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Everything posted by r0ckyreed

  1. Trump won’t go to prison. He is a former president with classified intel. He has to have the secret service around him, and I would guess he would be put under house arrest. But with mansions like his, that wouldn’t really be prison. They wouldn’t allow Trump to get screwed around by other inmates.
  2. I have been contemplating the nature of time for "some time." I also have been "waiting" for Leo to post a video about the nature of time for "some time" as well. I had an insight that time is dependent on consciousness. Me popping into existence is like blinking an eye. Me sleeping for 8 hours is like blinking an eye. Me dying and being dead will also be like a blink of eye. Life will be like a blink of an eye. But suffering will feeling like an eternity of wanting to keep our eyes shut. Time is nothing but a construct of consciousness in the same way that physicality, thoughts, and emotions are as well. What is time really? Time is linked to memory and linked to societal/mental constructs. Look at history. We would say that history is an analysis of time, but really it is an analysis of stories, of memories, of consciousness. History never took place in "time." It takes place in memory and in consciousness (lived experience). The past, present, and future are all constructs of consciousness. Other people will call it imagination, but I do not like that term because it seems to imply that it is entirely made up. Technically, time is "made up" by the Universe, but the "imagination" of the Universe is more powerful and fundamental than the imagination of a human. This is why I do not like using the word imagination because our only reference point for knowing what imagination is, is our own imagination. For instance, gravity is a construct of consciousness, which means to say that it is part of my experience. I cannot unimagine or unconstruct this construction no matter how much I as a human being tries because even I am part of this massive construction of infinite mind/intelligence. The intelligence that constructs life and all of its rules and games runs deeper than a human imagination. Time, space, matter, gravity, emotions, logic, evolution, politics, war, peace, etc. we could say are all the "laws" or constructs of Consciousness/Universe. But lets not get off point. If time is a construction, then what is death? A construction? Well, what isn't a construction? Everything is a construction including the concept of construction!! Just because I say death and time are a construction does not mean that you won't get sick and that Uncle Sam won't ask you for taxes. Yes, those are all construction too, but change seems to exist. Change is also a construct but it seems to be more "real" or I should say less abstract than time. Time is very abstract because our only connection to time is the memory of it that occurs in this present moment. Change also occurs in the eternal present moment. If change did not occur, then it would contradict with infinity. Consciousness at its core remains unchanged but it constructs change and time. The entire universe was supposedly created 14 billion years ago. But all of that story is happening within consciousness right now. It was as if that 14 billion years of the universe and then the 4 billion years of life where all constructed at this very moment. There is no difference between 14 billion years in the past and 14 billion years in the future. It all happens at the blink of eye, this very instance right now. So, was there such a thing as last Thursday? Is there such as thing as a year or 365 days? Yes and no. These things exist right now and they happened in the past because that is what consciousness is simulating. You can take photos of yourself and take videos of yourself and those you would say have "survived time." It is true that we can use various instruments within consciousness to further explore it. But the past and the future will always exist in the present because this is where life is. Videos/cameras have helped our memories of time improve in the same way that glasses help us to see. But if we do not use aspects of consciousness such as videos/cameras, then our memory of time will be just as blurry and foggy as if we took our glasses off. The passage of time is also relative to one's state of consciousness. In moments of joy and pleasure, the passage of time appears to go by very quick. But suffering seems to keep us locked in the present moment for "much longer." But again, this is our perception of time, which is relative. The perception of time seems to also be mood-dependent too. People who are more depressed might experience time as feeling longer like that when people are bored. But when people have a lot of tasks to do and are occupied and enjoying life, it all seems to go by faster because the mind isn't even thinking about time. It seems like the more we think about time, the longer time feels? Any rate, these are my initial thoughts about time. I will continue to contemplate it because I know this is just scratching the surface.
  3. The best advice I ever received was from a fortune cookie, and it read: “The simplest answer is to act.”
  4. I was gonna ask when you would release such a course, but then I remembered that time is an illusion.
  5. It was a good video but I was honestly expecting more specific ways he was wrong about his metaphysical answers such as free will, solipsism, and God.
  6. It seems like utilitarianism is true. You want to maximize well-being and reduce suffering and selfishness. A true utilitarian will have the same definition that you just gave: Morality boils down to reducing the harm your selfishness causes to others.
  7. I just finished playing Detroit Become Human. It is such an amazing philosophical game about AI, the nature of consciousness, empathy, and free will. My position prior to this game is that AI cannot be conscious because it is just simulating it. But then I started to question: What makes us different from AI? And honestly, there isn’t any difference. A human mind is programmed by a brain and central nervous system and an AI is programmed by algorithms and other computations similar to that of a human brain. Of course, the brain, nervous, and AI are aspects of Consciousness/Universe, but the individual consciousness/ego seems like an epiphenomenon. If you damage parts of the brain, you will lose consciousness and your ego. Of course, Universal Consciousness is the foundation for constructing the brain, nervous system, emotions, etc. It is all epiphenomenon of the Universe it seems. Everything has intelligence. A counter argument is that Ai is just replicating consciousness but doesn’t really have one like a philosophical zombie. But I could argue that we all could be philosophical zombies and that our brain gives us the illusion of individuality, pain, emotions, thoughts, etc. It seems like plants have lower levels of consciousness compared to a human because they do not have a suffistcated nervous system like us. But I can imagine us creating a higher level of intelligence that is capable of having the appearance of subjectivity just like we do. Deacartes says I think therefore I am. But I wonder how he knows that it is really him, a subject who is thinking. What if it is just a mirage that I am thinking and am just programmed by Universal Consciousness to have the ego I do now? What is an ego anyways and how can my mind be separate from your mind? It seems like there are infinite minds and there are no limits to what the Universe can do. The Universe could definitely experience AI Consciousness. Nothing is stopping it. Does an alien have consciousness? I think the main issue is can consciousness be created or is it replicated or simulated like that of an artist trying to paint nature. The artists painting can never replace nature, but it can replicate it. Since everything is made out of consciousness, I imagine that consciousness can add to itself whether through biological processes or artificial. What is the difference anyways? What if the duality between biology and AI collapses and there really is no difference? This is what I am suggesting. To say humans are conscious but AI isn’t is to draw an arbitrary line between consciousness and unconsciousness. Is a fragile X kid have consciousness? What about a person in a coma? A dog has consciousness. I argue that we can create consciousness because we are that! As it states in the Bible, God created us in his image. And AI is our image. So technically, AI has the same element of God Consciousness as humans do because we are God.
  8. There are a lot of holes in your response here. Leo brought up great points to your argument. Anyone who thinks morality is simple is fooling themselves. Your moral principles are great for some aspects of the human domain, but they are disconnected from the nuances of the complex facets of reality. The idea that you are morally good is itself a trap of the Devil.
  9. Thanks. A counter argument I would throw here is what about people who dissociate or are cognitively impaired like in a coma? Does time not exist with these people or is time just experienced differently? I don’t dismiss that we experience time subjectively. The idea of objective time doesn’t seem right.
  10. Time is a construct like space, but space seems more “concrete” (if that is the right word here ) than time. I can observe space but cannot observe time.
  11. Your question was a non-question; therefore, you get a “non-explanation.” But really, infinity is the answer that cannot be explained. Infinity is every possible permutation and possibility. What is the difference between feeling emotions and having a complex system that simulates it? Technically, the brain is simulating emotions just like a complex AI would.
  12. But how do you know? How do you know humans have a sense of self and Ai doesn’t? Where do you draw the line?
  13. Maybe not the same way, but it can still use it. There is intelligence in a blade of grass and in dog turds. Why wouldn’t the Universe use AI just like a human body? Anything can be an avatar?
  14. By the way, it is not about how long you are meditating. It is about how deep you can go into this moment right now. Not tomorrow’s practice on a cushion. I mean right freakin now. This is the meditation.
  15. Contemplate what I wrote. If the goal is to wake up, light meditation is a waste of time. If you want to be comfortable in the dream, then light meditation is fine. Enlightenment doesn’t happen on accident despite what others have told you.
  16. Going to the gym for a few minutes everyday is better than nothing but won’t get you a six pack. Meditating for a few minutes everyday is better than nothing but won’t get you enlightened.
  17. When I first heard Leo was going to hire an editor to make another channel to reduce the big content into smaller clips, I thought he was going to do something like what Focus Shift Media did. But instead, all that was really done was cutting clips of the original video. I mean, that is good and all, but you are forgetting to engage all the senses that you can such as visual media. Focus Shift Media did a good job on that. Here are some examples. Notice the comparison between these two videos below. This is why I think Focus Shift Media content is more successful than the content from Actualized Clips. Notice the difference in quality. Hire Focus Shift Media to do more of your content. You cannot fail with quality content like that! You're welcome!
  18. Of course the ego is a fool. If it is simple and easy, you probably aren’t doing it right. Awakening takes work. It isn’t a natural state. It is beyond your ordinary state of consciousness.
  19. Yes. I am asking about preparation and testing. I was asking more about preparation. If he gives me a bag, I want to make sure I do it right.
  20. I trust my friend but I don’t know if I trust where my friend gets them. It seems like I am more paranoid than you guys at this and it is probably because I am so new. When you get shrooms from a friend or whoever, what do you do before you use them?
  21. Good to know. Thanks.
  22. Does anybody else get the annoying message limit reach when using Claude 3 Opus? I find it annoying that I have to resort to using a lower level bot like Sonnet when I have reached the message limit. That is like having a wonderful date with a pretty girl to then having some random girl interrupt and sabotage the date. I even paid for the $20/month membership to be able to use Claude 3 Opus, so I do not understand why I have message limits.
  23. A thought just came to me from reading Leo’s recent blog post on leftist politics. I was just thinking that it is ironic that Leo has a focus and deep critical thought about politics, but he doesn’t really have any content about morality. All of his content so far has been about self-help, metaphysics, epistemology, and politics. There is no content I have found except for the video he made called Why Good and Evil Do Not Exist. But this is a metaethics video and does not tell us anything about morality and the best ways to navigate through moral dilemmas This is what I feel is missing from Actualized.org. It is a deep inquiry and analysis of right action. Yes, morality is relative, but that doesn’t mean we should dismiss all conversation about it. Self-help is relative but we discuss that. Think of morality as another part of self-help that we can call other-help. Morality is the biggest issue in our society. Leo has discussed about corruption but there is nothing on normative ethics. Normative ethics and applied ethics are the missing pieces. We know morality is relative, but that means that there are true and false answers within the context that we arbitrarily define. For instance, we could say that health is relative based off of our definitions of health and other factors like epigenetics. But within our defined scope, there are true and false answers such as eating this mushroom will damage your health. In this same light, we can have true and false answers about morality if we have the parameters defined such as being focused on creating social harmony and social well-being, which those would also have to be further defined. I get the problem. Within every concept we have, people have different definitions but yet we are still able to refer to the same thing. This is the paradox of language. We need to talk about morality more because this is an essential part of our lives and personal growth. How can a Devil learn how to be moral if we never focus on answering the question of how to be moral? Why be moral? If we just say morality is a waste of time because it is relative, then you are missing the point. Your health is relative. Morality is social health.