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Everything posted by Nickyy

  1. Become present. That's the only way to liberation really. Everything else is just swapping one distraction for another. You need to learn to understand the root cause of it, by understanding identification, fixation on past and future. I have 200 posts on here consistently in service of educating others and myself on how to become present . That's all I'm here for.
  2. I like the forum. It's a good place to talk and not be judged for bringing your thoughts and feelings.
  3. Slavery was never really abolished. It's just been reformed into a more socially acceptable format. These days any slave can become a master. But in order to do that you need to be comfortable with having slaves work for you. ?
  4. I have to admit that I went through a stage like this. Clean eating is a neurosis.
  5. @DrewNows I read somewhere (can't remember the source now) that human corpses are now taking 10 years to decompose because of all the preservatives in the food ??
  6. @Nivsch Another thing I noticed with green, and this is a major flaw, is that it doesn't see its own hypocrisy. Greens ideology is that every perspective is equal because it is relative. But by forcing relativity onto people who aren't relativistic it is basically the biggest bully on the spiral and the biggest hypocrite because it believes relativity is the absolute. Green says that no perspective is more valid than another and you should fall in line with this because it's the most valid perspective. You could say that green isn't really green at all, its RED.
  7. @Nivsch I think one of the weaknesses of green is it's conditioned to root out inequality and attempt to level the playing field. It's just a programme . It's not really conscious, no matter how it thinks it's so much more developed, it's just another ideology. If you can just let everything be as it is, you will find that everyone is playing their part in ways you maybe you cannot appreciate when you got your green goggles on
  8. Like I say, we can go on for hours and hours. But really what we're doing by engaging abstract concepts is were moving away from being. Being is where yellow reveals itself. Act from that place rather than attempting to sort the world's problems out, at least get intimate with how all of these parts make up the whole and are inter dependent.
  9. It's a fancy way of saying that you need to be fairly developed in order to have these kinds of insights. Your development isn't really something that is in your control either, it just happens . You also got to be lucky and be enculturated into the right circumstances in order to even have a good chance. Then there is your physical and mental health which plays a certain role. And the again if you're too lucky and your extremely talented and gifted and happy with conventional life you might miss out on awakening all together. Some people have to suffer for years and that ripens them.
  10. Green hasn't got a clue. It forces people to be who they are not. Forces cultures to intermingle when the reality is most people are not able to exist in these ways. Most people aren't developed. That's why 2nd tier takes others where they are at, takes these perspectives as they are, because these are crucial stepping stones in development. You can't just force green onto every colour on the spiral. I could talk about this for hours, but I think you get the basic gist of it
  11. Sounds like you were identified with green? That's not really living in the present moment, it's identification with thought. No?
  12. @Aeris Youve made me see the film in a different way. I guess orange society is a bit marginalising. But it's not as bad as a tribal society that let the ones who couldn't contribute to society just starve. That was the only way we could survive in those times. We had to let the less able ones go. It's still the same now, only since tribal times we have developed the idea of human rights. But still, in an orange society there isn't any resources to carry the less able, because human rights is a double edged sword , isn't it? The rich have the right to be individuals and compete in a capitalist economy system. It's not fair, but green is a little immature in its sentiment that all beings are equal and should be allowed equal status in society. But I think you are spot on, you had the balls to confront me and tell me how you see it. I appreciate that. If you want you can PM me. Id be more than willing to take feedback on what else you think about where I'm at with my cognition.
  13. I mean I identify with my mind a lot. I am delusional like everyone else. I only have a bit of experience with spirituality, which is why I'm here, because talking about it helps integrate the teaching. With regards to your dreams at night, they will get better the more you learn to disidentify with your mind. I used to have nightmares too, but my nighttime dreams are getting much more pleasant
  14. Stop thinking about it. When you stop trying to live from the intellect you will see how all of these perspectives are right and that you can access them all fairly easily in the present moment when you need to. At the moment you're just fixated on an ideology of trying to be super developed, which is a false position (as it's causing you obvious problems in relating to others) You're already whole.
  15. This is a delusion Not trying to be funny here, just saying that it's an interpretation rather than real. When you're fully present in the now you are not sensitive to anything. That's why it's called liberation. All there is is pure energy running through your body. Your mind is clear and nothing pulls you down. What you think is pulling you down and lifting you up is external situations and people , right? Wrong It's identification with your mind that is making it seem as if externals can impact you in any way.
  16. There are no withdrawal symptoms. Being takes seconds, is swift, painless and energising.
  17. When I say "unconscious" I mean in the sense that you're not really aware of what's going on. For example, if you're bored, and you try to spice the moment up by making it more entertaining, that means you're not really conscious of what's happened with you. You're deluded at that point and in the dream. The dream can be a nice place, it is for most people. I dream a lot. It's fun. But being "conscious" means you understand what happened and that understanding dissolves the identification in that moment. I think being conscious in a spiritual sense is more of an understanding. Which probably accounts for the fact that some people can meditate for years and still not awaken. You kind of need to be told how to spot the false self
  18. They are just a signal that you have lost awareness of the present moment. I don't know what "subconscious mind" is. I don't have any education in psychology I'm afraid.
  19. The thing is, the mind cannot really know anything. And what you have done is give us an excersise that is only suitable for the mind. When the mind stops, that's when you know that you actually didn't know anything. But that realization doesn't mean that you no longer know anything, it means that true knowledge can now be integrated and embodied, because when all you know is mind, you really don't know anything except repetitive thoughts that you thought symbolised reality. Thinking without presence is just pretty much useless and mostly harmful.
  20. Sort of. Emotions tell you what is going on in your mind. Listening to emotions is a quick and easy way to uncover unconscious identification with time. Mastering that will take you beyond emotion
  21. You're developing free will. There is no free will as long as you are ruled by unconscious processes. That's why blame is an illusion and unconditional love is the only logical choice. You can't blame a programme for doing what it does. What's left when you have no more expectations of others?
  22. You want someone to tell you how to be. That's why you're not getting any sex. Alphas don't go onto internet forums to ask others how to be alpha. Not not picking, just trying to get you to look at what you're doing honestly