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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. Everything you say exists outside of your experience is something you are experiencing in your experience. Also the idea of other people is just an idea with experience. You have never proven that other people exist. You don’t even know if Inliytened has a separate experience viewing your post. Even that idea is an idea you are having in your consciousness. The idea that the earth is round is an idea in your experience.
  2. Post-Modernism is wrong because they deny the Objective/Absolute domain. They forget that Reality is Objective and not merely subjective. The Earth is a particular shape right now regardless of our feelings and beliefs about it. There are true and false answers relative to our state of consciousness. That is what the Post-Modernists and subjectivists get wrong.
  3. Do you care more about Truth or being happy? What are you going to do if the Truth is gonna hurt you? Spirituality is not strictly about happiness. But rather happiness is a side effect or outcome of doing proper spirituality. Spirituality is all about Truth-Realization and your existential connection to reality. Spirituality should challenge you deeply if you are doing it right. Don’t expect the same kind of happiness as playing a video game. The happiness for spirituality is much more mature. Spirituality is about truth not strictly happiness. I am familiar with the paradigm you are describing. I am trying to show the flaws and ways you can bust through the Buddhist dogma. The only way you are really gonna be truly happy is by having independence of mind and leading your own path. But I guess I can only speak for myself here.
  4. Yes. That’s what I do for my Life Purpose right now. Find a good existential therapist. Keep yourself safe and healthy. You might enjoy existential therapy.
  5. Please call 988 if you are in the United States. Speak to an Existential Therapist for professional support. Suicide isn’t going to solve any problems for you. You need to focus on solving the Matrix. It can be done. There is hope. Focus on your awakening and your basic needs.
  6. Contemplate what the problems of hedonism are. The purpose of life isn't maximizing pleasure. There are things more deeper to reality and much more meaningful than pleasure/pain. Spirituality is the pursuit of those things deeper than pleasure/happiness. The future is not something you see but something you imagine. Your taxes are also a fiction in your mind too, but you still gotta pay them. Your happiness hinges on certain things like that. Don't lie! It depends on the texture of your belief in the future. If you are depressed now but have a hopeful and positive future to work towards, you will be much happier with the idea of the future than being stuck in the now. What do you think dreams and passions are? If you are always in the present moment, you are going to limit your potential in life. Happiness is found in the present moment (because that is all there is) but a trap is thinking that we should never have dreams and plan for the future. Consciousness is capable of dreaming the future, so you might as well explore that since it is part of reality. Everything happens in the Now. Even trauma happens in the Now. You should concern yourself with it if you have it because if you don't process your traumas, they will prevent you from being happy. Depends on what your story is and what story you want to create. As long as you are alive, you will have a personal identity and ego of some kind, which means you will have a life narrative in background awareness. It is about creating your life in alignment with what kind of person you want to be. Some people will never be happy meditating in a cave for 20 years and some people do. It is important to challenge the religious/philosophical ideologies on happiness because they are all biased to various degrees. A Buddhist will tell you to stop thinking, but you need to seriously contemplate whether that is just another form of spiritual bypassing and sweeping the problems under the rug. True happiness to me comes from using my mind in creative and insightful ways that expand my curiosity, wonder, creativity, insight, play, contemplation, etc. The idea of shutting down the mind and stopping all thoughts seems very toxic because most people have not even begun to develop their minds.
  7. Yeah but don’t confuse that realization with justification for hedonism. Ambition is more important to happiness than these fake spiritual Buddhist gurus realize. If your future looks bleak, you will lose hope and happiness in the present moment. The same thing with trauma. Simply saying that peace is only now is the height of Buddhist stupidity. Telling a trauma survivor that their trauma and past is imaginary is not helpful. Happiness and peace hinges on your life story and narrative not just the present moment. It is all the stories on this moment that make you happy or not. You also need ambition, drive, hope, etc. and all that requires imagining something beyond just this present moment.
  8. This is exactly why hardly any spiritual guru talks about solipsism as being true. The students lose their shit and will haunt their guru forever with their stupidity. The only thing that can ever be known to be certain to exist is the Self. Everything in existence is the Self.
  9. This is the Buddhist fiction I speak of. Don't let Dogmatic Buddhist Trolls fool you. Enlightenment is a Dream.
  10. Amen. “No man can see My face and live.” - Holy Bible
  11. Awakening is a Buddhist fantasy. True Awakening is something hardly anyone has ever achieved if anybody. But that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter who has woke up, all that matters is whether Consciousness has.
  12. It is important to not have all or nothing thinking. It is important to have a silent mind and also an active mind. An active mind for asking questions and deep contemplation and a silent mind to incubate all of the answers from your questions. The way most people meditate is wrong. Counting your breaths or repeating a mantra is going to waste your time. What you need is to deeply contemplate reality. You need to be deeply curious. Forcing yourself to have a silent mind is going to stunt curiosity. Let your mind wander on a specific topic of inquiry, then quiet the mind with the intention of gaining insight. What you are really after is insight, not no-mind. Place your intention on the former and not the latter.
  13. This thread can be locked. This guy never left.
  14. What was your question? I don’t see a question here.
  15. Find out. Speculation is a fools game. Find out for yourself. How do you know anybody is awake? Don’t treat Leo like another Buddha. Think for yourself.
  16. No human can know God because God is too profound to be understood through human intellect. To know God is to become God, which means you stop being a human. As long as you are human, your understanding will always be limited. To say otherwise is to insult and go against what God is. I am God but I have no knowledge at all about anything but that I exist. All knowledge is a dream. Awakening is also a dream because you there are always infinite stages of awakening. It never ends.
  17. God cannot know itself because it is itself. Being is prior to knowing. Being is primary, knowing is conceptual. Being is ultimately unknowable. There is no other to know God. There is only me - The Self/Force. Anybody who claims to know God is my own self-deception at work. I imagine others who claim they know God.
  18. You have no idea what God is. Nobody on this planet has any clue. That should humble you. If not, then it is the Devil talking.
  19. You can’t be truly happy without understanding reality. The highest happiness is having the highest understanding of reality and your own mind. How can you be truly happy if you don’t understand reality?
  20. This is in response to Leo’s blog on The a bubble. I hear a lot of people on here talk about Consciousness as being a bubble. But a bubble implies something outside of the bubble. A field implies nothing outside because a field encompasses the totality of everything. The field includes all of the forests and mountains and galaxies. Space has no end. To confine Consciousness to a bubble is limiting it. The Force/Consciousness is a field not a bubble. A better word for Reality/Consciousness/God is The Force because it has no materialistic/religious baggage to it. The Force is mystical, elusive, and powerful in nature. I’d just thought I’d put my insight into this terminology and how it can be confusing. When we say “God” we are succumbing to the religious domain. And we start to humanize The Force/God. But when we say it is an energy, consciousness, field, and the force, we are implying mystery and infinitude and something beyond human. Consciousness is not a bubble, it is The Entire Sensiry Field. It is The Force.
  21. But Leo … Isn’t change also imaginary? According to Parmenides, change and non-existence cannot exist. To him, Truth and Reality/Existence are unchanging. Change assumes cause and effect, which is also an illusion right? Our senses deceive us into thinking change exists in the same way they trick us into thinking reality exists? A dream is a self-deception and yet change appears to occur in our dreams, but when we wake up, it is as if nothing ever occurred. Our senses deceive us all the time, so it is important to challenge them and not take the appearance of change as reality for granted. But then again, to play God’s advocate, if change does not exist, then everything we can ever know about life will be wrong because we have appearances that are not in alignment with the nature of reality. To deny change is to deny what is Absolutely the case now, which is all that we can be certain of as existing.
  22. Please watch the video below. I will present a summary and analysis of the arguments presented here. Summary The speaker: The speaker talks about how he debates with religious people and finds it easy, but finds it hard when talking to spiritual people because they talk about the limitations of reasoning and the human mind. The "spiritual people" claim that the subjective reality is what is most solid and the only thing that can be known and consciousness is the key to experiencing the world and everyone lives in their own illusion of subjective reality, and science is part of this illusion because we can only know and speak about things subjectively. We cannot know anything more than our own minds. The speaker wants to know how to reply against solipsism and how to argue for the materialist/rationalist worldview. Matt's response: The host Matt Dillahunty states that "these people aren't worth having a conversation with" because they cannot be reasoned with because they have thrown out reasoning and claim everything is subjective. When one throws out the notion of objectivity and truth, we cannot get anywhere. Even if solipsism were true, Matt says that he has to act in the reality that he experiences, which seems to indicate that it is shared. There is no other reality to experience. Solipsism being true does not impact "my life" at all because we have to deal with the reality that we are given, which there is no alternative. If there is no truth and it is all subjective, then they cannot get to any objective claim. Matt states that just because we cannot be absolutely certain about anything does not mean we do not know anything. Reality is testable and consistent. He says that if solipsism is true then "you are a figment in my imagination and not the other way around." Matt's response to science/logic not being objective: Matt states that spiritual people are wrong when it comes to science and logical reasoning if they are right about solipsism because identity non-contradiction logic is absolute and true in all possible worlds. They cannot even reason their claim without logic being true. Thus, to convince someone who does not believe in reason is divorced from reality is a waste of time because you have to give a demonstration that it is a bad idea to be unreasonable. If people do not accept reasoning then it is unreasonable to have a conversation with them. Matt states that he cannot think of anything that would count as evidence for God. He does not know what would convince him that God exists and that if God exists, God should know what it would take to convince him and thus is not "my responsibility." Matt talks about how we can even doubt evidence of God as being a very sophisticated mass delusion, in which we are in a position where we cannot confirm anything. Jen (the co-host) states that the brain has been demonstrated to be the origin of consciousness by neuroscience and alzheimer's where if there is damage to the brain, there is damage to their personality and consciousness. Matt then talks about methodological naturalism and states that it is the view that only the natural world can be studied. Then, he talks about how souls probably do not exist because of what we know about nature, science, and split-brain patients. My Analysis The speaker and hosts seem to be in the materialist/rationalist bias. They already assume that reasoning is a given. But they never question what is reason and what is reasonable and who has the best reasoning and the criteria for something to be reasonable is subjective. They also overlook the simple truth that everything is subjective. There is nothing in your direct experience that would suggest that there is any objective world a part from your senses. The atheists fail to consider the reality and ramifications of solipsism and the Cogito. The self cannot know anything but that it selfs!! We are in a world where it seems like there are other consciousnesses, but Matt states that he "accepts the reality that is presented to him because there is no alternative." Well, I could say the same thing about dreaming, and I am sure Matt and other atheists would claim that dreaming is less real than this world, which is also an unreasonable and unscientific claim. I think Tracie explains it the best here: She talks about how the solipsist makes a good point that we cannot know whether this world is the same as our dreams at night. But she still makes the same claim as Matt that we have to accept the reality that is presented to us because there is no alternative. That even if there is an objective world that we cannot access, this dreamworld that we are experiencing is a reality that we cannot escape from, so we might as well treat it as if it is real because we have not been presented with evidence that it isn't. The issue is that they do not see how their minds are constructing their dream right now. They dismiss hallucinations, NDE's, and other mystical experiences, but when it comes to the "physical reality" they do not apply that same level of skepticism. They already create a duality between hallucination and reality without ever verifying that the physical world is not itself part of the Hallucination!!! To create such a duality is itself a hallucination within the Hallucination!! Or as Matt states later, The Mass Delusion. We will get to that part later... Matt states that those spiritual people are not worth having a conversation with. But I would say that who is worth having a conversation with? He is just using that to cop out of considering their ideas all together and denies that there can be anything beyond reason because to state something beyond reasoning, you would have to use reasoning to explain it to a rationalist. The rationalist is stuck so far up his own ass that he cannot even conceive of a world without reasoning. The idea is so preposterous to a rationalists mind. Matt makes the claim that reality is testable and consistent. But he does not consider that maybe that is part of the dream. What we call reality is what we call consistent, but that does not mean that what is consistent is any more real than what is not. Jen states that consciousness originates in the brain by what is tested and observed with alzheimer and split-brain patients. But what is overlooked is that the brain, the instruments, test results, and the patients themselves are something that is held within consciousness! Finally, Matt talks about how even if solipsism is true, that does not prove that a God exists and he states that he does not know what would convince him. He gives the example of considering what if we were all mass deluded. It seems ironic that he considers mass delusion when it comes to evidence for God, but when it comes to evidence for science and physicality, mass delusion does not even cross his own mind! He does not consider that the reality that he is presented with is a mass delusion! He does not realize he is God. He puts the responsibility of God "proving itself to him" as God's responsibility. That is like saying that you should put the responsibility of Truth-seeking to your mother. Matt is God in denial that he is God. Thus, he will never discover he is God because his ideas of God are other to his Self. Matt does not hold science to its ultimate test. If Matt was a true advocate and supporter of science, he would put God to the test and try out all of the meditation/psychedelic techniques to discover God. The issue is that Matt has an operational definition of God that does not exist. God cannot be operationally defined!! So, how do we test and prove God?? You don't get it. You are operationally undefined!! Yet, you take your own existence for granted. You cannot even prove you exist because all notions of proof of your existence assumes you exist to receive, understand, and construct the proof of the proof. Don't let these atheists, intellectuals, scientists, or academics fool you into believing that they are smart. They will use rationality to self-deceive you. The irony and paradox is that all of the Jordan Peterson's, Matt Dillahunty's, and Sam Harris's are complete fools, and yet they are still God in denial that they are God. God is so intelligent that it is dumb. The true purpose of life is to raise your awareness to the nature of your own intelligence and divinity. I rest my case.
  23. With fentanyl being so prevalent in US, no thank you. You never really know what is laced with your psychs. That is also an I don’t know moment to admit to yourself.
  24. This is social media. You could call this form of social media - higher conscious, but this place isn’t always higher conscious. It is a mixed bag but overall on the higher conscious side.