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Everything posted by Nickyy

  1. That's the problem. You think it's nonsense. I think what you are saying is nonsense. No offense.
  2. @Raptorsin7 It's not like arch is a troll, a few detours on a thread should be allowed for a long term contributor. How else are people supposed to learn if they aren't allowed to speak their truth ?
  3. Ok, yeah I know which one you're talking about. Seems the standards here are getting more green. Greens only mission in life is to force everyone to conform to green If this was truly a yellow centred forum we would allow people to express themselves as they are but offer insight into how it's holding them back. Instead there is more and more homogeneous conformity to one values structure, less debate.
  4. What are you refering to specifically?
  5. Yes. This is a judgement. Lower levels judgements are crude, like you say, but higher level judgements are more complex. It's all still judgement, isn't it? Judgement is always happening. Let's not fool ourselves that were not judging.
  6. What do you mean? It happens because interpretation is all there is. If you don't judge something you can't draw any distinctions.
  7. @Preety_India I don't know why you guys keep taking about judgement as if it only means one thing. Judgement is not a bad thing. Being judgemental is a problem because it cripples people. But judgement itself is always happening. The more you deny that this is what's always going on every time your mind formulates a concept the more you delude yourself and drive it underground like green does. Judgement belongs to every stage on the spiral, it just becomes more complex
  8. Yellow thinks rationally. It integrates orange because green disowned orange. That's why sometimes yellow can be mistaken for orange and orange can mistake itself for yellow. But a true yellow would have developed a strong sense of conscience and that carries forward into 2nd tier.
  9. Everything is a dick measuring contest. Don't you know all men live for only one thing?
  10. @Chives99 How are people mistreating you as a vulnerable adult? In what ways? Are they responsible for you on some level? Are you comfortable with disclosure this here with us? You're free to PM me if you need someone to speak to in confidence.
  11. @Kiko What do you mean when you say you want to possess them? You mean you want them to be closer friends? If that's the case you have to make the effort to keep in touch. Exchange numbers and arrange to go out. I'm not sure what your issue is to be honest.
  12. @Elham I would personally start here if you want to learn how to actually cook well and learn like a professional would, which means that they break everything down into sections that you master one skill at a time which then forms the basis for you to then create your own recipes If you just follow a bog standard recipe book your learning will be lopsided and you won't gain the insight that pro chefs have. You ever wonder how chefs manage to cook like 150 meals in the time it takes the average home cook to make a 3 course dinner for 4 people? Well all the secrets are in this website. You can start at the beginning and move onto really advanced recipes. You don't have to use the ingredients that they are using, or copy the recipes, the main education you will get out of it is a through base on how to learn to cook. If that's what you want (not everyone wants to go this far, but I'm kind of an extreme guy when it comes to learning) then all you need is this website.
  13. @Serotoninluv You just described the pathological expressions of masculine and feminine perfectly. Pathological feminine is to get so lost in "we" that she loses herself. Pathological masculine is to be so invested in "I" that narcissism takes over. Health is somewhere in the middle
  14. I have a lot of experience with cooking and it's a huge area knowledge, so it might be better if you asked what you're curious about specifically.
  15. Yes, but as I mentioned previously how would you help others? In order to do that you need to understand your subject extremely well and understand the impact of what you're doing. What I've seen so far from online businesses claiming to help people isn't all that far from exploitation.
  16. @Raptorsin7 Maybe, you never know unless you start inquiring. Some people love to spend the holidays at retreat centres because they live alone and love the silence. I have made many friends at retreat centres and I know that there are cancellations all the time. How about the Easter break? Another way to do this is to spend a year travelling and working in as many different types of jobs you can. You may not necessarily get a feel for what you want to do, but you will get a feel for what you don't want to do. Then you can spend time in solitude really relaxing into nothingness and see what comes up. I hear you about the online business thing.
  17. Have you tried a solo retreat? You sound like you will qualify for that. Buddhist centres can accommodate you.
  18. I have friends who own their own businesses and all of them work 60-70 hour weeks. Running a business is more tiring than being an employee with apparent "freedom". Imagine how tiring it is for people who don't even enjoy what they do.
  19. @Toan Meditate for a couple of hours per day, or even one whole day per week. Use the time to relax into your deepest unknowable self and cut the bond between you and the outside world. Spend enough time with yourself and you will discover your life purpose. Once you do that you will be filled with energy and you will know without a doubt what you can offer your partner. It's not the money or stability she is after, she can do that herself. She is a successful solicitor, she doesn't need you in that capacity. She needs you to know who you are at your deepest level. Sort that out and everything will make sense
  20. @Raptorsin7 Be prepared to accept the fact that you may not make much money when you discover it is what you want to do.
  21. @Raptorsin7 You won't find your life purpose doing the course. Sorry leo. You will find it during relaxing into the causal witness for 1-2 hours per day and listening to what your heart yearns for when you remove your survival instincts and conditioning. Don't waste this incredible opportunity to miss this important life defining time in your life. Do not start a business based on your minds conditioning Do whatever you need to do to discover your life purpose and then work to achieve it.
  22. Spoken like a true post modernist ?
  23. You literally co- create this world with the guys. A more conscious person does not bypass brain chemistry, conscious women still love stimulation, but they are stimulated by different things because their worldview is completely different from yours. They understand your worldview because they went though it, but they don't feel that it's true anymore. It's only true for the young people co- creating this reality