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Everything posted by EddieEddie1995

  1. Yep! But that was not the main reason I wrote hehe I just wanted to poke you ? Maybe we could talk sometimes? ☺ Thank you! ?
  2. @Nahm It depends what the person think that the model is. For example I wanted to enter Yellow. And to do that I had to shed my "ego" so I could transend the priror stages that were destorting my view of seeing the system/structure. (All a belief) Also I had a belief that everything Im seeing is me. I was getting glipses of that "construct aware" stage. And becouse I thought/belived that everything Im seeing is me, I held myself responsible for "negative experience" or "suffering" I was going through. I knew that "I" or "the ego" was the problem, so I did all that I could so I could let go of thinking that caused suffering. Spiritual practice, contemplation etc. (Actualized.org baby) To do all the things above I had to have a burning passion, a Life Purpuse. And no one was going to stop me baby! ? So my ego had to surrender at some point. The belief that everyrhing is me plus toxic narcissistic environment that was doing everything they could to stop me from realizing my LP was just enough to get me Enlightened. (I will shoot videos about it) Hey, I might sell sessions with my narcissistic mother, if you can truly love her, there you go hahahaha This is just a tip of the iceberg ofcourse! Don't forget! You are one amazing Creator! Can't you see? Don't think! See!<--(hhahahah, if only that was going to help me hahah, but I love it)
  3. In that video Leo talked more about fools then wise people. How can he teach me what is wise when he only talked about fools? I thought about that one... did you? ? Hey! Eddie ain't no fool!
  4. @Vibroverse Yes I know hehe ?When my consciousness is focused on my mind, there is still suffering in a way. I still have habitual thoughts and actions that I want to do(to prove that Im enlightened for example), but there is no resistance, there is always Love. And here is where the devil can do its work hue hue... Im careful. Im going to watch Leos episodes on Enlightened, talk with Enlightened masters etc. I em very wise. How did you think I god Enlightened? Eddie aint no fool ? Im going to be more "yellow/mature" from now on. I just wanted to have fun. And also, the things I wrote In this thread... hahahaha I might shoot a video of how perfeclty "ignorant" I was. For me it was funny hahaha. Let me see what will you do when you loose your mind ? In the relative, we will slowly get to know each other better. You guys only had an idea who "Eddie" was (based on the things I wrote hahaha), and he was fearless mutherfucker! But let me just tell you. I can transend my mind and thoughts right now. There is no one there. It is God looking through Gods eyes. It is empty. I em forever lasting present. But hey, you still don't believe me hahahahah "Oh look, a 25 year old guy deluded that he is Enlightened hahahaha" But it is okay ofcourse... you are perfectly ignorant! This is how you need to be hahahaha But lets take care of this character first before we get to deep. He has some imaginery rewiring to do. See you soon! What ever you do I Love you! ❤
  5. God asking God, to verify that it is God! hahahaha
  6. Hello my children hahahaha This is God speaking! Listen up! Hahahahaha! Im about to have some fuuuun!
  7. @Gesundheit Thank you my friend! ? No luck needed, when you are so good they can't ignore you! ?
  8. @GesundheitIts a fresh idea, Im working on my first episode ?
  9. Nope. They will feel it ❤ My perents thought Im crazy by telling them about my Astral Projectios, I don't want to worry them ? My friends couldn't handle my transformation (in last two years), the light was poking their eyes, so I had to break up with them lol but I told you guys ? I was all alone... doing the work! But now, the work has ended ?
  10. Tier two has a huge spectrum, depends what you mean by doing the work
  11. Im gonna talk about it in my YT channel (Im working on it), but first I need to learn more about it... Im going to target Actualized.org, its gonna be dope!
  12. All of my mystical experiences happened on weed. I haven't use psychedelics. That bit of relaxation weed gave me was just enough to shoot me into a different dimention.. Also, all my Yellow insights came because of weed. Little Eddie (wounded child) was very scared to dive into deep contemplations, so I shut him up with weed LOL
  13. Why the hell you make such silly mental constructs, do you even undertand what you are doing there. Hhehehe! Can you deconstruct it for me? Can you please tell me about what are we talking about? A frame where we can hold this conversation. I em lost. Like I said, I still haven't contemplated deeply on this things. I see that I em bullshitting myself. If in your question " what talking with myself means" you meant what do you consider as "you"? I think there are levels. First, my brain (touch, sight, , belief systems) is constructing my subjective reality. It is very fluid(relative), you can look at "object" from different perspectives. So from that perspective, that object is me, right? But I started to understand that this is a mental construct, which means it is materialistic, right? I would put this at Yellow. And there is a deeper level on which Im working on right now. And I em very confused. Everything is mixed up. I had experiences where I can merge with objects, and other interesting stuff which I cannot explain. I haven't learn spiritual terms that I can use to explain it. Like you see, im using words that maybe means something totally different hehe! Today Im total peace. Relaxation. Love. I feel kinda sad. I just want to sit in silence. Im not engaging with my thoughts, but I em enjoying them. Im not reacting to anything. Something shifted in me. Maybe I em Enlightened hahahaha You see, I haven't contemplated what That even means. I though that I would be in different dimention like in my mystical experiences But I don't care! AHhahaha I don't care! Few days ago I couldn't even post something on this forum. I was scared. But now I don't care hahahahah
  14. Oh yeah Im sorry... My point was, even though I can't follow what you mean, and we are not understanding each other (or atleast this is how I feel), I will still share my perspective And there is no you(from my pov). I em imagening you hehe So... even though I feel that we are misunderstanding each other, I can still have conversation with myself, becaouse why not? I might learn myself something hehe Like a said. God bullshitting it self lool
  15. Im not following... but anyways... Im talking with myself From my perspective I have made a distinction when I em immersed in action and go unconscious, and when Im doing action but being able to observe it, and not indentify with it. Like do nothing technique. I em getting better and better at it. I haven't contemplated on those things deeply, my focus is on realizing my LP now. I don't want to talk shit that I don't understand lol God is bullshitting himself. I like how that feels like.
  16. Yes! I em imagening everything at this moment. There is no past or future. But I cannot escape Imagination, I just need to disengage with the story. And that is a story I believe in. I em engaged with it. Let it go Eddie! Okay. Im going to imagine some meditation lol
  17. Yes! I imagined completely different experience, and I thought that that was God. Something is about to click here my friend, I can feel it. Relex Eddie, relex...
  18. There is so much I would like to write on this, but I want to contemplate first. Thank you! Everything is perfect, but when shit hits the fan I can't accept it in that moment. And that is perfect! Before I would judge myself a lot... hehe Im still doing it in many ways, and that is perfect! I love myself!