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Everything posted by Nickyy

  1. @Focus Shift Absolutely not. Society is getting worse. We have no time for recreation, many people are living on the bread line, working all day in jobs that rob them of all of their energy. Capitalism is turning into an ugly monster. There are so many false teachings and false gurus around now that spiritual teachings are getting more and more bizarre. Therapy costs a fortune and is only really a privellage for the wealthy. The wealthy get richer and the poorer get poorer. There are no budgets any more for policing so people get away with more petty crime than they did 10 years ago. Our current system is not set up for human evolution, it's set up to serve capitalism that only really serves an elite and keeps the majority of people tired, powerless, stressed out and constantly worrying about the future. Society is a mess
  2. Ordinary life with its distractions and addictions (if observed) is spiritual practice. Your main aim is disidentification and integration. That means you watch yourself living your life in a non judgemental way. What do you think spiritual practice is? At the moment it sounds as if you think normal life is shit and that there is something more "spiritual" that you should be doing.
  3. @Elia I think before you can be honest with others you have to learn to be honest with yourself. In a work situation yes you have to do what you have to do to keep a roof over your head. Sadly at this point in history this is a necessity. Hopefully it won't always be that way. But I don't hold much hope for humanity at large to awaken. But if you're honest with yourself about everything that is going on in you, then there will be no need to lie to anyone about your intent because you will be healing yourself and becoming authentic. It would be very difficult to find someone to be authentic with unless they were deeply committed to personal growth and you both had an understanding of the process of becoming authentic.
  4. I never said you're not entitled to your opinion. You like to bastardize words to suit your preferences. It's not a judgement that you're not enlightened, it's a fact.
  5. Exactly. You can have desire, and if nobody responds it's only a big deal to the ego, not to the true self that is timeless, because time is an illusion and desires come and go while the true self is always now with what arises, good or bad. Well said. And thank you for challenging erroneous assumptions and distortions about Truth
  6. There is only one definition of ridiculous. It means you're open to ridiculing others because they don't live upto your personal ideals. You clearly hold people and yourself responsible for things. That means you haven't embodied a non dual principle. Which means you have some work to do on yourself
  7. Im sorry, but never said any of that stuff. My purpose here is to help people live in the now and help them live their lives. I never mentioned pick up. Pick up is egoic and nothing to do with genuine personal development. But if you need to have sex you need to have sex and there is nothing wrong with that. But trying to find real love in among a society that is mostly still egoic capitalists is hard work and probably impossible unless you find another person who's committed to pd
  8. However, it's ok of you to feel the impulse to ridicule. You must be allowed to express your emotions in order to let them be integrated. But to claim you're more developed than others is inauthentic at this point
  9. Ridicule means you still assign blame to others for there behaviours, but there is no ego to blame. They have no control or choice. This is compassion, and a spiritual truth. If you don't embody this, then youre not really enlightened
  10. @Key Elements Ridicule is the opposite of compassion. Just thought I'd point out the obvious
  11. As in, "look at me, look what I can do?" You use the word ridiculous, of which the root word is ridicule
  12. @The Don Interesting stuff. I agree with points 1 & 3 . Regarding your second point, these sound like fixed ideas about gender, sexuality. Where do LGBTTQQIAAP fit into this?
  13. @Raze It's the same as the physical body. If you don't listen to it's wisdom it eventually shuts you down by creating a disease. At the moment humanity isn't sane enough to understand the organism that is the planet or the human body. And I doubt humanity ever will be.
  14. @7thLetterGood luck with that. I think this is an idea that is sold to us by society in order to control us. Most people are not capable of having a connection, not unless they are on a spiritual path. Maybe you will be lucky enough to meet someone who is committed to PD and you can start a friendship and see what develops? Have you got something against just having sexual partners for a while.
  15. @Cuddy5269 Yea but you didn't factor in the fact that Leo isn't as good looking as Quazimodo. ?
  16. @Cuddy5269 If you let go then you don't have to work. Everything is achieved without effort. Your body has everything in it to make it happen if you just get out of the way. Generating time means you're in the way of natural processes that would normally lead to sex. Just get out of the way by ending the sense of time
  17. @Cuddy5269 To me it might be that you're putting to much focus on the outcome, which means you are not living in the present moment, but are actually fixated on something that "might" happen. This won't change even after 1000 approaches. You need to understand what is happening inside you so that you can relinquish this pattern. Only then will you truly understand what relationship means. It's ok to have a goal. When you see someone and your body tells you "I want to have sex with you right now" , you must allow your body to live and take the necessary steps. The goal is "sex", and that's ok, but if you fixate on that instead f being present and enjoying the process of what it takes to create a sexual relationship, you will not find any success and you will Rob yourself of living your own life. Life is now, with all your feelings. Enjoy the feelings you get from living the actual process of life. That's what you're looking for anyway. Fulfillment isn't in the end goal, it's in the process of getting there.
  18. @Michael Paul im not sure if I'm completely getting your question. But the thing that springs to mind for me is that we know there is no free will, that everything is conditioned patterns. The only way to change a pattern is not by resisting it and attempting to "do" something else, but to observe the pattern and the identification that keeps the pattern repeating itself. Then the pattern becomes integrated in time and new thoughts and behaviours emerge. I think that's the only instance in which we can say we can do things "differently". But that's just a way of symbolising the process. On close inspection we don't really "do" anything, everything is being done by existence itself, whether that serves us individually or not, even new behaviours. So the only options are internal struggle or acceptance and transformation . I chose the latter because that is the only real way that we can "change", because change is destined anyway, but change should happen according to how well we let life make the decision for us. Trying to force things just keeps the old habits and conditionings in place , even if the appear to be changing, they are not, not until they are made conscious
  19. These aren't spiritual teachings. They sound like egoic self help dressed up as enlightenment teachings. Benhito is talking about will and that you should be doing things that according to him are "worth it".
  20. @Harikrishnan You don't care about death in the present moment. Death makes complete sense when you're not worrying about it or resisting it. I think Ramana Maharishi walked around with a cane for a good number of years. I'm sure he was as nourished by having to use that cane as anything else in his experience. He's a perfect example of surrender, peace and happiness. Dying isn't a problem, resistance to life and surrender to life (making a self) is the only problem
  21. There is no free will because there is no person really responsible for conditioned physical / mental reality. Ramana died of cancer because cancer is just a part of being alive. He never questioned it because he didn't need to, he wasn't concerned with physical life. I think one of his last sayings was "dust to dust". Like he didn't care. Life and death are dualities. That's what is meant by no "free will".
  22. Ramana was right and the other two are charlatans. That's why there is a disconnect.
  23. @iceprincess Remember to keep it on here or only expose it you someone you trust. Don't expose this to others who can potentially shame you for it or try to change you in any way, as that influence will keep you locked in. Keep this to yourself, to your diary and to the forum. Start a journal on the journal section in the forum
  24. Don't identify with it. Remember the instructions I left you on your other post, where I show you how to stop indentifying. Continue to express this on paper, in private. Act it out as you please and just keep observing non judgementally. Just remember to always keep a distance between yourself as the observer and the "person" who has all these apparent "problems". Stay present
  25. What you're doing is called spiritual bypassing. You have made a subtle ideology out of a spiritual insight. This is really common and mostly unavoidable for seekers on the path. Make this unconscious and habitual and you trigger the dark night of the soul. I went though the dark night of the soul for 10 years, where my sense of identity was focused around trying to be spiritual and perfect and demonized anything that was remotely identification based. Notice that you have made an identity by making unconscious behaviours "wrong". You won't be able to let go of it until you see it for what it is, the ego that is trying to control your life. Schadenfreude isn't in and of itself "wrong". It's just a condition. It can't be any other way, because physical reality is conditioned and habitual. Every time we idenitfy with a value we create an ego around it and this pattern just takes over. The way out of this is to understand that humanity isn't a state of freedom, that other people don't have any choice to be zombies unless they chose to take on a spiritual path. Just understanding and accepting conditioned reality for what it is and dropping expectations of anything otherwise should take you out of any potential egoic identity that could trigger the dark night period.