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Everything posted by r0ckyreed
lol! Trump did collude with Russia man. Have you read the transcript? The problem with most of you Trump supporters is that you all believe that “you are thinking for yourself and are not sheep.” But this is your self-deception. If you aren’t even willing to open your mind up to the possibility that Trump is a sociopathic, narssistic, cult leader, then I don’t know what to tell you.
It is unfortunate that so many Trump supporters have delusional disorder. A delusion is a strong belief in something despite all the evidence against it. I have been talking with Trump supporters online and they say CNN, ABC, NBC, and Fox News are fake news. i asked them where they get their information and they said “Trump, Sky News One American News, Infowars.” All of these are right wing biased news with conspiracy theories in them. imagine 67 million people watching Alex Jones and truly believing in everything he says. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/media/2020/nov/05/fox-news-sucks-trump-supporters
What source are you all using? I am just using CNN and Associated Press.
Trump is such a cult leader. This makes more sense into why Trump supporters still support him after all he’s done. All news against him is fake. All his for him is real. He is the cult leader of the Republican Party or the Trump Party. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chicagotribune.com/columns/rex-huppke/ct-trump-biden-election-maga-rallies-cult-huppke-20201030-3l36fasv3vcwfgh5npjluokm3e-story.html%3foutputType=amp
It looks like this all comes down to Nevada, Leo’s state . Biden won Wisconsin and it looks like he will win Michigan. Oh boy, Nevada is gonna be the deal breaker. It’s so close! Go Biden 2020!
Think about this. Everything you see around you began as a thought within someone's imagination. The computer you are on right now is imagination manifesting as actuality. Imagination is not just a fantasy like most people think, but it is reality. Politics, science, religion, philosophy, art, etc. are all imaginary, including our own self and personal identity. But imagination is much more deeper than this. Imagination is what connects us to our higher selves and spiritual realm. Hypnosis helps us delve deeper into our imaginations and unlock our subconscious minds! This allows us to go on psychedelic journeys and inner, mental journeys too. Imagination does not need a drug per se, but they can help. Connecting with Spirit Guides, Angels, Shadow, etc. is only done through imagination. The importance of imagination is underestimated. We have this powerful imagination as a young child, but we slowly lose this connection over time. As a child, we are so playful with our imaginations. There is no such thing as stress for children because of this playful aspect of imagination. Adults habituate to life, take it seriously, and start to cease seeing the magic of life itself. What is the power of imagination in your life? Imagination is so important, but so undervalued. How do you think Bill Gates created Microsoft, or how Gandhi became successful, etc.? They had imagination and vision for their lives. When you meditate, don't just focus on silencing your thoughts, but work on expanding your thoughts and visualizations! I think we have it backwards! We don't need to silence our thoughts to reach samadhi, but rather know how to think and expand on what we already naturally possess. Silencing the mind is good, but in my experience, its like not working out for a week. If you silence your mind too much, it may affect how you think because part of memory is imagination. In my own experience, whenever I had a memory in my meditation, I would suppress it, and overtime, I noticed that my memory wasn't as strong because I wasn't practicing my imagination. So here I offer you all a different paradigm. Instead of focusing on silencing the mind, focus on expanding your imagination to the point in which you can imagine Master Yoda right in front of you so vividly that you cannot separate imagination from reality. So practice expanding your imagination. Silencing the mind will help your imagination flourish, but don't just spend your whole time trying to suppress your imagination because that won't get you anywhere. What do you all think of this new paradigm that I thought about? I found that I was able to access higher levels of love and empathy whenever I would be in my imagination palace. I have gained access to higher levels of consciousness from my imagination than I have ever had in trying to quiet my mind. Imagination can be a good spiritual teacher if you know how to use it. What do you think astral projection is? A stilling of the mind? Or is it a utilization of the power of your imagination? Don't get me wrong, stilling the mind is still something you should try to do, but it shouldn't be the only thing. Still your mind to help you dive deeper within the depths of your imagination. I actually recommend you all to distinguish between Actuality vs Imagination first. Once you get in touch with Actuality, the present moment, then you can get in touch with your imagination and expand on that. Since our lives are both Actuality and Imagination, wouldn't it be good to exercise both of them rather than just focusing on Actuality? As you practice, you will notice that there really is no distinction between those two. All that you imagine right now is in actuality. I believe that imagination is very therapeutic and can help you connect deeper within yourself. You can explore your imagination into how you created yourself. Imagination is so powerful! As David Lion once said to me, "Imagination = I - Magi - Nation." What do you all think? I personally enjoy meditations that use imagination (such as chakra meditation).
I am against using psychedelics for personal growth because the whole notion is backwards to me. Enlightenment is found within you, not found in a drug or acid trip. Love is fully accepting this present moment as it is. I love this Now so much right now, and I have no desire to change my experience of this moment. To me, this is Enlightenment. It is when you are fully aware of your connection to all of life and you are high on life itself! There is no short cut to enlightenment. I believe psychedelics can create mystical experiences, but don’t confuse it with enlightenment because that is Truth-Realization. If you cannot realize the truth right now, without taking any drugs, then how can you ever desire this experience right now? Why do you want to change this experience? Instead, meditate and fully accept this experience because our whole lives are based on the notion of changing experience. Being with our selves is very hard and many people cannot BE with themselves purely. Instead, people escape being with themselves by using substances. I think Sadhguru makes a very good point in this regard because life is purely magical! You don’t need to change your experience to see the Magic of life. Also, if somehow psychedelics DO create Enlightenment (which I already said “don’t confuse enlightenment with mystical experience), then to me, this would rob the specialness of enlightenment. Change your state of Consciousness from WITHIN is the key to life. If you think you need a substance to get their “quicker,” I think you may be missing out on the journey. Because like Life, enlightenment should be treated like a hero’s journey. There is no rush to be enlightened. Enjoy this life, contemplate, meditate, and BE and realize that you are the magic of life. If you think you have to change your experience with external things, you got it wrong because Nirvana and the divinity of life comes from within. My personal opinion is that if I use drugs to get into a mystical experience, that is fine, that is fine, but don’t confuse it with enlightenment. In fact, if it is the mystical experience that you are seeking, you don’t need drugs to do it. I see drugs as “cheating” because the goal for me is not how fast it takes for me to be enlightened, but being Truth-realized in every waking moment of my life. The goal of my life is to Love this moment purely as it is. Maybe psychedelics may help you have more love, but the goal is to go through the battles and suffering it takes to Love life. Escaping your current suffering doesn’t grow you. Love is about embracing your own suffering because if you only Love the things that serve you, it isn’t really love. Rather true love to me is loving the battle and journey of personal transformation and this is what meditation offers. Because meditation is all about LOVING the NOW as it is with no desire to change it. BE with yourself. If you want to use substances, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Ask yourself: Do I currently Accept the Now as it is? Why do I want to change myself externally? Will changing myself externally help me change myself internally? Maybe. I think psychedelics May help people love this moment more, but what does this teach you? What using substances means to me is that “This moment and myself are not enough right now.” The right reason for using psychedelics is if “you feel Love and acceptance that this moment is enough.” If you feel that this moment is enough, then psychedelics can be used as another facet of exploring and sharing your love for this moment. The key is to not use them as an escape, but to rather use them as a way to explore the current love for reality that you already have. anyways, that’s what I think. Personally for me, I prefer to be high on Life, not on drugs and this is what I told my friends who tried to peer pressure me into drugs. If you think you need a substance to change your experience, then consider that your experience is already low to begin with. Sadhguru here explains what I am talking about:
r0ckyreed replied to Knowledge's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Death is life. Look at Frosty, when he dies. He merges into God or the water in that which he was made from. He goes back into everything. Death is not the end. It is returning to yourself. Right? -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It actually doesn’t come from ego. The ego takes ownership over intelligence. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Do you care to share some of these with us? Please @Forestluv I would love for you to share your wisdom with entanglement! Thank you! ? After Self-reflection, I realize that plant medicine is a tool for personal growth and I will explore it in the future. For now, I plan on working on myself before I use the tools. I guess it is like music. I can sing or I can also facilitate singing with a guitar to create harmony with my singing. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
But notice that if going to the restaurant requires you to have to own a car, then what is your enlightenment worth without the car? You become attached to the car because it gets you there rather than relying on your self-discipline. If you cannot go to the restaurant and battle through the journey it takes to get there, then there is something missing. It’s like I said with the Iron Man metaphor, “If you are nothing without the suit, then it doesn’t belong to you.” Iron Man is something with the suit and he can get to the restaurant by walking. He only uses the suit to enhance the virtues that he already possesses. The suit is not what makes Tony Stark the Iron Man, it is his intelligence and heroism that are found within. It’s like I said with the Limitless Bradley Cooper movie. If you need a substance to reach enlightenment and mystical states, then what is it worth? You get those insights, but at the end of the day, if you cannot reach higher conscious states of Love and Being without drugs, then what is it worth? It creates this dependency on the substance, rather than on yourself. What is Bradley Cooper’s intelligence without the drug? I would much rather generate and embody wisdom, love, and Truth from within and see it every day rather than obtaining it from means outside of myself. See what I mean? -
Isn’t it better to learn how to use your mind in a “proper” way that can help you contemplate and question deeply with reality? If we still the mind, how do we question reality deeper? How do we do self-inquiry without questioning? How do we question and contemplate without thought?
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What about contemplation as a way to gain insight? Isn’t contemplation using the mind to facilitate questioning and deeper thinking to gain understanding? -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice! Thanks for sharing your experience! I would really like to learn how to attain samadhi on my own lol. But I will still keep my mind open to the possibility of plant medicine. I would just really like to be my own medicine Good point. I would much rather go to the gym and gain my muscle without the use of steroids it makes me feel like I did it completely on my own. Whereas if I took a “special” substance, all of my success is in that and becomes another attachment. Okay. I think I see your point. Psychedelics aren’t like an Iron Man suit, but rather like the food that I eat every day. I still have to run my marathon, but the food helps me do it. I got it. Ty. I think I will probably start with cannabis and then do mushrooms. But before this, I want to look up the long-term effects. Oh I got it. The way that I view psychedelics is like the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper. The drug helped him attain high states of consciousness, but I would much rather do it on my own because all of his intelligence was found in the drug, not from himself. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Why not? -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I would much rather find a way to either bear my suffering or to alleviate it through the power of the mind rather than relying on a substance. If I had a choice to learn how to heal myself or to take an external substance to heal a stomache ache, I would choose the former because I am always here but to rely on an external source for happiness is a remedy for disaster. Peace comes from within. True. Disturb is relative. Where do you draw the line between formal meditation practice and the rest of your life? The point of meditation is to integrate that awareness with the rest of your life at least for me. I think we can be out of touch with reality. 99% of people are not with what is. Think of meditation like a pond and thoughts are like ripples. When you meditate, you are calming your pond (mind) so that you can see your reflection in the waters. Why can’t this be integrated with the rest of your life? What is stoping you from continuing your meditation practice into your daily life? A still mind is a chill mind. Even if a rock is thrown into the pond, meditation notices this occurrence and remains still rather then getting lost in it and making more noise. Once your lost in your thoughts, you are distracted and not meditating. Being disturbed is related to ego-mind, not Absolute. Most people’s ponds are murky and noisy. Sure, they are God (the reflection or pond), but they are disengaged from their true nature. Even though their True Nature is who they are, people live their lives not engaged with their Nature. Meditation = observation = consciousness -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Do you guys recommend Cannabis as a good psychedelic substance to try out? Just how effective is cannabis for Consciousness work? -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes of course, but the mind lives as if it’s separate and disconnected. Yeah but you aren’t always aware watching things. Notice that right now that breathing is happening and that you weren’t aware of it until I said so now. Notice the sensations on your feet. It is likely that you aren’t aware of any of these things for most of the day. How can you be a watcher always if you are not always watching? Sounds more like you are the reactor most of the day. Not always being in the here and now. How often are you carried away by your thoughts? Meditation is about noticing that. How often are you actually watching yourself being carried away by past and future? You most likely do this habitually. No. You live now, but you are not always observing now. You tune the Now out most of the time. Are you telling me that you are aware of every car passing by, every bird chirp, every tree, every breath, every sensation, and you are also aware of watching it and being the watcher? It’s likely that you do many things habitually and automatically. Look up the term habituate. Notice that that is the curse of being an adult. No. There is no such thing as a distraction if you are actually meditating because you notice the thought and let it pass. It is YOU who is being disturbed, not meditation itself. The Now just is and is never disturbed. When you lose connection to the Now, that is being disturbed. Stop thinking of meditation as a technique and see it as a way to connect with God. I’m not sure if this makes sense, but the only way to realize this is to actually sit down and BE with Now. Whenever a thought arises, you watch it. If the thought distracts you, you are no longer being with what is. That’s pretty much it. You are either fully immersed and acceptant of what is, or you aren’t. I am meditating right now as I type this message very slowly. I am fully present into every key that I am typing and every movement of my fingers, my breath, sensations and I am watching my mind, emotions, etc. You can either live consciously or unconsciously. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice! Yeah I love running. Not really. You aren’t aware of how you shine the sun or how you work your immune system or breathe. Observing gets you closest to the meditative state. Lol. When you exit meditation, it won’t be disturbed because you are no longer meditating. How can you be disturbed while meditating if you aren’t meditating? Meditation is all about noticing your mind and it’s tendencies to distract you. When someone talks to you, you use talking as an object of meditation. Meditation is just being in the Now. If you are lost in thought, you aren’t meditating. Meditation is noticing distraction and disruptions, but being unaffected by them. You are like a tree that withstands the storm. Correct. Meditation is all about being and observing the Now. That’s it. It is when you become ONE with all that is happening. You become ONE with Consciousness itself. When your monkey mind takes over, you are lost in your mind and out of touch with what is happening. You are the watcher. Notice that when you become the watcher and are able to watch all that arises and goes, your mind is completely still, calm, and undisturbed. Even if someone is yelling at you, you watch it nonjudgmentally and be like a tree. That’s it. Meditation is actuality and everything else that you think about meditation is concept and imagination. All definitions that you place upon reality are what limit it. Look at your hand and observe it and BE with it without thoughts, labels or distinctions. You realize that there is no hand and all there is, is Pure Being. That’s it. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not necessarily. If you are disturbed in your “meditation” then you aren’t meditating. If you hear a loud bang or someone coughing, that should not disturb you if you are meditating. If it does disturb you, then you are not meditating because if you are observe nonjudgmentally, you notice things as they arise and pass away. If you notice your mind being disturbed while being detached, nonjudgmentally, then you ARE meditating. When you act and behave mindlessly, then that is when you “exit” meditation and this is how you live 99% of the time. Meditation is using the 1% in which you are aware and fully being in this Now. Consciousness itself cannot be disturbed. Consciousness is the space in which everything appears. You can either be present with Consciousness or you can be absent from life. Most people live in concepts. Meditation is living is actuality. Awareness cannot be disturbed. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Precisely! You don’t need to sit to meditate. If you are in Actuality, you are meditating. You can do traditional sitting meditation or you can meditate while you run. Osho explains it perfectly when he says that concentration is not meditation because concentration can be disturbed, but meditation cannot. Meditation is becoming the watcher. That’s it. If you are fully present right now, conscious without judgment then you are meditating. When you are arguing with someone, you can meditate by observing your emotions nonjudgmentally and then let them go. Don’t think that there is formal meditation and then the rest of the world. That’s duality. Integrating meditation with everything you do is key. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That’s what I was trying to get at. “Qualified” is a credibility that you are projecting onto others. Qualified is an illusion. Who is more qualified at understanding consciousness than you? Sadhguru is talking about his experiences and nobody is more qualified on Sadhgurus experience than Sadhguru. Watch Leo’s video called Authority. Thanks for sharing your experience. I guess psychedelics may help expand the mind, but I would really like to raise my state from myself rather than from a plant. But I will consider your experience and maybe use psychedelics as a method in the future. I am basically using Iron Mans Logic when he tells Spider-Man “if you are nothing without the suit, then it doesn’t belong to you.” I will try to keep my mind open though. Thank you! So I guess I will keep practicing meditation and then once I feel like I am ready, I may explore psychedelics. That’s a good point. Meditation to me is as simple as listening to God. All meditation is, is just being aligned with the Eternal Now. It is being in Actuality. If meditation isn’t in actuality, it’s not meditating. -
r0ckyreed replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Meditation isn’t an escape Lol! Everything else that you do is an escape! Meditation is purely BEING in this MOMENT. This is backwards. Meditation isn’t about changing your experience. It is about accepting what already is. If you think it’s different, you are not meditating. -
r0ckyreed replied to blankisomeone's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Not if we all wear masks and SD. If we did that for 3 weeks, Covid would be gone. Those Right wing Trumpvid-20s are the ones running around with no mask and no regard for other humans. These guys put economy over human lives. Pro-life my ass! Lol! ?