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About luigi1994

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  • Birthday 05/23/1994

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  1. Since i study education for special kids in Rome. 1- open a school in latin america to help eliminating the social differences that the society has, specially in (El salvador, Guatemala) 2- Never never, have a ordinary confortable life... this means that i want keep risking and challenging my-self. 3- Dedicate my life, to poor people, oppressed people, kids... only in this people i see authenticity. 4- Be the best version of my-self, to be happy. 5- find the TRUTH in everything i do in my life. Sorry for my english i'm italian
  2. sorry for my english, but i'm italian... I'm interested in your favorite book and why, does it have make a change in your life, why i should read it? 1- My favorite book is- The city of joy- LAPIERRE 2- Does it have make a change in your life- Yes, actually since i study education for special kids, one of my dream is to build a school in latin america to reduce differences between social classes, ant this book just gave me like a lot of energy and ispiration. 3-why i should read it?- Because my point of view in life is, you have to take risk to live in the TRUTH, and authenticity. Help yourself by helping the world, Be passionate on life.
  3. @DanoDMano Thanks for your answer, i understand what you say, but i think relationship are not based on TRUTH (romantic, frienship, family etc etc) are not completly authentic because are based on personal or mutual interest. I study education for special kids in Rome, and when i went to Guatemala and India to work in a educational project for kids. In that moment i realize how magnificis was to have TRUTH. Those real relationships with the kids and the people there, just authentic without any kind of interest. I felt that that was real, and that was the sattisfaction of all the social necessity that the human being needs, because what i need is Truth. When i have everything in order in my life i feel happy, but i want to be able to feel same happiness or even more when i lose. You understand me ? i want to have that indipendence to know that the truth is inside of me, and that i'm able to need just me, and i'm not saying that i'm going to be completly alone, i'm just saying that i'm going to invest my passion in authenticity. Tell me what you think, thanks. Luigi
  4. @DanoDManoSorry for my english first, i'm from Rome. I'm 21 and i had 3 important relationships in my life.... Now i decided that i don't need anyone because i understand that no one can give me happiness, except for me. That necessity that i felt ot be with someone, and that necessity that people have to be in an close relationship i think is just the fear to end up alone in your life, i'm really interested in you experience... The thing is that when we are in a close relationship we start developing feelings of security and posessing, since security is the DEAD feeling, because when you feel secure you don't risk.. I think society created this way of be ONE- ONE relationship, because if we have someone to care about, and "our happiness" is based on that person, we are not longer willing to fight and dead for our, freedom, ideals. tell me what you think, thanks
  5. Sorry for my english, I'm italian... In this society is really difficult to not fall into all the the "self power", "sex", "money", "fame", "entertainment", I mean we work 8 hours a day, this is 1/3 of our day,... even if we love the work we do, our free time is dedicated to something, we sleep 8 hours, so we have just 8 hours of free time.... a lot of people dedicate this 8 hours to just be a follower of all the masses and all the superficial things. If we escape from society and create little communities, based on significative FREE TIME, mutualism and freedom.... what you think on this do we have to escape to find the real best potential.. ?