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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. Sounds like you could become the next big speaker with their flower on YouTube if that’s your true passion bro Yes, needing nothing changes a lot in terms of relationships, they simply become an expression of joy instead of a search for happiness in another. It’s funny PU guys go on about neediness and abundance, but awakening is like the ultimate cure for neediness, but that comes with no longer manipulating girls for sex, can’t have it all I guess. I think the path varies a lot due to each body/mind and personality type, post awakening we still have a human “side” (terrible way to say it) and a personality, what helped me understand why I am the way I am was the Enneagram. For example, Ramana & Eckhart are Enneagram 9s, hence the very laid back “chilled out” meditative vibe they give off, and the “simple” life they lead. Whereas, Nisgardatta was an enneagram 8 (Bossy, want to be in charge, dominant type) hence the whole swearing and shouting at students and the extreme “Zen” like approach. Maybe you’re a 9, or a 5 if you like being by yourself, and are naturally introverted, and like a simple life. It’s what makes life so beautiful, we are all able to express this understanding in our own way, and each is as beautiful as each other.
  2. @Meta-Man Yep I think that’s it, and the only way through is to truly feel with no resistance whatsoever. the no laptop part is key! @electroBeam That was awesome man, thank you. Feeling always holds the truth as you say. @Nahm Hope you don’t have to file @electroBeam for any copyright violations
  3. @Preety_India Thank you so much, and yes it’s just extra tough in the beginning haha, all the best memories come flooding back! And, yes crying has been very therapeutic so far, thank you.
  4. 1 week update challenge- Had bouts of tiredness, nothing like Becker explains though Slept much easier overall headache first few days, fine now Starting to enjoy the natural energy! Will see how it goes in 2-3 weeks
  5. @Meta-Man That is so heartbreaking to hear man, but also beautiful at the same time, and I completely understand. You sound like (one of) the more extreme cases where awakening not only shakes your inner being to the core, but radically changes your life, and in your case it sounds very radical. Do you struggle relating to unawakened beings? I guess everyone is different, but I don’t struggle at all relating to my friends who have next to 0 interest in truth, and when I was with my Ex while spirituality caused issues at first (I thought I had to become a monk lol) eventually it helped me only blossom the relationship. I must admit, I did get a little “jealous” seeing couples like Rupert& His wife, Ramaji& Ananda etc who both had a deep love for truth and were both awakened, but it wasn’t the main reason behind us splitting, unless it was for God. I also like how you empathise there is no requirements on this path, it is simply what happens, for some they blossom sexually, for others, celibacy happens naturally like for Ramana as you said. Either way it’s beautiful, and the absolute freedom (from love) for either is the true beauty.
  6. @Leo Gura Recently it seems like you’ve been doing heavy integration, and it seems like you’re doing really well, your overall message recently has been awesome.
  7. Yep, only Absolute Will/ Gods will. As you say saying there is free will or isn’t free will from a separate self POV is still a belief, either way. I feel someone who believes they are a separate entity, is better off believing they have free will until they get into Non-Duality, or that could wreak havoc lol. However, from a “higher” POV The issue of free will becomes irrelevant, as their is just this, and this is it. Reading this from Francis Lucille makes me want to read his book haha, and I haven’t read a non-dual book in a while! It also summarises Absolute Freedom so well, after all, we all love freedom!
  8. @Average Investor I think the solution here is to focus on selling things that does improve people’s lives, in one way or way another. ThT can also be entertainment. @Pilgrimage of Self Yeah, I agree if you have these lawyer skills, what is so bad about utilising them and using that cash flow to start a business, any business will involve cash flow, and if you want to scale you won’t be able to pay yourself as much as you will want to from the get go. Learning copywriting is a great idea, but it’ll be based on freelance gigs, or you can use it on your own Profucts eventually.
  9. @electroBeam ?????
  10. @blowfish thank you, so is this the 20 minute binaural beats thing fitness guys go on about?
  11. @Roy Well said! @Kshantivadin Sounds like you’re just in a limbo seeking phase atm, we’ve all been there. Keep going, you’re too deep in to just forget it all now and become your average 20 year old, I’m your age and had the same thoughts when I was like 17/18 as spirituality isn’t always a walk in the park. How about this- Awaken, and live the best life possible from your understanding. Still go out and party, and see friends, get a job etc, but it all comes from Expressing happiness, not chasing it, and comes from a place of love and enjoyment not lack, so at least in my experience, life has been 99999999x more enjoyable post awakening. But, it wasn’t always like that so I empathise with you. Keep going. It is worth it.
  12. @blowfish I did some googling and sounds interesting, just would not be for me at this time. For example if you go out with friends you can’t just have a nap in the club at 1am lol, but I’m glad it’s working for you
  13. @blowfish Please expand.
  14. Another form of Ratgasm, if you've ever seen that study. I look forward to a day where Social Media is used in the optimal way.
  15. @Consept Okay, but again you’ve mentioned the small guy, but you’re forgetting who’s making the REAL money. These guys are making money yes, often their marketing tactics are very full on, but that’s common in a lot of business. You’re mentioning guys making 100,000s maybe millions, but missing that Gates will make Billions from the Vaccine, and Bezos is making more than ever as more and more small businesses shut down, again, if you want the point the finger, why start with those who are at least attempting to investigate the issues, instead of those causing the biggest wealth gap the world has ever seen. Believe me, I know these guys aren’t perfect at all. @Jacobsrw Icke has spoken about awakening many, many times before and has detailed exactly how and what happened, as well as the second awakening (common) that was the dropping into the heart during an Ayaschua ceremony. Based on how he speaks and these experiences, to me he is to some degree awake, of course I can’t verify this like we can’t with anybody. Icke’s argument is not that the Gov is a mind controlling cult, it is more the Government is actually global and national Govs are simply puppets for the most part. I am not saying he is 100% perfect at this, nor that he is 100% right, nobody is 100% right on these matters ever, for example I am not sold on his theory regarding the Virus not actually existing, however, based on my research I do feel it is certainly Planned& part of Agenda 21, as a means to further push things such as Vaccines, One currency, the cashless society, global rollout of 5G, tbe AI agenda and more. I think it is at least clear, tbis isn’t the deadly disease Gov propoganda would have us believe it was, and I think more and more whistleblowers will come out over the coming weeks. I would recommend this video, as a basic introduction to his work, it’s meant for people new to his stuff, and kind of like an introduction before reading the books, it’s also quite well put together. What attracts me to Icke is that the message is always about Infinite Love and Awakening as the solution, and then building a society based from there, instead of the collective society we have today, which is very much far away from this. I encourage watching this, and then please discussing what is mentioned in here, of course Covid is not covered.
  16. @Meta-Man It was one of the rare occasions I could actually add something to a thread you've commented on @Nahm How's integration of the transmissions coming?
  17. @Jacobsrw Yeah I get most use it as an escape. However, personally I only got interested in Conspiracies, Politics & society post awakening, a bit like Icke. Which is why at the start of EVERY one of Ickes books the nature of reality is always discussed BEFORE any theories whatsoever, as I keep trying to say. Please refrain from calling his claims unsubstantiated until watching the following videos and reading the following books, or you are simply making comments blind. The Trigger by David Icke Everything They Don’t Want You To Know by David Icke Again, yes he’s been too forceful in his approach, and you have the way YOU think things should be solved, as Icke has his. Like I said, if you’d actually understood his teachings, you know it isn’t about simply a corrupt government but goes far far beyond that, how do you think he gets smeared with the Lizard people headlines? Before judging someone’s teachings please do due diligence on them, you cannot say Ickes claims are unsubstantiated when you don’t actually understand them. It’s like saying Honey tastes shit without ever trying it. @Consept Sorry, if mainstream doctors go against alternative health what’s new? All I will say is 3 words. Follow the money. Who benefits from this pandemic and who suffers? When you answer that, you can begin to understand what is actually happening and why. Hence, why consequences are needed, which will deter people from commiting acts, for example some people still murder despite the prison scare. Ideally we grow as a society to a point where Murder happens less and less, as well as hate crimes. I understand your concerns though, and don’t have a perfect solution, all I know is Social Media censorship is the equivalent of Nazi& Communist book burnings in the 21st century. YouTube recently said they will delete any advice going against WHO guidelines, basically meaning you can’t investigate these things for yourself, but just have to accept what is told to you. Personally I will not be taking any Flu or Covid vaccines, why would I need to? An organic whole foods diet, hydration, fasting, cold therapy, Wim Hof Method, Meditation, correct supplementation, plenty of natural sunlight among other things is more than enough to stay healthy. If I do contract “Covid” I already have an exact supplement regimen to take from the first sign of symptoms until the end of infection. My biggest hope was this will encourage people to actually look at how toxic their lifestyles are, some have at least started exercising, but many are just riddled with fear over a disease a little worse than the Flu. 99.2% of Italian deaths due to Covid-19 were of people with 1 or more underlying health conditions. The biggest problems will not come from deaths directly to Covid, but the millions who will die as a result of economic Armageddon that will ensue, as well as the inability to get care and treatment for other diseases. My GFs dad is a banker, and he expects a recession that makes 2008 look like a stroll in the park, and has said he has no idea how the businesses they are loaning to will ever be able to pay back the loans. This is only the beginning of the destruction as a result of Covid-19. Expect to see Mandatory vaccines, Currencies destroyed, cash taken out of circulation and potential economic destruction. Again, I highly encourage you to look at this document on Agenda 2030. https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld It is simply fabricated with pretty words to make it sounds amazing. The EU was simply a stepping stone for this, hence the introduction of the Euro and proposal for a EU army, among other things.
  18. ^^^^ to add to that, Non-Attachment doesn't mean you have to relatively speaking be poor, own nothing, never have a relationship etc. It just means you know EVERYTHING (including your body) is impermanent, therefore, you can liberate yourselves and simply enjoy things truly for what they are, without the fear of losing it or it ending. Non-Attachment allows you to enjoy life's beauty on steroids For example, @Meta-Man used the GF example. You can actually enjoy the relationship truly as you don't NEED it (like many think they do) to be happy, you simply are in because you want to be and want to express your love with another being. You can enjoy building a business and earning money (and using money) without the fear of constantly losing it, as again you simply do it for the enjoyment. The day we begin to see more liberated Businessmen, Sportsmen, Creatives etc, you will see human potential liberated beyond belief, to levels unimaginable to us even right now.
  19. @Meta-Man Well said as per. How could reality be anything but infinite? No beginning and no end......TO INFITNITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (and beyond)
  20. Maybe you'll listen to Doctors that something dodgy is going on? At what points does it go from conspiracy to obvious something is truly going on here? @Consept Yeah isolated conspiracies are so so, personally I don't give 2 fucks about flat earth or moon landings, only about the truth about what is going on in the world, and who actually controls the world. For example's Ickes 'theries' is simply one Conspiracy theory (he calls it a global 'cult') that has many branches, and all incidents are part of this Agenda in some way or another. https://heavy.com/news/2020/05/plandemic-movie-video/ @Jacobsrw Free Speech should not be restricted at the point of speaking. So, let's say a Neo-Nazi constantly spouts anti-Semitism, that is their opinion and they have a right to speak it, it DOESN'T mean their isn't consequences for actual HATE speech that is causing harm and issues, consequences and repercussions are essential in society of course, nobody is saying that. Of course there should be consequences for hate speech and crimes, I don't think anyone thinks that shouldn't be the case. But, just because you are going against a government agenda doesn't mean their should be repercussions without full investigations into each issue, for example, nobody truly looked into Icke's theories regarding COVID-1984 and simply banned him, how is that at all fair? The issue is when people are being censored before the point of actually speaking- Like Icke now. This video explains it quite well-
  21. @Meta-Man A true master of our time. And, a pioneer of allowing spirituality to blossom in the west. It can be hard to relate to Eastern gurus for us westerners sometimes, Francis& Rupert are true gems.
  22. @Michael569 Are you vegan? I never knew you was if you are!
  23. @Jacobsrw At the end of the day: Love is always the answer. it always boils down to maximising love and consciousness. A society built on love, is a society worth living in.