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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @fridjonk in terms of YouTubers Mic The Vegan covers nutrition in a light way, Brian Turner is an awesome vegan bodybuilder and Vegan Gains (while quite militant) does awesome debates with people and is also pretty huge himself. The best videos I find are the meal prep ones and learning about nutrition, as they give you lots of meal ideas (you’ll need them) and learn about why this helps etc, honestly, the average person is so uneducated on nutrition it’s unreal, people don’t realise what they’re putting in their bodies and I never realised either.
  2. @Leo Gura yeah, but defo a step in the right direction for doctors and therapists to be studying this sort of stuff, I feel it’s the best gateway back into the mainstream and with rising mental illness comes a rise in psyches it seems as traditional medicine proves to be not as effective.
  3. @Nahm I get what you mean with this and totally agree, however, In terms of motivation and training dedication it can really help to have a goal from my experience, it just kind of adds to your intensity and gives you something to work for, it doesn’t have to be that the goal will make you happy, just that this is the project you are working on say. It’s like in business, or in a team sport, if you don’t have a goal you’re working towards you can easily lose track, lose motivation etc However, I certainly agree that the focus should be on the doing in the now, as that’s all that’s ever experienced and on actually enjoying the exercise as the joy is always in the journey. it may sound “stage orange” or “low consciousness” or maybe it’s healthy integration of orange, but I have found in many endeavours of life goals can help keep you on track when used correctly in many endeavours of life
  4. @fridjonk Yes definitely, but defo do your research, I kinda fell into a shitty side of vegan YouTube (HCLF) and demonised fat and didn't take a B12 supplement for a while and I started when I was 15, but now there's so many areas of information it's amazing! Also, about being lighter on your toes- defo! I've also recently changed my goals to my holistic fitness rather than just gaining muscle, for a more of an athletic muscular look if you get me? For me, it kinda is the best of both worlds of looking good, feeling good and being the healthiest I can be
  5. Just wanted to add if you aren't looking to get huge, and kinda want to be lean but muscular I'd recommend checking out Kinobody's programs, they're very 'minimalistic' I literally train 3 days a week for like 40 mins, most bodybuilders would cringe at that. But, the focus is on compound movements and reverse pyramid training, you have to look past Greg being a marketing machine lol, but his training is awesome not gonna lie. It also means Weight Training takes up like 3 hours max a week, and that gives you plenty of time for other fitness and the rest of your life of course, that's exactly why I love it, I don't want to spend 6 days a week 1 hour+ each day in the Gym personally. This is his YT channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/gog9/videos
  6. @fridjonk Veganism is often more than just food though it’s about minimising exploitation according to the official definition, so many probably aren’t looking to eat any animal products as it’s often mainly for ethical reasons or becomes that eventually. In my case it was originally to reduce acne (worked wonders completely cleared my skin up) but is now more of a ethical thing, and it’s also improved my health and standard diet soooo much.
  7. Goals can be very helpful as Leo said for the first decade, but more than anything do something you really enjoy. if you enjoy weight training, do it, but if you don’t it’ll be hard to keep up long term, along with weight training for more overal health id also say add some form of cardio whether that’s something like running or a sport. In sports goals are slightly easier, same as running as you’ll always have something to work towards each season/ event etc. Diet is the most important thing, and bodybuilders often destroy their bodies with steroids and excess foods that aren’t always good for them. So be careful with getting too big unless that’s your goal and it isn’t health. I guess it’s also important to set your overall goals and intentions of training and your fitness as everyone is very different. like for me I want to build a decent amount of muscle but stay lean and increase my cardio vascular fitness to help improve my sporting ability. I also am always looking to optimise my health and diet, so recently I’ve taken up running, regular sauna and steam room and intermittent fasting. Currently I’m “cutting” to shed excess fat before a fairly long gaining period, that will be slow and steady. whereas, for you your original goals could be very different, you said about reducing body fat, so basically set out your long term goals and intentions and then go from there really. but as Leo said as well the biggest thing is enjoying your exercise, do something you love, do it fully and enjoy how beautiful exercise can be
  8. Problem is you're looking for something bigger, outside yourself, an escape. It's similar to the desire of a drug addict to escape his pain, what happens is enlightenment becomes the Drug instead of Heroin, you're still seeking something outside of yourself. When you realise THIS as it is, right here, right now is it, seeking ends and you're finally free to live life with spontaneous joy in every moment and free to do whatever you wish in life. 'Samsara' is it as well, this very 'world' is the Buddha planet, you will not go and get wings and be carried by Moses and Jesus to eternal happiness when you become enlightened. Instead, you will realise you are literally THIS, you are The Self, and the Self is all that exists. Another problem, is you'll probably read this and it won't help one bit, the highest teaching is always in silence. Often we need help to see THIS as it is, and to unlearn, the cliche metaphor is that of a dirty windscreen that gets cleaned either gradually or suddenly in some rare cases. Either way, enlightenment isn't some escape from your suffering, instead it's diving head first into your suffering, facing it and all of it's shit and allowing everything to be as it is. Only by facing your suffering can you work through it. Instead, what you're after is an escape from life, unfortunately true realisation is not about an escape from life but if anything a deepening of the richness of life. What changes from where you are right now? 1) The I-Thought is completely seen through completely, there is no longer a stickiness. (this DOES NOT mean thoughts, feelings, desires etc stop) 2) The resistance to this moment and life finally dissolves, meaning you are actually free to experience life as it is fully in each and every moment. Good luck!
  9. @Leo Gura Great point, realizing Hitler/ Trump is you makes it impossible to do anything but love them unconditionally, as with everything. More of an SD question I guess, how do we then go about overcoming these sorts of people though, I mean in the future I get education and everything will prevent a lot of stage Red devilry, but say the Hitlers of today, what can we do to 'help' them see through their devilry and stop them relatively speaking destroying lives. I mean on a much lesser scales you have CEO's of giant corporations technically allowing the destruction of the Earth, is it mere education and development that helps prevent this? Or is there something more that needs to be done to help stop the damage being done and in the long run prevent it? Sorry if it's wordy and rambly but I think you'll get what I mean, even on an individual level people can have a large impact and It seems on that level it is strongly about education and understanding that prevents people from say littering, but then it comes to murder and violence it is much more complex.
  10. @Aaron p great to hear mate, how did you kick the Porn habit or did it just happen naturally, porn is common in our society, almost as common as eating if you speak to people our age, and nobody seems to realise excess usage can create issues.
  11. @Hatfort Well said. Veganism is so broad nowadays, when I first went vegan there was basically no fast food options but as more and more people go vegan, the corporations spotted an opportunity and over here, McDonald's, KFC, Subway etc etc all have dedicated vegan options that are being heavily promoted, of course for a treat they're okay, but it's almost becoming as easy to be an unhealthy vegan as it is meat-eater, so it's key to learn how to eat a Vegan diet based on Whole Foods that aligns with your goals. Personally 80-10-10 didn't work for me as I go to the gym and want to build muscle and don't need that many carbs to function in an office lol, so it's about finding what Vegan diet works for you and your goals. I'd also recommend Intermittent Fasting.
  12. @tom rAy Surprisingly good show that kind of mimics excess capitalism and consumerism, and goes over the issues of childhood trauma, addiction etc.
  13. Depends what you're after, 'lower consciousness' (hate that term) shows can be funny and entertaining too, such as the UK version of the Office, Popular sitcoms e.g. Friends, Comedy-Dramas like Sex Education (very stage green in exploring LGBT and Sexual Assault issues), you are allowed to enjoy forms of entertainment just for the joy of it sometimes also. Atypical is a great show for exploring how someone with Autism functions and matures into an Adult, which has a lot of depth to it. Of course, as we live in a predominantly blue/orange/green world, this is where a lot of shows can be at, but they can still be very entertaining and thought-provoking, of course, be careful of the propaganda, but as conscious individuals, this is less of an issue. In terms of great shows on that level- 'You' explores how a sociopath/ psychopath becomes obsessive about love, and how a lot of his issues stem from childhood, gripping watch, Umbrella Academy provides good entertainment but you may not be into that unless you like Sci-Fi, 13 Reasons Why S1 is great beyond that a bit shit, Not a TV show but the movie bombshell is about Sexual assault at Fox News, and also shows the corruption of News-Entertainment like Fox News and how they draw in viewers and refuse any sort of human development beyond blue/ orange, that's a really thought-provoking watch, and shows just how white-male dominant corporate environments are, the only people who say minorities aren't oppressed still tend to be white males, it's hilarious they don't see their self-bias. There are loads of great shows and movies out there, and as humans develop this form of art is only going to develop, currently there's a lot of similar shows, so it's nice when something different breaks out, even if it still comes from a 'mainstream' paradigm.
  14. @Dlavjr I would say check out some resources online, I'm sure there are people who have had binge eating issues in the past now partake in Intermittent Fasting. A general guide will be a good place to start, but in your case you may need to go way deeper in terms of the relation to the Binge Eating aspect. Here's some thread on reddit I just found regarding Binge Eating and fasting: https://www.reddit.com/r/BingeEatingDisorder/comments/7y6e0w/intermittent_fasting_for_binge_eaters/ http://www.theiflife.com/break-bad-eating-habits/ However, a quick google search would show horror stories also, and its always good to look at both sides! For me Intermittent Fasting is incredible and I doubt I'll ever go back, sometimes I don't partake on weekends if I'm going out with my friends or whatever, and around the holiday seasons I tend to not, however it's about finding a balance right for you.
  15. @Gneh Onebar In the 800s you'll often have to deal with unresolved traumas and experiences, I had a fairly normal childhood and am quite lucky in that respect, but if you've been through trauma or have unresolved emotions dealing with them will be part of the process. No need to chase after them just allow them to rise as you did and feel them as they come up, completely accepting and welcoming to your emotions, and feel them completely. It will be tough and shit sometimes but that's why originally we try to avoid these emotions as much as possible.
  16. Far too much obsession with detachment in non dual circles, you can still love and appreciate those close to you, And maybe be “attached” in terms of you’d be horrified if they died, wNt to be there for them etc, remember we live in the west and we have busy lives.
  17. @fridjonk yeah sorry I didn’t mean to come across like that, but I know what. I used to be like and always relied on teachers instead of using my own experience as my guiding system. In terms of health yeah alcohol is shit, but does that mean you have no will to live, I’m not so sure. I think it’s very glorified compared to other drugs sadly, but I also think it can be fun, but again it depends on you and your situation, life goals, current goals etc etc, it’s very individual. Some complete abstinence is best, for others they can drink occasionally and it hardly affects them. @Gneh Onebar Yep, similar here in the UK, but a lot of adults drink daily or 3+ times a week, and also have unhealthy diets and lifestyles. If you have a really healthy lifestyle and diet and fitness regime I’m sure it can help lessen the effects of alcohol on your health overall, I could be wrong though. Basically alcohol is shit for your health, yes, so it’s up to you whether it’s worth drinking it knowing the consequences and where you are in life, but it’s also really fun, so basically enjoy life! ?
  18. @fridjonk I know you asked Leo, but decide things for yourself mate, start thinking for yourself and don't let others opinions dictate your life. Just because someone said that doesn't mean it's the absolute truth and you have to follow it.....that's literally religion. No sex before marriage, 10 Commandments, Jewish Women can't even drive etc there's so many examples from religion of literally telling people how to live or bad things will happen basically. Alcohol isn't good for your health no that's obvious, neither is smoking. Does it mean it's 'wrong' or 'forbidden' no of course not, God gave us complete freedom to as we wish and whatever we do has consequences. So if you smoke cigarettes for 40 years there's a good chance you'll develop lung cancer for example, and if you want to be healthier and live longer it's probably best not to smoke. The issue I have is the western bias towards alcohol as not being a 'drug' the average person is so deluded when it comes to alcohol, it's hilarious. https://news.sky.com/story/professor-david-nutt-former-government-adviser-says-alcohol-is-most-dangerous-drug-11909379 This guy got fired from our government for saying Ecstasy was as safe as riding a horse from his research, as it doesn't fit the war on Drugs propoganda from Governments, it's interesting how deep this goes. Saying all this, I still occasionally drink, but there are ways to reduce the damage/ effects of alcohol. If you don't want to drink don't, if you want to drink occasionally go for it, do what's best for you. However, if you end up developing a daily habit or use it as a crutch maybe then is a time to look more into it. LOL I just went on a huge ramble, sorry! I researched this a lot due to the stigma around MDMA, Weed and Psyches yet the love and acceptance of Alcohol and Tobacco and actually believing they aren't drugs because they're legal.
  19. Defo cut first if you have excess fat, just start out with 16/8 fasting it’s quite easy really, probably just start eating at say 12 and don’t eat after 8. but as others have said make sure that you actually deal with the issues you’re facing holistically, However intermittent fasting has helped with my appetite tbh. while many will say it doesn’t matter what you eat as long as it’s time restricted, I defo disagree, focus on whole foods and eating healthily, as well as only drinking healthy drinks of course.
  20. @Leo Gura yeah I get you, I still enjoy drinking when out with my mates or clubbing etc, but like you say drinking too much is shit for your health and nothing worse than a hangover. hmm, what nootropics do you currently take? ive been toying with trying modafinil, however I have quite an addictive personality, and people I know say how effective it is productivity wise. @Aaron p lol, I live in a small town and it’s exactly the same unless we venture into London or Cambridge really ? @Gneh Onebar You got it? nothing “wrong” with alcohol, drink it and you’ll still get drunk, but It’ll still effect your health etc.
  21. @Leo Gura Fuck me, $20 a drink, tabs of acid round here cost like £10, that's ridiculous prices. Yeah it is terrible for you and hangovers are the worst. However, its also enjoyable from time to time when with friends, but looking at any middle aged Beer/ Cider drinker is enough to put me off from becoming a regular drinker It would be 10x harder to lose weight, optimise your health and your life etc if your drinking every night as many adults do.
  22. @Gneh Onebar Yes, I'm 90% sure it's being tested for use in therapy particularly in PTSD, which makes sense. Yes, it is incredibly therapeutic, especially with close friends, partners etc, I've never done it solo so can't say, however it tends to make people incredibly social and active, hence its use in rave and dance music settings. The comedowns tend to come from overuse either too frequent or too high a dosage, shitty product, lack of sleep (Raves tend to go on until 6am at least), lack of nutrition the day after etc. Let's just say raving isn't good for your body, so add heavy dosages of drugs on top of that and it's easy to see why comedowns are common. I think studies have shown once every 3 months can prevent you ever doing permanent damage, but raves are weekly and people always think they're special and it won't affect them, I think https://rollsafe.org/ states at VERY MOST once a month/ 5 weeks. In case people read this and are interested in trying MDMA please please please read this website and take precaution when doing so, and of course do your own research: https://rollsafe.org/
  23. @Gneh Onebar yeah mate MDMA, or pills which usually contains loads of other shit unfortunately. Problem is with 16-20 year olds is responsibility and being sensible, and of course our brains aren’t developed fully at that age increasing the risk further.
  24. @Leo Gura out of interest, how comes? mainly for health reasons? If you’re doing PU regularly it would seriously hamper life if you’re out drinking most nights so I get that completely.
  25. @Leo Gura Yeah I agree, I mean you can tell a lot of Ravers are very different from 'normal' party animals, the focus is often on MD and LSD, but insights are usually drawn from a Green perspective, however, as you say these insights can still have dramatic effects on people and make them investigate deeper potentially. The experience of Love on MD even while at a rave is out of this world, issue is a lot of 17-20 year olds get hooked because it's like 100x better than getting drunk so often end up fucking their brains up, or moving to other Drugs to chase a high, sadly, often Cocaine as it's something you can do more regularly without a Psychological comedown supposedly. And, about moving down it's so true. I can think of so many people I had deep chats with at raves about all sorts, including this sort of stuff, yet now they're like a completely normal person with a typical job, lifestyle and way of living and have just gone back to alcohol or whatever. Oh well, everything is perfect as it is and that's what they need right now Did you ever use to party in your younger/ Pick up years? As much as it can be detrimental as you always say about balance it can be fun and enjoyable of course, but so many people my age just get hooked at College/ Uni or even younger.