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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @Michael569 Thank you! I couldn't remember the name of that website for ages.
  2. @Cocolove I'm sharing as when I went vegan at 15 I kinda fell for the thought that anything Vegan= Healthier lol. Now, I'm not so naive and to thrive on a Plant-Based diet long term, there's a lot of steps we need to take. I agree, D3 is easy to get, and I'd just take B12 to be on the safe side, the only time I felt shit on a Vegan diet was when I wasn't properly supplementing B12- Tired, minor depression, lethargic etc etc, since taking it felt amazing. A Good 'Vegan Multivitamin' should have you covered on all of them mate, actually just checked mine doesn't have Vitamin A, unfortunately. Oh, and if you're into Holistic health and fitness (I'd say he's SD Yellow) check out Ben Greenfield, simple shit like Intermittent Fasting, Low level of activity, L-Theanine in my Coffee among other things is really helping me burn fat effortlessly on this cut.
  3. Yep, maybe at first. But the 'highest' Samadhi is that in the presence of objects, essentially when your 'Awareness' and everything else 'Fuses' in a bang, then this very world as it is becomes The Buddha Planet, Heaven or whatever you want to call it. When you realize The Sefl is literally ALL there is, duality/ Non-Duality cease to be seen as separate, they are literally the same thing. Think of Non-Duality as Medicine for Duality, but once you're better again (Self Realized/ Fully Awake) you wouldn't keep taking the medicine would you? The Buddha's parable of the raft is all about this. I'm going to make a separate post about this soon, as I know as seekers it's easy to often wonder, well what do you do once you're 'Enlightened'? You invest so much time into this with reading, watching, practicing etc, when you finally 'arrive' it can leave a hole in your schedule that nobody really talks about. Simply put, You live your life, but you live your life with this understanding and your awakenings at the forefront of everything you do. If you've ever seen the 10th Ox in Zen that picture explains it pretty well- 'Returning to the marketplace (life) with angels under his feet.' (slight paraphrase!)
  4. Think it's called 'FitList' for tracking exercise, if you want to just track Weight increases on lifts. My Fitness Pal does a pretty good job of tracking calories and whatnot. In terms of something that shows workout development, I'm not sure maybe someone else can help. What's your goals with health and fitness, that might help us help you more?
  5. @Inliytened1 Well said as per. Awakening to love is a beautiful experience, and yet love can be ever deepened.
  6. @purerogue that’s kind of my point, I don’t know any teachers who are Fruitarians for one, I’m not saying it can’t help heal the body, but saying it’s the be diet for every single human on the planet and it’s a golden key to enlightenment seems very extreme. like I said not saying it can’t work, just seems the claims are quite extreme here. @Marek
  7. Hey, just thought I'd make a quick post on conspiracies as I see a lot of people using them as a reason to basically do fuck all in life, and kind of use it as a faux spirituality. Before I start though I'd like to say some are clearly incredibly well researched and have elements if not complete truth to them. Channels like David Icke and Shaun Atwood go into great detail on various things like elite Pedophilia, war on drugs corruption, 9/11 etc but then always take what these people say with a pinch of salt. Icke is known for saying he thinks the world is run by shape-shifting Lizards. The most recent one I've heard is the Vegan agenda to depopulate the Earth with a Vegan diet due to all the anti-nutrients in plants and that Gyms might be a conspiracy to kill us quicker... In terms of truth to this, Big Corps are trying to hop on the Vegan trend with LOTS of processed SHIT basically, here in the UK McDonalds, KFC, Subway are all getting involved, but I mean processed vegan shit is just as bad as a lot of processed 'normal' foods so I see the concern there. And, with Gyms of course if you overtrain, inject steroids and eat nothing but protein shakes then yeah you're likely to increase your risk of mortality. I just thought I'd mention these from a 'Truth seeker' on FaceBook I used to be friends with, like I said not saying all conspiracy theories are wrong, they are very interesting to explore and think critically about, however, can often make you feel ridiculously negative about the world, become a distraction and prevent you from taking any action in your own life. I know as I used to be heavy into this stuff a couple of years ago, of course think for yourself and investigate these things and do your own research on everything you are told, that's one of the greatest joys of awakening, being able to actually think for yourself, and not giving away your power to anyone. Thought It's be cool to post the most cray conspiracies of 'NWO Agendas!' you have seen before. One of mine is definitely a guy saying that Gym use and that kind of exercise is probably unnatural and not healthy, to me that just seems like an excuse not to work out.
  8. @herghly care to Elaborate?
  9. @Aquarius well said, artists at all stages can be amazing. Another example is UK comedian Ricky Gervias, a clear stage orange/green atheist, materialist but also has a big thing for human rights. just because he’s not some enlightened guru doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate his art, same for all artists/ creators! That’s the joy of life!
  10. @Marek never said it can’t help with your practices and journey, of course it can. all I’m saying is it’s very clear you don’t HAVE to eat a certain way to awaken, I’m I’m not saying certain lifestyles wont effect us in different ways. awakened or not, eat a load of junk and drink soda all day and you’ll probably get fat and of course that won’t feel great in your body. does it mean you can’t be overweight and awakened? Of course not, there’s plenty of overweight enlightened beings. not every fruitarian is fully awakened, and not every self realised being is fruitarian. can it help some people? Of course it can. If you add any form of “rules” to awakening, you still have a long way to go. don’t get me wrong, I want as many people to go vegan as possible to see an end to factory farming and animal abuse but I’m also realistic and this won’t happen for hundreds of years if ever I doubt, and then meat will just be sold on the black market. Also, if you add in Raw, that’ll put many people off- can’t go out to eat hardly, even more awkward to cook for etc, as Leo said you have to think about more than just pure health sometimes. I’m glad that Raw is working for you and on your awakening journey
  11. Good to see a Plant Based diet is working for you, been vegan almost 5 years but not raw, and don't see myself going raw anytime soon really (sorry) Veganism cleared up 90% of my acne, made me feel 100x healthier and overall has been amazing. Now it's more I don't see why we need to slaughter animals for food and the horrors of factory farming, I doubt I'll ever eat meat again. All I'm going to say is you can awaken on any diet, while raw vegan may make your body feel better, awakening doesn't really have much to do with diet. Most teachers aren't even vegetarian, and awakening is the realization you are Natural Pure Awareness/ The Self/ The Absolute, and then living as that. Of course a lot more goes into awakening than that.But it doesn't take eating only fruit to say THIS IS IT, right here, right now. I often feel a lot of people use veganism and other 'spiritual' things to act superior and build a spiritual ego around, I'm not saying these things can't be useful on your journey, but that's just what I've observed being in the community for almost 5 years. However, if a raw diet is working for you that's great, but that doesn't mean it's ideal for everyone, everyone's bodies and goals are different. I would say there's many things that would help 'raise people's consciousness' than going Raw Vegan, such as working 1-1 with a teacher, trnasmissions, meditation retreats, Psychedelics, a proper meditation/ Self inquiry or any other practice etc etc I would say always do a LOT of research before taking up a diet. And just to play devils advocate (It's good to look at both sides of an argument) here's some videos (by vegan nutritionists) that don't promote a raw diet: Gojiman had major gut issues, I can't remember exactly what but I think it was a reaction to antibiotics. Also, a lot of the 'Ex-Vegans' from last year were Raw if I remember correctly. However, proper forms of fasting are amazing and I LOVE fasting, it isn't appreciated enough over here in the west! Also, in terms of a warning...
  12. Full acceptance and self love is the practices I would suggest, but it isn't always easy especially when there's a lot of self hatred and repression in the shadow. Also, it sounds like you may be in the stage of spirituality where you don't know yourself. This is surprisingly often a really good sign, as you're questioning who you are, it's not easy though, and the answer will only ever be found in the silence, here and now. Keep going until there is no doubt, and the absolute peace and happiness shine through your being. However, always remember, no matter how awakened you become you're still always the absolute having a human experience, with a human personality and human desires. Therefore, your sexuality is something you certainly need to fully accept and embrace, we are all The Self, yet on a human level there is nobody who will ever be exactly like us. The great paradox of awakening I'd recommend watching the show Sex Education on Netflix, there's a character Eric, who is gay but his family know but don't want to admit it in season 1 if you get me? He's also black, so I feel his dad thinks it will make it even harder for him if he is gay. It's a really moving story of struggling (his family is Christian) to accept himself for who he is, so actually going through a deep stage of repression, before fully expressing himself at the end of S1. It's also a great show in general covering lots of issues, Panseuxlaity is also covered in S2. I'm paraphrasing but Eric says something along the lines of 'It took me a long time to love myself, and I can't risk losing that again and being with someone who clearly doesn't accept or love themself, I'm sorry.' Like I said, great show and you might be able to relate to many of the issues presented
  13. Hey, not sure if there are many people in here who are active investors, but thought it was worth a post anyway! I'm only 20 and quite new to investing, my goals are to create long term financial freedom and generate long term wealth through investing. (I already have a business, hence looking to invest) However, I don't really want to just invest in the S&P 500 or FTSE 100 as a lot of those companies are quite shitty, and not things I support. However, things like Vanguard LifeStrategy funds are extremely convenient annoyingly! I was wondering how you guys are investing to build long term wealth and grow your money, I'm lucky to be quite young and want to start taking advantage of Compound interest. I currently reinvest most of my excess money back into my business, but feel this year I will start to diversify where I invest my money. Was wondering if anyone here has experience with Stock Market Investing, Real Estate Investing, Crypto, REITs, any Funds you recommend, ways to invest into new businesses start-ups etc, or any other form of investing you do (alternative methods such as eToro, Trading, Marijuana Stocks etc are always welcome) Thought it would be good to start a negotiation on this, easy to neglect finances and business when you get into Enlightenment work and awakening, and while money will never make you happy, you certainly need it in today's society. Also, not looking for political debates or economic model debates. Everyone knows there are clear flaws with capitalism, however, I'm more looking for a way to invest in businesses that are helping humanity, and ways to of course build wealth through investing. As a little background, I got into the F.I.R.E movement a couple years ago (while I was at school lol) so know some basic terms such as Index Funds, Mutual Funds, and a little about Passive investing, active investing, but don't have great knowledge. Very little knowledge on real estate, know a few people who have small rental property businesses, was also thinking Holiday homes could be a great investment with the growth of sites like Air BnB and how you can earn far more in terms of 'rent.' Looking to learn and understand from current investors!
  14. @Dumuzzi Hey man, here just some points from reading what you wrote. Firstly, you're treating spirituality as another religion, saying things have you read the Bhagavad Gita, as if that is the only way to practice spirituality, and that just because lots of cultures and traditions like Buddhism and Tantra promote celibacy means it's best. For one, you're not at all taking in any sort of context of these societies and or traditions. Eastern culture is VERY religious and traditional, you could argue a very Stage Blue society in terms of SD stages, just because people have awakened does that mean they are psychologically developed. A lot of Zen monasteries are very stage Blue kind of places as an example. The Buddha didn't want Women becoming Monks at first is another example. These cultures that advocate no sex before marriage tend to be these sort of cultures, very traditionalist kind of places, this often causes a repression of Sex into the shadow which creates a fuck load more issues than PUA, I mean everyone's heard multiple stories of Priests (meant to be ultra religious) raping and molesting young children (usually boys in the leaked stories) and where do you think that comes from? Repression of sex into the shadow, in a forced manner that eventually is expressed in the most disgusting of ways imaginable. These are meant to be 'Holy Men' yet are comitting the most vile of acts? Something isn't adding up there to me. Same for Buddhist monks as well, forced celibacy does way more harm than good not only in society, but in an individual as well. https://www.washingtonpost.com/gdpr-consent/?destination=%2fnational%2fon-faith%2fbhtuans-buddhist-monks-accused-of-sexually-molesting-boys%2f2013%2f06%2f20%2fe6f16268-d9e9-11e2-b418-9dfa095e125d_story.html%3f https://www.thedailybeast.com/ihttps://www.nytimes.com/topic/organization/roman-catholic-church-sex-abuse-casesnside-tibetan-buddhisms-rape-and-abuse-scandal https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/08/top-chinese-buddhist-monk-accused-coercing-nuns-sex-fired-180830140710906.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-44209971 The way you're talking about sounds quite dogmatic to me, as if Celibacy is superior to having Sex on a spiritual path, which isn't true at all. To me it also shows you haven't had any/many awakenings, or are still viewings teachings as Dogma, instead of the finger pointing to the moon. Now I'm not saying everyone should go fuck everyone in sight, instead I'm saying people should express their sexuality in a way that feels natural to them (of course consensual and with people over the age of consent) for the majority that will mean in a monogamous relationship, for some that may mean lots of casual flings and for others having multiple partners, and for others (i.e. Ramana Maharshi) NATURAL Celibacy where they have decided, by themselves, they don't want to participate in sex or have sexual relationships, but from their own choice, not from some scripture written on a bit of paper. True awakenings will show you complete freedom, and how all teachings and all concepts are just that CONCEPTS that need to be dropped, same as morals, values and ethics. Yes, for the majority of the population they are needed (all you need to do is watch the Purge to see why) however, with deep awakenings you see morals are also just concepts, and abiding as The Self, needs no sort of moral compass as the Peace, Love and Happiness inherent in The Self is enough. In terms of the PUA community, like anything else, it has MAJOR issues and flaws. Most of this comes from it being used in a predominately Stage Orange world which objectifies women and sees them as a number on their lay count instead of a human being and seeing them as their very own Self. However, this doesn't mean people should 'wait until marriage for spiritual purification reasons' or because Tantra said so (The Tantric path is actually very life-enhancing at is's core, another post for another day though) but means PU needs to evolve to become more conscious and loving just like most things. You can gain a LOT of social, seduction, sexual and relationship skills from good PU believe it or not, but most PUA's are operating from a typical Orange mindset, so it's about taking the teachings and using them consciously and evolving them. The first Enlightened PUA& Dating/ Relationship coach will be revolutionary and very interesting to see. Oh, and in terms of Spirituality, having an orgasm doesn't mean you can't become enlightened lol, sure some practices as you said can involve harnessing sexual energy, but that doesn't mean you HAVE to, I always say go with what you are guided towards and feels natural to you, but don't make out it's the only path. I'm big on working 1-1 with a teacher and RASA but doesn't mean I don't see that Psychedelics, Meditation retreats, etc etc all can work as well, just like being a monk can help awaken you and is the path for some people. Also, have some Deep awakenings, I'm sure you'll drop a lot of your judgement towards sexuality Of course it evolves with this understanding like everything else in your Life post-awakening. I do just feel the whole 'Sex Before Marriage' argument is very Stage Blue and often leads to repression of sexuality. Lastly, here's a video from Rupert Spira (someone I hold in the highest regard, I.E. 'Fully Awake') and he explains this topic very well!
  15. @Average Investor Yeah my main focus is my businesses, however, I definitely want to look elsewhere and diversify. What kind of coins do you invest in, smaller coins or do you hold BitCoin? My only knowledge of Crypto was when BitConnect was around looool, and people were thinking they were going to become millionaires in 6 months of a 1k investment, it was ridiculous, but I defo agree with businesses, it should always be your primary investment I believe! @Nahm Thank you man, in terms of Stocks here in he UK we have Vanguard life strategy funds, which is something simple I might look into as we get a 'ISA' which allows us to invest 20k a year tax-free and it's always rising, especially under our Conservative (Republican) government lol, guess not progressing to stage green has some benefits! @Sombra Bro that was insanely helpful thank you so much! I'll explain my current situation, I have multiple online businesses currently, and as I said I am reinvesting heavily back into these and probably will most of this year, I know some people in this industry making $1m/ year, however, these are established figures in the space, me and my mate have a 50/50 split in this particular industry and have a 3-year contract with our coach and hope to scale to 50k/ Month within these 3 years and then may look to sell or just use it as cash flow, hence why I'm getting started early looking at other investments. I've also got my own Online Business, and work with friends and family on profit-sharing deals, so I'm really hoping to blow up my income this year, so yeah my first investments will always be my businesses as that's where you'll always see the biggest ROIs imo. However, as the year goes on I want to start looking into stocks, especially through my ISA as I mentioned, I also know a couple traders and may look into eToro with a % of my investment budget. Real Estate is certainly a long term goal of mine and many I speak to in my industry, UK market is very inflated atm, but as you said Rental Properties are an amazing relationship and I know a UK property investor who could really help me out, have you ever looked into Air BnB/ Holiday Home Investing, as there's a 6-month window usually you can rent properties for like $1k/ week, and of course these properties are ridiculously cheap compared to UK/US. I'd love to talk more about your business via PM as I get you won't want to speak about it publicly. I'm also quite lucky that I live with my parents, so expenses are quite minimal and in terms of outgoings it's just luxuries and running a car basically, so can definitely live frugally. Agree with the last part, that's why I didn't follow the typical university-office Job path, and pursued online business, freedom to me is the most important thing, having a 9-5 job you despise seems like hell. Oh, and lastly, in terms of skills the main transferable ones I have from my current business is Copywriting and Running Ads, are their particular skills you'd recommend? I love Copywriting and Running Ads, and most other parts of my business I've outsourced, or am actively looking to.
  16. @Nahm in terms of mutual funds, do you hire a fund manager or manage your own portfolio? and I agree, rental property seems like the safest bet, but I mean I’m 20 and can take risks so Air BnBs (if you can find a good manager and systemise it) makes a lot of sense atm, like random example but I’m going on holiday to Croatia with my Gfs family and it’s a 3 bed Villa renting for 2k+ a week, I’m not sure it would cost much more than 500k as then sort of places are ridiculously cheap. if you don’t mind me asking what’s your goals with your investing? I know you have a family so is it just to be able to live and retire comfortably? Im just gonna be honest and mine is to have complete financial freedom and abundance which requires a 7 figure sum really, especially since the 4% rule (withdrawal rate) probably wouldn’t even work for me as I’m so young, but I wouldn’t retire anyways as I loveeeee business and work. house hacking (what you’ve done) is defo something I want to look into, Graham Stephen on YouTube is big in this, defo something I’ll look into when I get on the property ladder. Defo would love to chat more aboht this and other stuff via PM. @Raptorsin7 will check it in the morning man, and yes @Sombra please message, are you the secret millionaire on here ?
  17. @Scholar second this, if any of you guys haven’t check out “GojiMan” on YouTube. He offers these kind of Gut biome tests and I’m not saying people should get them or anything. however, he’s actually a qualified nutritionist unlike most of the people on YouTube dishing out advice (including vegans) and done a load of videos on the trend of “Ex Vegan” YouTubers last year, it was pretty obvios most of them had underlying issues, including Gut, and a plant based diet covered it up for a while, then they turned to Fish and Eggs etc which again masked the problem. He also has case studies of people that had and cured Gut issues on a vegan diet, without going back to meat and fish etc, hes honestly a great YouTuber, and isn’t just basing his findings of anecdotal evidence. Theres sooooo many people giving out advice nowadays, I have no problem with people making a cookbook or something like that for a certain diet, but it’s the raw vegans or carnivores who make out their advice is the only right advice and give advice to young impressionable audiences who will believe every move, many people don’t think for themselves as we know. I was only 15 when I first went vegan and almost got caught in a vegan “fad” myself, as I was very impressionable, so whoever you guys trust do your research. oh and the debate on Joe Rogans channel with him, another guy and the creator of the documentary Game Changers is very insightful, if a bit too much mud slingy.
  18. @Pallero well said, I see this so much on here, people trying to run a marathon before they can even walk round the block. The basics are and always will be important, enlightened or not, you’re still going to abide as the self, Through this human vessel.
  19. Are you going to start a YouTube channel and streaming alongside at the same time? Or just blog first?
  20. @Javfly33 Be careful not to spiritual bypass here. Even post-awakening you'll still have feelings and thoughts. If you feel sad about your ex, you should definitely feel that sadness and face it head-on, open yourself up and allow yourself to feel sad, feelings are natural and normal. Don't just wash over any 'negative' emotions you have with a veneer of Non-Duality, that's just another avoidance strategy.
  21. @Aaron p You don't necessarily need hours upon hours of practices, you might but if you believe you have to work hard and seek forever, you could end up pushing yourself further away from the truth. The truth is always right here, right now. This is it. Not 100 hours in the future once you've done your due diligence of self-inquiry & other practices. Now, I'm not saying these practices aren't incredibly useful, however, if you believe you have to do it for months on end, that will be true for you. Sure, even post-awakening there's integration work to be done, however, I think it's dangerous suggesting you'll only find the truth after hundreds of hours of work when reality is only ever right here and right now. Enlightenment isn't some future attainment, it's always right here, right now. As I said, I'm not suggesting to stop self Inquiry or anything else, it's an amazing practice, but what you've said sounds like it's coming from a hardcore seeker that believes they must struggle their way to the truth, I also used to think that, but if anything it hindered progress, as I believed it would always come after the next book, the next video, the next meditation session, the next trip etc etc. Always Now, Always Here. This Is It.
  22. @Leo Gura Basically you're far past that 'bridge' kind of spirituality that Eckhart Tolle teaches, and even that is radical and had a lot of backlash when he went on Oprah and mainstream US TV, imagine a Psychonaught going on there discussing 5 MEO, Consciousness, Awakening and Spiral Dynamics loooool
  23. @Chumbimba Psychology can be practical and useful but takes a lot of yeard to get a PhD really as that's where you can truly have an effect.
  24. Only @Leo Gura can answer that question really, be interesting to hear his 'day to day' experience after all these trips.
  25. An incredibly interesting video that I'm sure everyone here will want to watch. Dr. RW is a UK based doctor who left her 'normal' therapy career in the NHS to research psychedelics, people are finally starting to see these as healing compounds not harmful Drugs.