, then it works it's way down to 95/60ish after a short while. After I walked to the doctors, my doc said it was 119/78. So whenever my doc took in office it was normal. My doctor put me on a 24hr bp monitor and said at times it was quite low but thought that it might be down to me being healthy. The lowest I ever scored on a BP monitor was about 95/58, but that was only once, my DIA has never gone below 60 since. She put me on a 24 hr ecg but that wont be back for a few weeks yet. I'm getting another blood test done because I've been having issues with sore stomachs and diorreah regularly, and noticed blackness in my poo, so she's testing again for b12 and celiac issues potentially. I have no idea what to think. My anxiety doesn't feel that severe, and sometimes I get the light-headedness even when I'm not anxious. Physical activity is just exacerbating depression/anxiety symptoms. I feel emotionally bad after any exercise.
  19. My BP isn't always this, I had it done at the docs and it was 119/78, but sometimes It can go as low as this. This fucking sucks though. I've had depression/anxiety for years but hiking always made me feel better, but now I've suddenly developed an intolerance for any exercise. It sucks because I still want to at least walk to maintain health and fitness but I notice myself at times noticing positives from getting outside and clearing my mind, but negatives from the physical activity. I don't understand I've never lived a healthier lifestyle, but myself are getting worse. I've taken my blood pressure, and it's actually higher after physical activity - 120-125/75-80, but as I rest and sit down, it drops after 10-20 mins to around 95/65 or there abouts on average. My BP is fluctuating. I'm still not ruling out b12 deficiency, I'm going for my methylmalonic acid test next week, and will then take b12 supps to see if it makes a difference. I hope I'm able to resolve these symptoms, because regardless of my efforts I was never able to completely resolve my anxiety/depression, but I felt I had it under control, but it's gotten worse. It feels like being physically capable and disabled at the same time If this is what life is going to be like from now on I'm not remaining alive. I accepted a diminshed quality of life at one point because I could manage it and find some peace, but I struggle to do that now. I look after myself but these issues have gotten worse. I don't know why they are getting worse. The NHS referred me for therapy but the waiting list is 18 months, for a service I've already accessed previously. I don't drink alcohol regularly, no smoking, no drugs, minimal junk food. I admit I have taken breaks from exercise, but I don't think that explains the severity of these symptoms. Literally just 30-60 mins of walking can cause me to feel really bad.
  20. If anyone wants me to send them my blood tests I can do so in full. I am awaiting another test which includes Inclusions: Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, Ferritin, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Sodium, Calcium & calculated corrected Calcium, Albumin, Testosterone, SHBG and calculated free Testosterone
  21. Sorry for the bulk post, I wont rush you for a response, I don't want your happiness to be spoilt by my sadness. I was vegan for 8 years up until recently. I ate a very healthy diet, haven't drank alcohol regularly for around about 7.5/8 years. No cigarettes. No drugs, minimal junk. I was eating mostly whole foods. I used cronometer.com to make sure I was meeting as much of the RDA as possible for everything. I stopped being vegan about 10 days ago, just to see if it will make a difference I've been eating fish, chicken and milk, but am mostly still vegan. My blood tests are showing mostly everything fine. Nothing out of range except I was slightly low HDL Cholesterol and slightly high MPV platelets, but the NHS doctor and the private doctor who did the tests said nothing was of any concern for them. I was put on 24 hour BP monitor and ECGs. I have been getting lightheaded and any amount of exercise makes me feel depressed, tightness around my body, I've also had stomach issues on and off for 2-3 months and notice I had black in my poop recently. I think I may have developed a mild b12 deficiency, because my b12 levels, although within normal ranges, were borderline with 292 ng/l for serum and 44 pmol/l for active, which is very low normal. My symptoms seem to match with low b12 and related problems like POTS, although I'm not sure. All I know is any amount of physical activity - My body seems to reject it. I made sure it's not just because I'm alone with my thoughts on my walks, because when I meditate It calms. I drove out to an isolated hiking spot, felt fine in the car, felt when I got out the car, but after a few minutes of walking, the beauty disappears, then I get tightness around the body, irritability, I feel depressed. Last time I went for a hike, I noticed I still have the energy to do it, but I got a mild anxiety attack. My docs said that sometimes my BP was going quite low although she said it could just be because I'm genuinely healthy, I notice it drops to the low 90's over 60's. I'm having an MMA test done soon for it, hopefully that comes back with the answers. I try not to believe my imagination and it's catastrophising, but it's been 5 months and I haven't been able to resolve the issue. I suppose it's because the main way I dealt with my depression/anxiety was hiking. Hiking brought me to Zen, and now I cannot do that anymore. Even just walking for a short while makes me feel bad, although I refuse to remain sedentary because that is not healthy.
  22. Here's a tip that helped me - No video games No tv No streaming websites. More time outside walking/physical activity. No caffeine/sugary drinks No alcohol Give it a try for a month and see what happens.
  23. This shit fucking sucks dudes. If I cannot resolve this then I'm not staying alive. I cannot go out and do any real exercise. I miss hiking so much.
  24. I have been suffering from symptoms that have no full explanation. I've gone to docs and had blood tests done in numerous places and none of the tests seem to explain myself. I've gone for one more blood test yesterday, and if that comes back with no issues, then I'm going to try consuming meat again and see if it makes a difference. I don't know if it will, but I'm willing to try. What would be the best place to start? Fish?