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About LfcCharlie4

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  1. I was vegan for 8 years and would never go back. I also thought because Ramana, Rupert, Francis Lucille etc etc all are vegetarian it was a natural unfolding But I felt like shit physically towards the end and feel 1000x better now, look better, in better shape & life is just better
  2. 100% not Hedonism, but enjoyment of life. Which is different for everyone, which is what makes it beautiful
  3. Update. Been focusing on this and unreal results so far. Very simple way of eating!
  4. Has anyone tried this? Essentially they believe excess Vit A to be toxic & burden the liver. Its unpopular on all sides of the diet wars as says yes to Red meat, but no to things like Liver, Most Dairy & Eggs (which most meat based / Keto Love) Says yes to carbs, but is very specific on the fruits / veg / grains Currently quite an underground 'diet' but definitely some interesting anecdotes / testimonials... a lot of 'I tried everything and this finally healed me' https://nutritiondetective.com/ Personally, stopping being vegan helped me a lot in numerous areas, but now eat Eggs, Dairy etc, so is very interesting to explore...
  5. 100% The point is whatever you make it and creating the life you desire Guess you could boil it all down to 'Happiness'
  6. @Someone here The doer becomes the whole Universe. Non-Doership has to be the most misunderstood teaching, which is why Krishna tried to keep it hidden lol The Absolute is doing all already, just most believe its their Ego, and run with that
  7. +1 The greatest work by the greatest humans has always been done from a place of love, in any domain
  8. I almost fell into the trap of hardcore Psyches when I was younger. I think there needs to be a serious risk assessment, a lot are not mentally ready for it and the effect it has on your life after can't be understated either
  9. I would argue it allows you to fully enjoy the game of life and everything about it. Or at least, that's how I approach it. Like when you play a game, you know the score / outcome doesn't really matter, but you immerse yourself in it for the fun of it... the whole nothing matters (while absolutely true as Ajata) crowd, I think just use Bypassing to escape the human experience. You can enjoy 'nothingness' when the body passes, why not enjoy THIS now?
  10. You are still having a human experience Live the qualities of the self, best way you can in your own unique way Basically, love and do what you want
  11. I agree I think a lot of seekers have a secret ambition to become 'above human' and then go on the whole 'nothing matters' crusade as an excuse to spiritually bypass Like, yes, absolutely, that's fine, but right now you're still HUMAN so go live, enjoy this experience and live the best life you can. There is no reason not to enjoy this human experience to the best of our ability & live in TRUTH
  12. @Someone here However, I would argue most people's desires boil down to happiness & wanting to feel good, or the expression of that. Of course this could be branched a million times into sub categories of that, as if happiness is the top of the tree, and everything is branches of that tree. As Francis explains in the video. Whether this is conscious or not, is another question. But, I don't believe any (sane) person goes into something thinking I hope this makes me feel really depressed and shit for a really long time. That would be awesome I have actually been pondering art & its purpose recently- In all forms. At its core nothing, you create its own purpose. For some its expressing emotion, an idea, the human experience etc etc A lot of things, are simply for the joy of it. In arts case it can be argued its simply made for its own sake The desire to create can come from a lot of places, ask 5 different writers and you get 5 different answers. For example, Orwell described writing a book as a great struggle one should only take on to engage an idea & for a true cause, whereas, CS Lewis describes writing more a way that you would use to describe a lover. Same for painters, musicians, filmmakers etc There is often practical reasons such as the expression of some idea, to tell a story, justice etc Or it can simply be for the joy of creation itself, which is kinda why this is all here in the first place (imo). To simply have a good time Its funny, all is the absolute, yet all can be so unique in its expression To me, why do anything, is answered as - Survival / Practical & then to express happiness, love, truth, joy, beauty etc & feel GOOD. And have fun. Lol @UnbornTao There was no assumption. I was sharing my perspective, everyone is free to believe & share as they wish, no?
  13. @Someone here Not at all. At the end of the day this is all it boils down for me at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk0LxK9L9p8 Happiness & its expression
  14. @James123 Lol yeah that is why I kinda stopped posting for a few years and its addictive as shit. it may be conscious social media, but its still social media
  15. Adding- Do not think this means you are not having a human experience, if anything this makes you more human and more in touch with your unique nature, unique embodiment & unique expression of this teaching. On top of this, you will be MUCH more in touch with your feelings and expression of that. From that, Francis Lucille said it best- the purpose is simply Happiness. Go enjoy the absolute and all its (illusory) creations lol. Its also funny, because life is always this way, its just we don't simply realize this, and by realizing it, it gives us the greatest power to create a life of love. On top of that, I wanted to add to not neglect the human dimension, it still has incredible value. Even things like Personal Development, Health, Career, Personality, Relationships etc can all require a range of teachings / help 'separate' from this teaching (although of course its not separate lol) & by integrating more & more of your life to this teaching is a never ending process, or unfolding. Even though nothing is ever happening & can't happen. It is the ultimate paradox but somehow makes sense in the end. Authentic Living forever unfolds. lol