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Everything posted by Nickyy

  1. @LfcCharlie4 I think Leo is right on this, because I don't see the need to pass through brilliant thinkers to get to the now. Maybe I'm wrong and you really do need to become a sage like character and know all of these philosophical and spiritual systems before you give them up?
  2. @Raptorsin7 Ive found that depression is "caused" by things like nutrient deficiencies, sunlight deficiency, eating processed sugars and too much junk while neglecting sleep, drinking too much alcohol, drinking too much coffee. Eating a lot of fried foods. All these things are inflammatory and I think inflammation is linked to depression and just not feeling good in the body. Even looking good is related to depression. All of those ingredients above have helped me turn my depressive states around in time. There is some research availible on how they have been shown to lift mood during trials.
  3. Ok. So would you be able to write a critique of the person who did the critique of morse and rose? If that guy has an agenda, surely you are able to point it out so that you can expose his inconsistency? The guy was gracious enough to spend his time pointing out the many inconsistencies of morse and John rose. So the onus is on you to back your claim with evidence.
  4. @LfcCharlie4 probably not. Not going by that scale . But i do feel I'm improving in comparison to the person I was before
  5. Looking at that chart I'm probably at about 300. I can say that with 97% certainty.
  6. @Identity I had chronic back pain for 20 years which left me bed ridden for sometimes 2 weeks. I've thrown thousands of pounds at this problem and nothing has worked. I've had scans to check for arthritis and other issues and structurally I'm healthy. So nobody could tell me what was happening with my back. The worst episode I had was I tore a ligament in my sacreal joint which put me in bed, unable to walk (except getting up once per hour to move around) for five months. It was horrific. I was on diazepam to control the muscle spasms. The reason I tore my ligament was trying to stretch my hamstring by lying on a table and putting my leg up against a wall as per instructed by a physio. I pushed to hard and tore the ligament. Since then the ligament has healed (nearly 3 years) but I still get spasm in my lower back from the event. I have no idea why, but I think some injuries you just don't recover fully from. So my advice is to start, don't stretch too much, and don't stretch without warning up first. My next tip is get yourself on an anti inflammatory diet. This really helps. Lots of fruit and vegetables and whole foods. Listen to your body and assess your energy and pain levels. The next thing is vitamin c powder taken to bowel tollerance. Look it up on Google. It has been probably the second most important thing I've done in healing my lifelong back issues. Next thing is sleep on the floor. There are lots of advice on how to do this on YouTube. If you think about it it's not natural to sleep on a bed, and beds don't really support you anyway. I've tried all kinds of expensive mattress but nothing has been as comfortable and life saving for my back and joints as sleeping on the floor has. The last thing is do some sort of resistance training when you wake up first thing.
  7. The concept of now wouldn't exist without the concepts of past n' future, but now isn't a concept. Concepts happen in the now. Nothing would be if there wasn't a now
  8. There is no time without I, and there is no I without time. It's the same phantom entity.
  9. @jj40 No, you're not responsible for your thoughts. Thoughts just happen. But while you think you're a separate self you can actually take responsibility by noticing when you're not present, and then allowing whatever identification that had happened dissipate by itself. Not taking "responsibility" as an ego would look something like blaming others for your reactions. People who blame others don't even know they have the power to disidentify, they like to get deeper into the delusion
  10. Nobody finds what they are looking for. ?
  11. Bored? I thought Godhead was one? How can one be bored?
  12. @remember My main point with all this is to try to show that these two raw food cult leaders, John Rose and Robert Morse aren't really 2nd tier transcendent cutting edge health experts. They are charlatans who are either bat shit crazy or just deceptive. I wouldnt like to guess where these two are on the spiral (blue?) but just because a person rejects mainstream knowledge and adopts what looks like a multitude of different ideas, doesn't make them 2nd tier thinkers, helalers.They haven't even mastered orange rationality, so this skill isn't even available to them yet. There is a big difference between pre and trans rational, and you can spot it by looking to see how competent a person is at thinking logically. These two guys, Rose and Morse, are obviously just fantasists, and they regurgitate community ideas while adding their own spin in order to stand out and create a cult following. Gotta have an angle, gotta create a problem ("allopathic medicine") and then offer a personal solution to the public that addresses the imagined problem so that they can gain a following. Most people are at blue, so we're easy to con. Consumerism is just one big cultural hypnosis anyway, we as a species are primed for this. The internet is just another way to reach out to people and play on their desperation in tough times. None of this is concious, that's why so many believe these people, because they believe it themselves. Although I think Morse is knowingly misleading people, but he's so deluded by his own bullshit that he's fallen for it and has ended up lying even to himself.
  13. @remember Of course, organic is not more nutritious, but that's one of the many claims "raw foodists" like to make, they falsely mislead people by arguing that because conventional crops are only grown on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, that this somehow makes the crop less nutritious. Not so. As we can see. There is also the claim from raw foodist that organic is less toxic because it's not treated with pesticides. Which they imagine gives credence to their "juicing" practices. Well, if you actually look at the chemicals that go into sustaining organic agriculture you will see that it's not entirely toxin free, or even safe. Organic crops are even sprayed twice as much as conventuonal crops because of the low efficacy of some of these organic chemicals. I posted the paper about rotenone inducing Parkinson's disease to show that just because something is natural doesn't mean it isn't harmful. Glyphosate isnt used everywhere though. It's banned in most of the EU. Germany are in the process of getting rid of it right now because of the evidence presented by anti GMO scientist's. Glyphosate even gets into organic crops.
  14. @yangmilun Maybe you're overthinking things? Just be present . Whatever it is that you're identified with will let go of you... You don't really let go of anything, all you do is notice when you're not present. Everything will take care of itself
  15. @Guided Dont worry too much about it. It's good that all these complex feelings have come up in relation to this. If I were you I would continue to go every week and get into the sprit of things, get hugging and soon you will just feel part of the gang, you will be hugging everyone and you will look back at this post and wonder what all the fuss was about. ?
  16. @Matt8800 Ive noticed this. Inhabiting the body with awareness is the same effeft having a really long deep sleep. In fact, it's even better than actual sleep.
  17. Vitamin b, vitamin c, vitamin d3, green vegetables, correcting an efa deficiency, curcumin, carrot juice, magnesium, vitamin b3, chromium, selenium, zinc, adaptogens,
  18. @TrynaBeTurquoise Dont quote me on this, but I think I heard someone say in an interview that flu shots are useless because they only protect you against the strain that is included in the vaccine. I didn't fact check this claim, but your post promoted my memory. Maybe you can do some research? I haven't gotten a cold or flu for 4 years since I been eating healthy. I think it's wise to take vitamin d3 in the winter and vitamin c to bowel tollerance. Vitamin c at those doses is anti viral, anti bacterial and anti histamine and prevents the bugs from getting a foot hold in your body . If you don't want to do vitamin c then make sure you're eating a lot of fruit which gives you at least 200mg of c per day. It's not ideal but it's more than most get.
  19. Yeah, that list suddenly makes bretharianism look like an attractive opinion..(bizarrely enough!)
  20. I think I just had my first peek into green ?
  21. @Aeris in fact, even the notion of "reality" is a clinging to something
  22. Hiss... I see what you mean. Yeah, I found myself getting caught in the belief that there is an absolute truth. I see now that reality is neither objective nor subjective. These two things are dualities