Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. Please stay on topic. The topic is not Animism and Polytheism. The topic is pantheism and the different types of it which I have described earlier in third post from the top
  2. You would have to weigh a negative list against a positive list
  3. Distinction between Animism and Pantheism Animism is not the same as pantheism, although the two are sometimes confused. Some religions are both pantheistic and animistic. One of the main differences is that while animists believe everything to be spiritual in nature, they do not necessarily see the spiritual nature of everything in existence as being united (monism), the way pantheists do. As a result, animism puts more emphasis on the uniqueness of each individual soul. In pantheism, everything shares the same spiritual essence, rather than having distinct spirits and/or souls. __________________________ Examples of Animism Mun (also called Munism or Bongthingism) is the traditional polytheistic, animist, shamanistic, and syncretic religion of the Lepcha people. Shinto (including the Ryukyuan religion) is the traditional Japanese folk religion and has many animist aspects. Korean shamanism, similar to Shinto, has many animist aspects. The traditional African religions are the religious traditions of Sub-Saharan Africa, which are basically a complex form of animism with polytheistic and shamanistic elements and ancestor worship. The traditional Berber religion and the pre-Islamic Arab religion are the traditional polytheistic, animist, and in some rare cases, shamanistic, religions of the Berber and Arabic people. Dravidian folk religion, the traditional animist, polytheistic and partially shamanistic folk religion of the Dravidian people before the introduction of Hinduism or Buddhism. Some Neopagan groups, including Eco-pagans, describe themselves as animists, meaning that they respect the diverse community of living beings and spirits with whom humans share the world/cosmos. The Kalash people of Northern Pakistan follow an ancient animistic religion.
  4. Please stick to the topic The topic is pantheism. You are messing up the thread
  5. Please stick to the topic The topic is pantheism. You are messing up the thread
  6. These days I hear people talk about veganism and carnivore diets as if vegetarianism which can include animal products Ovo-lacto vegetarianism allows eggs, dairy Ovo vegetarianism allows eggs Lacto vegetarianism allows dairy Also Pescatarianism allowing fish only in addition to one of the forms of vegetarianism above Rising global meat consumption is beginning to devastate environment. Some of the feeling that one can't maintain bodily energy level on a vegetarian is often psychological or because the diet is not balanced correctly. By eating less animal meat, your body doesn't have to use as much energy to digest your food. Beans, nuts and seeds are important and grain. The key is to reduce the grain portion size but it is needed to counteract the gas production of the beans. So the grain might be slightly higher than the beans and the beans and rice in equal portion to vegetables instead of covering the whole plate . Fruits might take up more of the breakfast meal. Add a B complex supplement. The diet needs to be adjusted to how much physical activity a person is doing. more meals for more active people
  7. Are you a devil or former devil?
  8. oink Snow fell from the roof the sound of its gravity disappeared below
  9. P A N T H E I S M Pantheism is the view that everything is God also may be stated the Universe is God or nature (in the total sense) is God The concept has been discussed as far back as the time of the "Upanishads" of Vedic Hinduism, and the philosophers of Ancient Greece (including Thales, Parmenides and Heraclitus) as well as in Kabbalistic Judaism. Types of Pantheism Classical Pantheism: This is the form of pantheism that equates existence with God without attempting to redefine or to minimize either term. It believes in a personal, conscious and omniscient God, and sees this God as uniting all true religions. In many ways, classical pantheism is similar to Monism, in that it views all things, from energy to matter to thought to time, as being aspects of an all-embracing personal god. It is distinguished primarily because of its simplicity and its compatibility and inclusive attitude towards other world faiths. Classical Pantheism is represented by many religious traditions including Hinduism and Kabbalistic Judaism. Biblical Pantheism: This form of pantheism (vehemently condemned by many traditional Christians) argues that some pantheistic aspects are expressed in the writings of the Bible. The Biblical equation of God to acts of nature, and the definition of God within the New Testament itself, all provide the basis of appeal to this belief system. Naturalistic Pantheism: This is a form of pantheism that holds that the universe, although unconscious and non-sentient as a whole, is nevertheless a meaningful focus for mystical fulfillment. Thus Nature is seen as being God only in a non-traditional, impersonal sense. Critics have alleged that this constitutes an intentional misuse of terminology, and an attempt to justify Atheism (or some kind of spiritual naturalism) by mis-labeling it as pantheism. Naturalistic pantheism is based on the relatively recent views of Baruch Spinoza (who may have been influenced by Biblical Pantheism) and John Toland, as well as contemporary influences. Pandeism: This is a kind of naturalistic pantheism, holding that the universe is an unconscious and non-sentient God, but also that God was previously a conscious and sentient force or entity that designed and created the universe. Thus, according to pandeism, God only became an unconscious and nonsentient God by becoming the universe. This is a sort of synthesis of pantheism and Deism. Panentheism: This belief has features in common with pantheism, such as the idea that the universe is a part of God, although Panentheism argues that God is greater than nature alone and so the physical universe is just a part of His nature. Panpsychism is the philosophical view held by many pantheists that consciousness, mind, or soul is a universal feature of all things.Some pantheists also subscribe to the distinct philosophical views hylozoism (or panvitalism), the view that everything is alive, has a soul or spirit.
  10. No replies after all that ? You seem to have disrupted your brain chemistry with one of these drugs at least temporarily causing these perception-motor skills errors
  11. why would you wonder this if you don't struggle with women?
  12. I have another thread on Sadguru which has videos where he describes how he became enlightened and also another video describing how 4 other spiritual teachers became enlightened Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Mooji, Rupert Spira
  13. You are getting mentally hung up on the breathing. This could be due to feeling you are not benefiting from meditation and getting neurotic about the breathing is an excuse to stop. Don't get me wrong meditation may not benefit you. Or it may. I am going to give you some exercises you might find helpful to help determine this. So try each of these on separate days and each will be a different approach. The first method is most important. Not physically but mentally. The other two are physical but will lead to mental states. 1. stop judging your breathing. Don't count or anything. Focus on observing what you body does naturally and on accepting it. So let any irregular thing happen. If you keep doing this it will become boring and your breathing will stop bothering you. They say focus on breath. There is also over-focusing. So when you say it sometimes feels odd like I really need air, like you're caught under water, just accept that. Your body knows when to breathe automatically. So let it go down to very little inhaling, that feeling of being underwater, slow everything down. After you breath out, without willing anything let it stay there for a minute and WAIT for your body to want to breathe in. Think of your lungs as a machine attached to you and you are just watching what it does. So any irregularities or feeling like you are not breathing enough just say to yourself " these feelings are just feelings, my body will breathe the way it wants to and when it wants to take in air it will. If I feel like I'm not even breathing don't worry about it. The body will slow down to what ever pace it wants to and that is fine" 2. Repeat this: Breathe in to near full lung capacity. Hold for 3 seconds. Breathe out slowly, restrain the exhale. At the end use your stomach muscles a little, not too much but so that you let out the air completely. Hold for a second. Repeat for 15 minutes or more. Quit or revert to method 1. 3. Wim Hoff method. Breathe in to full lung capacity fairly quickly and with power. Then breathe out with no intention so that it just collapses quickly like a deflated balloon. There is no holding just in an out with a powerful inhale to lung capacity. Do this 30 times. This technique is based on Tibetan methods. It builds up oxygen in the lungs. So at the end of it your body won't need air for a while. You will feel very still. People sometimes do high numbers of push ups afterwards without breathing or go underwater for long periods of time. You can get a high from this. Sometimes a prominent tingling in the arms. This can be interesting but realize it is only a physical reaction so don't get addicted. Just notice the stillness at the end. This more physical method can relive stress quickly. At the end of it revert to method 1. and continue sitting there. Try the above methods but stop expecting inner calmness and insights or anything profound for now. I find it odd that you are expecting something profound, disappointed in not experiencing it and at the same time finding it easier to sit for long periods. Anyway I would not do longer periods unless you like doing them. You said you did the Vipassana 10 day so you know the result of marathon sessions. I assume you have tried long sittings like 3 hours. Certain special breathing techniques can lead to altered states including hallucination and also if you remain in total darkness for a few days or take a drug. I recommend reading "Hallucinations" by Oliver Sacks. A hallucination my feel very profound when your are experiencing it. But it may or may not be profound to you if you were in a sober state. And how useful is it? I recommend this: For the moment do not expect anything more from meditation. Consider it just a physical exercise. Continue to do it for 30 minutes periods and longer only if you feel like it. Then as far as profound thoughts read or listen to famous philosophers and spiritual thinkers. Secondly do something creative like, creative writing, making art, making music, dance. Third also acquire new experiences, traveling to a new place, or doing something you have never done before. Maybe you already do this but what I'm saying is devote more time to doing things which could have "profound" aspects instead of relying on meditation to do it all. So for the next month continue the meditation and do more of these other things. Don't expect anything more from the meditation just do it as a routine. Something profound may occur spontaneously or it may not. The body will do that if it wants to but don't try to trick the body into things that may feel profound. Just put your attention elsewhere. And when sitting in mediation just sit for the sake of sitting. Do this for a month and then judge if you want to continue meditating. If you find it to be of no benefit quit for a while. If you need it it's still there
  14. dalink, Can you describe the details on how you mediate and how often
  15. In context: Matthew 10:30-40 King James Version (KJV) 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is not a call to war. It's Jesus saying if you have to love and follow him more than your own family
  16. We have some control over our lives. Predetermination is not real. The only things that is real is the present.
  17. So if "God" is an alternate word for "everything", than "everything" does not take a position on violence. A "sage" means "a very wise person" so the word "sage" is open to interpretation as to who is a sage. Some Stoics believed no person has attained the level of being a sage. You mentioned Jesus but he isn't commonly referred to as a sage. A sage usually implies an older more experienced person but I think it's fair to call him a prophet and sage. Mainly he talks about following him and God but also has some non-religious sayings However there is also an 18 year unrecorded period within Jesus' life (between 12 and 29) . Ghandi also, is not commonly referred to as a sage but instead an activist., leader of an independence movement. He does have some sage-like quotes. List a few other sages ( other than Leo Gura) Sage "man of profound wisdom," mid-14c., from sage (adj.). Originally applied to the Seven Sages -- Thales, Solon, Periander, Cleobulus, Chilon, Bias, and Pittacus. The idea that there had once been seven extraordinary wise people was probably introduced in the west from Babylon, where the seven apkallū were believed to have lived before the Great Flood. The first European to refer to a similar, yet less mythological tradition is the Athenian philosopher Plato (427-347), who mentions seven names of wise people that "were lovers and emulators and disciples of the culture of the Spartans": Such were Thales of Miletus, Pittacus of Mitylene, Bias of Priene, Solon, Cleobulus the Lindian, Myson the Chenian; the Spartan Chilon These people had lived in the seventh and sixth centuries and were later believed to have founded Greek philosophy. However, not everyone agreed about the names. The historian Ephorus replaced Myson with Anacharsis, a legendary Scythian sage mentioned in the Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus (4.76-78). A generation after Plato, Demetrius of Phalerum, a pupil of Aristotle of Stagira, was not too happy with Myson either, so he replaced him with Periander, the tyrant of Corinth. And this was only the beginning. Four names have become canonical (Thales, Pittacus, Bias, Solon), but there were many candidates for the remaining three positions. Pittacus (. 640 – 568 BC) was an ancient Mytilenaen military general and one of the Seven Sages of Greece. The Suda (10th-century Byzantine encyclopedia) claims that Pittacus wrote a prose work about laws and also an elegiac poem of 600 lines. No trace of these works has survived ________________________ The 3 Great Sage Kings Held in High Regard in China Emperor Yao is believed to have lived between 2356 B.C. and 2255 B.C. Emperor Shun According to oral tradition, Emperor Shun lived between 2294 B.C. and 2184 B.C. Emperor Yu Also known as “Yu The Great,” he lived between 2123 B.C. and 2025 B.C.
  18. Exactly what will happen in the future is not known. Don't be a "doomer" . That is a cowardly position for people who like to complain and vent but never take action. It's lip service. These types of people will be the last to take action no matter what the circumstances Instead of looking entirely at negative projections focus also on some things that are are also creative and regenerative that could be done. Suppose you were 90 years old and you had 5 years left. Would it be of any value to spend most of your time brooding over death? Yes an alarm needs to be sounded but unless you enjoy making a career out of sounding it there are other things that need doing. Fight to the last breath ( no one really knows when it will come)
  19. We have two videos both the same account by the famous Jaggi Vasudev, now known as Sadguru in his own words. The top video is from his own website. He says he had been a successful businessman He had no spiritual training, had not been thinking about spirituality and did not even know spiritual terms but one day in 1982 he sat on a rock on a hill and spontaneously became enlightened. " The word “Sadhguru” is not a title. It is a description. Sadhguru means “uneducated Guru.” I am almost hundred percent spiritually uneducated. I don’t know any scriptures, I have not read the Vedas and I didn’t bother to read the Bhagavad Gita. I come only from my inner experience and the only thing I know for sure is this piece of life from its origin to its ultimate." --Sadguru 's website ______________________________________ wikipedia: After his schooling at Demonstration School and Mahajana Pre-University College, Mysore in 1973, he graduated from the University of Mysore with a bachelor's degree in English literature. During his college years, he developed an interest in travel and motorcycles. Motivated by his desire for 'purposeless travel', Sadhguru tried his hand at poultry farming to make some money. Later, he ventured into the construction business on his father's insistence that he do something more socially estimable with his life. Both his business ventures were successful, leading to a sense of fulfilment. But that was before he discovered his spirituality with an unsolicited meditative experience on top of Chamundi Hill in 1982. Here are four others, some of whom also had similar experiences Eckhart Tolle: 0 - 7:15 Adyashanti: 7:20 - 16:50 Mooji: 16:55 - 23:22 Rupert Spira: 23:25 - 28:00 Sadhguru: 28:02 - 32:22
  20. U.S. Military Could Collapse Within 20 Years Due to Climate Change, Report Commissioned By Pentagon Says The report says a combination of global starvation, war, disease, drought, and a fragile power grid could have cascading, devastating effects. by Nafeez Ahmed Oct 24 2019, 9:00am The report was commissioned by General Mark Milley, Trump's new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, making him the highest-ranking military officer in the country (the report also puts him at odds with Trump, who does not take climate change seriously.) The report, titled Implications of Climate Change for the U.S. Army, was launched by the U.S. Army War College in partnership with NASA in May at the Wilson Center in Washington DC. The report was commissioned by Gen. Milley during his previous role as the Army’s Chief of Staff. It was made publicly available in August via the Center for Climate and Security, but didn't get a lot of attention at the time. The two most prominent scenarios in the report focus on the risk of a collapse of the power grid within “the next 20 years,” and the danger of disease epidemics. Both could be triggered by climate change in the near-term, it notes. “If the power grid infrastructure were to collapse, the United States would experience significant: