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LfcCharlie4 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Cudin I have also heard various other teachers and people say this, I don't quite think it's a cult yet, but I can see people's concerns from the outside. Can you explain further why you think this? -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I also don't resonate deeply with the Psychedelic path, I'm only 20 dn't think tripping every week would be great for me, our brains develop until 25. I would really recommend those on here under 25 to be careful with Psychedelic, and any drug use, I'll probably get backlash for this but I would go as far to say we really shouldn't be regularly taking Psyches this young, especially not powerful ones. Leo, is a fully grown adult though, he can do what he wants with his life, and you don't have to follow him after all. Although, I would say maybe ask people's age and mental health background before recommending trips. However, I respect Leo's decision for going down this path and that is his teachings, we have to remember this is his forum, it does seem a bit Cultish to ban people for disagreeing, but it's a fine line and a very hard one to censor speech and let people get away with crap, so I understand that also. If you don't like the path Leo is going down, find another teacher you resonate with, who embodies this understanding and go as deep as you can with that. That's what I did and it transformed my life, you don't have to follow Leo, or take Psychedelics, plenty of awakened beings who done it ALL sober, and imo have realized the truth of their own being in the deepest possible way. @ttm I liked that analogy about doping, as it also warns people of the side effects. @Visionary Please can you explain the issues my faced, I have a friend in the midst of LSD excessive use, so it could be helpful, thank you. @Mongu9719 Your point early on about excessive use and Martin Ball was something I also worry about for Leo, but he's a smart guy and it's up to him to take his own path, if he wants to go down this road, then after warning him there's not much you can really do tbh, can you link Martin Ball's FB page, I heard he had issues but couldn't find them anywhere. Like you, I'm not denying the potency and power of these substances, more wary of the long term side effects and issues that could come with excessive and consistent use. 2 years is very little time to understand how this use could effect someone, I'm interested to see how Leo materializes over the next 5-10+ years once he stops using these substances, and if it has any effects on his body/mind/ mental health etc. I'm also, of course, intrigued to see what kind of long term/ day-to-day effects it has on awakening, to me the peaks are great and interesting stories but if it isn't a moment by moment experience then it surely isn't of as much value But, as I said before, there's plenty of fully Self-Realized teachers out there who truly embody the teachings, if you don't resonate with Leo, I would recommend finding someone you can resonate with. -
@BETGR164128 I have 1000MG Vitamin C capsules but they're absorbic Acid, I'll get the other kind!
LfcCharlie4 replied to Visionary's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Visionary It's common in an early awakening to experience No-Self and Non-Doership, it's just Non-Doership without an awakening to love can never be the final answer, Charles Manson has very Non-Doership quotes, but clearly had no awakening to love... -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mongu9719 genuinely I love health and fitness, can you please show this reaearch that shows we can prevent/ reverse ageing and live a lot longer. Personally would rather not have to deal with the effects of ageing or at least minimise them -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mongu9719 I literally asked you to show the research that shows this, no need to be a dick in response. If you make claims that we can live forever etc, then I’d like to see the research please. also, as I said it doesn’t really effect spirituality or your journey much, just means you get a longer and better experience in this vehicle, what’s bad about that? -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Visionary's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Agree, but good luck explaining that to people on here ? -
This video isn't necessarily about Neo-Advaita, but more about 'Halfway' teachings, that only give half the story. This is commonly known as: The path of exclusion, Neti-Neti, The Void etc and is a remarkable breakthrough, and is often essential to take a step back from the world to realize ourself as Natural Pure Awareness, and our true being. But, many seem to end there, and think suddenly Life in terms of the world is just over. This is why Traditional Indian/ Eastern teachings always felt very unnatural to me, things like forced Cellibacy (can occur naturally, whole other conversation), the denial of life general just felt incomplete. You could call that the 'Inward' part of the path, which is ESSENTIAL as I said, but far from complete. The next 'step' so to speak, is to then go back out in the so called world, with this understanding of our true being, and live this understanding in life- Relationships, Work, Activities, Thoughts and Feelings. Anyone can be at peace alone in their room, that isn't that much of a true 'test' of an awakening, as Ram Dass (RIP <3) said- 'If you think you're enlightened, go and spend a week with your parents.' It's of course a joke but illustrates this point well. I feel many fall into this trap of demonizing the world, body etc and simply Crystalise here. Integrating and expressing this outward path is most commonly seen in the Tantric approach, where the World, Body and Mind are actually embraced instead of denied. It is also happening a lot more in the West as Westerners merge their love of the world, with this true understanding of their own being. Once you know your true being, the world is no longer something that needs to be denied or run from, it can instead be a vehicle and an expression of this true understanding is the most beautiful ways possible. It gives us complete freedom to express this understanding in all realms of experience, and is the final peace and joy that is meant for us. Non-Duality= Duality. I think this video is a great example of this, and explains this well. Rupert says it better than I ever could
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Preety_India yes that’s exactly my point! I LOVE Ramana, but at the end of the day he lived in a diaper on a mountain and was celibate all his life, yet his teachings are as pure as it gets, that was just his way of expressing this understanding. Whereas, Ruperts way is his way etc, I regard Nisgardatta and Ramana as the 2 greatest wages of the 20th Century, they are amazing, yet Nisgardatta sold Cigarettes and slept with prostitutes after his wife passed away, I probably won’t integrate them parts ? -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Preety_India Yes, sorry if I didn’t mention it enough but the cultural issues are very very true, I think Rupert mentioned it in his video, but sorry if I didn’t make that clear, it’s a very cultural thing, although I think that’s also one of the benefits of the teaching coming over to the west potentially, as it allows it to flourish in life. However, this was prevalent in Tantric traditions way before. It was more about pointing out the life denying teachings that made it seem like you HAD to deny life, but like you said it is complete freedom to do as you wish whether that’s meditate in a cave or have a family. I have great respect for eastern teachings, and often quote Ramana and always say how amazing him and Nisgardatta are, sorry if I offended that was the last thing I was trying to do -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Beginner Mind's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
HUGE Rupert fan! back when I was a hardcore seeker I was obsessed with him for months! I think I watched like every YouTube clip and read most of his books ? you’re certainly following the right kind of people, Rupert has certainly realised the true nature of his being, an incredible teacher also! However, I ended up working 1-1 with another teacher, as he so popular he doesn’t really do that, and his retreats are usually quite full and expensive, an amazing teacher none the less and his explanations are often beautiful! -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mongu9719 Can you share these findings? It's great that we will be able to live longer! I don't think it's possible to never die, but who knows I could be very wrong. Plus, Impermanence will still be very prevalent, this moment right now is unique and impermanent, it will pass, if you live longer you'll have more 'Moments' but that doesn't change the fundamental truth of reality, Everything is always here and always now! -
@BETGR164128 Through normal ingestion or using it how?
@BETGR164128 Aside from what you recommended, is there any other uses of it?
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm Very Zen! -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm Thanks man, Hope you're good and I'm sure you're giving your students the complete teaching in your sessions! @jimwell Yes, I worked with my teacher for 9 months, I've written a lot about that and RASA on here already so won't go into that. I only talk from direct experience regarding awakening, it's why I don't recommend Psyces as I've hardly done them, and just simply point out the dangers of young people doing them/ doing them excessively. (Not that they can't be amazing and incredibly effective, and of course very healing) Conceptual understanding does literally 0 in terms of your own experience, I conceptually understood I was 'Natural Pure Awareness' for ages before ever experientially understanding it. Even before awakening, teachings around Cellibacy and Denial never sat well with me, kind of like 'there's still something missing' and I'm glad I followed that feeling and didn't just begin denying life, Celibacy, and denial of sexuality doesn't tend to work well at 18! You are doing the right thing by not parroting, that won't help you or anyone else, what it seems like you need is a direct experience of the truth of you being. I would recommend either starting with a Natural Pure Awareness Meditation or a True Self-Inquiry practice. These will help you realize and experience the unshakeable silence and truth of your own being, but it won't be all sunshine and rainbows to begin with. As I briefly said in my post, the Inward path is necessary for most people, To separate themselves as Awareness from Things/Objects/World etc, it seems that would be the first step for you, to realize this. So, before worrying about expressing this understanding and the Tantric/Outward path, focus on truly investigating and realizing the true nature of one's being. If you ever need any help, or are confused feel free to message me, the main purpose for me coming onto forum is to try and help people, as I know how confusing and downright shit being a confused seeker can be. I remember the days of overthinking these issues until I gave myself headaches, or watching Non-Duality videos for hours upon hours on end, reading book after book. Always remember, only You can truly find the truth, teachings are meant as pointers and helpers, but it is always down to you to find the truth of your own being. Have a great day! -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Ismael's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ismael If you haven't the 2 other books I'd recommend by Ramaji are: 1000 No Mind, No Problem Have a great day! -
LfcCharlie4 replied to Ismael's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Personally, in my awakening I never experienced the heart on the right, but read about it in both of Ramajis books 1000 and Who Am I? I would recommend going to a physician, I think he recommends doing that first, and if all your tests in order then there's a good chance you're experiencing the dropping away of the I-Thought, which is such a beautiful experience, albeit can be tough at times So, I would recommend getting the all clear from a qualified Doctor, nobody on here can really say it's 100% not heart problems, until you get tested Plus better to be safe than sorry! -
@BETGR164128 Do you mean a powder like this or? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Classikool-Sodium-Ascorbate-Nutritional-Vitamin/dp/B07FK7YBXB/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Sodium%2BAscorbate%2BPowder&qid=1583329216&s=drugstore&sr=1-2&th=1 From the comments, seems like there are other benefits. @mandyjw I will try that, thank you!
Rupert is AMAZING as always. 'The COE should change their wedding vowels, so at the end, you simply stare your partner in the eyes and say 'I don't need you. I don't need you for my happiness.' 'If the peace of your being, is only accessible when you aren't interacting with the world, that's a fragile peace, not a true peace.' 'It is necessary to take that (inward) understanding out to the world, and not only express this understanding but also test it in a relationship and for most of us intimate relationships. These are the most testing relationships.'
@Michael569 I was counting on you for some awesome advice Maybe, I got lucky and caught this earlyish, I'm going to try the advice here. I made a mixture of boiling water and Vix earlier and have done deep breathing twice over the bowl and my nose hasn't felt clearer for months! So, I will keep doing this and try everything else recommended here and do more research!
It will make your Game way more conscious if you have a true awakening into the truth of your own being, good luck manipulating someone into bed when you literally are them, it's like manipulating yourself. If you truly awaken to love you won't be able to do that. It will enhance your ability in most areas though, coming from a fulfilled place is much healthier than coming from a needy place.
@DrewNows Thanks for the ideas mate. And, that juice recipe sounds awesome, I seriously need to get a juicer. @Derek White I will try that thank you, I could get outside more. I mainly workout in the Gym, Exercise Bike or Swimming in the winter, so that's a good point. In terms of sleep, I get 7-8 hours a night and eat WFPB. @Commodent Maybe I'll get another and bigger air purifier for my room or something? @Preety_India Yeah I figured Steam will help, it helped this morning and going to switch to Steam Room instead of Sauna for a while. @Anna1 Yep, going to attempt to book the doctors today. I'm sorry about your son, I hope he can resolve it
@Keyhole Yeah they CAN be distractions, but post-awakening life is literally meant to be enjoyed and embraced as it is. I know that relationships can be distractions on the path when you're a seeker, I considered this many times. If you don't think there's integration, then I'm sorry that's just incorrect, integrating awakenings is key. For example, Integrating 'my' awakening to love, involved a lot of changes in how I relate and my own relationships, as you literally know people are You, and operate simply from a place of love. Also, I used age to indicate the other guys' responses, as they were quite childish. Can you please explain what age has to do within my context? It's not like there's an age barrier to awakening, or realizing your own being. I am merely talking from direct experience of awakening to love, and the impacts it had and is having in my own life. Also, Distractions=The Path, if you can only live this understanding in a cave with no people around you then to me, that is not a complete understanding. True peace and happiness, is being at absolute peace and happiness, no matter the situation. I was like that for a while, I just wanted to sit in my room in bliss all the time, it is subtle denial of the 'world out there' instead of embracing this world as it truly is, here and now as The Buddha Planet itself. I'm also wondering about your own journey and awakenings if you don't mind sharing? Lastly, post-awakening what is there to distract you? Distract you from what? THIS is always it, here and now. But, I guess it's an individual thing like I said, not everyone wants or is ready for a relationship, it's like a must-have like our society makes out, it is simply about whether as an individual you wish to develop one, everyone is different.
@IJB063 Well no, it's not necessarily needed, it varies from person to person. Ramana Maharshi remained Cellibate his whole life, whereas Rupert Spira and Francis Lucille have wives, it depends on what YOU want on an individual level, if you don't want a romantic relationship then don't have one, but like with most things, it isn't a one size fits all solution. If you don't know then you haven't experienced being in love, there would be no doubts there if you had I think, plus 16 is really young for a relationship, I would say don't rule out the potential since you are only 18 mate. Isn't that the same for all feelings though? My feeling of depression could be different from yours, as, with anxiety, joy, etc, it's all subjective. Love=Consciousness, the problem is no matter how many times you read it, it doesn't matter. I had a great theoretical understanding as a seeker still didn't mean I was at peace or happy. Only by awakening and experientially understanding it, does the true changes in your life happen. Yeah, I also had a great experience on MDMA when I was 17 that speared me on to take spirituality way more seriously, but 'Universal' love goes way deeper, Love is literally the fabric of the universe and is the greatest force binding us, yet because we are not in touch with this, look what kind of 'World' we create on an individual and collective level. When you become conscious of your own being and abide as that, and awaken to love, you will gradually, naturally deepen your love continuously. There is no end to the depth of love. This doesn't mean you have to go and feed the poor, it can literally be simple things in everyday life, Love will literally pour out of you and want to be expressed. I would say Romantic Love done 'right' is an incredible gift to humanity, when 2 beings love each other as themselves and love each other more than life itself it is them merely expressing their true being, it is a beautiful experience. Of course, some movies are cheesy, and relationships aren't all fairytales, but they can be truly amazing and a great gift to one's life. Of course, the problems come when you are not fulfilled or do not love yourself, so look for scraps of love in the world and demand love from your partner and for them to make you happy. In your case, you're 18 (tbf I'm only 20) I really wouldn't write off romantic love after one GF at 16 mate, turn within and look within with complete freedom, if you had the complete freedom to design your dream life would you picture a Women with you? A family? A life of solitude? Everyone is unique and has unique wants and needs on a human level, it's about thinking for yourself and finding out what YOU want, not what philosophers wanted, or what anyone else wants. In regards to your comment about Spirituality, I hate to break it to you but you don't 'Transcend' mundane life post-awakening. A true awakening is when The Ordinary, becomes The Extraordinary. Perfection can be found in EVERYTHING, despite it not being 'Perfect' by the conventional sense of the word. You can't transcend past this life, unless you want to leave this body. But, why do you want to transcend past this life? I would investigate that, as that searching and seeking for something more can spearhead an incredible journey to realising your own being, and realizing you don't need to transcend anything, THIS right here, right now, is it Good luck my friend. P.S. I dunno what teachers you follow/ read/ listen to, but in your case, I would recommend teachers such as- Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, Ramaji& Ananda Devi, and Adyshanti. These are fully self-realized beings, a lot of teachers are of course awake, but haven't 'gone all the way' so to speak. for now, as the language and cultural differences are hard I would stay away from Ramana and Nisgardatta. Only because if you take them literally, it can leave you more confused than before.