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Everything posted by Nickyy

  1. While I agree with this (I'd this your direct experience of integration?, because it doesnt match mine) it sounds more like a meta view, aka ideal theory of what an overall person should end up like at yellow The reality however is much more messy (in my personal experience). You can get rid of green, it's just an idea what was put into the collective in order to organise thought. It's one idea, all hierarchy is bad because all ideas are relative, therefore no one idea is better than another. Once this idea takes hold unconsciously it creates the green structure and what follows is the manifestations of that. By identifying this as the cause of disintegration I have found that my red, blue and orange are allowed to express themselves freely as required in the situation without any thought.
  2. What is the boredom tho? Ever wondered what it is? It's the mind saying "I don't want what is, I want something else, I want something that was exciting in the past and I want it to happen for me sometime in the near future". Just understanding that is what's happening and then letting go of trying to do anything about it, judging it, resisting it, or trying to change it will result in the ego collapsing and pure awareness is revealed . Meditation is like a double edged sword, because by sitting you're subtely expecting something to happen in the future. Some kind of awakening. This is a trap, because awakening doesn't happen in the future, it is just being converted up by identification with past and future.
  3. @assx95 I try to stay away from porn because I noticed it can create negative anchors, it's addictive. 6-7 times a day? Boy you deserve some kind of award for that lol. I remember too, I think my highest was like 12 times in one day when I was like 19. It's insatiable, especially when the weather is hot. Yeah you won't feel fatigue until later in life when it maybe shows up as other kinds of symptoms? This is all speculation of course because I haven't seen much science , but I just get the feeling that it's not that healthy a practice, even from a genetic standpoint nature only really cares that we pass on our genes early enough. That's why the hormones are running rampant until the mid 30s. After that nature doesn't need us anymore, that's when things could potentially start to go wrong and if you don't look after yourself early on in life, you can't really expect to hack mother nature later on in life and go for high energy and longevity because it's not a given. Maintaining health after 40 is like pushing a boulder up hill, its going against nature. Objectively you can actually deplete mineral stores if you spank off too much. You lose some zinc, which you got to replace quickly because it's plays a part in regulating a lot of functions in the body.
  4. @Leo Gura Also notice Leo the context in which I say a green allergy is healthy. IF you resonate with yellow but see that you got green in you, THEN it's ok to transcend green so that it facilitates integration of tier one .
  5. Unhealthy green and green are the same thing. Green becomes unhealthy when it doesn't evolve. That's what all of the books say. You're looking at the manifestations of green when you differentiate unhealthy green and healthy green, but green is one idea, the deconstruction of hierarchy which has a healthy manifestation and a counter productive manifestation. It's good at the beginning and causes misery at the end.
  6. Yes each stage builds on the previous ones. But that doesn't mean that you embrace green all of the time. You have to see its limitations in your thinkin and how it holds you back. Moving into yellow requires a green allergy of sorts. I've observed this in myself and others. You're probably thinking that I haven't been to green and don't understand it. But I'm living in a green culture and I can see how it doesn't work. Yeah you got to go these, but if you don't evolve then you stagnate. Witness how green is holding back progress on both the personal and social levels.
  7. @assx95 Im not sure if you will ever be able to transcend desire. The kind of desire you're talking about is out of your direct or indirect control because it is in part caused by hormones, genetics, your body is at the right time to mate. But you can disidentify from desire and just allow it to be without getting psychologically involved in it and the suffering created when you don't get your desire met More people could do with that because if unchecked then desire can cause a lot of problems (Bill Clinton?) Probably a bit before you're time, but you get the picture? The way to do it is understand that any fantasizing is a way to escape the present moment. The more you can live in the present moment the less your desire will linger and the less you will feel a need to blow it off via masturbation. Cos jerking off is the easiest way to discharge that pressure, isn't it? At age 24 once a day is more than enough. You don't want to jerk off anymore than that because you can start to cause yourself energy problems with a regular "5 a day" habit. The older you get the less frequent you should masturbate. Like for a 40 year old guy it should be once a week or once a fortnight. Obviously can't prove any of this via science, because science can't measure subtle energy, but there is something to subtle energy. If you can preserve that subtle energy and keep it inside rather than discharging it, you will become more creative anyway. And women like that .
  8. Green and yellow are completely incompatible. Yellow is so far ahead of green it's mind boggling. I would say that if you resonate with yellow but think you got some green in you then uproot that green (any ideas that demonise hierarchy in any way shape or form- positive or negative, it's all the same) and disidentify with it. Green values hiding in among yellow is going to hold you back. As soon as you get rid of green you start integrating all of the 1st tier colours so much more effectively because the spiral is a hierarchy, and green thwarts any integration. Green is about trying to get rid of all of the 1st tier below it and rule and dominate and it makes people extremely unhappy and dysfunctional in the end.
  9. Yeah, this is an identification that you formed when growing up. You were taught a value, a skill and naturally you made it part of your identity. Next time you feel irritated just observe the identity without judgement or doing anything about it. Observe the feeling you get when this self emerges. Don't judge, don't try to change it , don't make it into a problem. Soon you will get a sense that this identity and the thoughts and feelings and behaviour that is keeping it in place is an object arising in you, not as you anymore. Once you disidentify you will then feel the emotion and thoughts evaporate and you will see the guys in a new light. You will have made space to integrate your own narcissism and it will no longer bother you.
  10. @Preety_India There are a lot of good things on TV, I like documentaries, nature programmes , some kinds of comedy , and every now and then decent movie is shown. Although, I don't watch a lot of TV either. There have been times I've gone through life not even having a TV and been just fine. I like TV, it's a nice way to zone out for entertainments sake. I don't think it's healthy to be glued to the TV though. It can have a brainwashing effect, but that really depends on as you say, how much self actualisation you have done. Independent thinking etc
  11. I think arc has a Jag. That's more appropriate a car for his age range lol Really? In my day it was called 48 laws of power. He must have found another 2
  12. Yeah, it's was probably the 48 laws of power lol
  13. You seem to looking for ways to make your experience of life more miserable than it already is. Don't be a miser ? It's good practice not to take oneself or life too seriously. Before you know it,it will be gone.
  14. Lol, nobody is saying avoid spinach and beet out of fear. Just maybe avoid oxylate overload (like a concentrated litre of beet juice in a smoothie) and monitor how one feels if they are feeling a bit shitty on the diet.?? My post is actually helping your cause
  15. I recently checked out Leo's superfood smoothie that he kindly uploaded the recipe for a couple of years back and noticed that all of the ingredients contain high amounts of oxylates, which is a chemical in certain foods that if not dealt with properly by certain friendly bugs in the gut can potentially cause a few issues. Issues that I've seen when watching some of the ex vegan testimonials popping up lately on social media. Leo's smoothie looks and tastes really delicious, but if you take a closer look at the fruits and veggies contained in it you will find the following ingredients are high up on this chemical called oxalic acid. Spinach Beetroot (about 1 tbsp of concentrated beet powder is the same as half a litre of fresh beet juice. And it takes about 700g of beets to make half a lite of beet juice. That's a lot of beet, and a lot of oxalic acid going into your system at one time.) Matcha Chocolate Almonds Berries All very high in oxalic acid. This may or may not be an issue for most (depending on how well your body can deal with this chemical) but in some cases too much oxylate can cause kidney stones, especially if you're eating a diet that isn't high in calcium (this is where the vegan diet comes in). So if I were eating a plant based diet I would definately make sure I'm drinking enough water and getting enough calcium while keeping an eye on my intake of fruits and veggies that are naturally high in oxalic acid just so that im on the safe side. We don't really know much about vegan diets at the moment and because it's only recently in the last 10 years that this kind of diet has been adopted on a larger scale are we now starting to see some of the problems associated with eating in such a way.. So if you're vegan make sure that you have done your research to the best of your ability and that you are aware of as many pitfalls as possible.
  16. I'm just going through the scenario in my mind. A 40 year old guy staring at young women at college , peering at them through the baked beans while she looks at tampons with her mother, all the while security are surveilling the whole scenario, bored, looking for someone to arrest. Archangelo probably lives in an area with low crime rates and the security guards need something to entertain them
  17. Hey, beggars can't be choosers mate ?
  18. I never said that only vegans develop kidney stones I never suggested that oxylate is the primary cause of kidney stone Yes any diet can give you oxylates. Yes. And? What's your point? Vegans can have leaky gut. Just don't ram oxylates Dow your throat too much and aggravate it. Yes. Vitamin d is responsible for absorbing calcium in the gut. Nobody said that a vegan diet is not the only cause of kidney stone . (Hint: nobody's bashing a vegan diet here lol) Yes, can do, c breaks down in the body as oxylate. ? Yes. How is this relevant to vegans? Lol They do, and it does.
  19. Don't worry. Arc is used to getting rejected lol
  20. That doesn't seem to stop Archangelo.
  21. You two should go on a date.
  22. @Arcangelo Can I ask a question? I'm curious, how old were the women you were approaching? Were they roughly the same age as you?
  23. Mate don't worry. I'm in my late 30's and I have 19 year old (I think!) turquoise kids telling me what to do on here. The internet is a strange place ... ???
  24. No wonder the security were onto him lol It all makes perfect sense now