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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. Have to agree with the others, one of the best posts on this forum. I think a lot of us on here would benefit tremendously from reducing the time discussing things, and actually taking 'Action' or even living the understanding in all realms of life, beyond the meditation cushion. Rupert's quote of, 'Meditation is not something we do; it is what we are' always comes to mind in this discussion.
  2. As Francis Lucille called it, those teachers you mentioned are proponents of; Neo-Advaita.
  3. My favorite part about Rupert, and why I believe he's the next 'teacher' to go Eckhart style mainstream is because of how accessible his teachings are through making it all about Happiness. Most people want to be happy right? Therefore, as he makes more & more public appearances I can only see his teachings exponentially growing. As he says, this time period is perfectly suited for what him & Francis call the 'Direct Path.' In an age where the majority of humans can't sit still for 10 minutes, do you think a traditional Zen / Advaita path is really what's going to spread truth? I highly doubt it, personally. Imo, he is the next logical teacher to go truly mainstream since Tolle, because his teachings are of course deeper than Eckharts, yet he is a 'normal' bloke & very relatable- Wife, Kids, Western, Went through the path himself etc.
  4. 'Leo' can't awaken, neither can 'anyone,' Rupert Spira does a great job of explaining this, when people ask 'him' if he's 'enlightened'# One of the most common traps is believing 'you' the separate self will awaken. @Nahm also does a good job of explaining this.
  5. yeah I like this, the best quote I read is “Ultimately fiction, as David Foster Wallace said, “is about what it is to be a human being.” & this Fiction and creative writing at their core are tools to understanding the human condition. you could also add the spiritual & going beyond element to it as well
  6. What do you see as the purpose(s) of Fiction? - Novels, Movies, TV Shows etc
  7. 1) Quit Porn. 2) Stop death grip masturbation 3) Lose weight, get healthy, lift weights, sleep properly, optimize testosterone etc
  8. Honestly, I tried so many things and always ended up in the same place until finally blocking it on all devices and starting to do the inner work as to why I was addicted, its not an easy process & I'm in the middle of it right now. P.S. couldn't agree more how destructive Porn is, but I know that's a touchy subject here. But, for me at least, it was destructive and I'm so glad I'm out of the cycle now. In terms of benefits my relationship has never been better, energy never higher & sex life so much better. Your girlfriend (or future one) will thank you for it I promise. Also frees up so much time / energy. Instead of watching Porn actually learn about Sexuality haha. Block ALL Porn Sites, like actually get an internet blocker on PC / Phone so you cannot access it, ideally use something like Covanent Eyes and get an accountability partner (or coach etc) so you have someone to stay accountable to. Same goes for twitter, Insta etc, UNFOLLOW all accounts related to Porn, Only Fans etc etc. Block, Mute and employ the sensitive content filter on Twitter, maybe even delete it for a while. The best system I've heard of is the 4Rs- Remove your attention from trigger, reach out to someone, redirect attention- pick anything exercise, journal etc, Reflect each and every time. Also, writing down all the Pros (yeah, there is some) and Cons of your Porn use, is it getting you closer to the life you want to live? Then, a lot of the work involves deep introspection & actually improving your real life, like any addiction, and this, imo, is best done working with someone, but of course, not everyone can afford that. So, at least get a journal and do these things- Write down your usual rationalizations 'everyone watches it' 'only one more time' and write out why each and everyone is absolute bullshit. Go over the emotions you usually feel when your using / triggered in the moment, then go over why Porn / some quick fix is not the solution at all. This whole process involves deep work & Self-Development. I honestly believe a lot more people are addicted than they realize, of course some can use, but I just ask why? Would you not rather try and find real intimacy & connection in real life? If you wanna talk to someone, feel free to message me mate. From there, its all about life building habits- Relationships, Hobbies, healthy habits, exercise, healthy eating etc. Just building your life & ties in really well with LOA / Conscious Creation / Spirituality. I'll go out on a limb and say most people's ideal life situation doesn't involve pixels on a screen as their form of sexual stimulation, but involves a romantic partner & deep connection. P.S. Once you've unhooked yourself, I highly recommend Charles Black / Don Of Desire for sexuality teachings & if you have issues like PE he has a great course on that. Its crazy how many men in their 20s think PE / ED is low key normal because they've been fried by porn. Hint its not healthy to last a few minutes / not be able to get it up in your 20s, not always but Porn is usually at least part of this issue.
  9. Vax Passports / Mandates make zero sense to me when you can literally catch it & pass it on when Vaxxed. so, say you're going to a club. Someone could be positive & be double jabbed, and get let in. Yet, someone unvaxxed who's got a negative test that day isn't allowed in. To me, that just makes zero sense, and makes me wonder.
  10. @Roy Right now, of course it is smarter to 'Trade BTC back to fiat' in the short term (at the end of 4 year cycles) because if you know after each 4 year cycle you're going to get a 50-80% correction, why wouldn't you? As the Market Cap grows, volatility will decrease, but right now that is the case, so is it not best to prepare accordingly, as then you can 'Stack your Satoshis' meaning you end up with more BTC, that's my long-term goal based on the people I follow etc. Yes, but the technology goes far beyond becoming a means of exchange. Like @Stovo said, Smart Contracts will allow you to complete transactions such as buying a property etc seamlessly, while reducing middle men & as a result cutting fees. However, whether BTC will act as more of a store of value than a means of exchange, or whether it will always be the No.1 crypto is a topic for another day, but for now, the market (for the most part) is dependent on BTC. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/smart-contracts.asp DeFi (Decentralized Finance) is essentially an area of Crypto trying to fair the playing field in the world of finance, which as we all know is beyond corrupt as well as making it more accessible. Think Insurance, Savings, Loans, Trading etc, this is a decent article on it- https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-decentralized-finance-defi-574c68ff43c4 Then you have NFTs, which again goes beyond the whole JPEG bonanza we are seeing right now. Think having Proof of copyright on Artworks, creative projects and even releasing unique shit that there's only 10 copies of in the whole world. Like a musician making a special album, and only selling 1000 copies globally through the use of NFTs. Another use case is Gaming, where the model basically reverses the whole pay to pay, to getting paid to play, an example of this is Axie Infinity, and then you even have all the metaverse speculation, think the film 'Ready Player One.' I could go on & on, but imo (some people feel differently) Crypto & blockchain goes FAR beyond just Bitcoin and its real world applications and use cases are almost endless, hence why I'm so excited by this space. Also, of course growing your investments is part of the fun, whenever you invest in an asset, company or person, isn't that one of the foundational goals? Of course, if you were profiting from something you don't support or agree with that's another matter, but there's plenty of Crypto projects that genuinely want to better the world in their own, unique way. I mean Satoshi's original vision was just that if you read the BTC white paper & projects like Bitcoin Cash are aiming to also help as they grow- https://whybitcoincash.com/ My recommendation is always to research and only invest in projects that resonate with you & what you believe in. Hence, why lots of people don't want to go near XRP, or some don't believe in the mission of X crypto etc. Also, who knows maybe the $ value won't matter down the line...
  11. @Roy Do you class Gold as a pyramid scheme then? Even if you bought in 2017 you’ve 2x your money. More & more institutions are also getting heavily involved, Fidelity even predicts $1M+ per BTC by 2030 lmao. Ignore Crypto if you want, but you’re just missing out on the fastest growing asset class around. Also if you learn about cycles & the 4 year halvings & how alts follow 3-4 weeks after, you can’t time the top or bottom, but you can protect yourself from the inevitable 50-80% crash at the end of cycle
  12. @Philipp probs BTC maxis. Bitcoin is one Cryptocurrency & use of blockchain. As Leo said it’s primary function is a store of value, and as we move deeper into the digital age & it becomes more & more mainstream that will become more apparent. however, don’t be so quick to judge all crypto under one brush, for example one I like called Veracity (VRA) is using blockchain & it’s Proof of View technology to attempt to fix the problem of fake views, fake accounts etc witg online advertising, YouTube & more. As well as being used to verify NFTs. There’s plenty of great use-cases outside of BTC. Id also look a little deeper into inflation, the reason it’s called the hidden tax is because lower tax brackets don’t rise with it, therefore you end up with less “real value” than before. Hence the poor do get fucked more by inflation. This vid explains it-
  13. Are you playing video games to escape life & reality, or are you playing them simply to enjoy them & the process? It sounds subtle but the difference is huge. Unless your career/ LP involves gaming, it probably isn't wise to play 24/7. However, life isn't black & white, you could simply have a game you like and play it as a hobby, just like with most things. The obvious caveat to this is if you're a Gaming Addict, just like an alcoholic can't enjoy some beers with friends, gaming addicts can't just play for a couple hours here & there. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having fun & enjoying life, and this can include gaming, movies etc as hobbies. The difference is when you use these things to escape your life & your reality, if you're using it do that, maybe its best to take a break from the virtual life, and sort out your real life. But, that doesn't mean you can't go back to gaming as a hobby, or even have it as a hobby now. Balance.
  14. @Michael569 Give us what the people want, a full day of eating from Michal
  15. Just a thread based on the other thread regarding Crypto being a Get Rich Quick scheme (it isn't in my opinion) Are any of you guys invested in it / looking to invest in it? It's still early days for the market yet, and if successful, it could completely change a LOT. From what I've been told by those with a fair amount of skin in the game is this (and this is for investors not traders, which is very different) 1) Dollar Cost Averaging- Set aside whatever you can afford every week & simply set it and forget, this way you aren't trying to time the market & can get on with your life. Also, for those who have spare cash along with this, buying in the 'dips' is always favorable, for example yesterday BTC & ETH were down 25%+. 2) RESEARCH- make sure to know what you're investing in, why is that coin expected to '10x in 2021', what is the long term view with Bitcoin etc 3) Enjoy it! Learn about the technology behind Crypto & why it could be so revolutionary, in fact I'm VERY excited about Crypto in general and what it can bring. (There's a reason the finance / Banking industry hate crypto) So, if you are share why you invested, and if you're not, share why not. I think this could be a HUGE year for Crypto, but as with anything there's always a lot of risk so make sure to do your own research!!
  16. In terms of a natural physique from someone who isn't dedicating their life to lifting / competing, it doesn't get much better than this. @samijiben I agree with you to an extent, but what I have found is that awakening / spirituality tends to lead to naturally dropping things that don't serve you / you don't enjoy. For example, say you're only going to the gym to impress girls & you hate it, you'd probs end up dropping it with some inner work & finding something else you love. Whereas, if you actually love / enjoy training, you'd likely keep it up post-awakening as it is serving you. Same goes for most sports, I heard a funny story once about a Guru in India who was visited by an American wanting to open 'enlightenment schools' in California. The guru answered the door & welcomed the man into his home, for several days they simply watched Cricket (biggest sport in India & goes on for up to 5 days) & the guru was even drinking beer, the man then asked, 'so when can we start the teaching,' and the Guru responded- 'This is the teaching, I'm doing what I love and enjoying my life, what more do you want?'
  17. Hey everyone, Wondered if you guys knew of anyone talking about this, I'm sure there's plenty of Alt-Health guys out there devising plans for just this and I'm really interested in learning more. Whether you agree with the Vaxx or not, it seems like it's going to be needed to travel frequently & what not, so I was wondering if there was a Detox programme so you can get the Vax without any worries / potential harm, because in the UK if the Oxford Vaccine gets approved it's likely the majority of >18s will be eligible around March time, potentially sooner as they'll want to ease the Draconian measures we have in place before it completely destroys the economy. Thanks in advance!
  18. Because, Consciousness is absolutely free. when you see through the illusion of the separate self, the question of free will naturally drops away, and then you simply have absolute Freedom as consciousness.
  19. I get you, I've been exactly where you describe. What helped me was realizing 'enlightenment' is not simply some future idealistic moment, but its actually LIVING the understanding meaning living happiness, joy, fun, beauty, creativity etc etc and that is all there is! Literally, do whatever the fuck you love doing and just enjoy life, be happy and have fun! Otherwise you will simply live the rest of your days in your head telling you its not okay to enjoy life, its more than okay, in fact you are doing Truth / Enlightenment / Absolute Truth whatever you want to call it a disservice by not allowing yourself to enjoy this amazing creation we call life! Its meant to be fun!
  20. Complete freedom; do whatever the fuck you want basically. St Augustine put it best- 'Love and do whatever you want.' Not everything has to be utilitarian e.g. playing sport because you love it instead of simply Running to lose weight Just spend your life doing whatever you love and that will be dynamic, for example, what I love now at 21 I'm almost certain will be very different in a couple decades. Also, finding your LP / main projects to focus your time on is probably going to be helpful, and that could be an innumerable amount of things.
  21. @DocWatts I understand about the Moral Hazard, but to me that is more of an issue with Crony Capitalism, than true free markets, which sounds like a bit of a copout I know. If their was actual competition and not companies in bed with the government monopolizing industries I do feel the predatory aspect would lessen as consumers would go where they are treated best, for example, I'm happy to admit that I am looking into Private Healthcare over here as have been warned by relatives that the NHS is not going to be up to scratch over the next 5-10 years, he gave me this warning Pre-Covid so I can only imagine what it is like now. However, to give an example of public healthcare, I live in the UK and it isn't the paradise it is made out to be by many other countries. Of course it is much better than what is seen in the US but that is a topic for another day as you guys get fucked from both ends sadly from what I have seen lmao. Every year, we are told it is 'Overwhelmed' and needs more funding, and I mean every year. You can pretty much predict the headlines before they are written. I am not saying the NHS is the devil either, they have been great to me and my family over the years, but in the UK its sort of an unwritten sin not to question it, almost a little Cult like, which doesn't sit right with me, because if you can't question things, you can't have discussions on how they can be improved. Comcast- I agree, but in a fair private industry, one that isn't constantly bailed out, you have losses and businesses going out of business. Again, this is often prevented due to Short-Termism and X party not wanting to take the hit for destroying X industry, even though it is clear it needs to go. My rebuttal to this would be the same as any Socialist rebuttal- the 3 issues I mentioned before & an additional one. Also, if it was the case that running at Cost was more efficient, why would you simply limit this to X industries? When its not your money, you don't give nowhere near as much of a fuck about it. Here's an example, at my old school, each department got a budget each year from the local Council / Gov, and if they didn't spend this, it would be reduced. Therefore, come the end of the Fiscal year they would buy pointless shit they didn't need just so this budget wouldn't get reduced. If this was there own money, and not taxpayers / borrowed this would NEVER happen. Also, if this was the case, why has throughout history privatization of industries led to a far superior product / service, more efficient industry and a better experience for the consumers. I was lucky enough not to experience the 1970s in the UK where what pretty much most Left Wing governments propose happened- Nationalization, Higher Taxation etc. However, it was by far the least prosperous decade for us since WW2. And, while she divided the nation due to destroying certain industries and the short term pain this caused, Thatcher did spearhead economic growth throughout the 80s. Not to mention the rise of Extremism such as the national front was occurring due to the pain of the 70s. I know this is a very left leaning forum, but when looking at the data and real world examples of these proposals, not much really strikes me as actually being great in practice, even though it sounds great in theory. And, I'm also just playing devils advocate and trying to get as many opinions on each and every issue. I've also been reading a lot of Economics books (Including Karl Marx) and must say I have taken a liken to the Austrian School. But, I did vote Corbyn (UK sanders) in 2019, but defo would not do that now. For example, We've just re-nationalized the Railways in the UK literally yesterday, so I guess that will be a good example over the coming decade to see how that goes, although I wouldn't say it was ever truly Private, and it seems like more Gov intervention to fix the issues Gov intervention caused.
  22. @DocWatts What about if it is shown that these industries function better privatised? For example, in the UK when we De-Nationalised a lot of our industries we saw much more prosperity than we did when they were nationalised. Surely, it’s simply all about testing & whatever proves to be the most effective at providing the most prosperity for the most amount of people is best? And, that’s not to say their isn’t short term pain, but isn’t that to be expected with any system? Also, we have to remember, any public industry is not simply “free” but funded by taxes and / or borrowing (unsustainable of course) therefore, you are taking away X purchasing power of these people, and potentially preventing other sectors growth if said industry becomes bloated & inefficient, which is seems like a looooot of nationalised industries do as no matter how they perform, they get funding & often more when they perform badly. @amorri1010 Hmm still not convinced these function better than markets at all. What value form replaces prices then? And, how do you know what a society want. Sometimes I think people forget, economics isn’t a hard science, it’s based on Human actions, and humans are strange creatures lmao, I mean spend enough time on any social media platform and you realise no government could have the knowledge or know how to satisfy the myriad of desires & wants humans have.
  23. @Husseinisdoingfine Can I see your rebuttal of it then please? Or a country that actually thrived without Markets? Theory is great, but I would like to see an actual working solution of a Market-Less economy which we have not seen, despite plenty of attempts.