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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. But if you are blind, then color, light, and that visual form of the menu no longer exists, hence your experience of God is more limited.
  2. I got that the entire field is God. My question though is that if I lose one of my senses, do I also lose that connection to God. If I become blind, I am no longer connected to light, color, and visual shape. The visual world of God ceases to exist. Losing a field of perception seems to limit access to all of Reality/God. If I lose auditory field, I can no longer hear the wisdom and music of God in some very important ways. Consciousness work seems like it would change drastically if you lose a field like sound and vision because they are dominant. But why would God allow itself to be able to lose perceptual fields of itself if it really wants connection? I guess you could say it is like being born with Fragile X syndrome (low consciousness) or having awakening experiences and hallucinations. It is all God, but some states seem to give one more of God than others. It seems there are genetic freaks, psychics, and mystics who have an elevated experience of God than I do. They are more connected to Infinite Intelligence than I am. Why is that if I am God? Why do I have a limited access to God compared to what is possible? But I guess I could ask this question in any state of consciousness.
  3. It’s interesting how if we act like there is no external world, our lives will become nightmare. To survive and thrive in this world comes with partaking in the variety of life’s illusions - to play the game, so to speak. If we don’t participate in the illusions, we quit the game. I have to assume that there are other people viewing my actions on a security camera even though I know the guard is a hallucination of my own mind.
  4. It seems to contradict God’s Infinitude because our fields of experience are limited. Some more so than others. How can Consciousness be infinite if it is so limited?
  5. If you were born in a sensory deprivation tank your whole life, never experiencing sound, taste, touch, smell, sight, or thought, you couldn’t say you can be conscious of anything. You couldn’t even know if you existed or not. We can only be conscious now because we have developed the sense of thought, which thought cannot develop without the other senses. I think of thought as an immaterial replication of the senses.
  6. 100% commitment and discipline.
  7. Part of it does. I am no longer aware of colors, light, and my vibrant visual field. All I can be aware of is blackness. If you lose all of your senses, you will have nothing to be conscious of.
  8. God is a verb not a noun!! Here is the definition of verb from Wikipedia: “A verb is a word that in syntax generally conveys an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. Here is the definition of a noun: “a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun).” God is The Ultimate State of Being. God conveys action. Existence is action. God is not a man in the sky or on earth. God is the activity that makes up a man. We cannot exist without verbs.
  9. I think you mean the opposite. All self-hood, location, and thingness is a hallucination. God is the process and activity of ever-changing consciousness, not a person, place, or thing. God is not a man in the sky, but a pure action of existence and everything breathing together in unity. Edit: Wait, I was wrong. Noun is primary and verb is secondary. To have any activity, process, action or verb, already assumes the noun exists. Existence precedes action. God is the ultimate Noun. I am it.
  10. Death is an idea you have right now. The concept of death is dependent on consciousness. But underneath it all, everything is a hallucination. You are already dead. You just hallucinate being alive hallucinating you will die.
  11. Even if you are writhing in pain, it is still imaginary. Don’t confuse openmindedness with gullibility. Radical openmindedness means that you are also open to the fact that you could be deceiving yourself and you entertain that thought to the fullest. Openmindedness isn’t just anything goes. Become so openminded that you close your mind off to BS.
  12. https://www.thegamer.com/qtcinderella-cannot-sue-deepfake-creator/ Contemplate this: Imagine that every woman and pornstar is like QT, and imagine that she is your daughter. Notice how just by watching and using pornography to masturbate, you are supporting the demand for the continual objectification and exploitation of women. “Oh, but R0ckyreed, there are some women who consent to it and so I watch them.” You would be a fool and a poor parent if you would say that to your own child. Why is a stranger any different? You also don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, roles, and act. Think about that next time you jerk off. But seriously, let’s look at this from the big picture. Society has shown us that with new innovations in technology come newer ways to flourish and hinder the development and consciousness of humanity. Whatever your life purpose is, you have to consider all the cons that could come out from your new invention because as they say, “everyone acts from good intentions.” And all new inventions will be used as weapons by Devils. I am not telling you to nofap. I am telling you to noporn. Because fapping doesn’t hurt anyone, but porn does. You have always contemplate: “how is this going to affect my mind and consciousness?” “How am I a devil?” The fact that there are hardly any laws that protect women from deepfakes is very unsettling.
  13. Nonexistence doesn’t exist. It is impossible to conceive of something not existing. Nonexistence is an idea within all that is.
  14. How do you differentiate bias and intuition?
  15. Absolute Evil. Absolute Selfishness. Absolute Chaos. Chaos Theory. Absolute Randomness.
  16. Hell isn’t a place, it is a perception. It is all perception!!! It is about how you interpret and think about your life. It is your philosophy that makes you suffer or flourish.
  17. Yes! It’s amazing! I learned the technique from a guy on Jedi Academy. All you do is visualize a crystal pyramid in a desert. Visualize it clearly and hold it. Then, watch it fade into nothingness.
  18. Because you care, desire, and are selfish and life is selfless. The short answer is limited perception or ignorance/selfishness/bias. But suffering isn’t necessarily a bad thing. True suffering is perceiving this Heaven as Hell. True freedom is perceiving Hell as Heaven. In between these two is the process of life. The Buddha was wrong. Life isn’t suffering. Life is perception. Life is states of consciousness.
  19. How do you know? That assumes you already know what the Truth is. All of a religion is a fool following a fool. All of religion is an authority game of making you believe there are other enlightened beings. There is only the Experiential field of consciousness right now. All religions have their assumptions. No Buddhist ever seriously considers that the Buddha and Enlightenment is a hallucination of their own mind.
  20. It’s the opposite. Writing helps with memory because memory relies on repetition, organization, and meaning making. It’s even supported by mainstream science. The issue, however, comes when all you do is write things down to avoid thinking about it. But if you write mindfully, you will have a deeper understanding than those who don’t. Writing is a slow process that gives you ample time to think and you can see your thought processes on paper. The brain is no place for thinking. It is much harder to deceive yourself when it is written on paper.
  21. Lol! This post just confirms what Leo was talking about. You ain’t awake! This wasn’t an outburst, it was a tough love wake-up call. If you can’t see that Leo is you telling you to wake up, then I don’t know what else could wake yo ass up. I do think he did go overboard but after seeing so much stupidity on this forum, I can’t blame him. I would probably do the same after a while of all that Neo-Buddhist-Advitan BS.
  22. Correct. It is what some of you may think but doesn’t seem like you. I am overly logical and you make a good point to try and see how I like interacting with kids. I am really selfish and I think it has to do with the stage of life I am in (young adulthood). My biggest fear is making irreversible decisions that restrict my freedoms. Maybe my views will change in 5-10 years when I have more of my life figured out.
  23. I have a girlfriend. I have known her since high school, and we recently got together. One of the concerns I have is that she wants kids by age 35, and I am not so certain. We both know that we don't want kids right now but she wants them later when her career has been established. I, on the other hand, am still uncertain and unclear as to whether I want kids or not. Kids are a huge responsibility and does not seem like something that is in my top 10 values. But, on the other hand, I am not for sure if having children is something that I will want in the future or is something I would regret not doing. I really love the woman I am with, but I can see that years down the road, this issue of having children will be the deciding factor of our relationship. What are your alls thoughts on having children? Are children helpful to self-actualization and spiritual awakening and doing serious philosophy? I can imagine that having children would make it hard to be a Serious Philosopher. What are your alls thoughts?
  24. What are some general tips in being successful in investing and trading? I am currently looking into Vanguard and Schwab at the moment. What index funds and ETFs do you all recommend? It looks like VTSAX, VTI, VOO, and Bitcoin are pretty good. What do you all think? Thanks!