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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @TrynaBeTurquoise Exactly. Listen to the scientists, doctors and Big Pharma companies who want to keep you sick so they can make more $$$ Its amazing how much more you find out when you go in open minded without any bias, and actually listen to people and what they say!
  2. @Vipassana Amazing interview, but I’m sure we will get told otherwise soon enough ?
  3. @VeganAwake I know, conceptual understanding means fuck all, and all concepts should be dropped, even RASA, even LOC, and especially enlightenment, spirituality, Non-Duality and liberation. These are all concepts. Of course concepts and books have their uses, but eventually all must be dropped, as all that is, is THIS. Even that is saying too much, hence why I always say Silence is the “highest” teaching, as this can only be understood in silence. I am speaking solely from direct experience. The funny thing is, RASA/ working with A&R is literally about unlearning and going through blockages, not building up information, and letting go of concepts and beliefs is a big part of that. You can’t “think” you’re awakened, you either are awakened and live that truth, or you are seeking. What good would thinking do? Plus, as you must know, there’s no Me to be awakened ? Concepts mean fuck all, and if I haven’t said that enough, then that’s a miscommunication on my end. I have no interest in taking sides or getting people on “my side” I was merely commenting that his Gifs perfectly reflected how I also felt. Oh and since you mentioned the LOC model, the stuff you constantly preach- Nobody there, nothing matters, No-Self etc, is very common of the LOC 600s. Im looking forward to your love awakening, that’s when the real fun starts?
  4. @Meta-Man Your Gifs are literally perfect @Inliytened1 Unfortunately, I don't think the wall we broken anytime soon!
  5. @GreenWoods Any form of Censorship requires further investigation in my view, Icke has been ridiculed as a nutter for 30 years, so if he is so crazy and talks absolute shit, why are they so worried?
  6. @VeganAwake Most people have tried being very nice to you consistently, sometimes someone has to be direct. The point is we've all been where you are, that's why we try to help. But, at the end of the day it's your journey, my worry is you are spreading incomplete information around the forum to lost seekers that may do more harm than good. I'm just trying to point out Tony Parsons, Jim Newman etc aren't speaking the highest truth, I beg you to listen to some truly Self-Realized teachers such as: Ramana Maharshi, Francis Lucille, Adyashanti, Rupert Spira etc. I know you will say these guys just aren't direct enough, or aren't on the wavelength of Parsons, but when you have further awakenings you will see Parsons really is like Chapter 2. Only Awakening beyond No-Self can truly show you this. I look forward to that thread down the line @Inliytened1 Hope you're well man, I appreciate the job you and other mods do on here more and more everyday
  7. @VeganAwake I think a lot of people are bored of your Non-Dual nihilism and Tony Parsons et al boot licking. No-Self is not the final truth, it's literally like chapter 2 if there was a 'book on enlightenment' Most people you preach to have had the realization of No-Self, No little me, nobody there, nothing matters etc. I very much look forward to the day you have an awakening that doesn't involve the letters/ word 'No.' Love, Happiness, God/Absolute are all much more fun than being stuck in the No-Self limbo. Just to reiterate the No-Self stage is a HUGE realization on the path, it's just not the Finish line in terms of realizations and awakening.
  8. @Arzack You all good? While I don't deny what you are saying, it seems like it's coming from a place of anger? Why not enjoy THIS, now, and if/ when we go to those realms, we can enjoy them!? @Javfly33 You're getting it
  9. Make of this what you will. https://www.davidicke.com/article/567615/headline-robert-kennedy-jr-slams-bill-gates-sterilisation-paralysis-vaccines Using Africans to test Vaccines seems very moral! What a man Gates is! https://21stcenturywire.com/2019/12/23/bill-gates-develops-new-id-tattoo-to-check-for-vaccinations/ Can you not see the issues with these things? https://newspunch.com/bill-gates-coronavirus-means-need-digital-certificates-prove-who-received-vaccine/ Do I need to say more? I also agree many theories are BS, however, researching the truth is what I'm interested in and finding out what is really going on. We all want to find existential truth, so why is the relative truth suddenly of no importance?
  10. @fridjonk I’m not stressing about it at all, simply educating myself on it and how to protect myself from it that’s all Ive completely accepted the Tech age, and aware of the many benefits it brings , however, it’s also good to be aware of the drawbacks of certain things, and I think this will All be exposed in the mainstream over the next decade or so. Yep, I defo want to get away from the cities, I work from home so have no need to be near one, and living near nature sounds amazing, you’re lucky to live in a farm!
  11. Hey guys, recently I've started doing this more intuitively between 35-50 breaths per round and doing 4 rounds, it feels EVEN better than before, and my breath holds have increased slightly. I'd highly recommend it! We are very lucky to have found and use such an amazing practice in our lives! Wim is a huge pioneer for the evolution of humanity as we evolve to a world much more aligned with truth and happiness
  12. @Parththakkar12 Great point! We need to integrate the 'good' parts of each systems and transcend simultaneously, for example, integrating the Self-Discipline from blue in our lives can be very beneficial in our lives, just as integrating those Facets of Orange you mentioned. It is actually an amazing thing to integrate the healthy parts of each stage as we grow and is often not spoken about, and instead lower stages are often Demonized. For example, learning to earn& manage money, cash flow and build a profitable business/ personal finances is an important factor of Orange many 'spiritual' people tend to neglect.
  13. @outlandish @fridjonk Yes, that's exactly why I'm very glad I read EMF'd by Mercola so when I buy my first house I will be able to EMF proof it as much as possible. But there's also simple things you can do to reduce your exposure- Turn your WiFi off at night/ when not in use Always have your phone in Aeroplane mode unless you're using it, especially when carrying it when out Use a wired connection where possible and ideally eventually eliminate all WiFi Take all plugs out of their sockets when not in use with switches turned off of course Actually, this article explains most of what you can do- https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/lifestyle-articles/emf/ If you have the money you'd ideally hire an expert who would help you EMF proof all areas of your house and minimize your exposure. But, that, of course, is expensive. Disagree. 5G is one of the biggest Human health experiments in history. @outlandish I'm about 95% confident if you do experiments on those who take care of their health with the above mentioned, and those who don't give a shit, those who care would recover much quicker, with fewer complications and with far fewer deaths. What you are talking about is prevention through not interacting with others, which of course is true, but it's like saying eating a healthy diet won't prevent you from getting sick. If the whole population was actually healthy and followed a whole foods diet, fasted, protected from EMFs, cold therapy etc and had healthy immune systems, this virus would be 30% of the problem it is, if that, because people would be able to fight it off easier. I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand that a Virus that affects the weak and elderly wouldn't be as much of a problem if there was less people in poor health.
  14. @Chives99 Again, if you research into it instead of linking the first video you find on YT (that is by a die-hard materialist who trusts what the authorities tell him 100% btw) it isn't something based on a 'hunch' scientists who haven't been paid off by Big Pharma or Big Tech have literally shown with so many studies the dangers of EMF's and 5G, it isn't a conspiracy at all that 5G will harm your health. And, yes I don't necessarily agree with damaging infrastructure, but, at this point what else can people who don't agree with 5G do? It's going to cover the entire planet, so it's fairly hard to escape, and not one study that isn't funded by the Tech industry has proven it is completely safe. @Commodent a few hours isn't down the rabbit hole lol, that's like saying you went swimming when you dipped your toe in a puddle. EMF really shouldn't be at the bottom of your list, the problem is unless you are extremely sensitive, it is silently doing damage to your body daily. But, people don't want to hear that as it means changing many things about their home and relationship to technology. Like I said if you're interested in the science behind it read this article and then Dr Mercola's book. Everyone now knows Tobacco is a killer, but before that most believed it was healthy, the Wireless Tech industry have done an incredible job manipulating people into thinking Phones, 4G, WiFi etc are all completely safe. https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/lifestyle-articles/emf/ In regards to finding coincidences everywhere, again true, but I'm talking as many coincidences that make it mathematically impossible. To me, all this is proving is you've never actually done your own research into these organizations and people, you have to understand if what these people like Icke are saying is true, this Pandemic has been known about for years, and nothing is an accident, so saying 'Gates predicted this' is not something to be proud of. Like I said you can believe what you want, but from these interactions it is clear you have done little research into Gates, Musk, WHO, UN etc, for example the head of the WHO Tedros is actually a Marxist and has been linked to covering up several cholera outbreaks- a great figure to be spearheading health across the world. And, why should Gates who is a tech entrepreneur have such a big say in pushing out Vaccines?.... This article was one of the first I could find on Google and clearly has a Trump/ Right agenda but explains Tedros pretty well- https://rairfoundation.com/blinded-by-beijing-world-health-organization-chief-is-a-china-funded-marxist-revolutionary/ And if you actually want to go down a 'rabbit hole' start looking into the UN's Agenda 21, like I said it isn't all 'lower entities' and the BS your saying it is, much of the Pedophilia is coming to light finally, and I'm sure much much more will do soon.
  15. @Commodent I will leave it here and say I respect your views and beliefs, and wish you nothing but love and happiness RE Coincidences: How many until it’s a mathematical impossibility? Anyways, like I said, we are all free to form our own judgements. And, as I mentioned Icke is certainly at least partially awakened and that’s his main message- raising our consciousness! Beyond that, of course he then divides opinions!
  16. @LaucherJunge Really well said and kudos for not giving a fuck what people think, well done! ?? @Commodent I didn’t say I agreed with people destroying the masts, but what other power do we have right now, especially those that disagree with 5G, it’s being rolled out without any studies proving its safety, it’s literally crazy imo, conspiracy or no conspiracy I care about my health, my families and everyone’s. Regards to Bill Gates, he’s the 2nd largest donor to the WHO, and a huge proponent of Mass Vaccinations that conveniently benefit him financially, Make of that what you will. He’s also been known to say he believes the Earth is overpopulated and that if we work really hard we could reduce it by 10%, wtf? Oh and Event 201 is basically his foundation and another (I forget the name) running a simulation of a worldwide Corona pandemic 6 weeks before it actually started, very strange coincidence yet again. It seems you haven’t even looked into this and are dismissing this at surface level, I used to do just that as well, at the minimum it’s thought provoking, and often backed with a substantial amount of evidence, and usually there’s a lot of Coincidences. I am not “promoting conspiracy theories” just looking deeper into what is actually going on and what the truth is, questioning everything basically.
  17. @roar Have you ever watched any of Ickes videos and read any of his books or? His main message in all talks, and all books is this- We are Infinite awareness having an experience and we are all one. Therefore, this is no need to constantly look for division but actually work together for a better world. Thats not too different to what most spiritual teachers talk about is it? The man has certainly had some spiritual awakenings, and also talks about Psychedelics. He then talks of a global “cult” that control the world, do I believe all of it? Of course not, but you can’t deny he’s got a LOT right over the years. I mean he’s been talking about Pedophilia amongst the elite since the 90s and we’ve seen the likes of Saville, Epstein and Prince Andrew just recently, and I think that’s barely a toe in the water of the truth. Agenda 2030 has been admitted by the UN also, so I mean he wasn’t wrong on that one either? I am very open minded to many sources and will listen to what people say and their evidence behind it before judging them.
  18. @outlandish I thought people here would be smart enough to know: Stressors to the body will make you more susceptible to illness. let me give you a scenario. Who’s more likely to suffer if they catch Covid-19 (if it is what the mainstream tells us) Someone who- Fasts regularly, eats organic whole foods, drinks non-fluoride water and herbal teas only, meditates regularly, has low/ no stress, practices breath work like WHM, Cold/ Heat therapy, sleeps 8 hours, reduces EMF exposure, is not deficient in any minerals or vitamins, supplements with superfoods and anything they need, Lives near nature and spends a lot of time in nature. OR Someone in the middle of a city with 5G being blasted by EMFs 24/7, high stress, poor GMO processed diet, lack of sleep, high stress levels, drinks coke all day, smokes, parties and drinks alcohol a lot etc I thought it was common sense person 2 is more likely to suffer if they catch this “virus” since it is more dangerous to those with health issues and the elderly as they have weakened immune systems! Their body will be much more susceptible to this virus, that’s what we are trying to say. @Vipassana It was David’s best interview to date, people censoring it is only going to make more people question it, and yes, it is a huge free speech violation. Essentially saying, you can’t have an alternative opinion except from the one the news tells you to have. Whether you agree with Icke or not is irreverent in that it is basically saying a big fuck you fo free speech. I think we fail to realise the potential algorithms and social media has to censor things they don’t want us to see, especially to push certain ideas and agendas...even more so than with traditional media.
  19. @Commodent Can you explain what destruction would happen by attempting to educate the dangers of EMF and 5G, and presenting an alternative view point? Like I’ve said, to me, 5G is simply the exaggeration of a problem that has been building for decades. I highly recommend reading this book or at least checking out the article for the science behind EMF, unfortunately I live at home with my parents so can only do so much, but it’s helping me plan what I will be doing when I eventually buy my own property, and what I can do now as a minimum. Lastly, to me this kind of mass censorship is hiding something at least, algorithms can dictate what we see and in what order, if in the wrong hands it could be dangerous. https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/lifestyle-articles/emf/ @TrynaBeTurquoise In sure you’ve seen this article from Ben, but in case you haven’t I thought I’d tag you.
  20. @Carl-Richard I agree, which is why I didn't dive into them beforehand when my sole focus was on awakening, and that took most of my focus outside of work so to speak. However, I disagree with simply trusting another authority, the ones who aren't just after $$$ will ask you not to believe them and actually do your own research into each topic. Of course, this shouldn't replace actually fixing your own life and your spirituality, I never said that. The reason I like Icke is the foundation is around all of us being Infinite Awareness, and he had an awakening in 1993 I think he said. Does that mean he's 100% right of course not! But, I would never dismiss someone at face value when they are constantly telling you to do your own research and investigate this yourself, as well as backing each theory up beyond 'it just is this way.' Of course there's a lot of whack jobs out there! However, why are Google& Facebook censoring so much of this information is my big question, why not debate with the theorists and allow people to decide for themselves? Isn't mass censorship exactly what Fascist governments of the past did. We were taught the Nazis burned books in School, isn't the modern day equivalent deleting videos and YouTube channels etc? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52198946?SThisFB&fbclid=IwAR020tdvWqq7LSQ5BjmWzfSR254qW1CWckjkb7ZPR5cFvjw1UdL3P3EELL0
  21. At it's core it is an AMAZING idea to help the most vulnerable and weakest in society through tough times. However, if it is used as an excuse for allowing AI to takeover many jobs and instead of people independently earning an income, then it becomes a problem of control. For example, in China, they have a Social Credits system and if you don't perform how the Gov wants you to, you lose credits and can't leave the country or travel around. Imagine you are dependent on UBI to survive, and you don't behave how the Gov decides they want you to, they could literally prevent you eating or paying your rent. Something to ponder, especially as many businesses and jobs will be lost as a result of the global lockdown...
  22. Yep, seems like anything that goes against the official narrative is being demonized and demonetized, 5G is basically banned from being talked about in the UK by broadcasters. Censorship is what the Nazis and Communists of old used to silence any other opinions. By removing free speech like this you play a very dangerous game, if a racist makes a post it's easy to dispute them and disprove them and they dace repercussions for their actions, so why can't this be done with other viewpoints? To me, if people want to censor something on a mass scale like this, maybe something is being hidden. This interview was censored instantly after upload as it mentioned 5G in relation to the virus, even though 60,000 people were in the livestream recording, and it was on track to go viral. Something seems a little off if David Icke is chatting complete Bullshit and lies, why can't they debate and disprove him, why do you need to censor something that is blatentely lies is my question? https://www.davidicke.com/article/567418/david-icke-live-london-real-today-330pm-uk
  23. I feel it's actually good to question things and why things are happening and not just agree with things at face value, or whatever the media says. I also acknowledge it can become a huge distraction, just like Politics or whatever else could be. What ignited my interest was this censorship going on, on Social Media recently, why do you need to censor something if it can be easily disproved. In the UK broadcasters have been told if they mention 5G& its negative health effects in relation to Corona, they risk being taken off the air and face severe punishment. Does that seem a bit like destroying free speech? We were taught it School how Nazis and Communists burned the books so people couldn't be exposed to others viewpoints, Is that much different from Censoring and banning things online that don't fit the official narrative? Here's an example (And I'm not saying I agree with everything he says before you attack me) London Real posted an Interview with David Icke yesterday, it had 60,000+ viewers on the livestream, and was threatening to go viral (the previous had 7 Million on all platforms) he of course mentioned the dangers of 5G and his views on it, an alternative viewpoint. It was banned by YouTube and Brian's next video had his speech muffled explaining this, it is back up now, but of course will be silenced by the algorithm and won't get anywhere near as much traffic as it would've before. To me, why censor David if you can easily debate his points, then there is no need to censor and block him? I also share @DivineSoda 's optimism for the future, as Humans consciousness rise we will not accept the corruption and bullshit we are fed from many industries, however, Chaos always precedes order, and many astrologers and what not have predicted 2020 to be a chaotic year, which we are seeing. This was the interview deleted, I know many here will simply ignore it, but why not watch it and then decide for yourself after hearing what he has to say. Isn't that what we all did with Actualized.org and Non-Duality, and in other areas of life? I understand many theories are complete BS and based on nonsense, but like others have said 9/11 was a big turning point for many due to it blatentely being a lie, Icke has a book called 'The trigger' that details every event surrounding 9/11 and how it happened, and why it happened. This is the interview on David's site- https://www.davidicke.com/article/567418/david-icke-live-london-real-today-330pm-uk
  24. @electroBeam Agree, hence why I've been Vegan for 5 years, but just because 1 thing is bad, doesn't mean multiple things can't be. I think 5G is a much bigger problem than many lead on, I guess time will tell. To me the wireless industry is the Tobacco industry 2.0. @Loving Radiance Yes, that's true! Thanks for the source, good to see a Doctor's opinion on it. However, I have personally noticed if my family gets Flu/ Cold I don't always get it, or if someone at the Office gets it and the whole office doesn't etc. I feel the excretion and detoxification of cells in regards to Viruses is certainly something to look into. For example, many practitioners of the WHM say they don't get Colds/ Flus when it is in season and hardly get sick compared to beforehand, I do believe overall health plays a role in how bad a virus gets, hence why it is more dangerous for those with weak immune systems/ elderly/ other conditions.
  25. @outlandish So you are saying it's dangerous to the Elderly and to the immunocompromised, why do you think that is? Because they have weaker immune systems, so are less able to fight the virus off! I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand that is you eat natural, organic food, fast, sleep the recommended amount, exercise regularly, cold/ heat therapy, do breathwork, EMF protect your house and anything else that improves your health and immune system you are LESS likely to suffer badly from the virus, as your body is less likely to need to secrete it's cells as a result of the virus, hence the 'asymptomatic' and 'mild symptoms' case. Just like if the Flu goes around the office, 100% of people won't catch it/ get it, despite they have probably been around carriers and virus-infested surfaces. If anything, beyond prevention the Government should be saying all the things I listed and MORE in ways to boost your immune system, but of course they won't. Money can't be bad in Turmeric, Breathwork and Cold Showers unfortunately, it can be made in life long drugs that simply manage the symptoms. I expected the majority of this community to be a lot more clued up regarding health and especially natural health. You literally say how those with weakened immune systems are at risk, yet deny things that clearly impact our health won't make the virus worse? You do know Wuhan and Lombardi in Italy have HORRENDOUS air quality, Lombardi is known as the China of Europe because it is that polluted. 100,000 people die there on average a year, with the next highest being 57,000 in Lazio, hence, they were always going to suffer more from this virus. Italy also has the oldest (or one of) populations in Europe, again adding to the effects. @TrynaBeTurquoise Thank you for speaking sense, not everything is a conspiracy and I did think it was common knowledge most of the things you said. Also, agree about the young people, we can't make out as if the 21st Century teen/ young adult is healthy- Alcohol, Smoking, regular fast food, stress, partying, lack of exercise, toxic chemicals in the body and the list goes on. I'm also with you that I hoped this would make people care about their health more. But, it seems most just would rather isolate and carry on their bad habits. @DrewNows Thanks, man! And, of course, like I said I really had a health awakening end of last year and wanted to optimize my health in all areas, and then again recently with the whole corruption of Big Pharma and how very few doctors actually know how the body as a system works, not denying they do great work and it, of course, isn't their fault as they are taught under that paradigm. I'm also not denying modern medicine has amazing benefits, and can be incredibly helpful. But, it seems we have moved so far away from nature and our natural state that we are asking for trouble. Instead of endless bad habits then relying on pills and doctors to save us, it's time we actually stood up and took care of our own health. The funny thing is, if we lived in a world with- clean air, no toxic chemicals, a LOT less EMF's, with real food& water etc, the virus would not be as dangerous as it is, but we do. I just wish we actually went to the root of the issues, instead of always managing things at the surface level! What do you guys think of this video? (Watch it all) and ignore Facebook's 'fact-checker' they also do that on 5G causing health issues, more Orwellian by the day!