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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. @Consept Yeah his podcast is all I watch, and I have to admit it's one of the best for getting a huge range of people on. But, he is defo far from innocent, can't argue there, I do sense he is growing the last few days, I feel he needs to integrate healthy Orange instead of the orange he probably inherited from his banking days, but I get that can be tough, I imagine it's a very toxic industry. Like this guy- @Jacobsrw Yep, You need at least 10-20k capital to get started and play ball these days. I'm lucky to have partnered up with an amazing pair of guys and we luckily have a fair amount of capital to grow a huge company in the niche we're in, but I've been there when it's fighting an uphill battle. Agree, it is more complex than we know, but I always trust my Gut and my heart, and to me it feels something VERY fishy is going on based on my research and that of others.
  2. @remember Couldn’t agree more RE the elderly, the situation over here in the UK is pretty bad with old people. Im just not sold a UBI is the best way to deal with it long term, right now I understand. for elderly I guess a pension is a form of UBI, which is necessary. what is needed is a shrinking of the wealth gap, more restrictions on huge Corporations and more promotion of small businesses and tax benefits for them, this will even the playing field more and allow small businesses to grow. it should the huge tech giants paying the taxes, not the little guy struggling to feed his family.
  3. @Consept Yeah, I agree the guy clearly has quite a shady past. When were these claims all filed? ive only been following Brian this year, and mainly since he’s been interviewing high level people like Wim Hof, Sadhguru, David Icke etc. It’s clear he has a stage orange shadow for sure which is blocking his development. Like I said I have nothing wrong with people making millions even businesses making billions, but like we both said it should be through providing incredible value, I’m not sure if all his courses are doing that right now. I agree, if he wants to advocate free speech he has to be an example of it.
  4. UBI would be amazing if we lived in a conscious society, as a means to help people meet their basic needs. Unfortunately, we don't and Covid is pushing the UBI agenda, which will be used as a form of control sadly it seems, as many jobs will be wiped out, it will become 'Behave how we want, if you want to eat!' This already happens in China with Social Credits, if you don't behave how the Gov likes, you don't get to go on trains, planes and other normal things. I expect the same will be brought in globally as a result of Covid sadly. @Consept It's always going to be difficult to do that, I agree. However, I guess this is why we need a personal wealth cap of like (max) 1 Billion or something along those lines, something needs to be done to address the wealth gap between the 1% and 99%, I'm sure a Stage Yellow economy wouldn't allow this. I personally have no issues with Millionaires who have provided huge value and reap the rewards, think Tony Robbins for example, my issue is with the loophole exploiters like you mentioned the bankers, etc. Ideally wealth should be created via the value you provide- for example creating a business. Investing is tricky as companies need investors, and the motivation is monetary gain for them, again maybe a cap and redistribution? Idk.
  5. I almost forgot, Shaun Attwood shared this- (he was one of the biggest Epstein video creators, and is part of the Alt Media, yet instead of being described as an ex Stock Market millionaire, he's simply remembered for the Ecstasy cartel he created - btw recommend watching his podcasts with True Geordie on this they're hilarious!) https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57bb47e4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/f4d9b9_db8ff469f6914534ac02309bb488f948.pdf They are now targeting anyone related to Icke.
  6. @Jacobsrw Yeah, I'm in the Self-Publishing business and until you're making 30k/month+ you have no option but to use Amazon really, especially for Auidobooks as Audible dominate most of the market share, I literally only know a harmful out of 1000s who have successfully moved their business partially outside of Amazon at least in this industry, they completely dominate the Book market. They've also recently just been filed against for stealing FBA sellers details and creating their own products using the data, and then ranking them higher and pushing them. Surely, even you have to admit what is clear with this Virus is that small businesses are being destroyed while huge Corps like Amazon are doing better than ever? The wealth gap is only going to continue to grow. This is why I think targeting Rose is like a fish in a pond, he's no saint but at least he is attempting to push back against these HUGE organizations. FaceBook is the same, them YT& Google dominate the advertising/ marketing space, it is incredibly effective, but means everything runs through them, while it is great you can target customers, they can (and will eventually) choose what they push to suit whatever agenda they have, meaning they can show and push the average person into buying whatever they want them to. Nowadays, your best bet of opening a small online business is through.....Amazon, Shopify etc, you could do SMMA but that is becoming flooded. But, it's not like it's 100% bad, of course we have to remain balanced. @Consept This is his sales page - https://londonreal.tv/m/biz-enroll/ I can't vouch for the course, as I haven't done it. I just know with the online courses I have done, there is ALWAYS haters, for the one I done, the guys literally can't tell anyone their publishing account as they have people after them 24/7 wanting to shut them down, yet they've helped 100s start an online business, and create the life they wanted, so I'm just saying because 1 person calls scam, doesn't mean it's all bad. However, the crypto stuff I admit is shady, I know little about Crypto but from what I do pyramid schemes like this don't sound great. To be fair, there is a report calling out London Real as part of 'Deplatforming Icke' so I won't be surprised if his channel gets deleted. Yes, for one, Soros uses children as Propoganda for his agenda remind you of a certain political group from Germany?.... You won't watch it as it's by a conspiracy group, but this documentary (I don't agree with it all) goes into much more detail about these figures, but it also has a clear agenda as it's related to Qanon which pushes the right wing of course, however, some of the findings anf facts they present are very eye opening- All I'm saying is that there is a lot to question, and in my view it is better to watch and research yourself, rather than blindly ignore and pretend it's all okay. I also advise checking out this document, when you realize Covid, 9/11, 2008 financial crash etc aren't isolated incidents but part of a much bigger 'agenda' you can put more dots together. But, again I'm not saying it is all correct, merely to watch and question from various sources. https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1YjDMXrc8GmD3y-bC9FlpsTBV_kMMbdh1OD-4BzF94oDhV7HC0I0FjjRw Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030 is probably the most worrisome thing I've seen, in terms of it's happening in front of our eyes, and a lot of the things would be great- UBI for one, but if used as a control. (Think Covid destroying small businesses, unemployment and AI taking jobs) it could end up being the worst thing possible. I would say the UN are really not who you think they are, films like Geostorm come across like Propoganda to push the Climate Change agenda, and use that as a means to add more taxes, more control etc. And, again let me be clear, we NEED to stop destroying the environment- but is CO2 really the main problem? Isn't maybe stopping destroying the forests, and polluting everything we touch more important? I'm also Vegan, and can clear as day see how Veganism is sadly being used as part of this agenda, as a means to shut down small farms and allow big Corp to come in and take over, and then mass produce GMO, not real food of course. Yes, it's Icke, but I really recommend this video regarding Agenda 21- Covid fits a lot of the criteria and allows for things such as - Mandatory Vaccines, Cashless society, collapse of financial system and One world currency to replace it etc. Original was deleted with Icke's channel- Gates- Well you know my views on that, I think it will become clearer as the years go on, he isn't the saint he's made out to be.
  7. @Jacobsrw I feel @TrynaBeTurquoise raises some very interesting points. If we are going to hold Rose under a microscope, shouldn't we do the same for the elites regarding their business. Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg etc? We can go into that if you want to, since you seem to have an issue with people not liking Brian's course, you must have an issue with blatant data privacy issues and manipulation, antitrust, funding certain movements. For the online courses I've been through, I could find a list of people calling it a scam, yet it's helped me and 100s of others create a 6 figure business, so it's not as simple as one person get's nothing out of it meaning it's complete shit. We have to hold each person to the same standards then right? Then we can get into mainstream news outlets if you wish?
  8. @Jacobsrw Icke is not in on this, it’s more likely he’s unaware and just happy someone with a big platform is allowing him somewhere to speak. He was doing tbis in the 90s talking to a man & his dog. You have to remember Icke faced ridiculous ridicule to the point of his children being bullied & not being able to leave the house without being laughed at, I don’t think one would go through all of that for the sake of it. I know we’re on 2 sides of the spectrum regarding Icke, but I don’t see why he’d be in it for the money. He lives in a 1 bedroom flat in the Isle Of Wight (single) and all of his kids are grown up. All the money would just be used on putting on Tours and marketing I imagine. I think the concerns regarding Brian are legit, but overall his podcast is pretty amazing he’s had some great people on recently- including Sadhguru and Wim Hof, so in that domain I can’t complain. His business accelerator on the other hand doesn’t look so great. I admit, Brian has a shady side, maybe it’s the banker in him looking for opportunity. The crypto thing was very dodgy, let’s see how this digital freedom platform plays out. He also started selling freedom fighter merch kind of stuff, it was quite nice, but he’s definitely maximising this opportunity. Im not sure who else would give Icke a platform due to the censorship though, he was on a UK podcast True Geordie las year which is fairly big over here, but he’d never get Joe Rogan or anything like that as he wouldn’t risk his platform, Brian is his best bet right now, especially since his 1 Million sub YT got deleted.
  9. I am not saying Icke is 100% right on everything, nobody is. Yet, you are saying he “simplifies” these topics, which couldn’t be further from the case. His books range from 500-1000 pages long, with lectures as ling as 10 hours, like I said please read and listen to these before commenting. I am not stuck at all, in fact just 2 months ago I was advocating for a lockdown (how much I regret that lol) these positions have come from incessant research into them, and are never ever fixed, and all that matters to me is truth, whatever that is. All I am interested in is the truth of what is going on. Reality is very complex, yes, and I don’t believe it is being simplified like you say it is. Remember these interviews are planned to go mainstream, most people barely have attention for 3 hours let alone 10 plus huge books, he has to dumb down the findings to some degree. Sorry, I don’t see this as an ideology at all, instead I see it as people attempting to push for freedom. Awakening does not give any authority, however I was just pointing out you said his understanding of Love and Reality was coming from an ideological position, when it is actually coming from a place of direct experience. And, of course you can never be 1000% sure someone is awake, just like you can’t with Ramana or Rupert Spira, however from how Icke talks and writes it is clear to me he is, you can have your own views on that. And, I disagree on a meta perspective, Icke is far from perfect, but has been at this for 30+ years and has actually outlined the exact plans for what will happen and has happened over the last 2 decades, the reason he is getting so much attention now, as what he has been saying so for so long is becoming more apparent by the day. I hoped he was wrong, any sane person wouldn’t want what he says lol, but it does seem the only answer is LOVE.
  10. 'David Icke finished with a message of Love. And, saying how it is ALL about love, all about awakening to love and opening your heart Chakra, and coming from a place of love.' The message is LOVE!
  11. @Rilles Research Icke, his awakenings, and what he has done for 30 years. All his books talk about the nature of reality FIRST, he only got into this work post-awakening, and ALWAYS talks about the nature of reality before names, places, dates and whatnot. Again, watch the video I linked. You guys are judging him without knowing him or what he stands for. It's not him simply spouting Non-Dual theory, it's speaking from direct experience of Awakenings. He always talks about alternative healing, issues with the materialist paradigm, awakening, the nature of reality etc, not too different to people's interests here actually.
  12. @Jacobsrw Please stop talking about things you have about 1% understanding of. You have watched 1 interview of Icke, and know nothing about the man or his teachings. He speaks like a 'religious fundamentalist' no, he speaks with certainty, I agree maybe sometimes he comes on too strong to newbies, but you have to remember this is exactly what he has been saying for 30 years, it's not as if he started researching this yesterday. You clearly have misunderstood him he talks about Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Love, please explain how that is 'filtered through his own ideological lens' he is talking of the same awareness& love ALL teachers talk about. By 'I'm more powerful than them' he literally means Love is more powerful, and will always win. Icke had his awakening in 1993, then appeared on mainstream media and was ridiculed for decades (Still is) but we all know what a tough time awakening can be, it can make you literally forget who you are and go into trance-like states. HE then had a 2nd heart awakening during an Ayaschua ceremony where he realized all that exists is infinite love. If this was someone on the forum or Rupert Spira you would not say it's 'filtered.' Yes, Consciousness and Love IS all that exists, it is the only reality absolutely speaking. But, please tell me if you had evidence your children were being sexually abused would you just tolerate it and say 'Oh well consciousness is all-inclusive so I'll let it be!' No, you would act from love and help your child and deal with the situation, at least I hope ANYONE would, no matter how awake they claim to be. Now, imagine you found this was happening on a global scale and had evidence for this. Would you simply allow it as 'Consciousness is all that exists' and just let 1000s of children continue to be abused year after year? If you would then I suggest seeking help. This is the position Icke and co find themselves in, the response is coming from LOVE, that's what many fail to see. Love for the human race, love for freedom, love for the potential of what humanity could be. You know we do not live in the best world relatively speaking that we could surely? Again, PLEASE actually watch his teachings or read his books before coming here and making a thread as if you know what the guy stands for. You have simply shown you have little knowledge on the matter, even I do and I've been following Icke the majority of this year now, so to come hereafter one interview like you know the ins and outs of the guy's psychology and teachings is extremely naive no? I linked the perfect intro into his work, and guess what the title is (and his solution) AWAKEN! Awaken to your true nature as Love, as Consciousness, THAT IS WHAT HE ADVOCATES! He NEVER mentions Violence and has said he doesn't agree with violence. He even said in his last interview he doesn't agree with destorying the 5G masts and instead advocates for millions to stand up and resist against it being put up globally, instead of using Violence. You're right, using violence brings you down to their level, LOVE is the only answer! But, please educate yourselves on matters before acting as an authority and like you know what you are talking about. This isn't meant to be rude, but throughout this thread, you have just shown you are quite ignorant to what Icke actually stands for as have got it completely wrong, which I don; 't think is fair, if you're going to criticize, at least do it around Legit things .
  13. Hey everyone, My holiday will probably get cancelled, but it seems like a great excuse to get as shredded as I can before looking to build some lean muscle the healthy way. Therefore, I'm making this thread to basically post any fat burning/ fat loss tips to help along the way, and of course if anyone wants to join in feel free! Currently I'm 148.5 Lbs (as of this morning) at 5"8, so am quite lean anyways, just looking to get more defined and shredded as I've been caught it in the whole cycle or bulking a bit, cutting a bit for a while, so want to build a clean slate to work from and do it the right way! Look forward to hearing your guys tips
  14. @herghly I do WHM and Cold showers every morning, regarding other substances no, I just eat really really healthy and aim to get my sleep in. Going forward the only time I drink caffeine will be after drinking the next morning along with “Morning DTox” pills you help me function the next day! ive been working like 10 hours today and feel pretty good, nowhere near as bad as I thought I’d be. Im also gonna quit porn to help boost energy further, and fast everyday until 11-12, but tomorrow is until 3PM as it’s a 24 hour fast- the first ever without caffeine!
  15. @electroBeam Actually I’ve decided you don’t meet the requirements to join @Hansu sounds awesome. @herghly Sack it off completely, it was interfering with my sleep, and I don’t want to be dependent on a chemical for work, I tried to downplay it but it also made me incredibly tired on weekends as I gave myself a break. I’m after lying term sustainable energy from a natural lifestyle. Yeah, I thought that, try cutting it down slowly, I came off coffee a few months ago and switched to Green Tea, and then came off that slowly last week. First few days I had a shitty headache, but now I feel 90% normal, I wasn’t a heavy addict like Alex Becker etc though.
  16. Icke has literally said at the end of EVERY interview with Brian- 'We are simply infinite awareness, having this experience.' 'Love is the only answer, by raising our vibration and consciousness we can overcome this and create a world based on love.' He also NEVER promotes violence, as he has stated multiple times, this is simply dropping down to their level, and fighting fire with fire, the only answer is love, and being the change you want to see. People judge him because the stuff he says will radically change how you think about the world, politics and media. I ignored him for years as I didn't want to hear things such as Vaccines could be BS, Climate change could be part of an agenda, same as Veganism (I'm vegan), UBI could be used as a form of control, A lot of left wing politics has been hijacked by 'evil' people such as George Soros& UN agendas, and many many more. I am not saying all of these are true, but I didn't even want to question this for a while, it takes a radical shift to even be able to. The hardest of all is understanding the Global child abuse and Pedophilia, that genuinely will test you emotionally. It is horrific. For anyone who wants an introduction to his work, this 9 hour seminar gives you an incredible basis- IT'S ALL LOVE! However, to build a society based on love, you have to expose the devilry and corruption that is going on globally. Sorry, it's 9 hours but discusses this all so well!
  17. @Nahm Awesome man! Just out of interest who was the transmission with and what transmission did you get exactly? And, yeah I guess not lol, they give them several times a day so I guess it would get impractical ? however, it’s not “them” giving them, just simply being a channel, trust me people think I’m a crack pot when I tell them ? Yep, it very much is similar to a trip, in terms of integration and backlash you’ll face, which is why doing them everyday is counter Intuitive, a bit like psyches (not that I know). Im glad man, you already have helped 100s if not 1000s of people on here, and the transmissions will just allow that even more so. I always love a holistic teacher, and someone who encourages us to go and live life however we see fit, and your teachings seem just like that, I think it’s time during my dopamine detox tomrorow to draw up that dream board @Raptorsin7 Who with? I personally wouldn’t expect many “results” unless it’s 1-1, the coaching is so so key imo.
  18. @Nahm I've clicked on your profile to see if there was anything regarding Transmissions and your integration, and wow I'm going to stalk you more often! You are like my hero, advising people on how to not only love they life they live, but simultaneously live the life they love and do everything they want to do from a place of love, happiness and joy. If I don't see an online funnel for a Nahm speaking event about manifestation, abundance, happiness all coming from a place of love in 5 years I will be disappointed Nahm!!!
  19. @Nahm Nahm, I wish I knew your real name to tell you how fucking amazing that post was, them transmissions really worked ay Your part about coming from Joy& Love to me, that's the ultimate success. Build a life you look forward to every single day, that's real success, and it' also different for everyone, which makes life even more fun. You've basically just explained how to incorporate the whole David Goggins work ethic mentality shit, infuse it with Joy and Love and turn it into the effortless way to manifest your dream reality and dream life. You sir, are a living legend. Align with that true power, that true being, build a business or whatever from there, and abundance in all forms will effortlessly flow, not just monetary but the more important forms- Love, Truth, Happiness, and Joy for life. <3
  20. @Hansu Yeah for sure man, Day 1 of No Caffeine for me as well, surprisingly not as bad as I thought- although I was only drinking Green Tea. Probs best to do it slowly so you don't overload yourself- and use Social Media can be VERY addictive, I just delete it when I don't need it, saves you simply unlocking and scrolling mindlessly.
  21. @Hansu Deoends on your goals and reasons for doing it. I’ll be minimising Dopamine while working, and then doing a 24 hour detox once a quarter to reset the brain, maybe more if there’s certain shit I need to get done.
  22. @DaveB What effects did it have out of interest?
  23. I’ll be doing a good old dopamine detox Sunday, and then from there will be quitting Porn & Caffeine for good, although porn has been seriously reduced already. Everything else limited to either work breaks or after work- especially social medi, video games and TV/ Movies. One exception is Podcasts and learning materials during “light work” periods Persinally I doubt I’ll ever go to Becker’s levels unless I want to develop a humongous company like, who knows maybe one day. Right now, that’s not the life I want. I enjoy my social life, having a relationship and enjoying some TV/ Movies/ Video Games post work. defo good to detox from time to time though and priorize what’s important and make even working/ going for a walk/ reading feel incredible!
  24. @Meta-Man Well said again. And, just to prove it is very individual, I couldn’t be any more different, I am growing a business, very active and very much involved in “worldly” activities, but I am only 20, this could change as we age. You have ultimate freedom to do what you want post awakening, that’s the beauty, simply do what you love as much as you can, and that’s an individual matter. I love business and marketing and making it conscious and solving problems/ providing entertainment and helping people in many wAys Some just want to meditate all day, it doesn’t matter either way, it’s up to you as an individual! You also want to factor in personality, the Enneagram was very helpful for me with this, and understanding yourself. Yes you will have a personality after awakening, you don’t just become a blob surprisingly ? That being said, there is a time in most seekers life the “inward” path takes priority and this may mean less outwardly activities, but it doesn’t have to last forever, unless you want it to of course
  25. @Meta-Man Yeah man I've been vegan 5 years now, so whole plant foods is all I can eat haha. So, essentially similar to Dr Gregors advice in terms of focus on being satiated by whole plant foods, with slightly higher protein than your average Joe. Any recommend meals in particular to make staples? My only consistent meal atm is Oats (with PB, Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Chia& Omega Seeds )+ Smoothie (Bananas and Berries, Greens powder, scoop of Vegan protein& EAAS) every morning.