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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. Agree with this completely, vulnerability and intimacy are 2 traits a girl definitely craves in modern society. That being said, sometimes, animistic drives will take over, and the sex will be rougher and 'dirtier' it is not as black or white as one or the other, I mean you literally could dance between the two over 1 session, over a day, over a week etc, depending on the relationship. But, yeah, don't just get into a LTR with anyone, I'm assuming you're looking for a relationship, you should be EXTREMELY selective with who you get into a relationship with.
  2. Couldn't agree more, a heart based awakening is very clear and evident to see beyond words,
  3. Matt Khan is the embodiment of Love, a true gem of a teacher! Couldn't agree more, the words are very much secondary, the transmission is where the true teaching lies, after all words are always a modulation of the true teaching. My personal faves (aside from my own teachers, who I'm biased for) Francis & Rupert always articulate this well- You can almost sense Francis' happiness & love through the screen-
  4. @freeman194673 I honestly can’t imagine how hard teaching is while you’re on the journey yourself.
  5. I love how he's simply himself, expressing his uniqueness as consciousness itself. Seems like him and his GF could be Twin Flames, if you believe in all that. I hope they do amazing things together!
  6. @Leo Gura How can Wall Street and the world of finance evolve towards green, as I’m guessing the stock market won’t just disappear in a functioning green society, is it a case of ending the corruption, which would be a remarkable feat.
  7. @mavelezm Guys a legend, also even mentions enlightenment and spirituality in his books, and now cleaning the liver helps
  8. @Villager Albert Different views bro, right now I'm eating Medical Medium style and feel amazing, I would argue high fat/ protein simply masks symptoms for a while, instead of fixing the core issues. https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/do-you-have-a-fatty-liver Also check out healing articles like these, his advice is not mainstream and because he's a 'medium' people class it as woo-woo, but it makes much more sense to me than pounding down steaks and eggs every day. How did it go for those that did the detox?
  9. The Self is enough. But, the Body/ Mind still have needs, which are unique to your situation. As @Spaceofawareness said people's social tendencies vary, for me I'm extremely social as I'm an Enneagram 7 and just LOVE socializing and being around people. Sure, there's times when you're a hardcore seeker, focusing on a big project/ goals etc where you may socialize less, but spirituality doesn't mean you can't socialize, all it means is you no longer seek happiness outside of yourself, life then simply becomes a celebration and expression of the happiness, love and understanding. Meaning, you can go socialize as much as you want! The difference, is you can be happy without it, but if you want to go and socialize, more than do it, it's your life not anyone else's always remember that!
  10. Awesome man, spirituality doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and go drinking with friends and let yourself go from time to time, enjoy it, I know I do!
  11. Personality is something hardly talked about in many Non-Dual circles, but understanding yourself relatively speaking can not only help you in your awakening process, and understand why you behave certain ways, are attracted to ways of being etc, but can help you truly understand yourself as a 'Human' (incoming No-Self bandwagoners, sorry!) and from there 'design' your ideal life and well, the life of your dreams. The Enneagram has 9 types from 1-9 and most people often have a dominant wing type as well as their ONE main type, everyone has a main type. Here's some articles and an online test, although online tests aren't all that. https://www.enneagramworldwide.com/the-enneagram/ Test (best I found) - https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test I've mentioned it a couple times on here before, but was watching Alex Becker's recent video (great Entrepreneur but of course has never had an awakening, and doesn't understand the true nature of happiness, and that it can't be found in any THING, would say he's Orange/ Green atm, but gives AMAZING Biz advice) about how Minimalism & Dopamine Detoxes and only working on his Biz and having nothing else in life (literally) made him the happiest, and it was the PERFECT example of an Enneagram 5. Now, of course this advice is brilliant, but not everyone will become a Minimalist Monk with no possessions or hobbies outside of work and live their happiest lives, because we are all UNIQUE beings! There is NO 'right' way to live, it is SO dependent and unique on us as individuals to decide what kind of life we truly want and desire. 5's are VERY intellectual, minimalist, simple and enjoy being alone, I spoke with @electroBeam and could tell he was a 5 and he confirmed it, Ramaji is also a 5! For example, I run my own business and want to grow it to 7/8 figures, but I don't want to go to the extremes of having no possessions and no friends or hobbies, that just doesn't work for me, like it works for Becker, but this comes from understanding yourself relatively speaking, which the Enneagram helps massively with. I first learned about this working 1-1 with Ananda Devi (Ramajis partner) and discovered I am a type 7, which explained so much! Type 7s are always chasing joy, happiness, enjoyment, excitement, basically anything positive. Russell Brand is the perfect example of an extreme 7. The 'deadly sins' (enneagram not Christian term) of a 7 is that we find it hard to slow down, do nothing, and actually sit with negative feelings and truly feel them, instead the default is to escape them through any means necessary. This explained why I used to always struggle to meditate deeply, or when I felt resistance and boredom I would instantly turn to my PS4 or Porn as an escape, or at one point Weed, and why I was always looking for that next 'high' whether it was the rave at the weekend or some sort of intense workout, and why I would NEVER let myself get bored. This taught be to learn to sit with my emotions as they arose and truly investigate and feel them, instead of escaping and this was SO key in my own Spiritual journey! As it prevented me from even escaping in endless Non-Dual videos and books, and actually face the demons head on and 'do the work' so to speak. The Enneagram also helps you understand what life you desire to live, and that there really is NO one size fits all approach to life, a true understanding of the Enneagram will certainly correspond with SD stage Yellow, as you understand the different perspectives and realities people operate from, and what they as individuals want, crave and what motivates them etc, it can be such a helpful tool in so many areas of life, which is why I am working 1-1 with Ananda now solely to master this incredible tool as right now I'm quite the novice! So, I recommend everyone to describe a bit about their personality, take the Enneagram test ( https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test ) and read up on the 9 types and see what one resonates with you most and take it from there, then you can dive deep into yourself for personal, professional and spiritual growth! We are all The Absolute, yet simultaneously, we are all unique beings, with unique personalities and that's what makes life so fucking beautiful! Some of us dream to work all day every day, some of us wish to raise incredible families, some of us wish to travel to world, and some of us wish to live our days in a Monastery or in a simple style, knowing this can help us SOOO much. If you prefer videos, I will link Ananda's YouTube series on the 9 Enneagram types. In regards to books, make sure to check, a lot are written from a Christian perspective!
  12. @Michael569 Facts as per usual. Many supplements are very beneficial, but always follow the $$$ and look at the agenda behind them, is it coming from a place of personal success and sharing that, a genuine desire to help people, or is it simply to sell something. Im not saying there’s anything wrong with selling something and making money in this field, I’m just saying is this the only aim and are they skewing research etc to do this.
  13. This video by Rupert will Help you. Firstly, your own self-realisation is the greatest service you can offer the world, the profound impact you can have by simply recognising and abiding as your own true nature is remarkable. From there, simply do whatever you love, from a place of love, whatever that is. Whether that means becoming a teacher, or becoming an athlete, or becoming an accountant, you will be doing it from love, and will be expressing this understanding in the best way to you, by simply doing what you love, you Are helping show others they can do the same. For example, a pro basketballer is doing what they love more than anything, and sharing their love for the game and inspiring people to do more of what they love if it is basketball! That itself is very profound and potentially life changing& is an expression of truth and love from that place! The same can be said for anything (within reason of course!)
  14. @Winny Love is the point, it’s as simple as that!
  15. Well said. This is a common issue with seekers, happened to myself. The theory tends to actually make you more unhappy as you just become filled with endless concepts & overthink yourself to death, instead of living the understanding. @Winny The answer is always Love. I’ve been where you are and it’s absolutely horrible, you just are so filled with concepts and theory and the shock of finding out this can be hard for the ego to accept at first. Even free will or no free will, is more theory, awakening shows this question to be nonsensical, if you’re going to have a belief believe in free will, as believing in no free will, will just drop you into pointless nihilism. But, awakening will show you the true answer. As @ivankiss said, only awakening can give you the answers you desire. In words, all I can say is that love and happiness will motivate you for to do something because you simply want to as an expression of this understanding. For example, post awakening, I still run a business, play sport, go to the gym, involve myself in relationships simply because I want to, for others they may go and live in a monastery, everyone is unique and there’s no right answer. My suggestion would be do more practices at this stage, not watch more videos, instead start meditating, inquiring into the I, ideally find a teacher you can work with 1-1 and receive transmissions, that’s what helped me more than anything. In the meantime work on thinfs because you want to!
  16. Find some good dating coaches and start learning from their advice. My guess is you’re being very platonic and needy in your Interactions and not giving off that man/ women vibe, maybe you’re too boring in your interactions. I used to be the same.
  17. @WisdomSeeker Yeah, that’s true, I wasn’t meaning on bashing on him just the blue/ orange mindset of more is always better, good to hear Goggins is developing, he’s certainly motivated millions!
  18. Not sure if a thread was made on these, but these are some of my favorite videos by Leo and I highly recommend watching them. Would love to open a discussion about these! Part 1- Part 2-
  19. @Bazooka Jesus PUA bootcamps are a joke, we can thank RSD for that lol, It's like $1000s for a few days haha.
  20. Haha, that’s what I mean, I feel the training itself has its value certainly. I’m focusing on text & online for now, for obvious reasons& until I go travelling I live in a small town of 30,000 people, not exactly London!? I haven’t heard of them no, sorry, are they any good? @Onemanwolfpac Say it how it is? And by manipulation, I only meant like upfront lying and what not to get girls.
  21. Got it man! Sorry so many people on here just don’t seem to appreciate sport, I didn’t have you down as one of them And, yeah that’s simply believing in the illusion that it will give them happiness, when in reality, like anything playing sport can only be an expression of it! completely agree, true masters are in love with their art, for the sake of the art! Again, agree, this is kinda the issue I have with guys like Goggins, great for getting you motivated but it’s so unsustainable long term and he hates what he does, to me sport is about loving what you do!
  22. I agree to an extent. But, you also have to understand how uncalibrated some people are, as in they are so anxious they can’t even talk to males, they have no idea how to flirt, how to build investment, how to have a normal conversation. So, I think there’s a case for mastering the fundamentals, although this doesn’t take years. But, to help you become a naturally social person like I said, not just a canned person, but authentically being you, free of anxiety and what not. Yeah, I also think there’s some technical teachings needed, like how to effectively set up an online game profile, what to say to overcome certain objections, what to do when X, Y & Z happens, and then it’s just refinement. But, yes it’s overall becoming your authentic natural self, while refining the technical aspects, and Learning things like sexual mastery etc
  23. @Lyubov I agree, most of the stuff is built on the premise of selling a dream, a bit like most marketing, but won’t admit what it takes to actually get there. Only take advice from people who have the results you want! Self-Love is the number 1 answer! How can you expect someone else to love “you” when you don’t even love yourself? Also, it allows you to actually be outcome dependent and not-needy, like most thinfs its very paradoxical’
  24. @JosephKnecht Great answer! Become someone who can always be giving and sharing love with those you interact with, and actually offer them incredibly value by being in your company!
  25. @nistake Couldn’t agree more, instead of faking it, go on a journey to become the man you truly know you can be, while simultaneously learning the social, flirting and sexual skills (game). But, becoming that man takes a lot of work- most guys in the PUA industry are very broke, don’t have any discipline for even a gym routine, so this is the “easy” way, even though approaching isn’t necessarily easy at all.