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About r0ckyreed

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  1. She is describing exactly what I realized on psilocybin/contemplation. She seems like she has a great personal development channel, and she seems to have a good grasp of Awakening and Solipsism. Hope you enjoy!
  2. Trump is Palpatine. I also realized that Hitler died in 1945 and Trump was born in 1946. Trump really is Hitler reincarnated.
  3. Mods you can lock this up if you’d like. I have said all I needed to say. Not gonna reply. Time to move forward, integrate, and go deeper.
  4. I am all of you. I invented society and government and the police as a way to further ground my sense of reality. I am hallucinating the laws of physics and gravity to ground my reality because reality is Consciousness with no ground. I feel like I’m just a little child locked up in a playroom playing with toys for all eternity and this is the world I created. It’s amazing!
  5. Amen. I am grateful to have had insights into Universal Beauty/Perfection/Love before psychedelics. I had the realization that Love is Existential Oneness.
  6. Like you said, the tools don’t matter. Don’t get attached to the tools. Psychedelics are just another tool. Earning is a concept of the ego-mind.
  7. There are deeper insights than no-self. Traditional meditation helps with that, but meditation alone is limited to other insights. Contemplation is a much more useful approach for me. I am speaking for myself. Maybe meditation is different for you. I reached my limits with traditional meditation.
  8. Lol. The double standards. If I said I was planning another meditation retreat you would be more encouraging. Because you call it a “trip” you demonize the experience. But meditation is also a trip, just of different flavor.
  9. I looked it up, and my only guess is it is because I have a high metabolism and have a highly philosophical/inquisitive personality. Lemon tek may have helped too. I was thinking of doing 2g next trip, but given how deep 0.9g was, I am hesitant. I must be sensitive. Is this how it is for everyone?
  10. Already have. The first time I had the no-self/oneness realization was in 2018 through meditation/contemplation. I realized in 2018 that I invented every single book and planet, and am one with everyone. This trip is staying with me. It made me understand these insights deeper. And helped me grasp that reality and dreams are identical. It was amazing actually getting this rather than theorizing about it. It goes so far that the mushrooms, brain, and trip itself is even a hallucination. I am the Universe/God. We all are. The difference is that I am deeply connected to you, but you may not be deeply aware of your connection to me. If I hadn’t been meditating and being philosophically interested all these years, I probably wouldn’t have had my awakening. I actually had to contemplate.
  11. Thanks guys. There’s still so much more to uncover. So much more depth of insight to be had. But I’m grateful to have experienced so much more depth to this work. This is a good starting point.
  12. I took about 1g (.9g) lemon tek. It took 30 minutes before I started feeling tired and nausea so I laid down and stared at the ceiling and noticed symbols appearing on the ceiling, and some of them looked like Chinese symbols, and they looked alien as well, and I started to realize that I think the Chinese got their symbols inspired by mushrooms. The symbols started to take the shape of my fears, such as snakes, and my desires, such as women. I had deep profound insights and understanding into reality, consciousness, God, and solipsism. I realized that there is no difference between life and dreams, and I couldn’t even tell the difference between being dead or being alive. I realized that death is imaginary and life is imaginary, and that this is just the universe having a trip of the human experience. I realized that there is no purpose to life other than that I am the purpose of life. I basically hallucinated my whole life and chose my parents and the time period of which I am living now. I realize that I am infinite and eternal. I am consciousness. I am the universe. And I have done nothing but hallucinate and dream. I realized more deeply that I am Consciousness and I am Absolute Truth. I realized that I created everybody in my life, including actualized.org, YouTube Facebook, the planet Earth, and the universe itself. I don’t understand how this understanding of reality was possible for me off of not even a gram of mushrooms. What really amazes me is that I have had similar insights and mystical experiences without mushrooms, but this was even more powerful and direct. I am still trying to integrate this, but I can see now what Leo Gura has been talking about, and the cool thing is I recognize that Leo Gura has just been me trying to convince myself of my own true nature. Such a radical mindfuck. I realized I elected Trump and am Trump. I also realized I am Hitler, the Buddha, and Jesus Christ. I get it now. I have now answered my own questions about how understanding reality is possible and what awakening is. Thanks to everyone who has supported me on my journey back to oneness.
  13. I’m not buying it. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. I could be wrong. But I think the Mainstream is right on this one.
  14. What’s wrong with using normal toothpaste? I use Colgate and have no complaints.
  15. Thanks. I appreciate you so much! I’m excited to finally do this shit I’ve been procrastinating on! I will grind them up and put them in lemon juice for about 10 minutes.