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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @apparentlynoself Personally, I feel you don't lose your spiritual progress if you become truly awake, but ultimately is there a way to know? If there is I'd love to check out some resources on this! I know people who have claimed to contact/ channel awakened beings like Ramana, Nisgardatta etc, but could of course be BS so who knows!
  2. I'd recommend starting with 16/8 and 24-hour fasts before doing extended water fasts. Also please get medical supervision for your first extended fast.
  3. @Leo Gura @electroBeam I would add I don't think everyone wants to 'drop the body' just yet, and as you two know it can take serious training to do so consciously. Therefore, for those who wish to remain living, I feel the teachers you mentioned are your best bet for this domain of life. Do you guys genuinely want to drop your body already? I feel I have a LOT of living and giving to do in this realm before that is the case, I also don't see the need to rush into it, since Infinite love is well, Infinite and all, so goes on for Infinity. I guess it's an individual thing and I understand why you'd want to, I mean Sadhguru's wife was like what in her 20s/30s, I think it's a knowing you have that your time in this realm is completely over. I recommend watching the 'Good Place' on Netflix, 1) it's funny 2) I don't think it's made with this intention, but you could see the 'Good Place' as true awakening and enjoyment of life, but after a while even this gets old, and then they essentially choose when they want to merge into infinity. I think that's the perfect metaphor for this. Awakening (as hard and challenging as it can be) will lead to living life in the 'Good Place' but eventually once you have lived life to the fullest, completed your mission here on this realm and feel it's time to go, that's where merging with Infinite Love& Mahasamadhi can come in, it will happen to all eventually, but it will still take 'work.' @Leo Gura You know yourself better than anyone, but I still feel you have decades of work left here, especially in the realm of Psyches& Spirituality and helping introduce more young people into this domain of life. I wouldn't run off into infinity before it all really gets going, that would be a bit selfish now wouldn't it , Either way, I thank you for your teachings and this incredible forum, I'm sure you'll leave it in good hands if you do decide to leave! @electroBeam I don't know you that well of course, but it seems you change your mind a fair amount, is this truly what you wish to pursue? You have nothing left in life you wish to give yourself to, no contribution/ mission before you leave forever? Maybe, this is selfish of me, but if you do pursue this/ the hermit life, will you be documenting it here at all? I feel it could be very interesting. I'm not denying Mahasamadhi and merging with the infinite is the highest awakening, however, I feel it certainly isn't for everyone and is only for those who intuitively know it is the end of the road for them, and like I said I think it would come as a certain knowing. For me, that is not the case at all, who knows maybe when I'm 70 and bored of Earth, that knowing will happen, but right now I just fucking love life, and feel I have so much more to give in this realm before rushing off to Infinity Love guys!
  4. These are a good place to start- Brian has been podcast of the year for me so far, very balanced viewpoints and fighting for truth. https://londonreal.tv/the-iceman-guide-to-survival-instantly-boost-your-immune-system-with-wim-hof/ https://londonreal.tv/dr-bruce-lipton-coronavirus-epigenetics-immune-system-most-dangerous-part-of-covid-19-is-fear/
  5. @TrynaBeTurquoise Where do you use the gymnastics rings though? Sprinting is awesome. Yeah I miss the gym, was really trying to make some progress this year, but it's been really fun working out outside in the sunshine, good for the WHM when it's cold also Answer- Because he knows how to heal and sees through the BS medical paradigm we live in right now of symptom management for $$$$
  6. @The observer Sorry if my message came across like that and it’s nothing to do with being like me, each being is a unique expression of the absolute. And if everyone was like me the world would be a disaster. What I am talking about is more and more people realising absolute truth, becoming more conscious and developing further etc, nothing to do with me, as it’s simply consciousness becoming conscious of itself. You’re right it won’t happen for a very long time. I don’t dispute that. Watch Leo’s conscious politics series I think he covers it extremely well there. When the system is geared towards people actualising, living their purpose and awakening to their true being I feel society will look very different compared to when the system is geared towards creating cogs in a machine. I understNd your point and you’re talking about ideologies people have. As you know by now awakening isn’t an ideology, it isn’t a belief system, it is THIS. For example love isn’t something you believe in, it’s what you are. And then naturally from this place you live life from love, that’ll be very different, that’s all I’m saying. Im also not saying I have all of the answers on how and when it will happen, and the exact system and how many years etc. But, as more people awaken it will change. Just like as more people developed and realised slavery was wrong, or that racism shouldn’t be the norm, or that Women should vote, etc. Turquoise wants what is best for humanity overall and what is best for the Planet and it’s people, you think it can’t push for political change? Not all Turquoise beings will just go and meditate on a mountain forever.
  7. @traveler Not at all, some people are genuinely awakened more deeply, and know their being more clearly. Watch a Tony Parsons video, and then go and watch a Francis Lucille/ Ramana Maharishi video you’ll notice subtle differences. @Jahmaine I think Leo has certainly had many many awakenings on his trips and what not, but I’m not at all convinced he abides there in his sober/ natural state, could be wrong. im not sure “why”, I would include Dalai Lama, hut again like Sadhguru, he has to dumb most the teachings down as he’s such a mainstream figure. I also imagine being a monk for that long can create several shadow issues, such as sex. In regards to Eckhart I love him, I used to watch him everyday a couple of years ago and read all his books time after time, power of now was like my bible ? However, I do not feel hes as deeply awakened as say Francis and Rupert from what he says and what not. Those 2 go way deeper than Eckhart and kind of go beyond his message. Although I think he’s the perfect bridge into this work for the mainstream.
  8. Any of: Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, Adyashanti or Sadhguru (although he dumbs his teaching down a lot) Quote simply they are fully self-realised beings who have realised the true nature of themselves, abide there and have integrated this into their lives.
  9. @The observer I never said it would be easy. Growth often comes at a cost as you clearly know, the falling of systems is going to be devastating, but also necessary. As more people become more conscious we will see more and more “conscious politics”, I mean in any other time in history have you had Non-Duality on Show the amount it is, even forums like this are such a sign of progress it’s unbelievable. As I said society changes one individual at a time. The utopia you’re thinking about won’t happen for 100s if not 1000s of years. A perfect example would be communism, I mean that may never work in its pure form, but the art of the world working together for the greater good of humanity instead of against each other, and coming from love, happiness and understanding is 1000s of years away as it requires most of the population to be at Turquoise and be somewhat awake. Hence why it will never work with power hungry dictators and leaders. Even with everyone at Turquoise it may not even work, but you can bet we’d live in a much fairer and loving society, probably a mix of Socialism and capitalism without the huge wealth gaps we see today, and with some sort of baseline level of wealth and security instead of people with 15 yachts and super cars, and others without clean water and a roof over their head. Gettinf their is the tricky bit. and it won’t happen in one go, but will be gradual like you said, and probably with LOTS of backslides
  10. @The observer Like Leo said, we have developed hugely over the last 10 years, perfection may not be possible but huge improvements certainly are and will happen gradually
  11. @electroBeam You do you man. Awakening and embodiment is the end of so called “suffering” at least in my experience. Of course painful sensations and what not exist, however, with complete acceptance and appreciation of each and every moment these are no longer seen as a problem whatsoever. “I” am already completely happy and at peace. In regards to Sex Scandals, this is due to not being fully awakened/ no awakening to love/ The Self being all, you don’t see the likes of Ramana, Rupert, Francis etc participating in sex scandals. Awakening has depths, it isn’t black and white. If you wish to pursue the life you are after go for it, but in my view spirituality has transmuted to the west for a reason. It’s time to embody the teachings in daily life and in all areas of life, and actually begin to create a “world” based on this understanding, and not based on fear, lack and greed. Of course absolutely speaking it doesn’t matter either way. But, relatively speaking living life based on this will have huge implications, and gradually we will see these structures and societies fall and be replaced. Society changes one individual at a time. As more people “wake up” they aren’t going to accept what we have going on right now (relatively speaking) I also understand why monks and yogis practice celibacy in the seeking stage, however, after true awakening it isn’t really necessary, unless it happens naturally, same as with what you are talking about. I wish you luck on your journey
  12. @electroBeam When you are completely fulfilled, happy and at peace and conscious of your true nature. (Everyone is The Self/ Awareness etc just don’t know it) you don’t have “personal desires” to make you happy. You simply have “impersonal desires” as The Absolute as a means to express, share and celebrate this understanding. Life becomes a celebration in every moment. You then won’t need these things that come from like e.g. Excess junk food. There is a huge difference between binging on junk food out of lack and due to say depression, and having a slice of cake to celebrate someone’s birthday at a social gathering. In one without the food you will be miserable, depressed, upset. In the other, if you eat the cake, great you’ll enjoy it and move on, if it runs out and you don’t get any, oh well you’re still going to be happy either way. Be careful not to demonise living life while you’re here. There’s plenty of time to be an avatar once you drop the body, if you have completed your spiritual journey in this lifetime.
  13. Not in a million years. If my body needs to detox it will do it naturally. Get this....people who clean up their diet, start fasting, practicing the WHM etc etc tend to get sick FAR less than your average McDonalds goer, I wonder why that is. I was kind of hoping to get the disease (if it exists as we are told it does, who knows at this point) just to show how for a normal, healthy 20 year old it is very easy to overcome naturally. I have my plan already in place as soon as symptoms hit from studying multiple doctors who aren't pumped with backhanders from GSK and co. The basis of the protocol is this: Prevention- Elderberry, Zinc 15mg/1 mg copper x 2-4 daily, 1 Zinc Losenge daily Stabilized Allicin and 150mg Vitamin C as optional extras Normal washing hands, prevention protocol etc When Sick/ First sign of cold/ flu/ corona virus- Zinc Losenge every 2 hours until better, Sterimar Copper spray x6 per day Optional- Ecchinea Beyond this the basics such as- Intermittent Fasting& weekly 24 hour fast, Wholefoods diet, Water (ideally fluoride free) and Herbal teas only- currently also no Coffee, Wim Hof Method- Cold Exposure plus breathing daily, 1+ hour of exercise every single day + Sun exposure for vitamin D. Sadly my Gym is shut so can't do serious weight training or Heat therapy atm. Any other tips welcome @TrynaBeTurquoise @DrewNows @Moreira https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/what-im-doing-for-the-coronavirus-coming-soon However, for my Mum (a HEAVY smoker and generally unhealthy person) I would probably suggest her getting the Vaccine, as 1) she's not going to stop smoking and 2) she has early onset Diabetes, therefore, it's kind of a lost cause at this point. So, for her and elderly people unless they want to suddenly sort out their health (surprisingly people are so scared yet won't stop their bad habits lol, anyone with Diabetes right now why are you not reading books like Dr Barnards etc!) a vaccine, sadly, probably is the best solution.
  14. @Roy This is so true, it's all about habits. Once you start eating healthy and stop buying junk food it becomes normal, I feel stopping buying it is key, it's made to be addictive. Just like Porn, Gambling etc is, the food industry is incredibly corrupt and toxic. Unfortunately I don't think there's great margins on Tumeric and Ginger, whereas, there is on Coke and Sweets. Although, I feel we're getting closer and closer to a tipping point, health& fitness is everywhere you go these days, although I'm sure it'll be even more hijacked with shit like 'Keto Bars' and 'Vegan Bars' which contain shit instead of Whole Organic Foods which we are designed to eat.
  15. Personally I would've said you was crazy had you asked this to me a couple years ago. Now- I think it's very much more likely than unlikely. Personally from my research, and others, it's looking more and more likely every day. David Icke talks about this (although extremely and don't believe it all at all), there's also lots of series on Gaia I believe on this that I need to check out, they've been spamming me with YT ads, good targeting by them! How many coincidences until it becomes an impossibility?
  16. @Meta-Man You are explaining this really well. Essentially how Self-Realised beings explain this phenomenon, i.e. Rupert Spira and Francis Lucille. You do things because you want to and as a celebration instead of a need to and to make yourself happy. You no longer “need” sex to be happy, but you may want the celebrate the connection you have with another being through sexual intimacy. you don’t need to play football, but you may want to go have some fun and play a few games of football with your friends, or heck play to a decent level because you enjoy it. And guess what life is about: enjoyment and happiness. When you are absolutely happy you are free to do whatever you want. Although with a true awakening, that “whatever” will always come from love and understanding. Hence Ramana Maharshi wasn’t a child rapist or murderer etc Francis calls tbis “impersonal desire” and I think that is as good as concepts and words can get in explaining this.
  17. @Leo Gura This is such a good point. Buddhist monks are forced to take a vowel of celibacy, most don’t do it because they want to or have transcended the physical. People don’t realise true awakening involves becoming more human and more you than ever before, without any BS “spiritual” beliefs and concepts. It is complete acceptance and spontaneity of the moment without any resistance what so ever. And, as you said, awakening to love and integrating this then means your life will be lived From a space of love, and that is the most beautiful love to live. if you wanna go have sex, go do it!
  18. @electroBeam You're equating all desire with Ego, which is wrong. Desire in means to achieve something e.g. happiness through money, sex, relationships etc, is a never-ending circle. However, desire can evolve to become an expression of your love, happiness, and understanding. Be careful demonizing desire, without it, you wouldn't be alive if you say you have transcended desire you're just BSing yourself. The desire to breathe and survive is still a desire, and there's also nothing wrong with expressing this understanding and having the desire to have a partner, have sex, build a business etc, when it is coming from the place you are already happy and at peace, therefore don't NEED anything, you simply do it as you WANT to. It's subtle but a huge difference. If you want to live a hermits life, that is completely up to you and is beautiful. However, it won't make you more 'spiritual' or whatever. Once all your 'karma' goes you will rest in eternity, so I wouldn't worry too much about that, enjoy life. Sounds like you're going to fall into the trap of denying life, like many monks and yogis do (not all of course) 'Minimizing your sex drive is very unnatural unless it happens naturally e.g. Ramana Maharshi, there are no rules to awakening. When you are absolutely at peace and happy you are free to do whatever you wish. @Leo Gura For once I couldn't agree with you more
  19. I have thank you. hence why I’m able to listen to many, many teachers with an open mind, and listen to sources regarding Covid-19 from many many sources in regards to the nature of the virus, how we can prevent the virus, how we can protect ourself from the virus, supplements, how to boost overall health etc, I don’t just listen to Icke and believe everything he says, he has his opinions, but it’s always advisable to listen to both sides. That’s why a podcast like London Real has been so great recently, he’s had people like Icke on, who doubt the existence of Covid-19 and have his theories, then he has multiple doctors on around natural healing and how we can protect ourselves, and then he also has had The likes of Sadhguru and Wim Hof on, his podcast has been amazing recently. Ive enjoyed diving deeper into Ickes work, as I never really did before. And, I know 99% of people here would’ve maybe watched one video, and never read his books or anything like that, so from that vantage point it’s quite unfair to judge. Im currently reading one of his books, and it raises some very interesting points regarding the nature of reality, our true self, religion, alternative healing etc, and we haven’t even got to the conspiracy part yet! I wouldn’t regard him as fully Self-Realised- I.e.- Ramana Maharshi, Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille etc, however he has clearly had several awakenings, and has done 30 years worth of research with many of the things he has been saying being brought to the light recently. Critical sense involves having the open mindedness to dive into ideas that “scare” you or challenge your paradigm. For example, I would’ve never ever even looked into the potential of Climate Change being used for a political agenda, or how Agenda 21 is being played out in front of our eyes, at the least it’s eye opening.
  20. @docs20 Service Accomodation, takes a decent upfront investment though.
  21. @Consept I don’t really get it, people aren’t saying Trump is a saint and Bill Gates is the only bad guy out there. It goes wayyyy deeper than Gates and Trump lol. I would recommend watching this documentary (from an unbiased stand point) and then coming back here. Just so you know my background- big Lefty, heavily supported Corbyn over here in the UK last year and was strongly in favour of us remaining in the EU before finding investigating further. P.S. I would still love a society based on love, understanding and happiness. However, the current Democratic Party does not support that one bit, not that the right are better. But the whole Right/ Left split is just another way to divide us and argue, isn’t it time we all worked together? I wouldn’t call “brainwashing” digging deeper to find the truth! Btw- this is hard to watch at times, be warned.
  22. @louhad Anyways, I would recommend starting your own business/ developing some skills to a high level. This skill can be marketing/ Business if you wish. In terms of business, online businesses are pretty easy to start if you have some spare cash, Publishing/ E-Commerce/ Social Media Marketing etc, but pick ONE business model, master it and get to 20k/ Month MINIMUM before moving onto another model. Do not develop Shiny object syndrome. Master one skill/ business model/ niche and you can reach levels you can only dream of right now. Leo is a good example, he stuck to the Self-Help/ Spirituality, focused on YouTube and then produced 2 main products- Life Purpose course& Book list, both highly related to his viewers and subscribers. These can eventually become passive when you hire more staff and offset the work once you have mastered the business model. That brings me onto passive income, it's possible but WILL TAKE WORK! Online Courses are the perfect example, I'm sure @Leo Gura spent 100s of hours on his LP course, and now it generates him income on a weekly basis, tbf I think he hasn't even tapped into like 50% of what he can earn from that course. If he wanted to he could set up a Webinar, Facebook/ YouTube ads, and retargeting ads and effective Email marketing, that course could change even more people's lives. I know people making 7 figures+ from 1 online course. But they spent 100s of hours creating the best product in that niche first, that should always be the focus- your customers! (P.S. Leo PM me if you wanna talk about this more, and check out Alex Becker on YT, your course needs to be infront of more eyes) Once you have a business/ job making you enough to live on and some, then think about Investing. But, I see so many people investing say $500 a month in stocks when if they invested that in themselves and in business they would make WAY more money long term and actually provide way more value, but that's another topic. Then looking at how you can create even more passive income through investments and investing in businesses and people etc, but invest in yourself first would be my advice. I've just started a new project with 2 great entrepreneurs in the publishing industry, we are looking to create the BEST books, online courses and backend offers for our customers. That is our ONLY focus, Quality >. As a result, we are much more likely to achieve our goal of 6 figure monthly profits and eventually a 7 figure sale of the company because we are solving problems in our niche and helping improve people's lives. Look at Alex Becker and Sam Ovens on YouTube, they aren't your typical stage orange materialistic YouTubers, they are your focused LP business, doing what's best for my customers kind of Entrepreneurs, If you're into entertainment- fiction, music, gaming etc then focus on helping people be as entertained and have as much fun as possible, it's the same mindset. Sorry for the rant, but I used to be a passive income 'junkie' and you can make 3,5,10k a month etc in Passive Income, but if you want to grow your income and provide value build your skills and business first, then you'll have more money to build passive income!
  23. @LaucherJunge Oh yeah I wasn’t doubting the Doc was amazing, and I wasn’t defending the democrats by any means, although all I am after is a system based on Love, Happiness and Freedom, which nobody seems to offer these days! And it’ll be a very long time before we get there of course. When are you going to start a thread on Soros and Greta Thurnberg and the Climate agenda, that’ll ruffle some feathers?
  24. @Leo Gura What do you invest in now? any real estate properties? Any start ups? 100% agree investing in yourself and your own business first and foremost is the most important thing by a mile, most of my money has been reinvested into my own business and several investment businesses. However, in the near future I’m looking to expand further and was thinking real estate/ service accommodation, and maybe some Vanguard life strategy funds, wondered what you do. This is an open question to anyone with investing experience/ advice.
  25. @LaucherJunge I like this documentary a lot, sadly it is kinda hijacked by a lot of far right supporters that are using conspiracies as a means to push an agenda. I don’t think Trump is at all the good guy Q Anon make him out to be, could be wrong of course. However, the parts about pizza gate, the royal families etc are very eye opening and a horrible watch to see what has been happening all this time. Problem is when conspiracies are used to push a politician or whatever, it’s clear there’s an agenda there. In reality there’s good and bad guys on the left and right, both are likely as bad as each other. All I will say, is sadly, many “positive” things will/ could be hijacked by those in the shadows and used in a poor manner. The perfect example is UBI, this could be an incredibly helpful income, or it could be used as a form of control. Same as veganism, at its core it is a beautiful message about equality of all beings. And, can be incredibly healthy with organic wholefoods. Or it can be used to mass produce synthetic food incredibly cheap and remove local farmers and replace them with Corporations. (This is coming from a vegan)