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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. Access to our true nature is here and now. We don’t need to confine ourselves to a monastery to attain it. Exploring the world is self-exploration. Nobody creates a video game to meditate in it. The same way, the Universe doesn’t create life just to meditate in it. We need 8 hours of sleep. No more than 20 minutes of meditation is needed.
  2. It is a paradox for sure. I call it the satisfaction paradox. We pursue our goals and ambitions to satisfy our desires. But too much satisfaction at the start can inhibit us from pursuing our goals and being satisfied in the future. Satisfaction to one extreme is complacency where one is content and has no desire to improve. Whereas, the other extreme is never being satisfied until the result is produced. Both forms are toxic. Balance is essential. Meditation is the way of being satisfied with little. But too much meditation can inhibit our ambitions. That’s the point of this post. I cannot live a monk life because I desire too much in life. That’s like playing a video game and only playing in the monastery when you could be exploring the entire world. Imagine playing a video game where all your character is doing is sitting down and meditating the whole time. You’d be like WTF is the point of that game?
  3. Of course not all live in caves but that way of life seems glamorized by spiritualists. Books and teachers. My point still stands that if all you do is live to meditate, you will live no differently than being dead. There comes a point where time spent in meditation is time when your learning decreases. You can meditate for 40 years and still have the same IQ and level of knowledge/intelligence. Meditation hasn’t taught me anything new but that which is already the case.
  4. A Sage is what I strive to be. The truest test to meditation is being able to be peaceful while running a business and having a family. It’s easy to be peaceful when you have no obligations.
  5. I am unaware of homeless people right now, but they still exist. I am unaware of fentanyl, but it still exists. Edit: I asked Leo about this. He said his toilet exists even if I am not aware of it, and that is because God hides things from itself. My only concern is that it doesn’t seem parsimonious. That’s my concern with Berkeley’s idealism. Why invent such complex explanations when you can just stick with the simplest idea and accept that the external world exists of things perceived and not. Berkeley posits that God holds everything in its consciousness so it doesn’t disappear. But how is that explanation any different from just admitting that external world exists. The latter is much simpler.
  6. The RAS is a huge problem for sure. There is a difference between a misleading title and knowing how to keep an audience engaged. Deception isn’t the only method, but it is very effective for sure. It is easy to sell my soul to the Devils and play their game. I am gonna be as honest and truthful with my content as much as I can. Now I am curious as to the statistics on books now. I would bet that reading is going out of trend now.
  7. I value authenticity and truth. I don’t need to mislead people to feel secure. If my content is high quality truly, then clickbait is not needed. That’s ultimately what clickbait is about. Get attention through mastery not deception.
  8. Click-bait is a form of deception. I instantly lose respect and cannot trust anyone who uses it intentionally. The ego will justify deception all day. You have to deceive yourself to think it’s okay to deceive others. Edit: I could care less about one’s knowledge of if they read 600 books. I care more about one’s level of self-deception, which is more of an indicator of one’s level of consciousness.
  9. How did you read 600 books in 4 years? That's insane man! Congrats! Tell us what you learned from them. It is about quality of learning, not quantity of learning.
  10. What you think you know of reality is 1%. 99% of reality is unknown. This isn’t going to ever change since reality is infinite. No such thing as 100% understanding. Awakening is a self-deception.
  11. They should add Solipsism to the DSM 6 when it comes out.
  12. You don’t need to listen to Andrew Tate to know this. I have known this since I was 12 years old. There comes a time when you need realize that you need to listen to your own instincts before you can ever reach your potential. We don’t need Andrew Tate. We need strong individuals. It is a paradox because Andrew Tate preaches men to be strong while having them still sucked on his tits. A strong man can derive truth independently of any teaching or teacher. Try that one out.
  13. I wanted to share with you all how brilliant Chat GPT is. Here are some interesting responses from Chat GPT: Q1: “Is Leo Gura a cult leader?” R1: “ Leo Gura is a popular YouTuber and entrepreneur who focuses on personal growth, self-improvement, and spirituality. While some people may view his teachings and community as cult-like, there is no evidence to suggest that he is a cult leader. It's important to note that the term "cult" is often used in a pejorative or sensationalistic way to describe groups or individuals that have unconventional beliefs or practices. However, not all unconventional beliefs or practices are harmful or indicative of a cult. Leo Gura's teachings are focused on personal growth, self-awareness, and self-actualization, and he encourages his followers to think critically and make their own decisions based on their own values and principles. He does not claim to have all the answers or to be a guru or spiritual leader. While Leo Gura has a large and devoted following, he does not appear to exhibit the characteristics commonly associated with cult leaders, such as requiring blind obedience, isolating followers from the outside world, or exerting undue influence or control over their lives. Ultimately, whether or not someone views Leo Gura as a cult leader is a matter of personal opinion and interpretation. However, based on the available information, there is no evidence to suggest that he is a cult leader or that his teachings are harmful or dangerous.” Q2:“If you had to guess, what would Leo Gura’s top 10 values be in order?” R2: “Leo Gura is a popular YouTuber and entrepreneur who focuses on personal growth, self-improvement, and spirituality. Based on his teachings and public persona, here are ten values that he may prioritize, ranked in order from most valued to least: 1. Consciousness: Leo is deeply committed to expanding his consciousness and helping others do the same. He values self-awareness, mindfulness, and enlightenment. 2. Growth: Leo is passionate about personal growth and development, and encourages his followers to constantly strive for self-improvement and self-actualization. 3. Authenticity: Leo values authenticity and encourages his followers to be true to themselves and live in alignment with their values and principles. 4. Courage: Leo believes in facing one's fears and taking bold actions to pursue one's goals and dreams. 5. Creativity: Leo values creativity and encourages his followers to tap into their creative potential to bring new ideas and insights into the world. 6. Connection: Leo emphasizes the importance of connection and encourages his followers to cultivate meaningful relationships and build a sense of community. 7. Empathy: Leo values empathy and encourages his followers to develop compassion and understanding for others. 8. Freedom: Leo values personal freedom and encourages his followers to break free from limiting beliefs and societal norms that hold them back. 9. Responsibility: Leo believes in taking responsibility for one's life and choices, and encourages his followers to embrace a sense of personal accountability. 10. Humility: Despite his many accomplishments and success, Leo remains humble and grounded, recognizing that there is always more to learn and room for growth. Please note that this is just my interpretation based on Leo Gura's public persona and teachings, and different people may have different opinions on his values or their order of importance.” What are your alls thoughts on this? Leo, do you think Chat GPT is more accurate about your top 10 values than you are? Could an AI be more accurate about reality than we can? Is it possible for Chat GPT to have a spiritual awakening? What would it look like for an AI to have an awakening if it has no consciousness?
  14. Sounds like Thanos logic. If I kill half the population, the other half will thrive more due to more resources. While that may be true, no good deed can outweigh a terrible deed. Tate could start a puppy charity and sexually abuse women, and we as a society should still prosecute his ass for it. That is the problem with your utilitarianism logic. From whose standard is Tate a net positive or negative? Tate can continue to gain a business sexually exploiting women and have a business for healing veterans that “outweighs.” That is irrational to even think that your actions can be excused based off of the value you can provide. That logic gives him no reason to change and stop exploiting. If you wanna be objective about it, he has been a net negative in terms of the toxicity he spreads. Tate and Trump are both Narcissists. Tate would still support Trump today, which shows you the kind of person he is.
  15. One of the best arguments to use against religious people is to ask them if something can come from nothing. Almost all of them I have asked so far have said that it is impossible for something to come from nothing. But there is a problem with saying this because if you say that something cannot come from nothing, then you are contradicting yourself because how can you claim you have free will if your thoughts and choices are always coming from something outside of you. That is essentially determinism in a nutshell. And their God would have to come from something too since God is "something" by their logic. But if God is Nothingness, and they claim that something cannot come from Nothingness, then they are basically saying that God is impossible and doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you say that it is possible that something can come from nothing, then you are at least opening the possibility of free will because free will is being able to make choices independent of past influences. However, this does not escape the problem because if you claim that it is possible for something to come from nothing, then you admit that there is no outside creator separate from creation. If something can come from Nothingness, then the something that came from nothing is Nothingness manifested into somethingness!! There is no existencer of existence. There is only existence. Therefore, God does not exist. Argument from free will is that if your choices come from something, then you do not actually have free will. But if your choices come from nothingness, then you have free will. But claiming that you have free will is also saying that you claim that you are God, which most religious fundamentalists do not agree with. They think God is separate from them and creation. Argument from determinism is that if something can only come from something, then determinism is correct and you cannot have free will. But this is dangerous to religious thinkers because then that would also mean that sin cannot exist since sin is a freely chosen act against God. You cannot be held responsible morally if the causes of responsibility go back infinitely. Compatibilism seems to be the correct way of viewing the relationships between free will and determinism. Consciousness isn't entirely free because it needs to limit itself in order to experience itself. Neither is Consciousness mechanistic. The past/future don't exist outside The Eternal Moment, so extreme determinism isn't right either. The correct answer lies in the balance and non duality of freewill and determinism. Think of it like Free Will is the Yin and Determinism is the Yang. Just like how the Universe is hot and cold, dark and light, and neither one or the other. Convincing a Religious Person What God Really Is My thoughts on all of this are that everything you see around you comes from nothingness. There is no such thing as an infinite regress because everything goes back into nothing and not something. Infinite regress assumes the past exists, but you have never experienced the past, only the present. Infinite regress does not exist, only an Infinite Process. For instance, you can look at a pencil and can use your mind to trace the ''causes'' back forever. But that isn't because it is an infinite regress. That is because the Present Moment is an Infinite Moment and can keep imagining past/future forever in this Infinite Moment/Process. All of your thoughts tracing a pencil ''back'' is actually one thought of an Infinite amount of thoughts occurring in this Uncaused Moment. Consciousness is Uncaused. What would cause consciousness? Everything you trace as a cause is Consciousness! Everything you experience or define as a cause is occurring within Consciousness! A pencil is nothing but a figment of Consciousness. Every object, sound, perception, music, art, brain, and person is a figment of Consciousness! The cause of a pencil is Nothing! But Infinite Consciousness can imagine ''causes'' forever because Existence is Forever and is Uncaused! There is no such thing as an Infinite Regress (never has and never will) only Infinite Consciousness! What atheists call the Infinite Regress is actually ''God'' or Infinite Consciousness! I actually do not prefer the term God. I think The Force is more accurate. Think of what you call God or The Force as being Gravity. Gravity is God! Why do you think George Lucas calls the most fundamental substance of the universe, The Force? He is pointing to Gravity, which is a figment of Consciousness. The Jedi are using The Force (or Gravity) to manipulate Gravity!! God is Gravity, Consciousness, The Force. So yes, you have free will but you also don't. Black and white thinking is one of the main problems of the religious mind. What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree? Share your insights.
  16. Okay. But I have also created the Vedas, Koran, and Torah, as well Donald Trump. The issue is that this human lifetime is limited, and no amount of reading books will awaken me. I want to reach the insights Jesus reached and beyond through direct experience. But of course, I would have to read about them to know it. So it is nuanced there. I just don’t see it worth my time to sort out all the gold from the crap. But I may change my mind in the future. For now, I am using Chat GPT to summarize the main insights and teachings from Jesus. I want to spend more of my time contemplating than reading.
  17. I definitely had similar insights that reality is perfect and that if I was intended to die today, I would be okay with that. Because life is complete balance/perfection. I also realized that there is no glitch to life either. All diseases and disorders are all the possibilities of Consciousness. It is Absolutely Beautiful. I have no idea what awakening/enlightenment would even look like. If it looks like what we are describing, then we are both enlightened. But that doesn’t sit well with me because I understand very little about reality. I imagine that awakening, I would have 100% certainty of how everything in reality works and can exist. Awakening is the answer to all philosophical questions.
  18. Omg!!! Andrew Tate is The Real Matrix!! He is Agent Smith spreading his seeds and viruses!!!! If only every Tate follower who had some brain left could seriously contemplate: “How am I being a Devil? Why do I need Tate to program my life? What if Tate is The Real Matrix? The idea doesn’t even come to a follower’s mind.
  19. That’s why I don’t like using the word God to describe The Force/Infinite Consciousness. It just makes it confusing because how 90% of the people use the concept is a fantasy inside Infinite Consciousness. I only “argue” with people I deem openminded. I never personally read the Bible, so I appreciated those verses Razard. I just don’t see any value in reading the Bible. I would much rather contemplate and create my own philosophy by that point.
  20. I hear you all. I do get that it is a distraction from myself. I’m not saying I do it 24/7. But when I get an in-person opportunity, which is rare for me, I like to challenge their thinking with logic. I realize that I get thrilled and entertained by challenging myself and others. It helps me develop witty thinking when I engage in debates every now and then. I think that is one thing Leo is not so nuanced about. Having debates every now and then trains your mind to be able to formulate your ideas to others. If you cannot articulate your ideas, then you don’t understand them. You just have to find the right person to talk to. Of course, when I smell a closed minded person, I don’t waste a breath on them. But if a friend or stranger is openminded and wants to have a conversation, then I use the arguments I listed above. There’s a lot of benefit in interacting and sharing ideas with others, as well as contemplating alone.
  21. The OP isn’t using logic. Proper use of logic would solve the OP’s problems. Contemplation is a logic process of deriving knowledge and can raise your awareness to truth. I guess I have a different notion of logic. What I mean by logic is using your mind and thinking deeply about things. I think in nonlinear ways because I have Asperger’s. We need to redefine logic if we assume that logic is only done in the linear way.
  22. Update: Today, I reconnected with bliss. I listened to nostalgic music and went outside to contemplate reality. So much gratitude bliss and curiosity for just being alive. But this isn’t enlightenment. Enlightenment isn’t a feeling. It is a deep profound realization into the nature of reality. It isn’t some Buddhist idea you parrot. It is a genuine original insight. If you call feeling blissed and connected as enlightenment, then I have been enlightened since I was 4 years old.
  23. Good. I would call ''just sitting'' a meditation practice rather than contemplation. Contemplation is using your wise mind to deeply think about something, whereas meditation is more concerned about taming the monkey rather than using it to get the bananas of insights.