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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @Michael569 yeah I get you o feel he’s developed a lot recently. He speaks a fair amount about Purpose, meditation, Yoga etc being the true source of happiness and doing all this longevity stuff to help enable a great life etc, I’d place him at Yellow I feel, he has a amazing holistic understanding of health and fitness and a decent one of life. like you said I feel he has a shadow and lacks real mystical experience to take him into turquoise though from an SD standpoint. i also feel “extremists” like him are great for the rest of us as they do all the hard work and testing and we can decipher the essentials and easiest ones to apply. Like I’m personally not going to go and buy ridiculously expensive supplements, but will buy blue light blocking glasses to protect my eyes and a water filter for example? hope that made sense.
  2. @Hansu you know your own body man, fasting isn’t for everyone. But I wasn’t suggesting OMAD that can be incredible difficult to get 2k+ calories and aLl required nutrients in one sitting, I was also more suggesting it from an overall health and longevity standpoint, good luck man ??
  3. Snacks are great but I’d warn against the habit of constant snacking, and recommend looking into Intermittent Fasting. Bodybuilding/ Typical nutrition and the whole 6 meals a day gym bro science is complete BS 2-3 meals a day without frequent snacking is more than enough and becomes effortless after a while. Your digestive system needs a break! it also doesn’t boost your metabolism at all... This way you can also fully indulge when you do eat and won’t feel the need to snack! https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/fat-loss-articles/snacking-metabolism/ https://www.greenmoxie.com/the-hidden-dangers-of-snacking/
  4. @Deezeetho oh so you’re from the UK? and yes, HUGE Liverpool fan, and this is the first time in my life we’ve actually been unreal, so that’s great And, yeah I have discussions with people all the time and try to see all points of view, like I don’t believe the left have all the answers, and personally wish both sides worked together, everything is so divisive in politics, it’s easy to see why more conscious people don’t get involved with it. I just personally see Corbyn (yes he has HUGE flaws) as far more conscious than say Boris and more spirally developed, I also feel to evolve to stage green we need a more “left” approach before ideally the transition to a Hybrid approach, I guess you haven’t watched Leo’s series but I highly recommend it mate. Personally see Brexit as a slightly nationalist movement and stage blue in terms of SD, but again I see why people wanted it and understand why it happened, the EU is far from perfect ? And, PD and spirituality is amazing, imagine we actually learned about important shit in school?
  5. Hey, posted a link to the conscious politics series in a 'debate communism' thread on Reddit (bad idea lol) and some people actually were up for a discussion, although as @Leo Gura has pointed out MANY times people are VERYYYYY ideological regarding their political view, I received a response that I didn't really know how to respond to. If anyone here could help, it's more learning how to actually critique Marxism but not from a typical CAPITALISM RULES standpoint, but more why it isn't the ultimate system/ end goal, and how systems can develop beyond it. Obviously these people have very little SD understanding and no mystical experiences/ awakenings by the looks of things. If you could answer @Leo Gura or anyone else here Here's the comment- It seems like Social-democracy made by a Love Guru and can, to a Marxist, be immediately ignored as it offers the point that the individual sparks change in themselves and the collective - that is, humanity - follows the leader which, to a dialectical materialist, must be immediately ignored. Humans didn't decide they hated Tribalism, the human population, technology, and the tribes themselves expanded to a point where such local autonomy was not only inefficient it was dangerous as a more centralized, foreign model would find ease in picking off minor localities before a greater force might stop them; and that is simply an example for one reason tribalism evolved into feudalism in the present-day United States, for example, they did not switch to capitalism because the population decided it was meant to be, rather, the colonizers decided it was for them to deem. Humans didn't decide they hated Feudalism, as borders widened it became obvious that if one wished to gain full advantage over colonial provinces and trade - Mercantilism - than you'd find it in your best interest to remove Vassals who, likely due to placement in their sovereign's lands alone, are taking a large portion of income that 'should' be yours and only giving you a small slice of that portion - if, however, you were to make a more...bureaucratic complex to handle the governance of your territories, a thing done with greater ease as transportation of resources and information becomes more advanced, then the only segment of your earnings you'd have to give away would be to your wage-workers - thus, Mercantile-capitalism was born. This goes on and on but the pattern remains clear, the world changed and policies that were once the most methodical had simply become ineffective and so they were changed to couple with the advancement of mankind; nowhere was there, or will be, a great 'awakening' of man in which we collectively decide that we've had enough of our government and move on to a society built on 'Love'. Humans don't change their societies do; organizing an ideology on the basis of getting people to open up their chakras or some shit is empirically illogical, theoretically unsound, and lacking a scientific basis. P.S. I got my information from this video's top comment, not the one you linked, is this the right one, or does it completely misrepresent your thoughts or the guy's thoughts on the matter.
  6. @Deezeetho Spirituality really, started with Eckhart Tolle, then Rupert Spira and then Ananda and Ramaji. Always watched Leo's videos really, my favorites of his are Spiral Dynamics and Conscious Politics. However, irl hardly anyone wants to talk about absolute reality and awakening lol. I also used to lurk a lot here pre awakening, didn't want to be another member of the blind leading the blind. I have many Conservative (UK) friends as I play Cricket which is quite a Tory sport really, there's elements of truth in every POV, like I know the left can be just as bad as the right and vice versa. All you need is to go on to hardcore left wing twitter to see that
  7. @Michael569 Yeah I agree mate. Although, I feel there's many key things we can do to maximize chances of longevity and keeping the basics in check. Such as: regular exercise, whole foods, calorie restriction (fasting), sauna, happiness, socializing, having fun and basically just enjoying life. To me the 'purpose' of life (relatively of course) is to enjoy oneself, be happy and enjoy life. Of course that's simplified and can go wayyy deeper but what's life without happiness and fun? I definitely agree with you mate, getting too anal about this can turn it into another source of stress. You looked into much of Ben Greenfield's stuff?
  8. Just out of curiosity how comes you're here then? It's basically the complete opposite of what Actualied.org is about, I'm not hating at all, I'm just wondering what attracted you to Leo?
  9. @fridjonk Yeah, Dinner to dinner fasts can be amazing, I'm going to implement them monthly, research suggests doing these once a month is all that is needed. Here's the videos I watched on it. Here's a longer podcast and Guide on fasting: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/nutrition-podcasts/does-coffee-break-fast/ https://fastingdecoded.org/ Personally only really drink Black Coffee, Green Tea and Water during fasts, don't take any supplements or Aminos, but this is just 16:8, not for extended 24-48 hours, or 3-5 days, I'm quite lean so probably won't do 3-5 days until I'm older but will be implementing 24 hours monthly for Autophagy.
  10. @Michael569 Ahh so the development into stage Orange basically? I feel there are the concepts we can implement but it is hard to live completely like these in a westernised society, cutting out fast food and processed shit is even difficult, when SOO much stuff is processed these days. Things like air filters and water purifiers can help with the air and water. What can be done to increase longevity in a society like this then? I feel as we evolve their will be a bigger emphasis on longevity and holistic health. But right now, there's much more pressing issues for large governments
  11. @Husseinisdoingfine Full Awakening= Embrace of Duality as the Buddha Planet. You will not be above human and grow wings and go chill with Moses and the other angels. You will still have a human experience, and like Leo said if you want to survive, engage in survival, politics is a part of that. I get what you mean though, so much of politics is just mudslinging and very divisive, I would say focus on your awakening if you aren't awake, of course if you're in the US there's no harm educating yourself, but the most important part of this work is awakening and PD, if you currently are a hardcore seeker and have lots of PD to do, I'd focus on that predominantly.
  12. @acidgoofy Was just an example, but I remember back when I was doing it I thought me and my mates were fine and nothing bad would ever happen, everyone does really. Yes this from an 'anti-drugs' website, but pre 25 drug use is dangerous in terms of brain development, and I know all the psychonaughts will hate me for saying it, but it's really put me off, if you're abusing this stuff before 25 you don't really know the long term effects it could have on your brain. It's always good to look at both sides. And, this is from someone who at 17 was parroting the whole 'MDMA is safer than Alcohol' message from Professor David Nutt. Which it is when used properly, tested for safety and at the correct dosage. This thread made me realize that rarely happens with people our age. @Aaron p I know you're joking it's just the guy is having 700ug trips, it seems the best advice for him is a break, not too add more psychologically addictive drugs in the mix, if he gets up to levels like that say .5+ with MD and isn't having the 3 months breaks that could be far more dangerous. I know I sound like a fucking old anti-drugs teacher, but I'm not at all, they are amazing tools, but can also be really dangerous when done wrong, that's all.
  13. @fridjonk Ni I haven't although I've seen some 'exposed' articles and videos about him similar to Durianrider and Freelee if you've heard of them. Apparently in arguments he uses his own self funded research studies lol, and recommends a blanket amount of calories no matter someone's weight etc?
  14. @Aaron p I know it's probably a joke man, but be careful mixing drugs. Ever since I've seen someone have a seizure mixing Ketamine and MDMA it's really made me realize the potency of some of these substances and how dangerous they can be. This was at a rave, and a high amount was taken, but if he's already taking 700ug's of acid, mix that with MD and that could cause issues. I know you're getting into Psyches, so just be careful man
  15. @Deezeetho While when simplified weight loss can be simplified to move more, eat less, be careful not to make it as simple as that. Each person is unique and there is a number of factors effecting weight loss. https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/fat-loss-articles/reasons-you-cant-lose-weight/ https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/podcast/fat-loss-podcasts/how-to-lose-weight/ Things like Stress/ Cortisol spikes, sleep deprivation, frequent snacking, not moving enough (I don't mean just 1 killer workout a day), chronic cardio, Hormones, deficiencies and thyroid etc. There's solutions to most of these but the common belief that Fat people just eat too much and don't exercise (while very often a big part of the porblem) don't always tell the full story. This way of life for the long term could cause inflammation and hormonal issues for example.
  16. lol, this must be a joke? even 'healthy' food from fast food joints is pretty much complete processed shit, look at all these Vegan options- processed shit still.
  17. @Apparition of Jack Yep, Green is like a bleeding heart, they protest without actually coming up for solutions. But, we need protest at this time as the majority are so oblivious to what's going on, someone has to point it out. But it takes development to tier 2 t actually start to think about progressive and long term systematic solutions to the issues we face, therefore, personal growth is essential to our development as a society. Imagine if more Green/Yellow people were in our mainstream political debates, and on our TV's and Movies instead of what we see now- it's slowly changing...
  18. Thank you Leo! This is an awesome response, the kind of thing I was hoping for. Marxist's are ridiculously idealistic but don't believe they are, which is the funny thing. Like you said they are all materialists, and this limits their growth hugely! I was most shocked they diminished individual growth which seems ridiculous to me, basically saying is responsible for individuals growth is a quite frankly stupid way to look at the world, without individuals growth society would never develop lol. Yep, it's a shame modern politics is SO divisive but you kind of have to be in today's society, it's like in soap operas you need ridiculously petty ridiculous drama as that's what appeals to the masses instead of an amazing story. Imagine if we all worked together...sounding a bit like John Lennon now It's kind of like they see the issues in Capitalism but fail to see that communism isn't a complete answer, actually one guy on the thread kind of said that, and he was instantly downvoted, I'm not sure how hard it is to realize that abolishing private property isn't the answer to all of the world's issues. And, like you said Marxism is basically capped at Tier 1 thinking due to it's fundamental materialist stance. However, like any point of view, there are certain grains of truth to be found within it, and clearly capitalism has gotten out of hand since Marx's days, shame everyone still views his solutions as the be-all and end-all. Guess you could argue he's like a doctor that can't properly prescribe meditation, he noticed the issue the patient was having and how it would only get worse, but could never find a real long term solution, so any medicine he gave them just didn't work!
  19. @pluto Thanks for the information mate, currently not looking to go raw, but agree with the fasting although with my frame probably won't do extended fasts, will do 16/8 year-round with monthly 24 hour fasts, Raw just isn't practical for me atm. I'm 20, work lots of hours, play sport and lift weights regularly. I understand it can certainly be more healing, and will certainly look into it as I get older, just not for me right now A lot of ex-vegans don't realize they're craving nutrients not actual food, hence Fish= Omega 3s as basically none get enough EPA/ DHA, those that go carnivore seem to mask the issues they face instead of holistically fixing them. Check out this guys FB, ex-vegan conspiracy kind of guy who now believe all plants= evil and Veganism is an 'NWO starvation goal,' lol. https://www.facebook.com/tone.sayers @Michael569 Yep, if you haven't check out Ben Greenfield's stuff deeper, he has so much helpful shit it's unreal, like anyone not perfect, but am currently learning a hell of a lot from him, especially as he isn't Pro-Vegan like a lot of my other sources, feel it's always good to hear multiple points of view. To me, he seems very Yellow, even discusses importance of spirituality/ relationships, in regards to longevity and wellbeing/ happiness and often references the Blue Zones. I see you around here a lot, what kind of Diet do you currently eat?
  20. Hey guys, been getting into Ben Greenfield's content a lot recently and while he goes to extremes. I've been reading a lot on the other side of plant-based diets and how to alleviate many of the issues 'Ex-Vegans- are facing, it's not as simple as a lot of what I call 'YouTuber Nutritionists' make it out to be and since Ben follows a high fat diet, yet works with Vegans and Plant-Based athletes, it's quite an unbiased source to get info from, he himself doesn't endorse this way of eating due to his concerns with super low cholesterol, however, here's 10 things he suggests to make sure you don't suffer the majority of health issues on a Plant-Based Diet 'Eat real food. Avoid plant-based Frankenfoods such as fake meats, textured vegetable proteins and processed soy products. Soy contains digestive irritants and digestive enzyme inhibitors such as lectins, phytates and protease inhibitors. Granted, most of these problematic compounds can be rendered mostly harmless through fermenting soy and consuming it in forms such as miso, natto and tempeh – but you should avoid popular processed foods such as soy milk and tofu. Soy also contains high levels of goitrogens, which are compounds that inhibit the thyroid’s ability to utilize iodine correctly. This could lead to hypothyroid problems if you have a high soy consumption. Finally, soy contains plant estrogens in the form of isoflavones which can raise your estrogen levels and lower your testosterone levels (Barrett). So women with estrogen dominance or men and women with testosterone deficiencies shouldn't be including soy in their diet. Avoid high intake of inflammatory omega-6 vegetable oils such as soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, or margarine. Instead, use coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil or macadamia nut oil (9). At the same time, increase omega-3 fatty acid intake from algae-based DHA supplements such as EnergyBits and get some ALA from ground chia seeds, hemp seeds, or flax seeds. Supplement with vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is critical for a healthy heart and skeletal system and is notoriously deficient in a plant-based diet (27). I highly recommend a vitamin K2 supplement at about 100mcg per day, along with generous amounts of natto (which incidentally goes well with avocado, sea salt and extra virgin olive oil for a nice breakfast). Supplement with Vitamin D3. If you want to keep your bones and teeth strong, and give yourself adequate hormone and steroid precursors, I recommend 35IU of Vitamin D3 per pound of body weight (8). This could be tough if you're a strict vegan, because most supplemental vitamin D3 is derived from wool, and most vegan versions contain vitamin D2, which is a far less potent form. Garden of Life Vitamin D3 is one of the few vegan D3 brands out there. Get Vitamin A. Vitamin A is crucial for healthy bone tissue, vision and hormones, but plants only contain beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A, but at a very inefficient rate (29). You need to focus on enhancing this absorption as much as possible by eating beta-carotene rich foods with fatty meals (i.e. have your beta-carotene rich foods with olive oil or avocado), attending to any of the gut issues that you'll read about later in this book, and getting adequate iron and zinc, which help you convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A. Cooking beta-carotene rich foods also helps to increase absorption. Beta-carotene can be found in concentrated amounts in a variety of foods including sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, turnip greens, winter squash, collard greens, cilantro, fresh thyme, cantaloupe, romaine lettuce and broccoli. Properly prepare grains, legumes, or nuts. As you learned, fermentation can render soy more digestible (28). Similarly, you can neutralize many of the anti-nutrients and mineral binding compounds in grains, legumes and nuts by learning how to properly soak and (if desired) sprout and ferment them. Here is a useful soak time chart for most grains, legumes and nuts. Maximize iron absorption. Non-heme iron is the form found in plant foods, and it's less bioavailable than the heme iron in meat (21). But you can increase iron absorption from plant-based foods when you consume them in the presence of Vitamin C (similar to consuming beta-carotene rich foods with oily foods). Combined foods such as swiss chard, spinach, beet greens, lentils, beans, and quinoa with foods high in Vitamin C like tomatoes, bell peppers, lemon juice, strawberries, oranges, papaya, kiwis, pineapple, or grapefruit. You should also moderate tea or coffee consumption, since these both reduce iron absorption. Use iodine. Plant-based diets are notoriously iodine deficient (25). Sea vegetables such as nori, kelp and dulse are the best natural sources of iodine. Check out the website Main Coast Sea Vegetables, where you'll find many more iodine sources that you can easily read about or order. Also consider taking supplemental iodine, such as a daily dose of liquid iodine, at about 6mg per day. Take vitamin B12. Nearly every study conducted on vegans show much higher rates of B12 deficiency than omnivores, with elevated homocysteine as a result (homocysteine increases blood clotting and raises your risk of heart disease) (2). I recommend a highly absorbable liposomal Vitamin B12, at about 10mcg per day. Supplement with taurine. Taurine is an amino acid found only in animal foods, and it is crucial for brain development, healthy blood pressure, blood glucose stability, fighting free radicals and protecting your vision (23). Your body can indeed make its own taurine from a combination of other amino acids, but this can be very hard for vegan athletes to pull off inadequate volume (20). There are vegan taurine sources out there such as NOW Foods Vegan Taurine Powder (trust me, it's a much healthier alternative to Red Bull), and I recommend using 1 gram per day.' I had issues a couple of years ago as I didn't properly supplement B12, D3 or DHA, and was eating a lot of processed shit, I used to believe anything Vegan was healthy. It's always important to look at both sides of an argument and a guy like Ben (who isn't a complete Anti-Vegan like Carnivores and the Ex-Vegan NWO movement lol) offers helpful solutions. I thought this would help anyone looking to go plant-based for health, environmental or of course Ethical reasons. Most of it is pretty common sense- Get all the nutrients your deficient in, properly cook your food and cut the processed shit to a minimum. Have a great day everyone Here's the Whole article- https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/nutrition-articles/how-to-customize-your-diet/
  21. @Deezeetho Cool man, 5x5 is awesome, outdoor workouts are defo something to implement into anyone's routine, not a Keto fan myself but know it has worked for many
  22. Sorry for the salesy title, gotta get the practice in where I can anways, here's 5 simple tips that will help you improve your health. 1) Whole Foods Diet- This is fiarly simple, basially focus on eating Whole Foods and high quality ingredients, instead of processed and shitty foods. I'm personally Vegan but it's not about that, more about the Whole Foods themselves! If you wish to go plant based, do it, but I'm not here to push that. https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/the-whole-foods-diet#1 https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/plant-based-diet-guide 2) Filter your water and drink out of a copper bottle/ cup- Obvious why to filter your water, can be expensive so just google around some of the best recommendations for your area, in terms of Copper and water this is from Sadhguru and a number of scientists about plastics and BPA which is proving to be quite dangerous. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/221205.php https://isha.sadhguru.org/global/en/wisdom/article/treat-yourself-to-a-copper-detox 3) Gym and Cardio routine- Doesn't have to be extreme, can be as simple as a 3 Day Weight training programme and a daily walk. Gradually build it up and don't kill yourself on day 1. Most important thing is to enjoy it, if you don't enjoy the Gym for example, don't go, find something else. Personally I play Sport, Follow a Kinobody 3 Day Gym routine and then go swimming most days as I got quite unfit since leaving school as my exercise level dropped drastically. Or pick up a sport if you have one you love, whatever will help you stick to exercise, we're made to move, yet most of us sit 16 hours a day and then sleep 8, and as a result become incredibly unfit! https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/which-cardio-methods-melt-fat-the-fastest.html https://kinobody.com/pages/programs?gclid=Cj0KCQiAgKzwBRCjARIsABBbFugUpCMGqipWg2lL59uNH4S988tOqUCEsPt3ivHNMgZ87DTgOv2VmZUaAhHWEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds 4) Sauna and Steam Room- This is a new one for me, after first trying to sauna on a spa break with my Gf in November, I'm now hooked. Dr Rhonda Patrick has some great articles showing the benefits of the Sauna, and LOTS more is being done on it, the Finnish have been pushing this for years. Even more than that, it's incredible for relaxation and meditation, if you have a local leisure centre or gym, they should have some facilities like this. The big headline that caught me was Men using it 4-7 times a week (20 Mins+ each time) reduced all mortality by like 40%, of course it's one study, but still exciting results. https://www.foundmyfitness.com/topics/sauna 5) Intermittent Fasting- If you need to lose weight do this, eat only in an 8-hour window just 2-3 meals and then fast for 16 hours (including sleep of course) and losing weight becomes easy. It's difficult for a couple days, then becomes easy not eating for a few hours after you wake up. I'd also suggest giving yourself 3 hours after your last meal and sleeping, especially if you eat meat, as you want your digestive system to not be working 24/7 and while sleeping. There's lots of forms of fasting, but I haven't done many others so can't comment personally. I'd also suggest cutting out snacking, just have them with your meal, give your digestive system a rest! https://jamesclear.com/the-beginners-guide-to-intermittent-fasting https://isha.sadhguru.org/us/en/wisdom/article/how-to-eat-properly Hope these tips help you guys and please comment below your tips as I'm always looking to optimize and improve my health further and further in 2020 and beyond. Happy new year guys!
  23. Easy ones to implement- Low level physical activity through the day, so like using the Pomodoro method, in your 5 minute breaks doing pull ups, jumping jacks, burpeees etc etc, Ben Greenfield has loads on this. If you want to lose fat look at Tabatas only 4 minute cycles and really effective and intense. Intermittent fasting- Males 16 hours daily, healthy women 12 hours really Drinking only Water/ Green Tea/ Coffee+ L Theanine In terms of working out I'd recommend Kinobody's programmes, however modify them slightly, add Squats/ Deadlifts on leg days and Barbell Rows on back days sometimes. Also utilize 'Active Rest' at the gym which can be foam rolling, some form of exercises etc. Cardio- find something you enjoy, if you're looking for minimum time- HIIT is incredibly effective, as is things like sprinting, any of Cycling/ Running/ Swimming is great, but you don't need to do hours to burn fat really. Limiting TV/ Games to once you've finished work/ free time is much better idea, still can be enjoyed from time to time
  24. @pluto Okay, you do you mate. I also tried just that...ended up with a B12 deficiency. I know plenty of people do thrive on a fruitarian diet, but also a lot of Ex-Vegans were Raw. Also, not everyone in a position where they can go fully fruitarian/raw, or want to, just sharing an article I read on the matter. How long have you been eating this way? A lot of Ex-Vegans who were deficient in one thing or another seem to last 2-4 years before the problems showed up, then blamed the diet overall when they were often jumping from fad to fad. Like I said whatever works for you I'm glad mate
  25. I'm like 99% sure LSD tolerance needs 2 weeks to reset, so that could be where you're fucking yourself up, remember these are still drugs that need to be respected. be careful. Not sure if this is a troll as 700-1000 is incredibly high amounts of Acid to be taken, especially if you're not feeling anything.