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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. Been researching the Bue Zones recently, and going to purchase the full book and reading it as overall health and longevity has kind of become a huge passion of mine. For the past couple years I've really neglected anything but Weight Training, so have made it a personal goal to focus on overall health including building muscle but not solely building muscle. From Some research here's some basic things many of the Blue Zones have in common 1) No Smoking- Pretty obvious why, used to smoke a fair amount of weed when I was like 17, glad I didn't make it a daily habit like many do. Nothing needs to be said about Cigarettes, everyone already knows about that. 2) Avoid Processed Shit- Again obvious but we're bombarded with it, keep your diet basic, even store-bought salads are pretty processed these days. Whole Real Foods > 3) Wild Plants and Legumes- While most weren't strictly vegan/ Veggie, most of these areas are predominately plant-based, but properly prepare their food. Often, follow similar to a Mediterranean diet. 4) Low level physical activity through the day- This is the BIG one westerners miss, we spend so much time on our arses, and think an hour at the gym can make up for it, unfortunately, it can't. At the minimum take a break every 25 mins and do some walking, stretching, jumping jacks etc, I'm not saying cancel your Exercise routine, more make it an option. 5) Social Engagement- We are social creatures, get out there and socialise. With spirituality, it's easy to isolate ourselves, loneliness rates are only going up also, Family and Friends are a really important part of life. 6) Calorie Restriction and Fasting- Easiest way is Intermittent Fasting, give your cells a chance to regenerate and your digestion system a rest. You could say these zones eat mindfully, and not like savages. 24 Hour fasts are also amazing when done right, but be careful with these (especially Women and those suffering with ED do more research!!) 7) Life Purpose ( @Leo Gura will love this one)- Basically having a clear purpose on why you wake= living longer. Simple as that. 8) Low Stress- Pretty obvious why, Stress= Inflammation, worry etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed 9) Spirituality/ Religion- Of course most of these places are quite traditional so believe in a conventional God, in summary take care of your 'soul' I think most people here are doing that on a 'higher' level 10) Remain Reproductively Useful- Basically don't go into a nursing home and rot away, always learn new things and stay active in the community- stay 'useful' I'd say a better term is stay engaged with life. Basically, have a lot of sex, have kids and after you have kids, have more sex. The supposed oldest guy ever had 23 Wives and 200 kids lol, imagine the January credit card bill...Although this is now not proven about this guy. 11) Low Level Alcohol Consumption- The one that shocked me most too. In particular Red Wine (not processed commercial wine) usually a glass or 2 a night in these places. However, it can easily be replaced with Green Tea/ Coffee, I personally hardly drink and don't plan on starting to, except when I go out with friends (not great for longevity in that way though) These are all pretty easy to implement in our own lives, in 2020 there's also countless modern technologies and BioHacks we can add into our lives, and following Ben Greenfield has opened my eyes to these. The most practical ones I've found are: 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Basic Nutrient Intakes such as Vitamin D Regular Sauna Usage Cold Showers/ Wim Hof Breathing/ Any Breathing Techniques Blueberries, Dark Chocolate and Green Tea for the intake of activators of “sirtuins” broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts and turmeric for Nhrf2 Apple Cider Vinegar Blue Light Blocking Glasses That's just a couple but beyond that things can get quite confusing and expensive, I mean if you do most of the basics right you increase your chances of living longer by a LOT, I'm new to all this and before thought I had it all figured it out when I went vegan at 15 lol, how naive I was. Here are the main sources for this post: https://www.bluezones.com/ https://www.bluezones.com/articles/ https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/anti-aging-articles/ancestral-habits-enhanced-longevity/
  2. Because if you want to play the game of survival you need money? Awakening doesn't mean you stop living, the opposite in fact. It's when you truly start living. Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water; After enlightenment chop wood and carry water. People like to think when they awaken they will become 'above human' 'superhuman' or some other absolute BS. In fact, a true awakening is when you become more human than ever before. You realize that while you live as The Self, you still live as a unique expression of The Self as a human. And, as that human, you will have a personality, interests, likes, family, friends, a job probably etc and will be completely unique to anyone else. Awakening allows you to realize what you truly are is Natural Pure Awareness, The Absolute, God, whatever you want to call it and yes you abide as this. However, you are awareness experiencing itself as a unique human, so if you deny this you are literally denying life. If you try to become an emotionless robot who has no interests and no personality you are simply rejecting Duality. (In reality Duality and Non-Duality are literally the same thing but that's for another post) So, this whole money BS is basically people projecting that Enlightened people either are or see themselves as superior, which isn't the case, well some teachers do like to see themselves as superior. In reality, NOBODY is ever enlightened because a person can't become enlightened, and those that say they are, may well be, but are not fully Self-Realized. In reality, EVERYONE is merely The Absolute, however, 99.9% of people have no idea of this and are completely oblivious to it. You are not superior because you're awake, in fact, a true awakening is very humbling, as you realize literally everyone and everything is your very self, how could you be superior? Therefore, yes you are also still having a human experience, and unless you don't want to live in the society you will need money to function. It's also such a backward question, wouldn't you rather conscious, good people became millionaires/ billionaires by actually creating true value and weren't exploiting people, instead of the many unconscious wealthy individuals we have. The problem is a lot of awakened beings often ditch society and I don't blame them, however, it means those in power are far from awake or conscious and look what we have created. Imagine conscious people in politics, business, in normal jobs, sports, etc imagine how much better things would be. So, to answer your question after that rant, you could simply say, Awakening doesn't make me/someone special, in fact it shows how all humans are merely God/ The Absolute/ The Self, and it doesn't mean I'm no longer (Insert Name) or no longer a Human. I still have a personality and have what makes me human. However, it means I abide and operate from a place of truth and love, and from this place, I would be much more conscious in my actions and wouldn't con people out of money. Wouldn't it be better if we had, good and loving people who wanted to push humanity forward in charge of big businesses and in important positions instead of the corrupt, greedy and power-hungry people we see today?' Also, please don't demonize money on your journey, all you will do is create a shadow issue around money that will prevent you from making money and create blockages in your life. Money is simply an energy, just because those that have the most are usually quite corrupt doesn't mean money itself is evil. Money is a tool that can be used for the greatest reasons or for the worst reasons. Be conscious earning and spending money, and always be grateful for what you have, when you buy something, and when you earn money, this helps create a welcoming environment where you can become wealthy. (you'll still have to work for it, I'm not saying you can simply magic up billions) Sorry for the long post, but this is a common issue and one that affected me for a while, I thought I couldn't be spiritual and run a business, it's complete BS!
  3. YESS!!!! Adya is an amazing teacher, and is so so so right here, if a practice is useful and helpful for people then they should continue doing it. He makes the perfect comparison between the long time hardcore seeker, and the lazy seeker doing nothing and how each case is individual and unique in regards to what's best for them. I'm happy you posted something like this man as it's spot on, teachings/ practices are simply strategies and eventually all concepts and teachings need to be let go of. Then, whatever comes back after you let go is what you still need, for example I still meditate when I'm in the Sauna and in the mornings as an Enneagram 7 I'm also chasing things to do and struggle to sit still and sit with boredom and negative emotions, meditation helps ground me even post awakening. For someone else, post awakening they may have the opposite issue so a 'practice' for them would be to get their body moving, do some Yoga and Workouts or join a sports team as a 'Dynamic Meditation' if you see what I mean? We are lucky to have so many teachings available and it's about finding what is helpful and useful for us at that time
  4. Love Mic, great nutrition videos.
  5. @VeganAwake Yeah man, I'm currently reading 'How Not to Diet' by Dr Gregor, which exposes the food industry for what it is, and crafts the most 'scientific' weight loss diet possible. Also, using the daily dozen app has made me clean my diet up further- less of that fake meat and processed shit, and more whole foods! And, yes Ben Greenfield mentions hum a lot, I currently only do 16/8 and then a fortnightly 24 hour fast, which is actually starting at 3PM today (yay), I need to look more into FMD but Greenfield recommends to do it quarterly for an optimum effect. Isn't it basically 5 days at a very low level of calories to mimic water fasting without the downsides?
  6. You live in an incredible society and enjoy the highest potential of human life? If God never got bored, he wouldn't of bothered ever leaving Pure Infinite consciousness, and localizing himself. One day we will return, but I'd say focus on your own journey, finish your own seeking, then you'll realize this question doesn't need to really be answered. We're also 1000s of years away from that, if not 10000s, spirally speaking we're at Orange in developed societies, undeveloped countries are Red/Blue some even lower, so there's LOTS of work to be done!
  7. @Visionary Of course bro. I still believe areas of PD are very beneficial post-awakening, and you can 'add' in spirituality to all areas of life as I said and approach them from a more developed standpoint, perfect examples here are business/ Career and health. Health- treating your body with love and compassion and fueling it with what it needs and taking care of yourself. Business/ Career- Running a business/ Having a job that you enjoy and benefits society, not simply to make money. Basic but in a bit of a rush!
  8. @Visionary Yes of course, I wasn't meaning to present them as a distinction or a be-all solution, Awakening can have transformative areas in many areas of life BUT is not guaranteed to. For those open to it, of course, pursue it. However, it must be remembered often seeking can be difficult at times, and involves some hardships, so those who go for it need to be comitted to the work. I did mention spiritual practices such as Meditation and as you mentioned Inquiry can also help. But, most of my friends in real life would not be open-minded enough for duality, they may meditate to help reduce their anxiety, but are also opening themselves up to truth without even knowing it if you get me? PD also tends to eventually lead to some form of spirituality of spiritual practice, yes there is, in the end, no difference. However, if we can improve our diets post-awakening, why not also do that pre awakening? Everyone is unique and has their own path and what is ideal for them, won't be ideal for me or you. It's not a one size fits all approach ever. Integration is incredibly key, especially post-awakening, Rupert Spira speaks of how the awakening is only really the first step, it's then how we live this understanding in all areas of life where the fun really starts.
  9. @VeganAwake I agree about the hamster wheel comment, Rupert& Francis belong to the 'Direct Path' so that kind of tells you what it's about. Defo don't need to fed a load of BS at all, just saying practices can be effective, and often have psychological work- E.G. someone who has traumas needs to deal with these either Pre or Post Awakening, it won't just go away if you get what I mean I have great respect for all teachers, as anyone helping to awaken someone is, of course, doing amazing work! I'm all for the Direct approach hence why I love RASA, Transmissions, Direct Teachings etc as well as direct practices like Meditations, Self-Inquiry, we are very lucky compared to the old days of decade long Guru/ Disciple relationships and needing to go to India for the teachings!
  10. @VeganAwake I don't think you get it. That literally is Neo-Advaita and also quite an unhelpful and uncaring message? 'I'm extremely unhappy' 'There's nobody to be unhappy, there is no individual that's unhappy.' Yes to us, that makes sense. Still just because nobody is there, does not mean the feeling of unhappiness disappears for someone who BELIEVES in the separate self, in fact it probably only makes it worse. What would be much more beneficial would be to go to the root of the issue, experientially understand the Separate self is a fiction, and deal with it that way. (As well as many other lifestyle alterations if one has suffered from depression for a long time and it is not a 'spiritual' depression) To me, Neo-Advaitans are just very reductionist in their teachings, if it resonates with you and has helped you find an absolute sense of peace and happiness that has no cause, then great. However, for the majority of seekers, such a blanket, a simple approach will not be very beneficial and will likely do more harm than good. Anyways, different teachers and approaches resonate with different people, and I wish you nothing but peace and happiness
  11. You don't have to give up work to do this work at all, you'll likely have to evolve it though, especially if you work for a corrupt company or a company that inadvertently doesn't help people. Anyways, a large % of the population simply aren't ready for this and would benefit more from a form of Therapy/ Personal Development. The average person these days is a wage slave, overweight, has shitty relationships/ people skills, often have subtle or not so subtle addictions (alcohol, porn, phone, etc) very little knowledge on essential areas like Health, Business etc so a lot of other areas of study would be far more beneficial for their development than non-duality, in fact a LOT of people try to jump the gun on this stuff and try to fly before they can even stand up. A lot of issues can be dealt with by simply getting the 'basics' sorted out. Also, many people due to poor lifestyle and other factors have many mental problems such as depression and anxiety, a lot of these imo should be either dealt with prior to Non-Duality work sometimes even including meditation, breathwork etc or be dealt with as part of the spiritual work as they can often hinder progress. However, that being said, some of the work can be far easier post awakening, such as dealing with your shadow without an I-thought is much easier and their is much less resistance, so it's a double edged sword and quite nuanced. However, a LOT of people would benefit from more standard PD work, cleaning up their diet, a healthy exercise routine, developing people skills/ relationships, finding hobbies, developing their careers/ business/ LP and all the rest before jumping into Non-Duality and Awakening. If you're overweight with health issues pre awakening, there's a good chance you'll be overweight with health issues post awakening unless you take the required steps to fix them.
  12. I think you often think I'm then talking about separation or some form of an individual that gets enlightened, I'm really not. What I'm saying is the first glimpse of truth, The experience of No-Self is the beginning, not the end. I stated that the separate Self is an illusion, the Little me is a fiction, and all that exists is The Absolute, the 'world' is simply The Absolute, the world as we know it doesn't actually exist as anything except Presence, The Absolute or whatever you want to call it. 'To move from the belief, I am something, to the understanding that I am nothing is a path of exclusion - I am not this, not this, not this. To move from the understanding that I am nothing to the all-embracing feeling-understanding that I am everything is a path of inclusion - I am this, I am this, I am this. The first is a path of understanding, the second a path of love.' Rupert puts it well. No Self, is the path of exclusion, and not the end of the path, but the beginning. True Advaita/ Non-Duality takes us to Absolute Peace and Happiness without any cause. I like you @VeganAwake but honestly, a lot of what you say sounds very much like Neo-Advaita, 6:27 - As he says it's fine for people who are already at peace and happiness, however telling people who believe there is a Personal Entity that there is 'nothing to do' is such a shitty teaching, for starters that belief needs to rid off, there is something to do! As I said this is about the seeing through of separation and the separate entity, and the recognition of the true nature of our beings that brings this absolute peace and happiness. These teachers are speaking from the 'other side' and most listeners are not there, therefore, the teachings simply are not helpful in most cases. So, if someone is unhappy and there is nothing they can do is that just it? Does this person not deserve happiness then, as there's nothing they can do about their unhappiness? I always say the deepest teaching is that of a transmission of presence and being in the presence of awakened beings. However, when that is not possible, and even on top of that, practices are very beneficial for a number of reasons. Most of the people listening to Neo-Advaita teachers are NOT happy, are NOT at peace and have Zero/Little experiential understanding, therefore, saying there is 'nothing' one can do is literally a pointless teaching in MOST Cases. Of course, in some cases, it is the EXACT teaching they need if they've been seeking for decades and are still stuck, but as a blanket teaching, it is very unhelpful. This article by Rupert is beautiful and a great reminder for those on the path, I forget how eloquent his writing is https://non-duality.rupertspira.com/read/the_disentanglement_of_the_self
  13. @Esoteric Yep. It is perfect for westerners though, It's like seeing things- 'Lose weight without exercise and while still eating Bacon and Candy' or 'Lose Weight by moving more, eating whole foods and reducing Inflammation in your body!' what one sells more? As I said in my post there is value and elements of truth to these teachings, The Small I is a fiction, however stopping at No-Self is reductionist and part of the path of Exclusion, to me the fun really began after realizing I am Everything, I am Love, This is it etc, any form of negation no matter how subtle is a form of rejection and therefore can not be the final answer. Even Non-Duality is simply medicine for Duality. You can't eat a Non-Apple can you? Just to be clear I have great respect for these teachers and they in fact help so many people, but that doesn't mean they're perfect
  14. I'll get pushbacks for this, but to me, they say this because they only have partial awakenings, they're definitely awakened and have had awakenings but tend to get stuck at the whole 'No-Self' rap, however, they help a lot of people and that's what matters most. To me, you could say these guys are the League 2 of Spiritual Teachers, and teachers like Francis Lucille, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, Ramana Maharshi and Nisgardatta Maharaj are the Premier League. Shit analogy but can't think of a better one really. The funny thing is if they actually truly practiced Self-Inquiry they'd realize No-Self is simply not the final answer, and is in fact the I-Thought clinging onto a new Identity that very subtly rejects 'Duality.' 'There is nobody there, nothing to do' is a great teacher in certain situations and for certain people, but when used as a blanket message is hugely reductionist. That said seeing through the illusion of self is a HUGE step on the path, and one many won't take, and as I said IS a genuine awakening but stopping here is like running in an 800M race and deciding the finish line is only after 200M. Basically your selling yourself short. Once you start to teach, you also rarely develop further and 'crystalize' (Leo seems a rare exception but he's not exactly a full time touring speaker and is more focused on his own growth) Like I said all teachers are amazing in that they are trying to help people awaken and that is beautiful. But, this doesn't mean all teachers are created equal, although saying someone has had a deeper awakening is like a crime in some circles of Non-Duality. Also, saying practices aren't worthwhile is reductionist. In some cases people may benefit from dropping certain practices, as Practices in a Non-Dual sense are meant to take you into the silence and experience the truth for yourself. (Ramana literally invented Self-Inquiry for this purpose) But, practices can have other benefits for people- Meditation/ Breathwork can help with sleep, anxiety, healing etc, much of this isn't necessarily related to Non-Duality but clearly practices benefit many people. Then you also have the issue of past lives, (if you believe in past lives/ karma) you could look into these guys past lives and see decades or lifetime of spiritual practices for example to prepare them for awakening, and most would have done some form in this lifetime, they may not benefit them now but that doesn't mean they never have. For example, those who had spontaneous awakenings could have had lifetimes of practice e.g. Ramana and Eckhart Tolle, or they're just super lucky. Practices may not benefit everyone, but benefit many and help many realize the True nature of reality. Neo-Advaita is actually quite dangerous imo, when embodied as a belief system it can be very toxic and confusing, they are talking from a place of understanding but their listeners are unlikely to actually get it experientially so may go home and tell their children 'There's nobody here to take care of you anymore' etc, extreme example but we have to be careful of the ramifications these things can have. Many more developed teachers have written on the modern issue of Neo-Advaita, so I'll link some articles below. All I'll say is take what you can from these teachers, but don't become dogmatic about the message, they never really talk about Love, The Absolute, The Self etc and to me miss many facets of awakening. Also, suggesting no work needs to be done is incredibly appealing right? What would you rather do, be told there's no work to do, or actually put in the effort to grow yourself and work on your shadow. Even if there is a spontaneous awakening, there is still embodiment and shadow work to be done, which these teachers forever miss out on. The neglection of teachers like Adya and Rupert could be as realizing deeper truths would involve deep inquiry and put their current livelihoods at risk, we have to remember awakened beings aren't always free of self-bias. I personally went through this crisis as was an Eckhart Tolle addict, and realizing his teachings weren't the be-all and end all was hard for my 17 year old self to take! You could say they are at the Neti, Neti Stage (Not This, No Self, Nobody here) but have failed to embrace the path of Inclusion in that I am everything, I am love, I am The Absolute, which is a much more complete teaching. This is it, as it is right now, but not in the Neo-Advaita use of the word. I used to love Rupert Spira and read most of his books and posts, he for one wrote on this subject: https://non-duality.rupertspira.com/read/suicide_and_awakened_behaviour230 https://non-duality.rupertspira.com/watch/suffering-and-neo-advaita
  15. @ElenaO I see your points and I'll attempt to answer them 1 by 1. 1000s of studies have shown the detrimental effects of loneliness, by Social Engagement this means being part of communities, teams, families etc. Think about elderly people when they are isolated and left lonely, they tend to die faster, compared to those surrounded by family and parts of communities. Some people socialize less, but these studies follow thousands and are making conclusions based on that. And study after study shows deep meaningful relationships are very beneficial for Humans. For those on a spiritual journey, this may be different for a period of time for example, but overall, the trend seems to consistently show how important close relationshops are. This doesn't mean you have to be the centre of attention, just having several close relationships with friends, family, clubs, communities etc will go a long way. This article sums up the book quite well: https://www.bluezones.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/NationalPost2011.pdf In terms of life purpose, not necessarily. You can run a company, follow your LP etc and know how to manage your stress levels, relax, take time out etc and not expose yourself to ridiculously high stress environments like Wall Street, there are ways to work around anything. By the way, it says Purpose= Living Longer so I'm not sure your confusion. A lot of the research shows big families and having children actually helps you live longer especially later in life, or who will take care for you and help you as you age? Again, it links back to that sense of community and belonging by having a family, and in these areas families are very close as are communities. I'm also guessing it's a biological response that shows you're still 'useful' so your body still needs to work hard? I'm not sure, but regular sexual activity is usually correlated with a long and healthy life. A lot of them tie together- Sex tends to mean you have a family and a wife, which gives you meaningful relationships increasing social conections etc. I haven't read the book but it's next on my health and diet list, so when I do I'll give a book summary.
  16. This is just a post from development that I've been going through Post-Awakening regarding business and the issue of many modern businesses and society. The main issue (leo talks about this in his politics series) is that the system doesn't necessarily reward those that provide the most value and help to society, instead, it is stacked heavily towards those already at the top and who know the loopholes and system best. Now, I'm not saying all billionaires are bad people or anything like that, but a high % would've used forms of exploitation, manipulation etc to get there. I mean look at industries like Banks, Insurance, PayDay Loans etc, these aren't geared towards helping people they are solely geared towards maximizing profits at any costs, compare it to playing sports and winning at any costs- who cares if you cheat right? You can see this best in the Food industry that packs in processed shit into everything as that has the highest profit margins. You never see adds for broccoli or Chickpeas do you because there are no profits to be made. So, it's actually understandable from a basic POV that business is the issue and Capitalism is completely evil, but of course, this is also a reductionist way of looking at things. It's the way companies do business, not business itself that is inherently evil. Same with money. Another issue that arises with this is because people are so used to being scammed and conned out of money when 'spiritual' or people who genuinely want to help charge money for their products/ services, this instantly raises a red flag. Again, understandable, but in reality doesn't someone who is genuinely helping you deserve the money more than the CEO of a PayDay loan company who has destroyed families to get there? Luckily, we are starting to see many businesses evolve past this, and companies that aren't solely profit-driven are starting to arise, of course, it is MUCH harder to thrive when this is the case, hence companies don't want to do this and it is shareholders biggest nightmare. And, I'm not saying Profit isn't important in a business, of course, it is, but to put it above all else, at the expense of anything and everything is the big issue. It is merely a symptom of Stage Orange Capitalism gone WAY too far. It will take decades to even begin to see real change, however, for those of us who run/own businesses, or are even employees we can change on an individual level. We can make sure our businesses/ companies are actually having a positive effect on people, helping people and providing value in their lives. It doesn't matter if you're a musician (or any form of entertainment) or an E-Commerce seller when you actually start to focus on helping people and providing value this not only makes business more meaningful and enjoyable but actually increases the longevity of your business. Companies like Coca-Cola and McDonalds run riot now, yet in a more conscious society, who's going to want to eat and drink poison, when health is actually valued as people's highest values? Almost nobody. In my own businesses, I have begun to employ this 'Philosophy' if you will, in that the number one focus is always the quality of the product and making sure any product or service I am providing is actually helping people with their issues or providing amazing entertainment they will enjoy and will bring joy into their lives. I haven't done Leo's LP course, but I remember a post on Creator vs Competitor and Reading a book on the Toxicity of the food industry-inspired this. Sure, you could create a typical stage orange Profit > everything business and make bucket loads in the short term, but wouldn't it be better to create a long term, sustainable business, where you know the products and services you are creating are genuinely providing value in others lives? To me, it certainly would. In the short term, it may be a LOT harder, however, in the long term you will reap the rewards and know that you are actually running a 'Conscious' Business that helps people/ Like I said, it doesn't mean you all have to become Spiritual Teachers or Humanitarians, you could employ this in your life serving Coffee or being a cleaner for example. However, I would like to add @Leo Gura is a great example of this, he could quite easily go down a different route with Actualized.org but hasn't and I very much respect him for that. I'm sure there's plenty of other examples on here, like @Nahm giving 1-1 sessions with people (I've heard great things so keep it up!). And, helping people comes from a place of love, when you open up to this love, you are no longer able to simply scam and manipulate, therefore, you HAVE to grow your business to meet your own standards and like I said it comes with a LOT of challenges, but sure is worth it! Sorry, I kinda ranted there but writing this has actually inspired me to get back to work and back to creating better products and services to help my customers and clients. Personally, I run online businesses and am doing so to create financial freedom, however, recently I've also made them more passion-based, and now I wake up every day excited to start my day of work, and that to me alone is amazing! As Leo called it in his Politics series, let's upgrade to a more Conscious form of Capitalism
  17. @TrynaBeTurquoise Exactly I don't know the percentages, but I mean I feel that's like at least 75% of the puzzle, and the rest are just small pieces that can make that extra little bit of difference. And exactly, Alternate Health/ Biohacking etc isn't exactly for people on a budget, so he's just marketing to his audience, and he's really good at it, I know when I buy my first house I'll be designing it in a 'hacked' manner in many ways to optimize health, longevity etc. I mean I can already notice a difference with the little things I'm implenting. Just learning things about the Oils and Glycemic Variability are just so simple yet helpful. Will probably buy Boundless at some point this year. On that note, if you haven't I highly recommend 'How Not to Diet' by dr Gregor, I understand if you're not plant based and don't have to agree with his solutions. But most of the truths are universal and he exposes the corruption of the Food Industry, it's a fucking amazing book on true health!
  18. @EternalForest You can still live life at tier 2, post awakening or whatever you want to call it. You can still go to concerts, sports games etc, in fact they're even better without any resistance to the now Plus, wait until you feel and understand the peace and happiness of genuine awakening, then you'll understand. Then, in terms of what's left? Go live your fucking life however you want, and do what you love. And, living from this understanding is the greatest gift of all.
  19. @TrynaBeTurquoise Yep, that's basically why I watch him and read/listen to his articles/podcasts, I can also see why's he hooked on it. Waking up feeling amazing is every day is pretty addictive and always finding new ways to do so is awesome. Of course he has the luxury of a bottomless pit of money as well, but the fundamentals anyone with a decent salary could do- Whole Foods, Regular& Low Level Exercise, Weight Training, Sauana, Cold Thermogenesis, Meditation& Breathwork, Blue Light Glasses etc etc
  20. If you're able to- Work 1-1 with a teacher and receive Transmissions. Ramana Maharshi- “Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. And hence Silence is the Self.” Read this- http://nomindsland.blogspot.com/2016/06/sri-ramana-maharshi-silence-is-most.html Silence is and always has been the highest teaching. Words are amazing when necessary, but eventually all concepts must be let go. Self Inquiry was 'invented' by Ramana Maharshi for those not ready for the power of silence, to help them get to that silence and rest there, in the stillness you will then find God/ Absolute/ The Self. Transmissions from an awakened being could be compared to this silence on steroids, it's a bit of a shit analogy but I can't think of a better one! And, just to add once you arrive at the ultimate silence, then thoughts, feelings, the play of life ceases to have the same effects it had on you before as you are no longer identified with it. So, you will still have thoughts, emotions, things happen etc, but these will be felt, thought, lived in the now and then pass through you, the resistance and 'stickiness' is what changes. You could then say Non-Duality and Duality merge in one 'explosion' and the rest in this peace is beyond beautiful.
  21. @Average Investor Yep well said mate, selling products is still important as you said, as long as these products help people. And, exactly as we grow and develop so will our careers and businesses, and as you said survival is still important and that's part of the issue of the current system. Many get stuck in something they dislike/ hate, and can end up there for decades on end, hence as soon as I left school I decided to aim for complete financial freedom within 5 years, hopefully, I'll make it lol. Then, once you have that money behind you, you are 'free' so to speak and don't have to worry about the BS stuff. However, many then can get stuck on the treadmill of seeing money as success like you said.
  22. @Thomas_VH Glad, it could help man, living a life of purpose, service and love doesn't necessarily mean we have to only go and feed homeless people forever. It's doing what we do best, what we love and sharing our gifts with the world. (And of course enjoying ourselves!) For example, professional athletes are often living a life of purpose, love and service by reaching their human potential, entertaining fans, doing what they love and of course, usually coaching and helping others improve their game also. This can apply to any endeavor of work.
  23. Also, forgot to mention a great example of this is @Raptorsin7, he shared with me his LP and it sounds awesome and HELPFUL as FUCK! I think @Michael569 is doing something in nutrition and is also helping a shit tonne of people just on here, so i imagine IRL he is as well. @haumea2018 is also another great example, he's also personally helped me so much! And, like I said there's probably 100s of you guys doing just this, but I don't know you all, so if you are mention this below and mention any businesses you know of doing this on a larger scale maybe, we need a change from McDonald's and Coca Cola to a Healthy global food and drink chain! All in good time
  24. @AlphaAbundance From your point of view there is duality and non Duality, in reality, this isn't the case, Duality and Non-Duality in an absolute sense are the same things. This is what I mean, it seems to me you're expecting enlightenment to be a whole new world where you transcend to a new realm. This very world is heaven, is the Buddha planet, nowhere else. Why do you want to experience hardcore drugs pre/post-awakening If you are referring to drugs like Cocaine I'd recommend staying well away whether you're the Buddha or a homeless guy on the street. This quote from Francis Lucille helps explain what I mean (paraphrase)- Everyone is living in the absolute for it can be no other way, but whether they know this or not is another story.
  25. @wk197 That's a common stage, I used to think meaningless = bad also. But, in reality it's the greatest gift of all and gives us complete freedom to do what we want with our lives. Why do anything at all? Simply for the love and joy of it. (aside from practical reasons i.e. Survival) If you are able to do what you love, you will go far.