Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. what do you mean it's good for them? what would happen if that fence comes down? Bloomberg News , Portland feed
  2. ABC news, live Oakland now, 2AM 7/25/2020
  3. I hear someone on the live now saying the crows seems as big or bigger than last night That fence has probably been reinforced since yesterday but what if it comes down anyway - where is that going to lead ?
  4. Minneapolis City Council approves first substantial cuts to police The budget trims roughly $1.5 million from the city's police department — the first substantial cuts since George Floyd's death. By Liz Navratil Star Tribune JULY 25, 2020 Minneapolis is poised to cut $1.5 million from the city’s Police Department — and elected officials are promising more substantial changes in the coming months. The City Council approved the changes Friday morning when they signed off on a larger effort to reduce the city’s $1.6 billion budget to deal with financial losses from the coronavirus pandemic. While the cuts amounted to less than 1% of the Police Department’s budget, the bulk of the money will be shifted to pay for trained civilians who work with families, crime victims and others to interrupt the cycle of violence. Mayor Jacob Frey said he will approve the cuts to this year’s spending and that he plans to unveil larger changes next month. “The 2021 budget is the appropriate budget for deeper structural change, and that will be the direction for the budget I propose,” Frey said. “It will include a well-thought-out vision for MPD.” They also have to figure out how to support a police force whose members are increasingly frustrated with City Hall as they respond to a deluge of calls during an abnormally violent summer. The budget approved Friday by the City Council calls for transferring $1.1 million from an MPD fund that is used for salaries to the Office of Violence Prevention for a program called Cure Violence. When shootings happen, trained workers go out in the community and to the hospitals “to cool down emotions and prevent retaliations — working with the victims, friends and family of the victim, and anyone else who is connected with the event,” Sasha Cotton, director of the Office of Violence Prevention, said in a statement this week. more at link ________________________________________________________ They are calling a 1$ cut "substantial" in the headline _
  5. what is the ultimate goal? Abolish the police? That is what I saw on a sign today on a live video of an NYC video today Do they have a worked out plan ready to replace the police somehow or abolish first and deal with the details later? This seems like a semi-party of bored youth but we'll see what happens on Tuesday Trump just perked up the movement by bringing those troops in. I hear them chanting Breonna Taylor in various cities this seems to be the case they are focusing on now
  6. I don't think so, they are saying they are doing a press conference on Tuesday I am waiting to see if they have a reasonable list of political demands, not just tearing a fence down. Do they think they are going to bum rush the place and free prisoners? They want the Feds out ok but that was recent, what else, it's been 60 days ?
  7. Love is more than acceptance in my opinion If you accept death as an inevitability that doesn't mean you want to die or are happy about dying. If you need a shot of medicine you accept the pain of being stuck with needle or the the drill of a root canal. But is this love because it is acceptance? Why take a beautiful word like "love" and relegate it to simply giving up when you realize resisting is hopeless? "Surrendering to God", that's good but what about surrendering to a military invasion by an overwhelming large group of fascists? You might choose to accept it rather than be killed but is that acceptance love or practicality? Surrendering to anything more powerful, is that is love ? Is accepting everything better because everything is included? If you accept that fact that murder and rape go on in the world you don't have to accept a particular potential rape or murder you might be able to prevent but to do so Is that love? or is it apathy labeled love? Do we believe that loving everything is better because it's loving more things? If you love murders and also love feeding starving children is this infinite love? Is creation so wonderful that we are expected to love watching a mob stomping somebody to death? If we can image an extreme "absolute" or "infinite" or "unconditional" love are we to discard all ethics or accept any behavior because to not accept it would be leaving something out and then we couldn't apply these "unlimited" "absolute" Infinite" purest words ?
  8. The name "karen" is used to specifically indicate such behavior in white females Does racist behavior of the people in the videos cancel that? No. It's like when people try to argue not all black people are N's Now think of a stereotypical black woman's name ______________________________, Now collect a bunch of black women doing some particular behavior and start posting various videos of each of these clips and label each one this stereotypical name That is what is going on here. Do you want all these racial memes to start happening now? It's a populist low minded mentality. Isn't this Karen thing cute and funny. GIve it another couple of months there is a lot of racial animosity peculating from various angles right now and a lot of big stress factors on the economy. People are buying up a lot of guns. Crime rates are going up, Federal troops are being sent around. This is not a game I have no problem with showing people misbehaving in public captured on video but this stereotyping and the labeling is stupid, hypocritical and destructive. It's cute now but it's thing like this is another step in a progression Oh , you live somewhere removed from all this? Nothing is at risk for you? Good for you
  9. My Health Situation, Leo Gura Blog July 21, 2020 ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry to hear about this Chronic Fatigue may father had it but he was quite old by then. I have noticed that the CDC had withdrawn their recommendations for gradual exercise and cognitive therapy. There are some recent journal articles talking about how exercise had made their CF worse. This may not mean it doesn't mean it can't work. I assume you've tried that approach. For instance daily walking, running or swimming and done at very gentle levels, no pushing but doing it faithfully every day at the same time, the distance not mattering. I assume you've tried that, seems very ordinary. Although some CFS sufferers report this making their symptoms worse. It seems the outcomes is not entirely conclusive Maybe you've tried hypno therapy. That can be effective if the person doing it is very experienced. You should be able to get a recording of the session. Then you listen to it just before sleeping and after you wake up when your brain waves are in the suggestible sate . This would have to be done for at least a month. This doesn't mean the CFS is not physiological --it means the remedy might not be. The subconscious is like a dog. It will respond to repetitious suggestion over a period of time
  10. Leo explains that in his last video on youtube Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? July 19, 2020 28:21 "everything is nothing" 15:10 "there's literally no distinction between nothing and something" ___________________________________________________________________ Similarly formlessness is form
  11. That is not what Leo says about God. He says "God literally cannot see bad or evil. So for God these things do not exist."
  12. Here is a reading comprehension test, Compare your comprehension level with and without psychedelics.
  13. The term "karen" is racist It is stereotyping names just like if a white person used "Leroy" every time they referred to a black person The delivery man is in the wrong here. He is expecting a woman who opens the locked door of her building to let him in. What he should be doing is respecting her security stand away from the door, let her go in and after the door closes ring the bell. Why do I say this? Because I got robbed at gunpoint once while entering a building. How is this woman to know that this complete stranger is someone who she should be let into her building? I don't condone the woman's condescending remarks, she is in the wring for that and her persistence to try to keep him out even after the tenant on the intercom verifies that they they have a delivery but that is a separate issue. Some people who have always live a sheltered existence don't understand this. There are also people who dress up as Fed Ex employees and do home invasions. People in cities sometimes visit other people and when they get to their friend's building someone is already entering the building so they come up behind that person, push the door back some as it's closing and they enter also. This normal behavior in public building that have guards but in private buildings it bypasses the security of the building. I don't do this. I keep my distance let the person enter and for the door to close. Then I ring the bell
  14. Leo's definition of love from his video What is Love? video and elsewhere Yes absolute acceptance of everything would include loving torturing animal and love setting homeless people on fire, yes that would be included in infinite love . . From in the thread: Something rather than nothing, infinity, love,hate >> . So if God is amoral and accepts everything and God's infinite love includes loving rape, torture and murder why would someone want to be God ? That is my question
  15. According to some there are certain chemicals that can make you feel love
  16. what are the ingredients you see listed? --don't cop-out and say they are nameless tell us the ingredients
  17. Do you think another word more accurate ?
  18. 1) 2) 3) 3 different live streams here, Portland protests larger than ever, with thousands of people 58th night of protests 1:00 AM EST USA 7/25/2020 ongoing Live
  19. There are videos where people have forgiven and even hugged people that killed one of their family members Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, 44: Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”
  20. . So if differences do not exist then how can distinctions be made ?
  21. My question is what are some real world examples of love in a high form ?
  22. this in the United States? I would say see if you look for a new part time job and then reduce the call center to part time in the meantime