Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. the only way to do it properly it is to be in situations where you are physically present with other people with different perspectives interacting with them or at minimum listening to them.
  2. you need a very basic book on a healthy diet , not something exotic or overly complicated Something for ideas and that you leave out on the table to physically remind you. And then begin to transition gradually . On a plate make half good stuff and half you regular stuff. Eat the good stuff first (use this mindset for everything) At the same time meditation will help you but it is not directly related to diet and having a good diet is not a prerequisite to mediation. That would be an excuse not to do it. Meditation is more of a prerequisite for eating properly than the reverse. starts small, 5 minutes in the morning 5 minutes at night, eyes closed sitting silently and still, at the same times of day and night each time Don't expect anything mystical just get used to the physical routine it. Don't will anything to happen just observe your thoughts as they come to you and go. If a thought comes, wait until it passes. You can worry about it later this is just 5 minutes. It isn't directly attached to diet. Anybody can do 5 minutes. Do that for a week and then increase to 7 minutes. The persistence is what is important. As for diet you can learn more cooking techniques., eating out or ordering food in is more conducive to eating poorly
  3. People you think are "normal" can have private sides to them you might not know about or a stronger vulnerability to psychosis if stressed in particular ways that you might not find stressful. And in this situation LSD lasts a a long time so it prolongs these adverse reactions. If he had meditation practice under his belt it may have helped. Or not
  4. If you want to take that route, enlightenment is an illusion
  5. Please quote exactly Alan Watts or list the video title so we can hear is exact words This calls to mind two recent threads _______________________________________ TOPIC Please help me understand Alan Watts later years and death ... My understanding is that Alan Watts became an alcoholic (along with his wife), and became quite depressed on his later years, dying of heart ... ___________________________________ I can no longer find this recent thread. Either it was deleted or is hidden if I am not mistaken, Anyway my comment there was the effect was that Alan Watts was a great speaker and eloquent writer but he did not practice the spiritual disciplines he spoke of enough to escape dying at 58, stressed out and attached to alcohol and cigarettes. So we have to look at what he said as coming from a man who only practiced some of what he preached. He called himself a "philosophical entertainer", I would add also a social critic. He is one of the great orators of the 20th century in my opinion, carved out his own niche and was gifted with a beautiful voice. He did not dedicate to being a monk for at least several years to have the first hand experience to attribute being enlightened as per Zen and other traditions he spoke of and then to call it something only certain people are born with or ordained by some force to have However other thread is this other thread accounts for people who came, in part from outside of traditional methods ____________________________________________ This is my thread and it also includes similar accounts on video of claimed enlightenment experiences of Eckhart Tolle Adyashanti Mooji: Rupert Spira Sadhguru Some of these are men who claim to have awakened of become enlightened spontaneously not even having studied spirituality or practiced it beforehand So how can we know if they were actually enlightened or not? We cannot know, nor can we know if enlightenment is more than a feeling, behavior and proclamation. What if a person has a sudden overwhelming feeling of oneness? Are they enlightened? Some of these famous speakers are perceived by huge numbers of people to have been enlightened yet some did not put in a monk-like dedication to practice. Yet some monks have been dedicated to the practice and spiritual disciplines since having been children and many of them might not be interesting to listen to or be considered to be enlightened. It is wiser to not seek an answer to this question. Continue to vibrate on your higher frequency. Know one knows what may come to you mystical experiences do not only come to the enlightened but some of them are only interesting moments not things to cling to What counts is persistence and compassion for the self and others That is greater than mystical experiences
  6. That might be an opinion of more weight if there was any data behind it. Because there is an entire year and so many event that could occur between now and then to go to guess now is just trolling. Polls are not always accurate but they are much better than nothing. Tuesday, November 5 Race/Topic Poll Results Spread General Election: Trump vs. Biden, ABC News/Wash Post- Biden 56, Trump 39 Biden +17 General Election: Trump vs. Warren, ABC News/Wash Post -Warren 55, Trump 40 Warren +15 General Election: Trump vs. Sanders, ABC News/Wash Post -Sanders 55, Trump 41 Sanders +14 General Election: Trump vs. Buttigieg, ABC News/Wash Post -Buttigieg 52, Trump 41Buttigieg +11 General Election: Trump vs. Harris, ABC News/Wash Post -Harris 51, Trump 42 Harris +9 Wednesday, October 23 General Election: Trump vs. Biden, CNN, Biden 53, Trump 43, Biden +10 General Election: Trump vs. Warren, CNN, Warren 52, Trump 44, Warren +8 General Election: Trump vs. Sanders CNNSanders, 52, Trump 43, Sanders +9 General Election: Trump vs. Buttigieg CNN, Buttigieg 50, Trump 44, Buttigieg +6 Monday, November 4 General Election: Trump vs. Biden, IBD/TIPP, Biden 53, Trump 43 Biden +10 General Election: Trump vs. Sanders, IBD/TIPP, Sanders 51, Trump 44 Sanders +7
  7. The obvious solution to integrating the content of this channel is to is to sing about meteorology. Whatever city or town you're in, do a daily song that reports the weather and additional songs with meteorological topics. That would perfectly express oneness and make the actualized community proud Do judge this right now, sleep on it
  8. Vegetarian diet for diarrhea Low fiber , Low Fat, No raw vegetables, reduce fruits potato, no skin white rice ___________________ toasted white bread white pasta with cooked pureed red bell pepper as sauce (but test to see if you have any issues with gluten) ______________ tofu whey banana ( test them, may have positive or negative effect) mushroom zuccini, carrots, string beans, squash , bell pepper, peeled cucumber melon (moderate amounts( (no watermelon hulled hemp seed eggs non fat yogurt (moderate amount) papaya, mango oatmeal ___________________ Avoid Coffee Oil (except low amounts) alcohol red pepper, spicy foods vitamin c food products that contain vegetable gums whole grain green peas citrus fruit apples dried fruit Beans, lentils Nuts pineapple carbonated beverages high fiber vegetables asparagus broccoli Brussel's sprouts cabbage cauliflower onions tomatoes citrus garlic vinegar
  9. duality
  10. "Why Positive Affirmations Don’t Work" (excerpt) see full article By Sophie Henshaw if affirmations don’t work, what does? The good news is that there is a simple method you can use, apply immediately and have instant and excellent results. A recent groundbreaking study holds the key. It sheds light on the effectiveness of declarative versus interrogative self-talk (Senay, Albarracín & Noguchi, 2010). Declarative self-talk is about making self-statements, either positive (e.g., affirmations) or negative (e.g., core beliefs). In contrast, interrogative self-talk is about asking questions. In the study, four groups of participants were asked to solve anagrams. Before completing the task, the researchers told them that they were interested in handwriting practices and asked them to write 20 times on a sheet of paper either: “I will,” “Will I,” “I” or “Will.” The group that wrote “Will I” solved nearly twice as many anagrams as any of the other groups. ___________________________________________________ full research article title, type in quotes in google " Motivating Goal-Directed Behavior Through Introspective Self-Talk: The Role of the Interrogative Form of Simple Future Tense. "
  11. questioning onesness is deviltry
  12. It is unwise to do it alone for the first time, no it is not safe. You need a comfortable environment and a sober, trustworthy, calm person to be with you
  13. I recommend reading the following article, a quote from it below, tyep the title in quotes in google for the full article "Why Positive Affirmations Don’t Work" By Sophie Henshaw if affirmations don’t work, what does? The good news is that there is a simple method you can use, apply immediately and have instant and excellent results. A recent groundbreaking study holds the key. It sheds light on the effectiveness of declarative versus interrogative self-talk (Senay, Albarracín & Noguchi, 2010). Declarative self-talk is about making self-statements, either positive (e.g., affirmations) or negative (e.g., core beliefs). In contrast, interrogative self-talk is about asking questions. In the study, four groups of participants were asked to solve anagrams. Before completing the task, the researchers told them that they were interested in handwriting practices and asked them to write 20 times on a sheet of paper either: “I will,” “Will I,” “I” or “Will.” The group that wrote “Will I” solved nearly twice as many anagrams as any of the other groups. ___________________________________________________ full research article title, type in quotes in google " Motivating Goal-Directed Behavior Through Introspective Self-Talk: The Role of the Interrogative Form of Simple Future Tense. " ______________________________________________________________ Try applying this technique with plenty of repetition, diligently for a week. Pick one goal and make it reasonable not too over-the top I predict you will get positive results if you stick to it
  14. All people by definition are philosophical zombies but some think they aren't
  15. repetition of information awake or asleep will ingrain that information to an extent just like a popular song you hear played all the time can become ingrained. Writing down something repeatedly is also an effective way of doing this 553 x 67 x 5 = if you write this down 50 times or play it on a loop recording as you sleep the next it's likely you will remember 553 x 67 x 5 = However that doesn't mean your brain will give you an answer but it might. So test this. Write down the above or a similar math operation 50 times before you go to sleep to a loop recording of it (but it must be set to end before you wake up) It should not be something you know how to solve by a math shortcut you might know Then when you wake up see if you can both remember the problem and see if you awake with a solution The percentages Bruce Lipton speaks of are made up and exaggerates things However he is right that repetition can be used to ingrain information. You might decide you want to have a loop in your mind of something. It won't play all the time but you can spark it to if you concentrate for a moment. It may help you to remind you of something and it could be something you build on. However if it's something you sees as negative or useless you may recall it but your conscious mind will reject it.
  16. you are pushing elation and the price is deflation you might try spreading it out more and be more wary of highs
  17. it makes sense to stop doing things that have delusional outcomes
  18. no there isn't one ounce of truth in it. It is a collection of personality descriptions randomly associated to people's birth dates In reality there is no similarity whatsoever between people with the same birth dates that is caused by them having the same birth dates. It's a lie and a huge business. An entertaining delusion for some
  19. If someone because enlightened and then decided to start a business starting a business is a skill taught in business classes schools and if you learn it on your own it entails learning many things which here you are referring to as "bullshit" . Another option is to become a monk. That can be done on a temporary basis, a year perhaps
  20. Here you are using a relatively much more secular word "The Absolute". I have seen you use similar words said in other statements that you have made using the word "god" and then for a moment switching to "The Universe" and "The Truth", relativity secular words You are speaking here of consensus. The consensus in America of what "God" means is that it is superior being that watches over us, judges us and cares for us, most perceiving it to be a part of a biblical dualistic paradigm. The consensus is that it refers to a being described in the Bible. The word "devils" , by consensus also has a connotation of the Christian or Islamic tradition (but if it is in the same speech as the word "god" probably not connoting Islam since they would be using the word "Allah" ) So if you use the word "god" in America or Europe and some other places, the consensus is that you are referring to "god" as described in the bible. But if you then have to explain to each stranger you meet when you said "god" you mean something else or you tell them "your are god" you would be going against the consensus and expressing you " willy-nilly" variation of the word So why do you ever use the word "God" instead instead using the word "nonduality" or "everything" or "consciousness" or "actualized" or "the universe" or "the Absolute" or "The Truth" or "The All" or "It" ? You do switch to some of these other words at times but you are still using the word "god" much more Instead of using these much more secular words why would someone not referring to a Biblically described God use the word "god" and have to explain to each new person, going against the consensus connotation that you in fact don't mean the biblical version? One reason might be that the word "God" (capital G noted) evokes a sense of authority and these other words don't or are less personal feeling
  21. Are you asking this because it is impossible for you not to be alone doing it ?