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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. I encourage you not to accept anything on this forum. Some of the stuff on here can be really intense. If the content here on this forum is bothering you, I would encourage taking a break from some of the content and meet some of your other needs on the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. A lot of this stuff is for people who want to deconstruct their sense of reality. From what I am hearing, it sounds like at this stage in your life now, you are not ready for this intense work yet. And that is not a bad thing. Take a break and do things you enjoy doing, and forget about this truth-seeking bullshit. Truth and philosophy/spirituality can be very dangerous and aren’t for everyone. Hoping for your best, Rocky ❤️??
  2. What is a great achievement? Being able to fall in love with reality and to find and live with independent and inner-happiness with needing absolutely nothing is one of the greatest achievements I can think of. What else is achieving things for other than to raise your happiness? However, I think these videos are pointing to something beyond achievement. I don’t really see love for reality as an achievement because achievement is ego-based and is future and goal-oriented. I think of Love as acceptance and pure satisfaction with reality completely as it is with no desire to change it to suit your needs. It does not matter who sits the longest in the quiet room. What really matters is the level, perspective, and state of mind from which they sit in the room. That’s the bias of our society/culture. We place quantity over quality.
  3. ❤️?? You got this. Keep going. At least it sounds like you gave your dog the best life possible which to me is what matters the most. To me, it is not about how long we live, but how deep we have loved.
  4. Pretty much all of them except from @Gili Trawangan, @Leo Gura, and @GreenWoods All the rest seem to misunderstand solipsism and oneness as separate. They are one. Of course these are quotes, which are taken out of context and can be easily misinterpreted. That is why I stated that no communication is absolute truth. All communication is relative. True solipsism or true oneness is found through introspection, not communicating. Although, communication can help motivate and inspire people to self-reflect. So it is not all one-sided.
  5. We are all dying. Some of us are truly living. I’m sorry for your loss. Hang in there. God isn’t separate from you. You are God dreaming up a human experience. What about your dream characters at night? Don’t they have feelings too? Surely they aren’t fictitious. If so, where do you draw the lines between this dream and your dreams last night? Wish you well on your path.
  6. There is no time. There is no soul. There is no other. Unless you are God-aware right now, your awakenings are imaginary. Go further. You got this. ??
  7. How do you know it was a trap? What if inference of and imagination of other minds is a trap? The only thing that you can know is that you exist. Everything else is inference, story, concept, and belief. That is solipsism. And it is true. Now, just figure out who the hell you are existentially. What can help is contemplating what “other” is and how “other” is constructed or created. Other minds are created by your own mind. All bubbles and minds you imagine outside of your mind are inside your mind. Even your own mind is created by your own mind. How about that for a mindjob?
  8. Most of these quotes don’t understand what oneness means or what solipsism really means. There are no others. There are no other bubbles. That is solipsism. That is awakening. All others and bubbles are a complete mental construction within the dream. The ego is nothing but the identification of being something separate from the bubble. The field of experience isn’t the ego, it is God. The ego is the separations you imagine. Reality is literally a dream. The ego is the separation from “other” constructions in the dream. There is only one “headless” field. There is only one dreamer. These dream characters and their quotes still have a subtle sense of other. In which case means they have not gone all the way. Therefore, their quotes and insights are incomplete and not absolute truth. You won’t find absolute truth from a communication. You find it within yourself. Communication is how you remain asleep. Introspection is how you awaken. Fear is a good indicator that you are approaching truth. If it makes your ego feel good, it is not the truth but a way to keep you asleep. Go beyond the fear. The ego fears solipsism. Start to wonder why. You will find your answer there. Edit: By the way, there are no souls. Notice how you feel from this comment and start to wonder what you are really afraid of, specifically when it comes to solipsism.
  9. Exactly. How so? After discovering what is true, what is greater than being totally at peace and happy with absolutely nothing. Most people need something to be happy. The greatest sages need nothing. That is true happiness. EDIT: Just because you become enlightened or Truth-realized, does not mean that you have reached the highest levels of human development and potential. It is one thing to realize Truth, it is another thing to practice it and live from it.
  10. That’s why I said that all of this is an ego game. If you are truly awakened, the only reason why you would share it or talk to others about it is to put yourself back to sleep. Think about that. Of course, I am writing this message to remind myself of that. My whole day is constructed to keep myself asleep. What makes this any different? It is just me entertaining myself from the void. That’s what this is.
  11. No. You are asking yourself these questions over and over again to pull yourself back into the illusion. That’s why I said that all of this is an ego game.
  12. Go on. Why are you obsessed with it? Why do you dream of other people being obsessed with solipsism? You already know the answer. The illusion is other. Your very ego is constructed and heavily dependent on a sense of other. Now that other is deconstructed, your ego is also deconstructed. There are no others who are obsessed.
  13. What if sharing is the ego's defense mechanism to keep itself asleep? Of course, the irony is that me posting all this is my own self-deception and defense mechanism. I am gonna get off now lol! See, this is how tricky this devil is. But at the same time, what else is there to do but to enjoy the dream.
  14. Consciousness is playing a game with itself right now. Become skeptical of the dream characters claiming they have awoken. Only the dreamer can awaken. After awakening is when you become the most susceptible to falling right back into a deeper sleep. For instance, I had a dream once where I realized I was in a dream. It was a lucid dream. After waking up from my lucid dream, I told my mom about my lucid dream last night. The self-deceptions that construct a dream are so powerful that I soon discovered that I dreamt the entire thing of me waking up and telling my mom about my lucid dream/awakening. And guess what? I am still dreaming now. Now, how is my lucid dream self-deception experience similar to what I see going on here?
  15. How can we know the difference? It is more like you forgot that you wrote the script for other characters you created to act real to fool yourself into thinking they are real so that you can keep dreaming. Consciousness is playing a game with itself right now. Become skeptical of the dream characters claiming they have awoken. Only the dreamer can awaken. After awakening is when you become the most susceptible to falling right back into a deeper sleep. For instance, I had a dream once where I realized I was in a dream. It was a lucid dream. After waking up from my lucid dream, I told my mom about my lucid dream last night. The self-deceptions that construct a dream are so powerful that I soon discovered that I dreamt the entire thing of me waking up and telling my mom about my lucid dream/awakening. And guess what? I am still dreaming now. Now, how is my lucid dream self-deception experience similar to what I see going on here?
  16. There are no others. Nothing matters. Even awakening does not matter. Why do you think you put yourself to sleep in the first place? It only matters when you say it does. Life is a game, a game it is playing with itself.
  17. You are playing games with yourself. There is only one dreamer in the dream. All else is a story.
  18. I am smelling an ego here. What the hell does it matter what "other" people think? Posting your awakening on here is another ego game. Responding to "others" trying to convince that you aren't deluded is another game. Measuring your awakening sizes is also another ego game. I have not escaped the ego games and neither have you, relatively speaking. Align your lifestyle with the highest awakening. Keeping going further. You ain't done.
  19. @Seeker_of_truth Thanks for your response. Aint it though? Mortality to me is like the ultimate boss fight on your hero's journey. All fear stems from the idea of mortality. Immortality is the holy grail I am trying to find. To me, there is a difference between having a realization that death is a belief and actually deconstructing death. I am pretty sure that most people on here who claim to have deconstructed death are fooling themselves. You are still very attached to living and still fear death. How can you tell whether something is dead or alive? What does death look like? Where do you actually see death? Good questions/observations. To remain dreaming/living, death has to affect your realizations; otherwise, you would stop dreaming. I agree. I present a logical argument for immortality so I can walk you through my thought processes on how I come to the conclusion that death is imaginary. I believe evidence, even though it is relative, is still important for every claim. That way, I can communicate and other people can follow my derivations and conclusions. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here is a tangent of my personal contemplations on dead/alive that I contemplated last night to help me deconstruct death (My contemplations here are probably all full of crap but I guess I have to start somewhere): What determines whether an object has life in it? Movement? If we say that movement is what determines whether something has life, then we could say that the wind is alive or the trees moving are alive. Most people would agree that trees are alive, meaning that they are living creatures. But most would not agree that the wind is alive or that soil is alive, but yet, all living things' survival are dependent on what we classify as dead things. Is food alive? Maybe. It depends on my construction. There are degrees of aliveness. A person in a comma or in locked-in syndrome could be viewed as half-dead/half-alive. Is death when we no longer feel important or lose our meaning? To me, death is impermanence. Death is change. But all distinctions of living and death are mental constructions of the mind. Aliveness also implies that something has a mind. A person in locked-in syndrome, a person sleeping, or a person whose heart has stopped could be considered as living, dead, or at least capable of life and potential because their mind is assumed to exist. How can you know if something is alive or dead? A dead cat and an alive cat are the same in direct experience. They are your direct experience. The only difference is the mind constructs aliveness and deadness. I mean, you could imagine your cat being alive but never moving or breathing. What would be the difference between the two? Any difference I can think of is arbitrary. Do other people really die? No. In my direct experience, I have never seen death, only my direct experience. Dead and alive are concepts and stories projected onto reality. Do other people die in my dreams at night? I imagine that they do. Where do the dead people in my dreams go? Where do my dreams go when I wake up? They are still inside me, behind my eyes, so to speak. There is no head or eyes, only the World or Field of Consciousness that everything occurs in. What about sleeping, dreaming, and death? Sleeping could be viewed as a form of death or another part of life. Again, it is relative to how I am constructing and drawing these lines. What if I am dead already? Have I seriously considered that? Assume I died. How would I know that death occurred? When I go to sleep, how do I know that sleep occurred? Do I discover when I wake up again? In a lucid dream? Yes. So how do I wake up? How do I become lucid? What is the "mechanism" that allows me to wake up instead of eternally remaining asleep forever? It appears that sleep, dreaming, and waking up just happen without my will. Would dreamless sleeping forever be similar to death? How would I know the difference if I am not there? I have no memory of any past life in the same way that sometimes I have no memory of my dreams when I wake up. Past lives like my dreams are mentally constructed right now in the same way that I construct the past, present, and future. Another way to look at it is that death is where I come from. Before being born, I was nothing. After I die, I go back to the same place from which I was born. How did I first become born or wake up into the world for the first time from the Deep Sleep of Death? This is all a nice story. But it is still a story. How do I know I came from death and how do I know I will go to death? Where the hell did I get the idea of death from? Culture and society and family. Death is a story on the news and in my life. I feel like I am crazy, but the only thing I have is direct experience. What difference is there between a toy/puppet, a tree branch, a snake, and a human? They are all Self. They are all Direct Experience. Where is the aliveness or essence of a toy, tree branch, snake, or human? In my mind. Where is the essence or aliveness of my mind? In my mind. There is nothing outside of my mind because all that I classify as other or beyond my mind is actually a mental construction of that which is my mind. Why do I still fear death? Because I am attached to this dream. I love the world and human character that I have constructed. What is beyond this dream, this life? Nothing is beyond. There is an assumption of a future of something beyond. But I will wake up right and this life will end right? I am still constructing that something will happen. The only thing happening is Now. There is nowhere to go. Location is another mental construction. There is nowhere to go because I am already there! Every dream I have is nowhere that appears to be somewhere. How is this life any different from a dream? How do I deconstruct death and all my fears? By learning to let go and become completely non-attached to this dream through more contemplation and meditation on these matters. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks! Keep growing and stay wise!
  20. If death is imaginary, is memento mori bullshit? Argument for Immortality: 1. If the present moment is eternal, then I am immortal and death is imaginary. 2. The present moment is all there is. Death is a concept projected onto existence. 3. Therefore, I am immortal and death is imaginary. If I am immortal, what purpose does the practice of memento mori serve? My answer is that it helps me live to my full potential and execute on my life purpose. But I guess memento mori is a useful falsehood for the ego. What are your thoughts?
  21. Interesting. That is why I asked the question on whether memento mori is full of crap. However, Memento mori helps me focus on what is important and to not waste time. The other practice you do could be an example of truth vs. utility. Mortality seems to give life meaning. Immortality and meaninglessness go together, it seems. I will try the opposite memento mori after I have fully deconstructed mortality. I feel like memento mori can be a trap that prevents one from deconstructing mortality.