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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. I think this should’ve been posted in the psychedelics subforum.
  2. What products do you use to measure and store magic mushrooms? Thanks!
  3. @Leo Gura Could you do a blog post on the scale you use to weigh your mushrooms? Anything you recommend for storage? I may possibly be getting them from a friend and I want to be prepared. I’m gonna probably do 1g lemon tek. I’m kinda excited! If you put the affiliate link of what you use, I’ll get it. Thanks!
  4. @Leo Gura In regards to your blog post on American Airlines, what do you think about the lawsuit against Capital One? https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-sues-capital-one-for-cheating-consumers-out-of-more-than-2-billion-in-interest-payments-on-savings-accounts/
  5. You are correct. Bashar talks about this and how the subconscious should actually be called the superconscious. Subconscious isn’t below the conscious, but above. Think about it. In many ways our subconscious mind is smarter than our conscious mind. For instance, the subconscious mind regulates our blood and temperature and then helps us grow new cells and neurons. Me (as the conscious mind) could never have the intelligence to balance my body and mind out the way the subconscious part of me does. The ego identifies with the conscious mind and not the unconscious because the ego is about control and the conscious mind gives that ego the illusion of control.
  6. Here’s an interesting perspective on how intuition is never wrong. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbIebZXOb6P/?igsh=MTl1ZmdxZDRoYm44Ng==
  7. Spot on. I had a similar insight that what we expose our minds to repeatedly is what becomes most available in our minds. The more conscious we are, the more we remember. If we only focus on negatives, we will find more negatives available in our minds.
  8. My money literally tripled when Trump got in office. We will see how things pan out. But as an investor, you should think long-term and not try to time the market.
  9. @Leo Gura I made a slight connection between intuition and insight. When I watched your insight video, you gave us homework, and there was one question that stood out to me. The question was: “is there such a thing as false insight? If so, how is it different from a true insight? Is it possible to fool myself with an insight?” Initially, my thought process was that if it is an insight, then it is true and can never wrong. I don’t fool myself with insights but with delusions that I mistake for insights. This is kind of how I think of intuition as well. If it turns out that your insight was wrong, then you really didn’t have an insight, a true understanding. I apply that same logic to intuition. I am trying to differentiate insight and intuition. I would say that intuition is a specific form of insight that goes beyond conscious reasoning whereas insights in general can come from logic or intuitive sources. Of course, the ultimate question is how do we distinguish between true insight/intuition vs delusion. That is the main puzzle. I would agree that any thought that we have, we need to test it and question it. The thought may appear to be a profound insight and intuition, but it may in fact be delusion. This has been the question I have been having about your awakenings. You seem to suggest that your awakenings are somehow more certain than insight/intuition. But I think that awakenings are also subject to being delusions no matter how convincing or certain they may seem. You could take DMT or talk to God yourself during an NDE, but you can always doubt it. But at what point does skepticism become an obstacle? The methods for discerning truth are never full proof. I would say that truthful questioning is the method. I have to introspect and question whether the insight I have is an actual true insight vs deception. Your method for testing intuition may not be applicable to the deepest awakenings. How would you test your awakenings? At some point, I would think there is an understanding so fundamental that it couldn’t be tested.
  10. @Leo Gura I noticed your recent blog post on psychedelics being harmful if you aren’t careful. I have never done psychedelics before, but I would like to get into them after I have met all my other basic needs. Knowing what you know now about psychedelics, false gurus, false new age nondual traps, and how psychedelics have affected you, what would you do differently if you had the chance to start over and do it again in a next life? Anyone else is welcome to chime in.
  11. It’s a contradiction because the cost of openmindedness is spending a lot of time studying human BS. At some point you gotta have your priorities and stick to them, while also being open at the same time.
  12. Nice guys! I was lucky to have read Peter Ralston and Jed McKenna as my first spiritual books off of Leo’s booklist. That helped set my foundation in contemplating for myself and deconstructing Buddhism ideology. My journey feels like it has only just started, so I wouldn’t change a thing because I haven’t really made any big spiritual mistakes yet. I have been wrong about reality and still am. I would have probably have spent less time watching the Atheist Experience and less time exploring new age thought but that was part of my development.
  13. @Leo Gura Good points. I do see the limits of that way of “always” thinking. But as some point, I imagine that if you hit rock bottom Absolute Truth, it might still have that same epistemic structure. “Intuition is true because it is always true” may be false, but there is something that is tautological truth such as “Solipsism is true because it is always true.” You can say Solipsism is always true, and can backwards rationalize that too, but Solipsism could in fact be Absolute Truth. I don’t see how you can get around that. Absolute Truth is circular because there is nothing but itself to explain itself. How can Absolute Truth be falsified? I would say that it takes intuition/introspection to tell if I am backwards rationalizing or not.
  14. Think about which perspective is higher or lower on intuition: Leo Gura’s or David Lions? You can see how distinguishing higher vs lower isn’t as black and white as Leo made it seem in the video. You can have multiple intelligible perspectives, some may be more truer or may be equal. It is hard to tell whether a perspective is equal or not. Leo says intuition can be wrong and it is important to question intuition and test it. David Lion says that intuition is always right but we do not always listen and act on the full message. Which perspective is higher, lower, or are they equal?
  15. I dont think any of those people are awake. I dont see how you can reach AWAKENING and engage in groupthink. AWAKENING will radically change how you think about life. Those people, David Hawkins, Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, and others are just engaging in a spiritual circle jerk confusing their beliefs with insights.
  16. The main thing I notice is the higher perspective is able to self-reflect and contemplate itself. However, this issue of higher vs lower becomes a gray area real fast when two people arrive at different conclusions using similar methods.
  17. Yes. I’m making some distinctions to convey a point. Some perspectives would say that life is a part of existence. There are things that exist that don’t have “life”. But ofc an animist is gonna say that even a rock has “life”. That is the hard problem of consciousness. How can objects have subjective experience? What differentiates an object that we would say doesn’t have subjective experience such as a rock vs something that does such as a human.
  18. Not that I agree with the argument that reality is an accident, but I can’t help but entertain the atheist perspective of reality being an accident. Here’s a thought experiment: How long would it take for you to flip a coin on heads 50 times in a row? You see, life seems improbable because we are seeing it through a finite amount of time. But if you have eternity, I don’t see how it could be improbable for life. Eternity means that every permutation of reality is possible. You can flip a coin 50 times in a row on heads. It might take you 73767282818387473881827373 trillion years to do it, but you can do it and it would be as if no time has passed because eternity means no time. So, how could the creation of life not be like flipping a coin 50 times in a row? Of course, the issue with this argument is that for “accidents” to exist, there has to be Existence. Existence is a necessary condition for accidents to exist. Sure, it might take the Universe billions of billions of years just to develop humans capable of reasoning in a similar way that I could flip a coin 50 times in a row. But the fact is that existence exists. An atheist doesn’t understand that accidents and randomness are properties of Existence. I would argue that there can be no accidents given an infinite amount of time. Me flipping a coin 50 heads in a row is inevitable under the concept of eternity. The only thing limiting me in flipping a coin 50 times in a row is me having a limited amount of time. But if the Universe has unlimited time, then it is inevitable that life exists no matter how improbable it may seem.
  19. @Leo Gura I was trying to use the atheist argument of life being an accident against itself. However, why does evolution exist and take millions of years? You would think that an infinite mind could just create something instantaneously rather than creating through evolution. I am assuming you are gonna reply with “evolution is imaginary”? I do think evolution is infinitely intelligent. But I can hear atheists saying the source of reality could be dumber than the creation in a similar way that humans create AI, an intelligence more intelligent than its creator. I hope this makes sense. Not that I agree with it but I know some atheists have made this argument that if humans can create something more intelligent than it, then it isn’t hard to conceive of god being dumber than its creation using that logic.
  20. Thats identical to what I said. If it is beyond the world, it is outside the world.
  21. Pantheism. Panentheism implies that God is outside of the Universe.
  22. @Leo Gura Thanks for the practical blog posts about daily products like spatulas
  23. Conflating wisdom with foolishness is itself foolish.
  24. Thanks for the share. This is basically the advice that Leo has been giving on dating. Masculine traits such as confidence and humor are essential in attracting women. Without them, it is very unlikely that she will want anything to do with you. Women expect men to embody masculine traits for the most part. Some are an exception and will take initiative and be less selective.