Rebecca Kalamata

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Everything posted by Rebecca Kalamata

  1. This is too much. No honestly, TOO MUCH. Who is writing this book that I'm in? Me? As God? God as Me? Really I must be bored and in need of a good laugh. Oh the things that I once believed! RollingStone : Flashback: Trump Warned That a ‘Weak’ and ‘Ineffective’ President Would Start a War With Iran to ‘Get Re-elected’ - Flashback: Trump Warned That a ‘Weak’ and ‘Ineffective’ President Would Start a War With Iran to ‘Get Re-elected'.
  2. Exactly when is the Pluto-Saturn conjunction? Is this assassination not attributable? Conjunction is on January 12 which happens to be Jeff Bezos birthday (see last article). Saturn Conjunct Pluto 2020 Saturn conjunct Pluto 2020 shows a stellium including the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres, all square Eris. In mundane astrology, which governs world events, Saturn conjunct Pluto represents large organizations like multinational corporations, superpower countries, the UN, NATO, WHO and trading blocs. Saturn conjunct Pluto also concentrates power and is anti-democratic. Expect propaganda from leaders about power plays, world trade, genetically modified foods, and climate change. There will be debates, announcements or agreements about these things. The masses will be skeptical and protest the changes being forced on them. China will expand its power and influence in an attempt to overtake the U.S.A. as the dominant superpower. Jupiter in the China horoscope is at 22°35′ Capricorn. The concentration of power will also be evident within China through the suppression of minorities, concentration camps, capital punishment and the use of surveillance software for social credit scoring. The 2020 ”Societal Reset” & “The Great Transformation“ 2020-2030 The 2020 Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Synods square Eris with Ceres, Mars, Pallas & Chariklo ~ A Societal Reset ~ Including The 2021 Jupiter-Uranus and Saturn-Uranus Squares ~ Disruptive Technologies & the emergence of a new Sociopolitical-Economic Paradigm ~ & The Pluto-Eris Square & the Pluto-Eris ~359-year cycle and the global financial system. ©2015-2019, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved I like this one for his readability and thoughtful predictions.;_ylu=X3oDMTEycDZlOG5iBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDQjg0OTJfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1578162281/RO=10/
  3. I duplicate parts of this below. Sorry
  4. Can someone tell me why this killing of General Solaimani and the other high ranking Iranian military men will not result in acts of terror on US soil? During upcoming political rallies, why won't there be suicide bombings that kill hundreds of US citizens? And how long will it be before US-built drones flown from within the country, disguised as media cameras, selectively shoot down American politicians? I don't understand the strategy of Trump's administration. Is he the puppet of multinationals? What are the names of the people telling him what to do? Or is he the toddler that so many of us take him for that mistakes the United States for his personal dick extension? The heads of states of the other super powers, their advisors and their minion countries' politicians have been at this chess game for a very long time. Who out there is wringing their hands with glee? The road from Orange to Green for the US and Europe is long and arduous.
  5. I like your suggestion Yasser. Every time I send a friend indeed who is struggling with an issue Leo has addressed in a video, I also post it publically in hopes some suffering mortal will be ready to manifest their miracle. Alas, Yasser I am invisible but perhaps induced advertising by me will not be. Please tell me why others are not commenting on his latest videos and blogs? Is it preoccupation with the holidays?
  6. Oh my! So many words, so many opinions. And here I was feeling sorry for myself because Leo is changing his mind just when I found him. Now there's a miracle for you. Such a lot of trouble that I am saved. I arrived, miracles occurred, things that I thought of and there they were, An understanding of love.... WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT, ALFIE? Here's the challenge my bunkies...Learn to LIVE. Fully mindful, in the one moment. Good luck with all that wisdom and religion. Do some psychedelics, awaken, and then what? Where is the intention? What's the game plan?
  7. I'm sorry that you are going round and round. A video appeared on my computer with this guy just sitting in an armchair talking. (i fall asleep with youtube on and sometimes wake up to incredible things.) So I have no idea who this guy is and he's kind of going on and on but then about halfway through he said something really profound. Oh wow! Turns out that the guy was somebody called, Neale Donald Walsh and he wrote some books called, "Conversations with God". Apparently he's been around awhile. Whoaa. That's on Leo's list and Leo really, really liked it. So once again everything has changed. The guy was pretty desperate and he begged God for some help, some explanation. The answer he got among a lot of other profound explanations was, "Neale, it's not all about you." And Neale was like, "WHAT!" Maybe... maybe, maybe, maybe, this idea, that you are there for THEM and to try living it for an hour, just to see, might clear up all this situation you find yourself in. Maybe you are not so Blue as you are feeling. When I was very young I used to wonder if I was all alone and if everybody else were props in my illusion. Lucky for me that I finally grew up.
  8. Thanks. I like this very much. It reminds me of Byron Katie's 4 questions. Byron Katie's 4 Questions Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it’s true? How do you react when you believe that thought? Who would you be without the thought?
  9. I am sorry Tsuki for not replying before. Did you send me Synchronicity? I have never participated in a forum anywhere before and was having a bit of trouble figuring it out. Still am I am sure. So I have been commenting on Leo's videos and writing in One Note. Like I think I am replying to you but wondering if I am replying to Ethan. I'm not really thrilled to hear what it is like for Ethan. I see no reason to doubt him but it's a dirty job and I'm glad that I don't have to do it. Yet. Oh shit. I hope he gets to the bliss part pretty quick if I Follow him. And if I am him. And I'm not going to check my bank account until tomorrow but I will split the million with you if this Rebecca of my infinite selves is the one that got lucky. That "if" part pretty much kills it for us though. Suddenly God as Nothing is looking better and better. So maybe God as Ethan wanted to try being Humanity without forgetting the infinity part. Man, I don't even like filing and sorting my stuff! He is kind of nailing it in terms of what I got a glimpse of with infinite possible lives and only one now. I wish he hadn't brought in the pets and the phone though.
  10. See from those times when I did acid as a kid I figured out that it was all in my head. No duh? Seems sortof like when I realized that I didn't HAVE to get paranoid when I smoked pot. Having been a lifelong pot smoker (except when I was in one cult or another that insisted people face reality and not gum up their time tracks with LSD crystals or just plain glue out on marijuana) my jury is still out regarding substances 52 years later. Now nobody on discusses pot and I'm not wanting discussion of pot, It's just that my best intuitive thinking is always done when I smoke it. So I'm intrigued by discussion of psychedelics and yes I wish I had some 5-MeO-DMT or something else (but not LSD bzzzzz). But I have this wonderment about what is the consciousness expansion that is enabled. Like should I maybe quick read a bunch of the books on your list first. I've read a lot of them which is maybe why It is like I am remembering most of the things I hear you discussing. These things are just plain part of my viewpoint and have been for years. Of course I was pretty busy with teaching and studying learning and brain functioning in the 80s and self development with all the Nightingale Conant CD sets in the 90s, but I stepped back from a lot of types of thinking until I dug into Sound Therapy 3 years ago. Since then it's been really interesting. Things keep UNFOLDING that have been here all along. But how did I KNOW all these years, with all that work that I was right all along? I don't know anybody remotely like me. There are 2 themes that are never far from my mind. One is autism and the other is many lives. Not reincarnation but what I used to call many past lives. Then the concept of future lives occurred which only makes sense if it's simultaneous lives. And that's the way it is. And who but God lives thousands of lives simultaneously? More than thousands. So maybe 5-MeO-DMT will clarify that for me. I'll know it in my cells. Right now I just know it in my analytical mind. Is there anybody out there that has read about simultaneous lives or experienced it? I never heard of it. And then I did hear of it from a regressionist who got really surprised by how this guy was remembering lives out of sequence. Her name is Mira Kelly. I found her right after I found Leo and right after I first thought about simultaneous lives. I'm going to listen to that video again right now. Oh! I just figured out what speaking in 2nd person voice is! It's when one is talking about oneself and they say "you" instead of "I". See I used the word "one" instead of "you". I have noticed for a long time the way people are using "I" and then they are suddenly using"you". For example, "I know that I would be in better shape if I walked as much as my friend does but you don't always do what you ought to do. See, it's a little distancing from the personal responsibility. It's really quite interesting to pay attention to. Now I need to figure out what 2nd world countries are. I said that to my husband and he said, "Greece"! I had already considered that. I'll google it.
  11. I watched this right after listening to your video, "The Devil", Leo. Chopra is so lovely. Harrison wrote, "Rising Sun" after they got together one day. After giving 11 points about consciousness, human history, and physics, Chopra plays a dvd of Harrison's song. He also talks about what happens when you raise one group of kittens in a room with only horizontal stripes and another group of kittens in a room with only vertical stripes. Tickle, tickle, to self actualize all one has to do is watch Chopra's video, do a few psychedelics and a few solo retreats. Sorry Leo, that's just for people who have no time because they are in a big rush and don't have time to watch your videos.
  12. When Jesus hung himself on the cross he knew that it was going to hurt. In a place in the Philippines they practice putting on a passion play once a year. Nikos Kazansakis wrote a book (the name of which I can't remember), about how the coming passion play affected the lives of the villagers who selected the various roles for the next year's play. As far as I recall the normal way it's done in places that do this, the actors are chosen right after Easter for the following year. Anyway, here in Greece they don't actually nail the man to the cross, they just tie him on. In the Philippines they nail him on exactly like the Romans did when crucified their criminals. Now me, I ask for no nails and no flames please. A bullet? I'll take one for you. My body will jump in front because I have trained my mind to do that. A knife? Same thing. YEAH THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF DEATH I WILL FEAR NO EVIL. Nails and flames though? As a tiny girl I decided that I'd have a hard time with either of those. So I picked up a book from my shelf that I bought decades ago and never read. "The Tibetan book of Living and Dying." Oh well, not the "Tibetan Book of The Dead", it was a long time ago and what did I know then? My mom is 86 and has Parkinsons. I thought that I might read it to her. I hope I get the chance if she has to lie in bed for months before she dies. I came here to Greece before I got much passed the beginning in which I was introduced to the concept of the Bardos. "Bardo is a Tibetan word that simply means a “transition” or a gap between the completion of one situation and the onset of another. Bar means “in between,” and do means “suspended” or “thrown." The different bardos can be categorized into four or six: The Four plus two Bardos 1. The natural bardo of this life which begins when a connection with a new birth is first made and continues until the conditions that will certainly lead to death become manifest. 2. The painful bardo of dying which begins when these conditions manifest and continues until the 'inner respiration' ceases and the luminosity of the dharmakaya dawns. 3. The luminous bardo of dharmata which lasts from the moment the dharmakaya luminosity dawns after death and continues until the visions of precious spontaneous perfection are complete. 4.The karmic bardo of becoming which lasts from the moment the bardo body is created and continues until the connection with a new rebirth is made. 5. The bardo of meditation (Skt. samādhyantarābhava; Tib. བསམ་གཏན་གྱི་བར་དོ་, Wyl. bsam gtan gyi bar do) 6. The bardo of dreaming (Skt. svapanāntarābhava; Tib. རྨི་ལམ་གྱི་བར་དོ་, Wyl. rmi lam gyi bar do) (These last two bardos are part of the natural bardo of this life.) OH
  13. HA ha ha. I always chose to smoke pot instead of meditating. You mean I could have been meditating all these years? If I wasn't sitting I'd fall down. You are probably the right person to ask this of. MUST I SIT when I meditate? Is there a problem with doing meditation stretched out in a hot bath? Well I did it tonight and I can't figure out why it's not recommended.
  14. Tsuki Dear, So much self criticism. So much analysis. It's a great challenge to observe myself without analyzing, critisizing and rewriting my story in my head, No?For a head type it's a comfort to consider Aspberger's Syndrome. Trying on a lable to see if it fits has it's comforts. It doesn't mean that I have to wear it once I recognize the way my brain processes the things of my mind. I have legs. I am not legs. I have a brain. I am not a brain. I have a mind. I am not a mind. I do not have an ego. Ego means I am in Greek. Ego. I am. Good. Now I must defend myself! Now I must aquire, I must have! Ego is the grand illusion, no? I am cause. I thought I was effect. Time to stop the beating up. Perhaps masochistic is a suit to try on. Ho'oponopono. "Forgive me. I'm sorry, Thank you. I love you." Easy as pie. Butttt....,100% responsibility WITHOUT guilt. Just let go of the guilt. Being guilty is such bitter,sweet pleasure no? 30 years is not such a long time. Look how far you have come! Congratulations on a job well done. A wand of forgiveness has been waved and now you are free to just observe. ISN'T IT WONDERFUL! Tsuki, I can't figure out how to reply to your reply to my reply. Maybe this is it but it looks like I'm continuing what I said the other day. Anyway, I scrolled through all your stuff and YOU HAVE ALL THAT STUFF ABOUT ASPERGER IN YOUR POSTS! I didn't see them when I suggested trying it on. This shit KEEPS HAPPENING TO ME! I write something and THEN I hear Leo talk about it. Now it has happened with you and Asperger Syndrome. In my last journal entry I mentioned that Autism is a theme in my life. Let me clarify that I mean HFA, High Functioning Autism. My family is riddled with it and, and, and.... It's all such a long story. Everything that Leo talks about is in it. And it all started with my brother's and I say my father's HFA. The second cult (Christianity was the first), then my reversing the Pickup Game, then the sexoholicism, then Greece, then the 2nd Cult, then teaching special kids, then Greece again, then too much Autism, and Greece. And all the time my heart was BLEEDING. Too much empathy. How can I be an HFA Empath? Excuse me for rattling on. Things are happening so fast. Seriously it's time for me to begin a serious meditation practice. Thanks for writing, Thanks. Love is washing over me. Love your sweet young wife. Everything else is just hormones but without the hormones coursing through our meat suits we wouldn't feel the love or the fear. LOVE IS LETTING GO OF FEAR". Listen to "2 Cellos, The Show Must Go On" and check out " Jim Sloman Affecting Our Reality", Oh what a story of mine is his!
  15. I'm 10 minutes into your "Becoming God - Retreat Conclusions" video Leo. Either I need some psychedelics or I don't need some psychedelics. Melancholy Man The Moody Blues I'm a melancholy man, that's what I am, All the world surrounds me, and my feet are on the ground. I'm a very lonely man, doing what I can, All the world astounds me and I think I understand That we're going to keep growing, wait and see. When all the stars are falling down Into the sea and on the ground, And angry voices carry on the wind, A beam of light will fill your head And you'll remember what's been said By all the good men this world's ever known. Another man is what you'll see, Who looks like you and looks like me, And yet somehow he will not feel the same, His life caught up in misery, he doesn't think like you and me, 'Cause he can't see what you and I can see. I wrote a comment the other night after watching this "Content vs. Structures" video. Where are everybody else's comments to this video Leo? The only thing you got is my playing with words and things that popped into my head about being God. And now at 9:34 minutes into your Becoming God video you say awakening 3 was "I am God". I've been going around saying to a select few for a last number of years that I am invisible. I do whatever I want, I look however I want, I go where ever I want, and not a soul notices. (And I am in Greece, a country where people do a whole lot of noticing.) OK, I take it back, I took my kitten down to the sea and he followed me into the little waves. A few people noticed and they became our friends. (Mine and Tiko The Cat's) They saw the kitten. I was an after thought. It's pretty much the same in Redondo Beach California too though. The other thing is that since 2016, I think something and it is. I don't mean just little things like I write something and then you say it or I want a cat and the day after I arrive in Kalamata my neighbor comes from behind the house carrying a kitten and hands it to me, or that my cat hating husband thinks it is "The cat's Meow and is worrying how we will manage him in Athens and then back in R.B. It's EVERYTHING. This is very hard to explain. The more I listen to you, the more I remember. I can't go on right now. I'll go back to listening about your awakenings. It's this eternal now with countless me lives, simutaneously being. IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE? Oh yea, I forgot to mention Jim Sloman. Read his book "Nothing" Search him on youtube and then ask me about my experience involving his work.
  16. Tsuki Dear, So much self criticism. So much analysis. It's a great challenge to observe myself without analyzing, critisizing and rewriting my story in my head, No?For a head type it's a comfort to consider Aspberger's Syndrome. Trying on a lable to see if it fits has it's comforts. It doesn't mean that I have to wear it once I recognize the way my brain processes the things of my mind. I have legs. I am not legs. I have a brain. I am not a brain. I have a mind. I am not a mind. I do not have an ego. Ego means I am in Greek. Ego. I am. Good. Now I must defend myself! Now I must aquire, I must have! Ego is the grand illusion, no? I am cause. I thought I was effect. Time to stop the beating up. Perhaps masochistic is a suit to try on. Ho'oponopono. "Forgive me. I'm sorry, Thank you. I love you." Easy as pie. Butttt....,100% responsibility WITHOUT guilt. Just let go of the guilt. Being guilty is such bitter,sweet pleasure no? 30 years is not such a long time. Look how far you have come! Congratulations on a job well done. A wand of forgiveness has been waved and now you are free to just observe. ISN'T IT WONDERFUL!
  17. I love to begin writings with the word "so". For me it connotes that I am continuing a previous discourse. So expect a lot of "So".Also, my journaling habit has been to be writing TO someone as in, "Dear Diary" from back when I first began when I was 10. So it seemsappropriate to be writing directly to you Leo So I have been listening to your AZ Solo Retreat Night Talks and have just heard Day 6. On the face of it, this that you shared is not good news.My dark little secret is that I don't meditate. Please don't tell anyone. The thing is that I don't know how. I searched meditation here at your siteand I am sparked to see you have Meditation For Beginners and Guided Meditations. I am hoping there are no golden lights to notice or even warm feelings in my body. I stopped visualizing in my rush to speed through delicious novels when I was a kid. I just read the adjectives rather than visualizing them.And due no doubt to my reversal of, "The Pick Up Game" (what's a girl to do upon finding herself continuously on the losing end of THAT stick) I am a bit disconnected to my bodily sensations. So moving on... I am not thrilled that I have hundreds of hours in front of me of meditating to do. And the best of them being done in chunks of 10 hours at a time. I am sitting, pretty much isolated if I choose, in one of the most precious little cities in the world with just a magical cat to keep me distracted. The house is sparse as it is not yet mine. There is only a minimarket down the block from which to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, rice, and all the crap that I would want if I wanted it. Not many meters from there is the Messianian Gulf. This little jewel of a city is pretty much a secret, even from the Athenians for demographic and historically prejudicial reasons. With the "new" highway and the Greek austerity measures it is blooming. The blooms will become blossoms and then there will be such an explosion of flowering that it will be another place entirely. But that's all another story. For now, there is no reason for me to not spend my day in meditation. Except... I have been in this place you are in on Day 6 of relentless meditation so many times before. I have always been deep in this rabbit hole. Language does not suffice to convey this comprehension. So I'll digress again and then I'll go back to listening. Everything feels so OLD. Everything feels so NOW. One moment of eternity, thousands of lives being lived simultaneously. Right now. All EGO/ME. If I turn my focus just a little bit, if I change my point of view just a smidgeon. my here and now reality becomes another of the endless existent probabilities. So WELCOME TO MY WORLD Leo. I'm glad to have you in it. It's about fucking time that you showed up. Oh thanks guy. Day 7 is pretty much defining what I know my situation is without my even starting. I looked back and see that you did all this in 2017 and you are still at it now at the end of 2019. Praise Allah, God Bless You, and May The Force Be With You! That's exactly what I am talking about! I mean your "Moth Metaphor"! Ha, ha, ha. Years I ago I learned from a little rabbit Guru (in a story) that the secret is to just change my mind. Waaa, waaa, waaa. That was the problem. I couldn't change the tapes in my mind. Then taking pictures, the most magnificent pictures, with my Galaxy 10, showed me how to change my point of view. ZAPPO! I got it! It's quite easy now for me to change my mind by changing my point of view. OH HAPPY DAYS. So a funny story that I told myself when my Galaxy 10 was snatched from my hand while taking pictures of cats below the Acropolis. It could have been that the kid was a Christian Greek Orthodox national, but for the sake of my little story... I'm real glad that Paradise and Heaven are separate places and that i am an older (much) woman cause though I kicked off my thongs and chased him through the streets of old Athens, alas he had a get away route and I soon lost him. Had I been able to close in I'd have leaped upon his back and probably killed him as his head hit the street and he'd have probably plunged a knife into me just to try to get away. The kid would probably go to Paradise for killing a Christian and I would probably go to Heaven cause i would repent with my dying breath. HOWEVER, if Paradise and Heaven turned out to be the same place and I saw that little SOB with MY Galaxy (cause no way would anybody leave a Galaxy 10 anywhere on Earth, even upon death), I'd have bitch slapped him and grabbed my phone back. There would have been a terrible row and we would both have been sent back to life, PROBABLY intimately connected to try to work out our most messy at this point, kismet. So to answer my own question as to why to do this work... I'd very much like to experience a life in which I am pure CAUSE. This particular life is one of putting an end to eons of suffering caused by my mistaking myself for being Effect. I was thrilled with myself for being able to let the phone go. It was time to get out from behind the lens anyway. And if the price of Enlightenment is a Galaxy 10, so be it. I'm a lot closer now than I was a few months ago. Now on to Day 9 and then to your meditation videos.