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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @flowboy Yeah wrong word probs. Meant, just to enjoy socially from time to time with friends, that's all. Of course if you have addiction issues with Alcohol that's completely different. Brian Rose of London Real talks about this well.
  2. Hey everyone, The last few days on here haven't been exactly all about loving life and embracing life post-awakening, I saw a recent post by Leo about falling in love with life and finding passions outside of Spirituality/ Consciousness Work/ Reality etc When seeking it's easy to drop ALL hobbies and outside interests, sometimes even necessary for a while. Just like when starting a new business or relationship that tends to take centre stage for a while, however, I feel Passion is such a valuable thing to develop in life, learning to love life and cultivating your passion for interests and hobbies and even your career is like having the key to a never-ending road to bliss, happiness, and joy! So, this is all about discussing our passions with each other, and potentially helping others find their own passion and love for LIFE! Life is so fucking beautiful and amazing and everyone deserves to experience an amazing and passion-filled life! And, before we start I'm of course not saying don't have a passion for Awakening/Spirituality etc, however, your seeking journey will come to an end eventually (hopefully) of course integration and living the understanding goes on forever, but I know many of us don't want to just become monks or stare at a wall forever, and many of us are already in love with life, so this is all about sharing and cultivating that love for life! In my experience, awakening has only deepened my love for life and my own passions. One last thing- Of course a passion for truth and awakening is fucking amazing, it allows us to find out the truth of our own being, and discover the absolute happiness and peace inherent in this and WAYY more, so just want to make it clear I'm not for one second saying stop spirituality or anything like that! Anyways these are some of my passions- Sport- Ever since I was young I LOVED sport, I remember day after day just going out and playing football for hours and hours on end, it was my first love! (Outside of junk food, I still managed to be a fat kid lol) I still love football more than ever to do this day and watch every Liverpool game every weekend, although now I play a lot more cricket, every Saturday and Sunday in summer for 4 months, it's amazing! It's also incredibly social after the games which is an added bonus, and it's a great community to be a part of. Also, when I do play PS4 it tends to only be Fifa or sports games lol, I guess I'm pretty weird like that. Business/ Sales- I've always wanted to run my own business, however when I got interested in spirituality I thought they were mutually exclusive. How wrong I was! Simply it meant evolving my business to come from a place of love and focus firstly on serving the customer and making them happy, not solely on money. Fusing spirituality with business has been one of my greatest joys and I wake up and get excited to work every single day right now, it's so fun! Most people find it weird that I actually like writing copy and running ads, but we're all different I guess. Health/ Fitness (Feeling AMAZING) - Acne was what got me truly into health and fitness, my spots were terrible. It led me to going Vegan and in the last year my research and knowledge has deepened so much, and there is still endless amounts to learn in this domain of life. I LOVE learning new things that improve my health and naturally make me feel amazing, it is just such a great interest of mine, and I will forever be a student of health! I guess personal development falls under this category as well which I love! I also LOVE helping people in any way I can, so if they are unhealthy help them sort their diet out, or if they want to play sport help them get started, or if their business is struggling help them there etc, it gives a feeling like no other I'd say these are my main 3. I love to do other things such as hang out with GF/ Friends/ Family, Listen to music, go partying/ raving occasionally, watch incredible TV shows/ Movies etc, but I'm not sure it's fair to call things like that a passion, more just enjoyable things I like to do from time to time. So what are all your guys passions in life, and if you don't have any explain why and I'm sure we can help cultivate that love for life that is longing to be expressed!
  3. @fridjonk Agree 1 hour workouts are amazing but there are studies showing if we sit on our arses all day at our desks and then just do 1 hour of exercise it isn't as amazing for us as we think, hence we need to add in 'low level physical activity' to our days. Ben Greenfield talks a lot on this, it's as simple as every 25 mins do some squats, push ups, jumping jacks, get a kettlebell and do some swings, if you have an exercise bike do a couple minutes on there etc. When you're taking calls go on a walk instead of being stationary When you make coffee do jumping jacks Things like that can emulate the Bluezones.
  4. @UnconsciousHuman Yeah, but money creates freedom and opportunity, there is nothing 'wrong' with being rich, in fact if anything we should be promoting conscious beings to become rich as fuck and use their money in service of Love and Happiness. The problem is most rich people are very corrupt so we then assume money = corrupt when money is simply energy, that's all it is, neither inherently good nor bad. It is how you create and utilize the money that is the key. I am all for abundance and living in abundance, why should someone just because they are 'spiritual' not live a life of abundance where you have the freedom to not only do what you want but help uplift people and communities and change lives. Like, I'm not going to use my wealth so solely buy the fastest cars or biggest house, sure I may want a nice house, but the idea is to use the money 'positively' and create it from providing so much value for my customers. Let's say you have millions, you then have the potential to help your family, friends, help the community, invest in things you believe in etc. If you simply allow all of the quote on quote 'devils' to dominate the monetary system, nothing will ever change and it will be used in service of corruption and power etc, money could be used for AMAZING things and transform society, so instead of demonizing money, why not help people grow, become more conscious so that they use their money in incredible ways and help society? Maybe I'm biased! There's more to wealth than simply pursuing creative projects. You have to remember, there are businesses out there that genuinely help people beyond belief, and when you aren't completely materialistic as a business owner you can grow your company to help even more people as you go. No offense, but to me, people that demonize money tends to come from people that don't have much, or have never run any sort of business. Even if you want to run a charity feeding the poor you will need money, even if you want to run a spiritual retreat center you will need money etc We should start using money in conscious ways to truly help people and in service of love, truth, enjoyment, and happiness. And, that can even mean for YOU, you deserve to enjoy life remember! Booking a holiday can even come from a place of love, for the love of creating amazing times of loved ones etc Buying a nice house can, for the sake of living somewhere you love and truly enjoy Even buying a nice car if you love cars, of course, all of these things can come from a place of 'Ego' quote on quote as well. I have rambled here, but in one sentence. Money can be used in service of love, truth and happiness and that's exactly what as conscious beings we should be aiming to do, if we wish to live in society. Money isn't the issue, it is the motivation and people behind it that decide whether money is used for good or 'evil.'
  5. @Leo Gura What are you doing now to raise your baseline levels? Or at least stabilise in awakening when you’re sober out of interest?
  6. @Brian Wolfe Any reason for posting this? Almost sounds like the anti drug message you read in science textbooks at school, that just lead 15 year old kids to getting drunk in a park. Speaking of that, schools really need a much better drug message than “Don’t do any drugs ever!”
  7. @UnconsciousHuman You have to remember mainstream healthcare is stage orange, if you want to say anything out of the ordinary or “alternative” you need your own platform. Nothing wrong with being a doctor at a hospital of course, but most of the healing will be based on mainstream methods, and dealing with a lot of BS. If you master your craft, build your own audience and genuinely love to heal people (true healing) then the sky is the limit. Dr Mercola was like the first alternative health site on the web and I’m pretty sure he’s a millionaire, there’s plenty of fitness and health millionaires these days. Just gotta be creative. Sell- Subscription newsletter, supplements, affiliate good products, 1-1 clients/ consulting, write books, make courses, sell guides etc A truly amazing doctor + great marketing = sky is the limit Also, remember not all doctors are angels, many are paid off by big Pharma and what not, and many are simply sold by the system and believe everything mainstream, sadly. @trenton To answer your original question. Pick one business model and master it in what you love. So, as a writer your best bet is writing books and publishing them, but for that you need amazing marketing skills to stand out. But as Leo said, millionaires are top 2-3%, it’s not that easy, but mastering business is your best bet. I know guys making like 400k/ month (gross) from 1 product, and they were maybe making 5-10k/ month 2 years ago
  8. @fridjonk Hmmm, I’ll try find some good organic ones round here, and man I’m hooked on it haha, but I could do with a higher quality one for sure
  9. @fridjonk Link me some brands, I’m ALL ears! ? I still think I eat wayyyy too much, pretty sure it’s what could be causing some minor spot issues on my back and neck, as my face completely cleared up when I went vegan back in 2015 after like a year, but my back never fully cleared annoyingly.
  10. @Meta-Man Yep, exactly, before I thought teachers were crazy when they said it’s “consciousness speaking through them” like yeah you need to get mentally examined. Now, it’s like how could it be any other way? When Charlie talks he just spouts biased opinions about Liverpool, so We keep him quiet most of the time!
  11. @Michael569 Thank you once again for your response, your passion for your LP shines through in these posts to say the least, you're gonna help so many people!!!! He recommends up to 4x 15Mg/1Mg Copper/Zinc supplements for Covid-19 with elderberry and a Zinc Lozenge a day. I just meant for alcohol, how much should I pre load, I think the supplement I linked has it in! Big wholefood salad before the next night out, and a Berry smoothie as a post drinking snack- The Girls will be flocking to me... Haha, yeah I sunburn so bad- more berry smoothies sounds fine for me! Yeah- my main bad habit is Peanut Butter, but I've now limited myself to 1 teaspoon in my Oats and NO PB snacks, or I just go crazy. Never gone raw for a day I don't think! What's your top 5 nutrition/ diet books (not too much interested in the Science jargon) for optimizing health and feeling amazing basically. Always looking to learn.
  12. @Meta-Man Are you my spirit animal? You say exactly what I want to, but in a much more coherent way lol.
  13. @electroBeam Make an education product based on Science and use that description and that's guaranteed sales to scientists. That is a beautiful description of the art of Science, well said bro!
  14. @Meta-Man I didn’t realise I signed up for it, but am I glad 16 year old me realised how meaningless everything was and it lead to a path of absolute peace, happiness and love, that while it may very destructive only leaves room for truth, which paradoxically means ever deepening peace, love and happiness.
  15. @Meta-Man Exactly! I mean I worked with her for months before her book, but I never knew quite how destructive awakening could be until reading that, it’s also very individual and how “fake” your life has been etc. She always said she knew Adyashanti was finished and fully awake by the quote: “Enlightenment is the most destructive “thing” possible” or something along them lines! And, it truly is, but in the best way, as all that remains is what is true!
  16. @Meta-Man 1000x better in ever way imaginable. Imagine the potential of people who are actually gifted at sport with this understanding! Yep, I wouldn’t say my life turned upside down, but a LOT of things changed in the way they were done. In one example was the Gym. I realised how much I was going because I thought I had to look a certain way, out of going for the love of exercise. So I changed my focus to a workout routine I genuinely look forward to and love/ enjoy (as much as you can enjoy heavy squats!) and changed my focus to overall health and well-being because I love my body and love waking up feeling amazing every day. Yeah, I’ve read most of the book, it’s such an honest and truthful reflection of awakening. I also recommend my teachers “Spiritual autobiography” or whatever you call this genre, which is called “Intimacy With the Infinite” by Ananda Devi, not only is it packed with wisdom and insights, more so her story is more destructive than anything I’ve seen/ heard. Lets just say, leaving your husband for a Spiritual Teacher who you feel is your twin flame, and awakening and being truly you doesn’t tend to sit well with a very wealthy Traditional Jewish family, and wow was awakening “destructive” in her life. But of course, all for the love of truth and what is true. The biography side almost reads like a novel.
  17. I’m shit at quoting and on my phone so I’ll answer one paragraph at a time bro. Yeah, it was definitely a dark night of the soul kind of phase, but had some knowledge of truths, and was sharing them, like you said I don’t even think now he’s finished Yep, I was the same, I realised no amount of A*s or a 6 figure job would make me totally happy, and realised all was meaningless, at 15/16 that’s hard to take! But, I’m beyond happy I went through that or I wouldn’t be at peace and happy now. Paradoxically, you’re actually more able to enjoy life and “achieve” or “manifest” what you want, as you’re no longer outcome dependent, so you can actually enjoy things. You can actually enjoy playing football without the anxiety of needing to perform to be happy, meaning you’ll actually perform better. So, in Jim’s case he’d probably create much better movies and performances without the need of this moving having to hit number 1, or whatever. I know you mentioned you used to be into bodybuilding. In that case you’d be able to build an even better body for the fun of it, and without destroying your body in the process as your happiness isn’t dependent on it. When you’re already happy and free of outcome dependency the potential to enjoy life skyrockets, it’s the greatest paradox of all. And, a beautiful one! Plus, everything you do also comes from a place of love, happiness, enjoyment, service etc, it’s like the ultimate win-win scenario. And, anything false naturally drops away. Yeah, Russell won’t budge, and I can see why. I know people who are big on drugs, and they only need a few sips of beer to set them on their way. Although, it could be very different with psyches, but after 15 years of sobriety, maybe he doesn’t want to take that risk, which I understand, I’m not sure I would. Who knows, maybe the natural path is for him!
  18. @Meta-Man Yeah, I'm not sure Russell ever has had a genuine Non-Dual awakening yet, although he's certainly on the path and has some great guests on his podcast, and is still as funny as ever. Also, I can't imagine how hard quitting heroin must be, kudos to anyone in recovery! LOOOL that's hilarious, I think he's also doing a few more movies, but has realized no amount of money or fame would make him happy, but his movies and what not can of course be an expression of happiness and love. This is VERY rare for someone at that 'level' in life to realize this, I find his interviews when he was going through his original awakenings hilarious, reporters didn't know what to say, I don't think there's anything in the script about responding to Non-Dual truths.
  19. @Meta-Man Jim even made awakening hilarious in that video, excellent actor, and one of the very few in that space who has had a genuine awakening. Russell Brand is at least on the path these days, he’s gone from a full time smack head, to Hollywood fame& sex addict, all the way to “regular” (except the millions) family man on a spiritual journey. He’s also extremely funny. I agree, background really means fuck all, I’m pretty sure there is a French comedian who had a spontaneous awakening, I’ll try find his name quickly. Update- can’t find him/ her, I remember he coined a term such as “Transcendental duality” or “Infinite precarious value” but I can’t remember the persons name, oh well!
  20. @Michael569 You are a fucking hero!!! Always hitting me with those scientifically accurate truths to help! Haha, unfortunately I won't be allowing my body to get too good at the whole processing So start slow! Zinc- How much? I'm loading on Zinc atm due to Corona, from the Drs PDF you recommend Chris, I always forget his name! B Vitamins- These are present in my multivitamin and B12 (I'm vegan) any other way to load on them pre drinking? Bowel and urination- Got IT! So, basically be EXTRA healthy around drinking days, superfood salads, more fruit, and more legumes- perfect. Water in between drink, the one I first learned and rarely apply....need to start! Will get some of them foods! Haha, I burn like crazy will load up on sunscreen for the holiday don't worry about that! Yes, sadly, Chips and Pitta is my go to meal post drinking, again something that needs to be stopped! Fully raw? I'm already vegan, so go fully raw say all day sunday? Thanks for the help as always!
  21. @Michael569 @TrynaBeTurquoise I know you guys aren't the biggest fan of alcohol, however I wanted to ask. Once lockdown is over and normal life resumes (could be 6 weeks, could be 6 months who really knows) social events will resume, and I primarily consume alcohol in 3 situations- 1) Nights Out- Pubs/ Clubs 2) Cricket- After cricket on Saturdays during summer, tends to correspond to nights out, 3) Big football matches, e.g. Champions League nights. The reason is simply to have fun, sorry to say I enjoy it with friends from time to time. However, I have never ever had a drink at home, and will never drink alcohol except in social situations, Professor David Nutt talks about this as one of the main issues- when people started drinking inside their own homes, and not just in social situations. For example, right now I haven't drunk in months due to not being allowed to go anywhere. Anyways, to get to the point, do you have any particular recommendations for minimizing the effects of Alcohol consumption (Max Once a week) and reducing hangover effects. So far this is my regime: Healthy Meal and Smoothie Pre Drinking, , Cold shower, fast etc Drink 1-3 tabs of https://www.amazon.co.uk/Morning-D-TOX-After-Drinking-Digestion/dp/B07F6J1DXV/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=morning+detox&qid=1587989580&sr=8-1 & Lots of water before bed Wake up- Lots of water and electrolytes through a sports drink, then 2-3 cups of Green Tea (wondering whether a fast is best) and 2-3 pills of https://www.amazon.co.uk/Morning-D-TOX-After-Drinking-Digestion/dp/B07F6J1DXV/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=morning+detox&qid=1587989580&sr=8-1 So far these Pills have been the only thing I found that works and makes me feel normal after a couple hours, compared to feeling sub-optimal all day. Only used on 3 occasions this year though, however, the reviews are also promising. Let me know what you think
  22. @Michael569 Yep, I don't claim it's healthy or solving any issues whatsoever. Simply, I occasionally drink when out with friends for fun.
  23. @Nak Khid I read 1000 by Ramaji in October 2018, thought it was BS some transmission could help me awaken, decided to email Ananda in December, and eventually got sessions in April, I will write more later but I have a blocker on my browser that is blocking the forum in 10 seconds until after work lol- sorry!
  24. @LaucherJunge I got you now, sorry sounds like I did misunderstand mate! And, of course, we need a reform where it's people who actually provide the most value 'earn' the most, although, that is, of course, the case internally, spreading love and something of value that genuinely helps people is already MUCH more rewarding than simply digits on a screen from harming/ poisoning people (McDonald's, Some Of Big Pharma etc) And, yes there should be a baseline humans never go below, it breaks my heart seeing homeless people and all anyone says is 'well they shouldn't do drugs then and learn to help themselves' but in reality, they need more help than the majority of us, instead of being ostracised. Shaming homeless people for doing drugs is like shaming fat people for eating Junk food, it doesn't help anyone and probably makes the situation worse. I think this, of course, will happen eventually, but it will take a LOT of reform and change, which many in power won't necessarily want. Just wanted to add, anyone who PMed me regarding what I do for a living, I will reply as soon as I can, but first will make a post regarding online business, also, if anyone wants to contact me and me reply quicker just ask for my FB or Email, forum messaging is the most efficient lol, FB is just s much easier imo.
  25. @AlphaAbundance I agree, and these methods can both be great in their own right. I personally went the RASA + 1-1 teaching route and it was 1000x more effective than anything else BUT this doesn’t mean it was easy or a magic pill. I worked with and received rasa near enough fortnightly for 9 months, so it isn’t as if you have 1 session and be done with it, the human side was just as valuable to me. It still involves integration work and normal “practices”, I still meditate every morning and likely will for the rest of my life, 1) because I enjoy it and 2) it helps start my day right& ground me. There is also no magic pill, you will still have to do shadow work, face your demons, face the TRUTH (everyone thinks they want to but do they?) and actually get into the trenches of yourself, and trust me it isn’t always pretty or fun. As an Enneagram 7 learning to feel and actually be with my negative emotions was such a hard lesson, after years of distracting myself, opening up and becoming vulnerable to emotion was like opening a huge can of worms. Don’t underestimate the need for normal practices/ integration. It’s not as if you can just get RASA once and be done forever, even @Haumea2018 who needed much fewer sessions, still had to do years of integration work as he said. So, yes RASA (IMo) is one of the best tools available for true awakening, but it isn’t a quick fix, or magic pill. There is still work involved- sorry!