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Everything posted by Nickyy

  1. @Aquarius Rotenone is an organic pesticide and insecticide that has been show to induce Parkinson's disease A list of substances allowed to be used in organic agriculture A review of the nutritional claims regarding organic food Systematic review: No nutritional difference between organic and conventional food
  2. @ZenAlex I think you might benefit going to your doctor and getting them to run some tests. You said you're vegan, not that being vegan itself is a bad thing, but you might have developed some deficiency that you don't know about because if some genetics you have. Try to rule out anything physical
  3. How did this happen to you? Was it studying spiritual teachings? If you're not able to access the present moment and feel the aliveness of life, then studying spirituality can make you dissociated . Dissociation is like creating an ego that thinks it's apart from the ego. The way out is to watch your mind doing this as a way to deny living in the now. All depression ends when the illusion of time is seen for what it is.
  4. That's the ego trying to find something The thing that needs to "die" is you, the mind made identity that uses thoughts like "I need to discover truth" to keep itself going.
  5. John Rose - exposed
  6. Mucoid plaque doesn't exist. Ask any gastroenterologist @DrewNows What do you think of these videos exposing Robert Morse? I think the guy makes some very valid points and has the ability to point out where morse is just plain wrong in his understanding of cancer and how the lymphatic system doesn't even have any connection with the kidneys. quack noun [ C ] UK /kwæk/ US /kwæk/ quack noun [C] (PERSON) disapproving a person who dishonestly pretends to have medical skills or knowledge quack noun [ C ] UK /kwæk/ US /kwæk/ quack noun [C] (PERSON)
  7. There is no conclusion. A conclusion is an event in time. All conclusions are temporary and you will forget them eventually. What is it that you never forget?
  8. It's not a perspective. It's the truth. Reality. My advise is to get to start working on yourself and you will soon be experiencing what I'm saying. Until you do that you're not really going to know first what what we're talking about on the forum.
  9. Whatever you do just do it slowly. There are things called enzymes (your body makes them) and if you don't have the enzymes to digest new foreign foods, the food will go right through you without being absorbed. Add some more vegetables to your diet, like introducing a salad to your evening meal and subtracting the desserts or whatever. Keep eating animal products, but taper off really slowly while building your fibre intake really slowly. If you try to do it overnight you will just fuck yourself . Especially as you already need a lot of food.
  10. @Bridge to Infinity I will give you an example of how to do it. Someone was rude to me the other day and I found myself getting angry as usual with being spoke to that way. I noticed how I was feeling and I noticed the thoughts I was having. The thoughts went something like "man why are people so rude and inconsiderate at times? I'm never that way, I think it's terrible that humanity has to treat each other in these ways, it makes for such a nicer world if we could all get along" Look at the story, and the sense of identity built around this skill in had learned of being polite and considerate to everyone. I had attached an identity to this skillset and when anyone came into my space with a different viewpoint I immediately felt threatened because my identity was threatened. As soon as I noticed that I had made a self out of being polite and considerate, the reaction immediately vanished and all that was left was peace. Its called ego death. Needless to say I no longer have problems with people being rude, because I don't identify as someone who is polite. Therefore I am no longer personally threatened when someone breaks my code.
  11. The thing is, you're not actually a needy guy. That's just a "self" that you have created that is held together by a bunch of thoughts , feelings and behaviours. If I called you an elephant you wouldn't believe me, would you? Because its quite clear that you're not actually an elephant. So there is no danger as you idenitifying as an elephant. It's seems very easy to identify as a needy guy tho, doesn't it? Because it seems so real because of the confirmation you keep getting from your direct experience. But what happened is that because you created an identity, you then went ahead and thought, felt and behaved in ways that confirmed that identity. The last thing anyone wants is to lose their identity (even if it causes them incredible suffering). The way out of this is easy (believe it or not). It's so easy that when it happens for you, when you become free of this affliction, you will laugh so hard and then wonder why you spent so much time looking in the wrong place to try to "become " some other identity. To become someone "confident". You don't need to become anything, what you are is already what you seek. All you have to do is notice the times you are triggered into your needy thoughts feelings and behaviours and just watch the identity you made and notice what happens to it when you no longer continue to perpetuate it by mistaking it for who you are.
  12. Basically leos teaching in a nutshell.
  13. Because the ultimate purpose of life is allow it to enlighten us. If the point of life was to gratify every ego then life wouldn't work. There is this mentality right through life that we should all be able to become totally fulfilled as a separate egoic entity. That's what social conditioning is. But it's this naieve thinking that is creating all of the misery on the planet. The fight for resources and the "pursuit of happiness" is nothing short of a delusion that creates a world of winners and losers.
  14. Yeah, the path is complex. You have to go through this stage of understanding what dysfunction and the ego is, and in order to do that some kind of demonization process is going to take place. It's a necessary step in creating a foundation to prepare yourself for awakening. First you see the dysfunction out there, and then you can see it in yourself. It's kind of a deconstruction process and then an integration process. I wouldnt try to convince others (been there done that and it ain't pretty). Just play along and protect your interests and keep your eyes on the prize. Forget about anyone understanding you, they won't. That's why this forum is good. Just bring it here and you won't be judged.
  15. @Swagala Thats just your desire to become complete. We look for it in relationships . It's not something bad, it's just part of being a separate identity. If you understand that this is just a craving, and that you're looking in the wrong place for wholeness, and that you're identified as this self who's seeking, the seeker will disappear.
  16. Yeah, the more times you can crack the present moment it weakens the addiction . Things become way less important. But like you say, you got to keep drilling at it from the state of being until one day you wake up one morning and it's gone
  17. @assx95 If you get friend zoned, move on and learn from it. It wasn't to be.
  18. The feminine aspect of women grows by being seen, heard, understood, encouraged and supported. The masculine aspect of a woman grows by challenge and being challenged. Some women stay in abusive relationships not because they are seeking validation, but because they are committed. It causes a woman pain to be put down, but she stays because the feminine side of her wants relationship and connection more than anything, and she will use her masculine resources to make that happen. But when the polarity gets too out of whack, when her feminine is not being tended to and she is over using her masculine just to keep hold of the relationship, that's when negative health consequence can take over. When the man fails to live upto his potential the woman will leave. And rightly so.
  19. You're one big bundle of fuzzy joy ?
  20. I'm not attacking him. But I can't go against my intuition. That would mean buying into a philosophy, which is not good for my development.
  21. I agree. Pointing to credentials as a way of supporting a poor argument is a logical fallacy. But I'm wondering why he felt the need to pay for his credentials. It doesn't make sense to me. Something feels incongruent
  22. @DrewNows What do you think about Dr. Morse buying his qualifications from diploma mills?
  23. @VeganAwake When he says "just this" ...boom! ?? It's just so easy, why do we make it complicated?
  24. @CreamCat Your dreams will get much much more pleasant as you work on yourself. Your dream state reflects how you experience your normal waking reality. My dreams used to be horrible, but now they are beautiful, stories of everything working out for the best, and this transfers into my real waking life It's all connected I think
  25. Leo, how do you deal with people higher up trying to gaslight you? I've experienced this before. I just ignored the person because it was clear that they weren't interested in helping, but asserting their own agenda onto me.