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Everything posted by EddieEddie1995

  1. Or he. Nothing changes
  2. Im just talking with my GF and how she can enjoy it and cum just by me putting the tip of my penis. Its the love and technique that metters. Make her horny first. I bet you are good with your fingers also hehehe and rock and roll ? You got it! I think it would be better to tell her that you are insecure about it, but not before the sex ofc. She will understand
  3. @Yog Holly shiiit! I am excited! The dark force is calling me! hehehe Thank you sir! ? Would you like to communicate with me also? Its easy. I give you my number and you call hehe I am a cool alian ?
  4. I will use my psychic powers to predict that you are 18-20 years old, and you never lied to your parents ahhaha Just kidding bro. Im just sad a little bit, thats all ?
  5. @blackchair Until they say GTFO you gave away our secrets My mentor is Leo <3
  6. @Hello from Russia Im not demonizing anyone. Im just saying the truth Depends what you mean when you say developed? Everyone is where they must be. I am way more developed then stage orange-green capitalist that's for sure Stage orange capitalists exist only now. Im making them up You are insecure I am smarter then you, and I win!
  7. @blackchair Who are your mentors?
  8. @blackchair Mentors who can't accept the truth and what they did are not good mentors ,) Especially if they kill you for it hahah. Everyone makes mistakes. We are all devils. Accepting that we are devils is the only way we can grow Or maybe not
  9. @Yog Wow! I can relate to few of those, you are on a larger rollercoaster ehheh Thanks for sharing! ?
  10. Nice! Weird stuff happens when you are in state of love hehe Thanks!
  11. And most of them are stage orange shady businessman, who always want more, so... @Hello from Russia
  12. I have no idea what you are talking about ahhah What Leo has to do with it? I gave you investment idea, thats all I am the turquoise organization. It is just not realized yet.
  13. Nothing wrong with that. It is how you think it is You could at least answer NO to the PM I sent you
  14. Those happen to me frequently. I spin in a circle though. Not back and forth. This happens to GF when she is high. She does it, but she is not conscious of it. I like that explanation hehe
  15. He looks happy and he loves tea... good enough for me When he said don't use drogs, I shut off the video and wasted 2 minutes for commenting this.
  16. But noo, I can do it! I can heal him! I cannot leave, even though he is hurting me. Im not worth for someone else, it is too scary. How will they live without me? Im addiced to pain, but I don't know it! Wait? Is this called covert narcissism? Yes! GTFO!
  17. Yep. Learn how to see through their BS and don't wate time for sure. Learn how to set up boundaries. Traumatized empaths! Just GTFO. And another perspective that worked for me is that narcissits knows your weak spots, how to manipulate you, gaslight you... they must, this is the way they feeed... which is great if you are doing consciousness work. You have shadow work for free ? If they can suck you dry, this means that your love is not unconditional. ? This doesn't mean that you cannot say GTFO bich ass jurk and never talk to me again, like I said to my father 3 days ago hahahahaha Hopefully this will shake him up a little bit ?
  18. Hahaha, its funny that I aways crack myself up when Im taking a shower! I just look at my little toy, and there you go!
  19. @Heart of Space Hahaah! Yes, you are unenlightened jurk if you love other and not yourself ? Accept the devilish filth that you are, and Love it! Ride it baby! Give it to me!
  20. @eliasvelez Emma is amazing! You have everything you need on her channel. If you want to integrate your shadow, buy her course
  21. Here is the video guys! Finally! My PC is broken... Well, I shoot that video right after I said that I will do it. And here it is! If you are going to watch it, I recommend you to speed it up. I am a little slow in that one hehe Also, since I want to improve my style of communication give me a feed back if all this makes sense. It does for me, hehe! See you! And thank you!
  22. @King Merk Ahahahahha! There you go! The ultimate point is for us to be authentic. If you are authenticly arogant like me, then be it. Be It! How to be authentic is the first question you should ask! Enjoy the process ?❤
  23. @Reciprocality Self-centric indeed! ? I think I understood what you are trying to say... correct me if im wrong And thank you for kind comments ? Ofcourse you can not think yourself into being compassionate (you can try and fake it ), same like you cannot think yourself out of fear. You need to face it. But that doesn't mean thinking cannot reduce it. You cannot become a millioner right away. Fake it till you make it! hahah You cannot become Enlightened right away. But thinking of becoming Enlightened is what actually get you there where spiritual ego is necessary step ?
  24. This is what I hear from psychologists on YT. To cure NPD is a long process that requires big picture understanding and various techniques... that they don't even consider. How can they cure someone who cannot admit that is sick becouse hes ego is to fregile? So they decide to dismiss it with oh, it is incurable, they are jurks without empathy and thats it. Well, I call this BS. Maybe I think that becouse I want to cure my mother(maybe Im biast), but also... maybe becouse most of psychologist are not so open minded as they think they are. Especially in Serbia. They are stage blue arrogant people who are indoctrinated with BS that they don'teven understand. Im not blaming ofc. I have talked with many. And I know. Disorders are labals that change over time.