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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. Another insight is that action > insight. It doesn’t matter how many insights you have or how deep of an insight you have. If your actions do not change, if your life doesn’t change, if your attitude doesn’t change, then what is the point of your insight and how deep did you really comprehend it? You see, if your actions don’t change, then your insight is worth nothing. If you realize God and Love but act like a Devil, then you didn’t really realize God and Love. Focus instead on action, of showing up and taking massive action. Focus on the process. Insights are a result of your actions. And new actions should be the result of insight. Application is important.
  2. Borders are imaginary like money and like Santa Clause. Just because we say it is real doesn’t mean it is. Reality is a stage and we are all actors.
  3. The only answer I have come up with is that the Matrix isn’t a computer simulation but is a psychological simulation of self-deception. The Matrix is this physical universe. Consciousness had to deceive itself in order to create reality. Your hands are inside of the Matrix. Everything you perceive is in the Matrix. Everything around you is a self-deception. It is all a mind game. Language is part of this Matrix system. Thoughts are just mental noises that point to things within the Matrix. How do we break free from the Matrix? Technically you can’t. That is called death but even death is part of the simulation. One of the best ways is meditation. Meditation is the process of becoming aware of how consciousness is creating this simulation. We cannot escape what we are not aware of. Leo made a video about us not being in a simulation, but he really should have titled the video Why We Are Not In A Computer Simulation instead of just titling it Why Reality Cannot Be A Simulation. Because reality is a simulation. Think about it. Simulation is defined as the act of pretending and deception. This is precisely what reality is! Reality is a stage in which we are mere characters playing through the script of the Universe. We are all acting. We are all deceiving. We are in a simulation, just not a computer one because a computer is part of the Simulation. What are your alls thoughts? What is the Matrix really? How do we escape it? Leo talked a lot about the social matrix and about the Devil, but I am sensing that these are similar but also different things.
  4. My hand cannot grasp itself because it is itself. To grasp is to assume a duality between what is grasped and the thing the grasps. The hand itself cannot grasp itself in the same way that you cannot bite your own teeth. But here is the interesting paradox. If the hand cannot grasp itself, then how can God create/grasp itself? Can a hand create itself into existence if it cannot be grasped? If that is the case, then God cannot grasp its own self. This is what I argue that Enlightenment/Awakening is imaginary. It is impossible to awaken to God or realize God because God cannot grasp itself because it is itself. It is Infinity! Being is prior to knowing. The hand exists prior to being grasped. These are my initial thoughts, but I will contemplate this deeper.
  5. But there is divinity to self-deception. It is a miracle that it exists at all.
  6. I’m not going to screen shot it for you. Shorts relies on watch history. Every time I open shorts, it says to turn on watch history to access shorts. I can always search for shorts I want, but it won’t recommend me any shorts because I have no watch history. Even if you get the normy shorts, which I did for a while, it is easier to manage than ones that tailor to your addiction.
  7. It works for some but most get more addicted and some even die from overdose. Burning through karma doesn’t work for every addiction. Telling an opioid addict to increase their dose won’t be helpful. No doctor will recommend this. Notice that.
  8. It’s like telling a smoker to smoke 3 packs a day and burn through the karma. 😊 @Noahsteelers34 You can do screen time so it limits your use. Have a friend set a passcode. @Swarnim When you turn off your watch history, the button doesn’t go away, but you won’t get any shorts videos. Turning off watch history turns off shorts recommendations. It’s a simple solution.
  9. Thank you! The power of contemplation with a journal.
  10. Revance is another distraction. There’s no point in doing extra steps when all is needed is just turn off your watch history. That’s like installing a meditation app on your phone when all you really need to do is just sit and think. You don’t need the app. It’s also good to learn willpower too. If you rely on these apps, then you never really learn the secret to willpower and discipline.
  11. You don’t need this app. You can just turn off your watch history and it will turn off your shorts. It works wonders.
  12. I overlooked the cons that hyperphantasia can be negative too. If you are vividly imagining hell, then silencing that would be better. But you would still miss out on the fruits of imagination.
  13. It looks like Andrew Tate is not being arrested. It has been a year now. If the evidence is conclusive and they are charged, why hasn’t Tate been proven guilty and sentenced?
  14. I have been thinking about death. I have come to the conclusion that people who claim that "Death is imaginary" are overlooking and denying the reality of death. They are overlooking that 1. If death is imaginary, then so is love. 2. But love is not imaginary. 3. Therefore, death is not imaginary. A simple modus tollens argument formation demonstrates that if love exists, then so does death, and if death exists, then so does love. Furthermore, people who argue that death is imaginary seem to be comparing death to the concept of tomorrow. Yes, it is true that tomorrow is imaginary, but death is not something that can happen tomorrow. Death is something that can only occur in the present moment just like change is something that can only happen in this present moment. I think this teaching of "death is imaginary" is a very dangerous teaching because it seems to deny the reality of death. But death does happen just like change happens. 1. If death is imaginary, then change is also imaginary. 2. But change isn't imaginary. We experience change right now. 3. Therefore, death is not imaginary. I am just wondering what is meant by "death is imaginary?" More importantly, what is meant by "death" and "imagination?" If there is no difference between imagination and reality, then death is also considered to be a reality. It is a fact that we lose people in our lives. Sure, we may be imagining a past where somebody did exist and we had memories with them, but we cannot deny that we are imagining that person and us losing them. 1. If imagination is reality, then me imagining a past with someone and losing them and me imagining a past where I lose myself is a reality. 2. Imagination is reality. 3. Therefore, my own death and the death of someone is a reality. Also another form of the argument: 1. I am thinking of a person who has died and who I had memories with. 2. I cannot deny that I am thinking right now about that. 3. Therefore, it exists. I also see the other perspective that 1. If consciousness is eternal, then death is imaginary. 2. Consciousness is eternal. 3. Therefore, death is imaginary. But this perspective seems to deny the fact that 1. If Consciousness abiding in this particular human form will cease to exist; then death is a reality. 2. Consciousness abiding in this particular human form will cease to exist. 3. Therefore, death is a reality. I don't know. What do you guys make of these arguments. I see the arguments from both sides, but it is more practical for me to live as if death is a reality and not just a thought like tomorrow. Death is what gives life meaning and makes me fight for making the most of my present moment because my present moment could change into eternal nothingness right now. Remember: If the premises are true, then the conclusion has to be true! If you deny the conclusion, then you must find fault with at least one of the premises.
  15. You don’t understand. All proof is finite. You cannot prove infinity.
  16. I have a better argument. If you claim that Absolute Infinity exists, then it follows that Absolute Death or Nothingness exists. You saying death doesn’t exist is like saying that infinity exists but Zero doesn’t. We are talking about things that we can never prove. We cannot prove that things go on infinitely. But yet, we can intuitively know that infinity exists. For instance, numbers go on forever but I cannot prove that. Apply your same logic to the topic of death. You all are adamant that Infinity exists but are in denial that death exists. What if Absolute Awakening/Infinity is Absolute Death? That is why I say “Absolute Awakening” is an illusion because you don’t get that until you experience Absolute Death. I mean physical death. If you are still human, then you have not fully awakened is what I have claimed because being human is a dream and comes with certain inherent limitations in understanding.
  17. Guys, enough with the mind games. Whether you like it or not, Thursday is coming. Sure, Thursday is technically a fiction. But the reality is still the same that this human experience, dream, or whatever you wanna call it is going to end. The words on this post you are reading right now is going to end. If I start my exercise, it is going to end. If you start breathing, it is going to end. Death is a simple law of nature. Everything is always changing. There will be a point where your body will vanish. Direct experience is your evidence. Your problem is that you are not getting in touch with the actuality of death. Go lay yourself down on a railroad track and meditate on death being imaginary. Sure, it is imaginary like tomorrow is, but it is also as real as a kick in the balls. It is moronic to say that death is imaginary because that is like saying the pain is imaginary. If you can feel pain, you admit that it has a reality of you experiencing it vs you just conceptualizing it. Of course, death doesn’t exist while you are living and living doesn’t exist while you are dead. Death is like sleep. You are going to sleep tonight whether you like it or not. You might say, no R0ckyreed I am awake right now and sleep is imaginary. Well, you being awake right now is also imaginary from the standpoint of being asleep. But the fact is that if imagination is reality, then sleep and death are realities that you will experience. Sleep goes by in a blink of an eye, and so does death and life, and all your alleged past lives and future lives if you believe in such things. I don’t see any reason to believe that I am somehow different from other humans around me who will also perish. It is foolish to believe you are different from the laws of consciousness. What evidence do you have that your human form won’t change and eventually perish. If you argue that death is imaginary, then you are essentially arguing that change doesn’t exist. And this view is not in alignment with reality.
  18. Because Leo is an ego and not Infinity
  19. So, I do not know about Leo Gura nor Jed Mckenna's current position on meditation, so I am stating this based off of what they have said in the past. It is my understanding right now that Leo and Jed McKenna think that meditation is a Buddhist game and will not lead to awakening nor enlightenment. I even wrote an old post about how Jed Mckenna is against the idea of meditation but then advocates for it through his Spiritual Autolysis method for madness. I remember Leo making an old blog post about saying that meditation will not awaken you. But then I was thinking that meditation is not about the end result but about the process of increasing consciousness throughout the day towards the present moment. It is about witnessing and being aware of the God/Divine within and all around. It just seemed from Leo and Jed that meditation will not lead to awakening. But what is awakening if you take psychedelics once a week and then the rest of the week, you are scrolling on TikTok, going to bars, and drinking beer? It seems unrealistic to take psychedelics every day to remain awake in the God-State. It is just another dopamine spike chase. Therefore, I really do not think it matters whether meditation will lead you to the highest peak of all AWAKENING. I think meditation is about bringing more awareness and mindfulness throughout the day. To me personally, I have changed my definition of meditation. I still think that sitting down and counting breaths is a waste of time. I am reading Osho's book on meditation, and he talks about how there are right and wrong ways to meditate. He states that at the end of the day, meditation is about increasing awareness and is not about concentration. With concentration we focus on 1% of reality and dismiss 99% of it. I think meditation is important even if it doesn't produce any AWAKENING because what is the alternative? You are going to dissociate and scroll on TikTok after you reach God-Realization on a psychedelic. But I would actually challenge that if you did reach Truth-Realization, you would meditate and remain aware of all the beauty and intelligence around you. Meditation to me is all about increasing one's consciousness to be aware of God. In fact, my personal meditation practice is this: 1. I sit down and just focus on quieting my mind and becoming deeply satisfied and aware of the beauty of this present moment. I do this for about a couple minutes. 2. I invoke awe by engaging my mind and becoming deeply existentially curious about the present moment and deeply questioning and contemplating it. - (one of my main criticisms of Buddhist meditation is that they tell you to keep returning your awareness to the breath even if you are deeply curious and have creative thoughts but this teaches you to dull your mind and not to engage with creativity/curiosity). 3. I write down any insights I have from the contemplation in my journal. That's it! I start with quieting my mind to focus on creating an awareness of quietude of thought and end it with quietude of thought. In the middle of my meditation practice is when I engage my mind in-between the quietudes and use my mind to contemplate and explore my curiosity. If your meditation practice is not increasing your curiosity and connecting you to awe of existence, then you are doing it wrong and are making it monotonous. In this case, Leo and Jed are right that no amount of meditation can awaken you because your practice is making you more dull to existence than awake. Just counting your breaths is not going to help you awaken. You have to have a deep understanding that this is true. If all you do is count your breaths and listen to sounds, you are going to miss 90% of reality. You have to learn how to use your mind rather than suppress it. My practice helps me to connect my mind to awe. And I believe my practice will help me awaken even deeper than your average person who uses 5-me0 DMT while counting their breaths the whole time. I am just spewing my thoughts out here. What do you all think?
  20. They didn’t realize no-self. They created an identity out of no-self. If what you are saying is true, then I am already enlightened/awakened. But I do not consider myself to be awakened because my lifestyle is not centered around that understanding. Understanding is more than just an insight, it is an entire change to your life. If you don’t live from your own wisdom, then I would suggest that you don’t have it.
  21. Gosh. I feel bad for anyone named Andrew now.
  22. Thats where I differ. To me, a realization is not really a realization if it doesn’t change your life. If you say you realize God but then go about being a Devil, then I would argue that you didn’t really realize God. Awakening and lifestyle go together. Awakening isn’t about chasing a dopamine pike experience, it is about deep understanding of what truth is. And a deep understanding will change your life. It is not just chopping wood and carrying water, it is about changing your way of life, which starts with a change in your perspective and understanding.
  23. Think about it. Leo states that First-Person Subjectivity is all that exists and is all that can be known to exist. Consciousness is Absolute. Qualia is Absolute. Our perceptions/senses/experience is Absolute. From this follows that free will is a first-hand subjective experience. I experience myself being able to think of whatever I want to imagine and since I am God, what would stop me from doing so. Determinism assumes that you aren't God, but Leo claims that Consciousness is God and is Absolute and Infinitely Intelligent with no limits. If this is true, then Consciousness has free will within the limits of the human experience. I experience free will; therefore free will exists. It is determinism that is concept and imagination because you are imagining all these brains, neurons, and synapses. But free will is what is ACTUAL. Too many people straw man free will. Free will doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Free will means that you are able to do whatever you want within the confines of the human body and laws of physics (which of course are part your unconscious creation/will). Of course, free will is compatible with determinism because you wouldn't say that you have total freedom over how fast your heart beats, but saying that there is total free will or total determinism is a flaw in your logic because that implies a duality. Free will and determinism are one and non dual. From a first-hand experience free will and determinism are both actual and imaginary. You are imagining the neurons firing and you are imagining that there is a self that has an ability to choose. Free will and determinism are both part of the dream. Compatibilism is true. What do you all think of this argument?