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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. Make sure you find a licensed professional counselor (LPC), who specializes in evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Therapists are not supposed to impose their values into you, but to rather help you understand yours and point out your limiting beliefs/views. If this keeps happening, see another therapist. Journal about what you really want out of a therapist and out of life. Do your own research. The quality of your life hinges on quality of your research.
  2. The real delusion is perceiving negativity in the first place. Truth is basking in the perception of pure positivity and beauty. Of course, you still have more work to do to process and work through your negative thinking. Rule of mind is that negative thinking is a clue that you are missing something about reality. Good luck.
  3. This is the issue. It is a self-defeating narrative that will always be true until you think otherwise. “Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right.” - Henry Ford Open your mind to other points of view without attachment. You are attaching yourself to a disempowering and untrue view of reality. Entertain the possibility of what she is saying and verify it is true. Don’t immediately dismiss ideas that disconfirm yours. Healing requires a transformation in your outlook. If you don’t change, you will always be stuck. The future isn’t written because it doesn’t exist. Decide who you want to be and be it now. She is right in that everything starts with belief and desire.
  4. You don’t need a fancy software like OneNote. All you need is your Notes app on your iPhone. Keep it simple.
  5. I read Peter Ralston, Jed McKenna, and Eckhart Tolle in that order.
  6. Then what are you waiting for? Go all in. I am talking about the first date or beginning phase of a relationship. Now, I don't even ask my girlfriend. I just look her in the eyes and make out. If a woman on the first date thinks that you asking for consent is nooby, then maybe she doesn't have high self-respect? That is a red flag for me. I have been a nice guy and have achieved all results that I have dreamed of out of relationships/sexuality because I am authentic, respectful/kind, confident, and witty. And I blow her mind with my love for philosophy and magic tricks.
  7. I just ask, “Is it okay if I kiss you?” It works wonders. My now girlfriend said it turned her on when I asked her for consent because it made her feel comfortable.
  8. Absolute Beauty. Infinite Intelligence. Absolute Love. Complete Perfection.
  9. This one is better in my opinion! It even had OA (original artist) tear up. It had me tear up too! Enjoy!
  10. But... isn't that what is the case? You said that my hand is actuality and bigfoot, santa clause, and round earth are imaginary. If I went up into space (imaginary) and saw the round earth (imaginary), and then if I come down to earth, how would I know that the earth is round when I am not looking at it? How would I know that I actually saw the "actual" earth rather than just imagining it now? In the same way, I can look up at the moon, but how do I know that the moon exists when I cannot see it during the day? How do I know external reality exists? The answer is that I don't know. If I imagine that I have seen Bigfoot in the past, the answer is still that I do not know because me claiming that I know is assuming that my memories are accurate and that time is real. In a way, Bigfoot like The Big Bang, depends on me existing in the first place like you have claimed before. Third-person objectivity depends on first-person subjectivity. Am I missing something?
  11. I have not heard of anyone on here talking about David Lion. I am not sure why that is. He is very spiritual and has great wisdom. He is a mystic, channeler, healer, psychic, hypnosis, and magician. Here is his website: https://www.livingmagic.life You can also find some of his YouTube videos, which I think have been quite helpful! What do you all think of David Lion?
  12. Rationalism is correct. You are proving it just now just by talking about it. All knowledge is a form of thought. Some people say that there is a knowledge through being because being is primary to thinking. All knowledge is about being. But being cannot be known because it is. The hand cannot grasp itself so it creates a thought to create a game where the mind attempts to grasp being but it cannot. Rationalism cannot get you to being. But rationalism can point you in that direction, which is what all of this typing and thinking is. But think about it this way. In the relative domain, rationalism is one of the best ways of knowing anything. If you want to know the earth is round, you have to first experience it first-hand. Then, you take note of those observations and store them into long-term memory. You make sense of the world you are living right now through your mind, through critical thinking. You know that the earth is round even when cannot see it because you have the memory of it when you did see it first-hand. If you just relied on what you observe now (absent of rationalism), you would naturally believe that the sun moves across the sky rather than the earth rotating. Rationalism is what says that the earth rotates because you have no experience of the earth rotating, only the sun moving. Your senses can deceive you. Another similar example is with poisonous plants. Your mind identifies what plants are edible and poisonous through experience and memory. It takes critical thinking to be able to remember what you previously observed. People may say that rationality can also deceive you too. But I would suggest that it is irrationality that deceives you because if you are deceived, then somewhere along the way, you missed something and had an error in your thought processes. If you consider all the options and think things through and are willing to admit you are wrong, you are being rational and that is a more reliable method than relying on anything else. Critical thinking is essential because it analyzes experience. Without rationalism, you would not have any access to the knowledge you acquired through experience!!!!
  13. Infinity cannot be reached. You can only realize yourself to be Infinity. The hand can’t grab itself. This spawn count stuff is just another ego game. No more valid than getting the sperm count for Santa Clause. I am Jesus, average Joe, and the shit and piss of Donald Trump.
  14. Most definitely! However, if you want enlightenment, you will need to also use contemplation to deconstruct your mind. So it’s like washing your hands to have clean hands. You need both water and soap if you want clean hands. Same with your mind in experiencing the nature of reality. Awaken to Absolute Beauty. It is right here always.
  15. Keep at it. Don’t just stop after today lol. Try Satisfaction Meditation for 2 weeks and if you don’t get the results you want, then try Absolute Beauty Meditation (ABM) for 2 weeks. Just be satisfied with existence itself. Connect with the Beauty of Existence. That is what all meditation is about. Don’t make it so complicated. Keep going!
  16. But there are higher stages of meditation and TV watching! You can meditate deeply or shallow. You can watch TV consciously or unconsciously.
  17. I feel like I am not even in a body. I feel like my body is inside of Me!
  18. Of course. You are never going to completely excel at something you don’t enjoy. There will always be resistance and obstacles there. But meditation isn’t about excelling at anything really. It is about connecting with Absolute Truth and Beauty/Perfection and basking in your true nature.
  19. The way you are meditating seems like suffering. Forget about the stages for right now. Meditation is about being aware of this moment and falling in love with the beauty of the now. It sounds like you are making meditation really mechanical when it is really as simple as noticing the beauty all around you and connecting to that. You are not going to progress to higher stages until you can really enjoy your “practice.” You backslide because the way you are doing it is mechanical and not enjoyable I am assuming. Look up Leo’s video on Satisfaction Meditation. Also, do TMI technique to quiet the mind, but don’t forget to not overlook the beauty all around you and for making this time for yourself! My technique is called Absolute Beauty Meditation. It is similar to Satisfaction Meditation except it adds the recognition of beauty all around you and bask in the beauty for as long as you can. Close your eyes, quiet your mind. Then open them like you are seeing the world for the first time. Then, stay with that feeling of beauty and newness for as long as you can. Then, after your “practice,” carry that with you throughout the rest of your life!
  20. Really amazing question! For me, it would be to be set up with a career that I love. Everything else, I already have and feel complete. I already got the girl, I just now have to slay the dragon. I did it backwards but oh well! ?
  21. For any follower of Buddhism or of any thought system, this is going to piss you off, but it is what you need to read, think about, and deeply consider. If you push any Buddhist in a corner and ask them "What is Buddhism, and what is the goal of Buddhism?" They will say something along the lines of "Nirvana. To alleviate suffering, to find a solution to it, and help the world overcome suffering." Notice that the goal of Buddhism isn't Truth. It is to alleviate suffering. Notice that there is an assumption that Truth = Suffering (or the overcoming of suffering). But what if suffering and the overcoming of it is part of the distraction to keep one away from pursuing Truth? Ever consider why The Buddha was so focused on suffering but yet silent on God? By definition, The Buddha was not concerned about God (or Truth) but about suffering. You can see how this is an issue. How can you understand suffering and overcome it without opening yourself up to God? Suffering is a distraction from Truth. You can spend your whole life trying to alleviate the suffering of yourself and of others but what is the cost of that? What would happen if you prioritized Truth instead of alleviating suffering? Another thing is to doubt whether Buddha even existed or not. Notice that all of your ideas about The Buddha and Buddhism are just your ideas and not your actual perceptions. Start to question the motive of Buddhism. If Buddhism is in alignment with the Truth, then you should have no problem questioning it and deconstructing it. Rule of mind: Whenever you are defensive or afraid of questioning anything, that is a sign that you are trapped in a belief and belief is ultimate not Truth. Beliefs are very helpful for your survival and for overcoming suffering, but don't think that your beliefs have anything to do with reality as it is. Think for yourself. Don't lock your mind inside of the bubble and worldview of anything. Unlock your mind from all worldviews, programming, beliefs, and ideas that aren't yours. EDIT: I forgot another important reason why you should be really skeptical of Buddhism. Buddhism demonizes thought. If they had it their way, you would be a mindless (or thoughtless) meditator. Meditation is good for alleviation of suffering and achieving peace of mind. But if you want Truth, you have to consider that peace and truth may not be the same. If you want Truth, you have to start questioning the costs of meditating all day and what you are getting yourself into. Meditation can be easily used by cults as a form of brainwashing to program followers to not think for themselves. It is easy for Buddhism to be turned into a cult because it already discourages thinking and demonizes "thinking as dangerous." Hahahaha! They only say that because if you deliberately thought and deeply questioned anything, it would ultimately collapse and you wouldn't need Buddhism or any mental prison anymore. No worldview, ideology, or mental prison can survive contemplation. Why are you so attached to Buddhism? Examine your feelings of my critiques of Buddhism. If you care about truth, then why are you so defensive? Do you care more about being right or truth? Namaste??
  22. But… the planet earth is imaginary!! ???? The only one who can awaken is me!! ???? If plant earth exists, then that must mean external world exists outside the human mind. The external world is held within universal mind.
  23. All schools of thought are criticized. Buddhism is picked out specifically because it is so prevalent in spiritual circles and is the hardest religion to deconstruct that I know of. The myth of Buddhism is up there with the myth of science. If science is a myth, what do you think Buddhism is? You haven’t transcended religion until you have firstly deconstructed Buddhism.
  24. This is such a joke and troll. Your notion of intelligence is finite and petty. Intelligence is way beyond grammar. Hyper intelligence is realizing grammar is imaginary and not giving a f*ck.
  25. Lucasfilm is a trademark of The Force! The Force is not an original idea from George Lucas. He doesn't own The Force, it owns him. Look at Aztec Philosophy, Buddhism, Taoism, etc. The Force is the most effective pointer because when you think of The Force, it is Infinite, Supreme Balance and Balance is nothing other than Absolute Perfection, and that is what Leo seems to suggest by calling It God.