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i love science, and truly respect physics, but couldn't be good in it at all, i tried many times, it is just .... how to put it ....... Weird? i mean whenever you go a bit deep in physics, and just scratch the surface and they start doing all those weird things to the math equations, from abusing lineralization, using some equations without constraints and finally treating infinity as a number or an entity ....... i mean people <_< come on, how can results be achieved with those. and lets be honest in here, whenever creativity is required to find a total force things i usually mess it up, solving those silly unbelievable cases of monkeys rolling on a sphere that with its friction with the rolling disc that is thrown and fit to the sphere, which is moving on a frictionless infinite plane, when will the whole fiasco would stop? i mean i understand the purpose of the exercise and all, but it still for some reasons i can't get right results, and in the lap it get way worse, i just used to keep nagging the instructor with questions that he can't answer most of them in the class and curriculum limits, i respect physics and their professors, they are quite the smartest, and weirdest fellows you can find in the whole university, and wish you guys the best luck in your journey ... on that damn frictionless fiasco ...
@a e l i hmmm hello there, can you do me a favor and take a personality test? i shouldn't ask for this, this is a good site that give what it seems a good results: https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types each case should be taken within its environment and variables, as a programmer i learned same problem can be caused by different reasons, and different state, if you don't know what are personalities types are, then you can read about them from that link or even from wikipedia, they have a good page for that. let me be honest here, not all doctors approve of those concepts, and i am not a doctor in the first place, but trying to help. what came in my mind for a second that it might be a different story, you see, a lot of people believe that people are extrovert and it is wrong to be an introvert one, and that's make me question: then why introversion type of personality exists? but this is getting out of the subjects, way too far. what it came to my mind is maybe you are just an introvert in nature and your mom is on the extreme other side of the map, she want to express everything out and getting attention, which what made her talk loudly as her normal pitch and using curtains instead of doors, and you like quite and just don't want to hear other people anymore, extreme introverts like to stay hidden and love to stay alone for a while, depends on how introverts they are, and if their attention get required for a long time without rest they can lose their mind, and become so desperate asking strangers for help. one of the problems that some people might point at this logic is: maybe you have childhood issues and you became introvert! well ... to be honest yes that can be possible, but i can call that a different type, and some people are fine being left alone. they don't have bad childhood and they are introvert, it is possible people, and yes introvert doesn't mean shy, those are different things.
well, hello all and as everyone else in here, i would like to share my opinion. what about respecting other people opinion without judging them and putting all of them, who doesn't share your opinion on certain subject, in one little category? another thing is ... if you get sooooo offended because they believe in something that you don't believe in, like lets say like those "X says: XBONE is the best, and y reply: no R@!$% F$@!!@$ A@$!@, PS4 is" and get soo mad, so much drama and only God knows what these guys are uttering with... doesn't that rise a question? are you sure 100% that what you believe in is 100% true and all who believe otherwise are 100% false? and how did you know those facts? from where did you learn that? reading random people opinion and took it granted as the ultimate research? black and white? not that lion studio's PC game, Black and white perspectives. despite if it is a hot button subject or from super ego personas, and if the subject truly matter or not, does that means the other side doesn't deserve respect? but yes, Dhana Choko approach is hmmm, more professional, what will you do if you face other people with other ideas? are you going to fight each and everyone one of them? this is a common problem that i see rising in the last few years, and it takes several forms in the social life and social media, the aggressive fight to prove who is right, and what we like is the only truth and right. don't they know there are other ways to other ways to persuade others other then assertiveness and pure rage? some studies shows it is a self low-esteem issue, but can be there a global self low-esteem issues? is that even possible? And by the way, i am a Muslim, so ... does that mean all what i just said in here in here now Worth Absolute zero? what about my whole life, does it worth nothing? and you say my face is green too?
@Saitamahello there, how are you doing? when you are in doubt and feel down, and you feel you can't advance in life and it is hard to live happily like others it is good to check some professional help, if you are still a student try to check the psychology department, they usually have free semi-pro check up for students, self diagnosis in my experience is not advisable, even shrinks go to other shrinks you know. actually i had my fair share of lack of trust to strangers when i was younger, and it what pushed me to learn how to analyze people and how to watch them, learn how to listen in better way. when you get disappointed in people over and over and start to believe all people are bad or manipulative here is where i believe the "trusting others problem" emerge, one of the solutions for this problem is actually from Dr. seligman! he is one of my super heroes actually lol, very charming fellow i am telling you, he suggested several examples from him book "Learned Optimism", which i believe i don't have the copy right to quote from it, and even i do i should take a permission from him. but if the title wasn't clear you need to decrease your negativity and the negative view about others, some believe this is like the reverse golden rule, when you judge someone as "bad" or "he is trying to do some agenda" try instead to give cut him some slack, not cutting him, the slack thing, you know? try to put yourself in their shoes "maybe they have an urgency\emergency" or "maybe there is some misunderstanding" or maybe "i might asked them in the wrong time", try to search about this great man and if you have negativity issue and negative prospective to the human race i advice you to buy the book and read it. once again you need to know the source of the problem, why do you have problems in trust, when you solve the problem the cure start, it means it takes time to cure, to make big changes, knowing that you need to be less negative doesn't take two days and three hours! it take time and persistence and vision to believe that you want to get better. hopefully that helped.
@frog_eaterhello there? how's it going? are those medical pills? i am not a doctor you know, and neither claimed to be one, so this is just an opinion, i believe you shouldn't take things like those from the market shelf's without supervising from experts, not friends, not other patience, not even patience who have same medical issues of yours, age gender and time, don't take his advice on those things and how much you take them. secondly, i would like to point that medication isn't the cure in this case, they are pain relieve and stress relievers, and taking those without curing the source of the problem that cause depression, which might be caused by bipolar, over stress, grief or other reasons, you should check and expert to get diagnosis and follow their advice and trust them. hopefully you won't get helped by a fraud, yes it is quite sad, but there are some fraud cases in USA for shrinks who doesn't know what they are doing, try to check the background of this expert personal, we are living in strange time. the last thing i would like to suggest is to ask for help from people who you truly trust, and when you are depressed already your judgement is quite negative, you need some courage and determination of getting better to start this journey.
@Jonathanz hello, for me as a person whose sin's account transactions history lacks in envy, but i have traded plenty kingdoms with anger, i believe i can shade some light on that. lets be honest in here, i have anger issues, i found out people get angry really quickly in my early life on everything so i learned to avoid everyone! you see, sometimes successful ways in coping the issue are ... not quite successful, it is much much hard to face it and try to be rational with it, you can keep telling your self all kind of reasons why you shouldn't feel in such way, but when it trigger ... it just trigger! is it behavioral? does that mean the environment is the reason? let me be honest with you, i don't know the answer, never searched for it, but trying to warn you with possible features.
@The Alchemist remember, all of those are tools (Affirmations, visualisations, meditations and spiritual work) yes, self help is possible, but it required strong well, it is like with a one who have broken leg and want to leave the room or house, you see, he could use a support (like medications, under supervise of course) or friends who know what they are doing, or he could try to fight his pain alone without support and stand up or crawl or roll out i don't know tell he reach to his destination or he could get support to fight the pain while finding the reason of his real issue (with support again from experts) and find the a way from inside to cure the problem, and stand still for a while tell the leg get fully cured, or at least he can walk on it, if you get what i am trying to say.
@Draconis Chaser "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi remember, life is an experience, a big one, who said working must be 15 hours? who said you have to do what they do? who said working 15\h a day will ruin your life? don't focus on EVERYTHING that you have to do IN ALL YOUR LIFE man, you need to focus on what is going on in the mean time. when i was young like 4 till 18 years old i loved video games and couldn't live without them, and my passionate dad who was obsessed with the ideas "my sons should be all be men, REAL MEN" he hated that to the extremes and tried to raised us in a successful way with unfortunately with this kind of logic. discipline, responsibility, and sense of purpose and off this seriousness matter and proven yourself worth ... all have their right times. beside as some great answers we have, yes there is a difference between healthy life, and some one famous life who was financially successful because he was using some kind of ... dark weapons and methods ... hmmm, have you ever heard about bipolar depression? try to search who was "a creative person" and had that nasty depression. try to study about humans in all kind of forms and evaluate yourself and see what's your true goal. And yes, check the damn shrink! jk!
@Pere it is good to have ambitions, don't get me wrong, but in art and living on selling them .... how to put that? .... i have few close friends and even family members who are true artiest, some have international prices, but they don't sell painting, some never did before and some stopped doing it because the world economy B.S. but that doesn't mean you should give up, if i were you i would go and ask real artiest online, specially the ones who have shows and animations or paintings in some websites and people who are looking for jobs, like Christopher Cant he has lovely gallery check them out, and see how they come around, most common advice i heard in this field (as most of free lance actually) is: it is all about the network, you need to know people and people to know you, and in time of need when they need an artiest, guess what? they will seek you. but about making your painting catchy so you can sell them ..... ummmmm, have you heard about The “Onement VI” A.K.A The Blue Canvas?
@Kyle well Leo advice as he said "Personally" and to be honest his personality type (according to his) is INTP, yes i know, this personality type is not a bible or proven, but has its uses, it is like ego-id-super ego thing ... but might be as accurate. anyhow, what i am saying INTP i believe can go rouge and survive, but if you are a ---J lets say like INJ, then you might not be that type, but again, if it is about success then it is about you as a person and about the situation as a whole, don't follow those stories blindly: Bill Gates didn't finish collage, neither Steve Jobs, because there is only ONE Bill Gates, one Steve Jobs and only one you. ..... ohh yes, and only one Leo Gura too!
@AlexBunfortunately, you are a hardware geek, Microsoft is doing a fantastic job for free lancers in software but ... the market is full with those people already <_< their Visual studio community license is a dream that came true in 2013 for any indie software programmer ... who can program on .net frame of course luckily i found about it around the end of 2015 but i am trying to ab\use that.
yes, we all went through this part, and if you didn't you will, even if you are the most generous person that you know and in times of great need you will find yourself your giving hand start shrink and start to question yourself. different people define selfishness in different way, we don't think in the same way, so for me i do two things when i suspect anyone, including myself 1- is the suspect genuine and honest in his\her actions (of asking for more or not giving others who is in need) 2- what is his\her real intention? and i do need to emphasis the second point more then once, it is soo tricky to analyze other people, some times you believe you start to see patterns and start to understand people or have guts feeling about what they really want and their true intentions, but usually your reflections of feeling and intentions if you do that certain action get bonus everywhere, they are not you, you need to understand what make other people tick, and why, and that's ... what actually made me interested in this whole mess of philosophy, morals and psychology.
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Cookiesliyr replied to GoldenAge Philosopher's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@Arguei have two questions:- 1- define both Mediocrity and sloppiness. 2- and how is that different from his first step of planing from his question then your goal?- 11 replies
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Cookiesliyr replied to GoldenAge Philosopher's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
@GoldenAge Philosopher your title wasn't connecting with your question but i will try to answer it anyway. "Do I sacrifice happiness for work?" by @GoldenAge Philosopher David hume and John Mill: NO! Immanuel Kant: YES! Max Scheler: what are you guys talking about? and the 4th philosopher world-war just started!- 11 replies
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@shouldnt well yah, but to be honest, video games market is damn booming, maybe music artist and music enginner are paid the least i fear, but there is some money can be made by looking for people who are making games and looking for musicians and welling to pay for the music. but this is the issue, there is no job in the world (not even youtubers who do "lets play") is easy, non, zero, there must be some efforts and genuine one in your work or it won't be charming, people like passionate people because they can take some of its light, its energy, its life when they see it, passionate people when show up in youtube and talk with love and act with love and express themselves with love, that kind of aura ... how to put it, it can't be defined by science yet, people can feel that and they love it, but some how it consume the person who is shooting it with time, it is just stressful. so, how to put it, you want to shine? do you really want to shine? then it will be through hard work, love and attempts without fear, you need to be productive while you are loving it, and not to shy away or fall broken when your products doesn't live you or the viewers\users expectations, tell me a good movie director who didn't made a bad movie, a musician who didn't play a bad song, an artiest who didn't draw a bad painting? it is hard ... really hard when you love something and not feel ashamed that it didn't live your expectation, it is a war of balance, keeping your dreams high, but not farther than visible stars.
@jackson nahh, that's the mark of introvert if you ask me (writing long) ... what ? <_< anyhow, how to put it my dear friend ... Chemistry is quite ... mystery, nothing in that damn field can be taken granted, even physics can be more granted than Chemistry (if you study physics deeply you might find the last statement is laughable, but i am serious actually), as a person who like guarantee i never been found in Chemistry, maybe in alchemy, but that thing is outdated ... to be free in learning of Chemistry means you want to do theoretical Chemistry, right? you see, if you really love science, and don't care about applied jobs and applied science that only care about how to make money as fast as possible i believe you should stick with collage, even if you don't see in what you are learning any uses trust me, or actually, consult your favorite professors before you do anything, they have better answers than any of us, they can understand you better than us, and sometimes even better than you. @joegarland i mean yes, art i am with you, is art, there is some geometry and algebra, but it is not a science in itself, it is not a system, and i can see why artiest shouldn't focus their time on collages because there are a lot of corrupted collages which care about money only, and art is quite underrated in those schools. but back again, Chemistry is mostly science, after all tell me any field that is based on experiments and observations more then Chemistry in all sciences history? if you define success as money and business, then i see why business required "thinking out of the box to be successful", in chimestery you need to observe, you need to think out of the box to make a way to observe yes, but not the observation itself, you need to experiment, you need to know the laws and the rules, so let be honest with you again jackson, take it from some one who love science and devoted his life to it, reconsider it, if you are good in collage and it is not over yet and can still speak to your professors ... just take their consoles, listen to expert from your own field and know your real goal, do you want to learn ... or make money in learn by yourself outside of collage make money faster?
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@VividReality man, this is one of those pure, honest, excel face of Art if you ask me, way to go and keep up to your dreams, visions if you may.
to be honest, those kind of helps should be asked to experts but i will give you my honest opinion. does this development doing anything good to you? i mean if you are not taking it can you live without them now? are they obstacles in your collage live? if yes and you can live normally, and what's you are trying to fix is not a problem in the first place, then yes, try to focus on what you want to do, what do you want to do? pass collage? ok, do you have a lot of stress, anger issues and your grades are getting worst and your life is miserable and you want to live better? if your life is miserable then what is causing it? once again those cases should be identify by an expert, a Psychologist for example, if you are in doubt and not sure, try to check your psychology department, some collages have free Psychologist for active students and you can get advices from them, based on the school those usually are in training and won't be as good as the professional ones who charge you for their time, but some of them are quite good.
maybe being a genius is not the answer then? great work doesn't come from smart people, it comes from creative people who do and try over and over, they don't achieve their great works by being smart. to know if that you are strong in some field alone won't get you far, you can have the highest potential to be a film maker, but people would remember your cooking, why? because maybe you cooked way more than anything else in your life but made two movies only, and the result was clear, more success in your life as a cooker than a film maker. what i am trying to say, if you want to be REALLY good and rad and groovy in your field, you need to make hell more in it, try to do better, try different things, try to make it faster, more efficient (take less memory), cost less ... wait those are programming meters, have you every tried to become a programmer before btw?
yes ... business ... let me be honest with, which actually disqualify me as a person who can help you in this case ... i genuinely hate business ... and i don't comprehend it. what i meant by business, is the true art of business, to be good in business in a good way you need to be a real Psychopath. that kind of art, most disgusting kind of art (no insult for honest businessmen\women in here), monopoloid, scary, ethicless kind of art, and i don't blame anyone with huge business to be afraid ,tired and stressful day and night because of the competition. i feared from what i understood from your first post that your mom is the type who appreciate her craft as an art, and those usually have their own followers , their own loyal fun costumers that would feel like cheated if they bought something with similar design and similar brand to your mom and would return what they bought to the store and argue with them. once again it is up to her, but to see her good quality work not be butchered and cloned in the market is impossible i believe, and that's just will stress her up in the long run. so i believe you should take the advice from someone else, and once again i believe u need to seek business advises for this, and guess what, no one gives those kind of info for free, after all those kind of info is what make tons of gold, even the fake ones, just take a look on how many millions books are there with the title "how to become a millionaire!" BS, business is filed where it legalize pure greed to exists, and without it we would have more criminals, so i shouldn't hate it actually ... so, here my friend we might be looking in the wrong directions, and you might be not asking the right question, i learned that from programming actually, maybe, just maybe, you are asking the wrong question, and the question that you need to ask is: what is your mom real goal in here, if she is really happy about making his market as secretive as possible and keep her loyal fans loyal and keep the fake fans away then ... she is fine i guess, but in business you need to trade something, you can't just have everything you know, if your product get famous people will eventually clone it, period, a lot of people are "SUCCESSFUL" because they live as parasites, they just pirated or clone successful ideas, and sell commercials clones and bad qualities as Fast as possible when the trend hit, because that the best time to leach it. if your mom want to be more successful in business, she might need to sacrifice some of her bride in her product, and that's the biggest hit any artiest can receive i believe. but if she want both maybe she need to change the prospective without losing the sight of the object, for example, she want money and quality success right? that's possible, by sacrificing her name, what i mean is (i will use a computer concept) is to decouple herself from her product, her self image, or her brand ... ok what does that mean you say? well, to focus on the quality of the product only, not worrying of her name will get muddied or stolen or clone or people who will clone it can make it better, if she is the originated of the design and it is that good she can do another one that's better who took it and adjusted it, why? because editing is much easier then making it from the scratch, if those cheap cloners can be more successful by making one clone better then your mom work then she shouldn't worry about it, because they can't make successful hit everytime, because they just can, they got lucky. this is all speaking as if your mom ofcourse is that good, no disrespect meant btw. with all of this, we got into the same results i believe, her rivals will just become part of her fame. if i can end all of this with something is this, and i said it few hours ago in this forum somewhere, honest work never get lost, anyone who do honest work it never generate absolute zero revenue, in business i believe in long run benefits which required a strong start, but once again, i am not on the same caliber of those business suites, so my methods might be a little bit dusty for ya.
@Smiler you got yourself a lot of good advises actually, it is good to have a place like this i guess ... i can't add anything more useful than all of those wonderful suggestions, but the guys\girls are right, your brain isn't designed for spiral thinking, because unlike computers, that builds stress up, when that happen you need sometimes some distractions, the sad thing is if you are under heavy stimulation life style that would be the main reason of the problem, you taking life of superficial happiness as granted, and it is quite hard to hook off from it. but that's not the only case, if you are not one of those and you just depressed (which is quite hard to come out from it alone, if not impossible when it hit certain levels) and feel like a loser, and worthless and always rejected, in that case my friend you need help from outside, yes, you need a specialist or very good friends, i prefer the former because they are the experts and they would be honest with you, they won't play along and be subjective about the subjects. The specialists (genuine ones), on the other hand, won't say stupid stuff or give stupid advises, they would guide you correctly, but remember those doctors and medications are not the mean end of the cure, you need to support yourself to get out, if you just blame the doctor or medication didn't get you out of your situation, and solved your problem like magic, and stay depressed about it, no one can help you in that one, you need to work on yourself buddy. so yes, based on your case, on your problems, life style and believes, different solutions can be found for your case, which is why you need to know yourself more, and be honest about what is going on in your life, which meditation can help you in this case, and the console of people that your truly trust, your parents, your brothers or sisters or your mentor, whoever you trust the most, seek their help, and they would give you a hand.
yes, some people find it easier to just stick with one road, and at the beginning of your road you don't have much experiences, so it is always advisable to have more than one choice and what if that happen what would you do. but in the same time ... don't give up on you purpose quickly if you truly believed in it, it is kinda of a trade-of situation, how much does this purpose worth in your eyes, for example i always dreamed when i was young to become a great programmer, a super hero kind of programmer i mind you, and before i even learn how to do any of that i was always asking my teachers in intermediate schools and high schools what does programmers take and which materials should the be good at, because my schools at that time (and i believe still now) never taught about computers in schools at that time, nor at this time, their is a curriculum for it but it is a joke, and instructors weren't educated in that field in the first place, they didn't know so they have the same answer: Math. well Math, in the other hand, is quite advance in my country, we studied Calculus I in second year high school, yes, and we, the average students, were really sux at it and i hated it, i couldn't get those advance applied integral stuff in the last year of high school, even when i went to collage i was suspicion and started to believe that math doesn't have to do anything with computer science, but in the same time didn't gave up trying to become better in math. in time, i found the answer that no one could give me, science are all based on logic, proof, variables transition\manipulations, and making a way to study and evolve systems in the same fields to find solutions for problems (well the applied sciences at least for the last part, not theoretical ones). when you learn in one science you almost learn in all of them, because all of them educate you how to analyze, think, observe, experiment, test and make prototypes as a scientist, they might do the same exact things but in different names, orders, and terms to suit the specific filed. the reason why don't tell you that is because human have a weird instinct ... even though some believe humans have no instincts ... but hey that's what i believe at least, humans for some reasons doesn't like large changes, it reject it immediately, a dramatic shock, change of believe, or learn a new thing is too much to the brain, the bigger these new ideas, the larger the chance that the brain will try to refuse it and make excuses to avoid opening that door, what i am talking about that if you never thought about that and you find what i am talking about in here is completely rabish then there is only two cases: 1- what i just said was true. 2- what you think about what i said is true ..... for some reasons i hope it is the first <_<
@Leo Gura @theinevitableandi well, lets us be a bit honest in here Leo, Hume said a lot of good things, but some stuff he said encouraged such behavior as how Theinevitableandi expressed too, his morals were weird and hard to interpret ... or almost you don't want to put it as how it seems how he did in some cases, i don't want to get in length of this, so you can try to go and read what Hume says (@to whoever never read that before) and you will see what i am saying. if you don't believe in religion or life-purpose that's alright, what about the golden rule? pick any version, they all do good. i believe in free well and freedom, but i believe in importance of morals and taboos too, they give us constraints to our greed, abuse and power hunger. It give us less space in our minds to think about ourselves and us only, and give more space to consider that there are other things that live other then us, and i am not talking about humans only, animals and trees and all kind of life too! why do we have to be SUPER selfish to be successful? do we have to be happy? do we have to help others just so we can be stress-less and happy? or religions were guidance that can truly lead you to enlightenment but people once again start to abuse religion, because they never believed in it in the first place, and used religion authority for personal gains, and general people start to stay away from religions, and that guidance got lost in the middle of all of this? i truly believe you can reach to enlightenment by religion, and it is true and a thing that human actually need. so yes, what you list as supernatural is actually mentioned in religions and it is part of the believe and it is why it is called a belief in the first place, you don't have to know how and why, you need to trust God in it. why people who are spiritual and religious tempt to have similar ideas, services, thinking and conclusion is as i mentioned earlier they both made some kind of limits, constraint to your freedom, ethical codes so you don't break lose and follow your wild\animal instinct, when you don't care about low and care about peace and love ... like some generation we are quite familiar with ... their purpose start to fade, if they limited a bit i believe that generation could do way much better, ... but hey ... that's my opinion of the subject at least.
i would advice to read more from Steven pinker, or anything that related to morals in general, i will end this with a smart ass quote because i can't make smart ass quotes like those "There is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no really insurmountable barrier save our own inherent weakness of purpose." Kin Hubbard
remember my friends, success is subjective, what you see successful might be a failure in other people eyes. and what might work for them doesn't mean it would work for you to, don't worry to much about the future, worry about what you have at your hands now, what do you need to do, yes plan up ahead but don't worry about it, plan up head 10 years, or 20, it is up to you how far you can plan and how much you can do, but remember once again, you have limits in everything, ability, stress, learning capabilities & speed, work capabilities & speed, stamina, time ... etc so instead of worrying about EVERYTHING try to worry about few things at a time, stick with your projects or life tasks and try to ask others for consoling (is what your doing seems right?), but don't try to ask (what to do to be successful) that's kinda ... meaningless. and yes, just as a reminder, what i learned from life, if you put honest effort in anything ... it never get wasted, even if the results were harmful to everyone, there is no effort get wasted, there is no null result. believe it or not anything that you learn about can be use used or reused in other places, fields in different ways, or can inspired new solutions by upgrading them, combine them and convert them to fit where you want to place them.