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Nak Khid replied to Hypnofrik's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
https://books.google.com/books?id=KE0JHAAACAAJ&dq=Self+Hypnosis+for+Cosmic+Consciousness:+Achieving+Altered+States,+Mystical+Experiences+and+Spiritual+Enlightenment&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik74fHrfrlAhVwUN8KHV6KAewQ6AEwAHoECAAQAg Welcome @Hypnofrik above a related bookyou might find interesting with link including excerpts. If you look at Hypnosis for enlightenment do you consider yourself enlightened? If not in looking at Hypnosis for enlightenment would you want it to be applied to yourself? some questions if you have time, any of the below you have time for 1) why isn't hypnosis more popular ? 2) what do you think of Bruce Liptons and the Psych-K approach to reprogramming the subconscious ? 3) I know some hypnotherapists will asses a person's suggestibility to determine how hypnotizable they are sometimes giving it a numerical rating Would you says skeptical or paranoid types tend to be the less hypnotizable types? 4) If we look at a positive affirmation procedure like just simple saying one over and over for 5 minutes a day for a month to instill a good habit how effective do you think that is and how does it compare to more elaborate self hypnosis methods or sessions with a hypnotherpist? How effective is juts simple repetition of the declaration of a particular goal? 5) if someone undergoes hypnosis before going to sleep does it make it more effective? 6) As a hypnotherapist what do you think of a 3 part Freudian model of consciousness, that there is an " Id" that is instinctual and emotional and there is an ego that has a sense of identity and reasons how to manege the needs and desires of the Id and there's a Super ego that deal is with morality and making wise decisions ? 7) If someone us using hypnosis to achieve a goal for instance listen to a tape of their hypnotherapy session on ongoing days can they have effective results if they had says, two other separate things to work on at the same time? Suppose someone was working on correcting a pattern of being late to work, quitting cigarettes and eating more healthy foods. Can they use hypnosis to deal with all the issues at the same time or is it better one at a time? thanks -
If Enlightenment was a myth would you still mediate? Currently mindful meditation is quite popular. Traditionally it might be a part of a path to enlightenment and part of a lifestyle (forgive the term) of renunciation of wordy attachments but today it is also used just for the sake of stress reduction, relaxation or as a tool for focusing on becoming "successful" in a more mainstream sense on achieving goals of any type and not necessarily qualified by renouncing desires. As we know it can be relaxing and reduce stress but can also be boring and painful at times. Many people in this forum would still meditate even if it was certain there would be no enlightenment, by enlightenment I mean a revelation, a new perception that changes your life in a big way. Many people would still be content on doing it without a awakening experience for the sake of relaxation, stress reduction, concentration and goal setting. However I also notice a lot of people who are interested in enlightenment as primary to doing mediation and have been doing it daily or pretty regularly for a few years in some cases and some of these people are dealing with boredom and a feeling of not getting closer to their goal of being enlightened. So some of them have been practicing diligently for a while but do not feel these other non-enlightenment benefits are enough. If Enlightenment was a myth would you still meditate? I suspect some would not but I do not blame them. Everybody is different and we cannot assume that everyone who meditates are getting benefits that are enough to justify keep doing it. I would say a few years is plenty of time to asses if the benefits are worthwhile enough for a practical individual to keep doing it on a daily basis. _______________________________________________________________________ Another position someone might take is to meditate for the relaxation, stress reduction, concentration and to achieve goals and enlightenment might come one day but that is beyond one's control so you are just lucky if it happens to you. It is also interesting to note many Buddhist in Eastern countries don't even meditate and also interesting to consider spiritual teachers like Sadhguru and Eckhart Tolle and many others of the most famous spiritual teachers did not put in hard dedication to a traditional meditation practice. They were not monks or even lay adherents to a practice. Perhaps they were just born with it. Their stories are that they became awakened suddenly and were surprised by it. Assuming that enlightenment is a real thing and they are enlightened. There are Buddhist monks who say no one on the planet is currently enlightened. but others may think there are
The way to be successful as and artist is to be fully dedicated to the art. That can be done by being attached to it where you tell your self " Music is by life, without music my life has no purpose I would die" or it can be done with the understanding that you can dedicate your art but if you lost it completely life is really about -being. Being attached or to attached to it is a separate issue. And in being fully dedicated to the art you must organize and maintain survival needs that are logistic support enabling you to do your art. Later on when you become more successful n your art depending on how potentially lucrative the art you have chosen to do can be as well as luck factors some of these survival things that one must do that are not directly related might gradually be replaced by profits form the art. Some people may like being professional artists and if they have the ability to do it try it out. If you can get to this level it might be your dream. Or you may not like being there and prefer to have a "regular job" and not rely on the art for survival. Which path your choose is highly variable on your circumstances, the type of art you choose, luck and talent. but faith is highly necessary and given experiments due length of time to be tested.
Nak Khid replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Look, if you are going to get enlightened and there are different sources you could go to naturally you would go to the one that's $9.99 instead of $29.99 Think of the savings. For$29.99 you could enlighten yourself plus two of your friends -
Nak Khid replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I can't accept this until you break down the whole correlation. It has to work as a whole, thanks. It's harder than you think. (also note Coral at the top) -
People have many interpretations of what enlightenment is. I'm just going to mention two so feel free to add others to reinterpret. 1. Mystical Visionary Enlightenment 2. Emptiness/Silence Enlightenment You may try to tie together these two but I don't think that approach is always valid. It is easy to just take two terms and put an = sign in between them and says they are two sides of the same coin. You might argue that However if you look at traditional interpretations of what enlightenment is in spiritual systems that have been around for hundreds of years or longer you may find some differences. Within just Buddhism alone you will find different sects having different emphasis. You can say it all leads to the same thing but I think in some cases that is a cop out. Anyway in temporary Vipassana and Zen the emphasis is toward emptiness, seeing things as they are, not as you wish them to be. The term makyō is a Zen term that means “ghost cave” or “devil’s cave.” It is a figurative reference to the kind of self-delusion that results from clinging to an experience and making a conceptual “nest” out of it for oneself. Makyō is essentially synonymous with illusion, but especially in reference to experiences that can occur within meditation practice. In Philip Kapleau's The Three Pillars of Zen,[1] Hakuun Yasutani explained the term as the combination of ma meaning devil and kyo meaning the objective world. This character for “devil” can also refer to Mara, the Buddhist “tempter” figure; and the character kyo can mean simply region, condition or place. Makyō refers to the hallucinations and perceptual distortions that can arise during the course of meditation and can be mistaken by the practitioner as "seeing the true nature" or kenshō. However in other traditions, some branches of Hinduism or Tibetan Buddhism (which is more influenced by Hindu traditions) mystical and visionary experiences might be expected as stages of enlightenment. In Hinduism and Buddhism and in general there are varying opinions on visions. Some regard them as revelations others regard them as distracting physiological or psychological caused hallucinations. And then when we come to the category of psychedelic chemicals they often have visual or perceptual effects. So when we look at these two conceptions of enlightenment 1. Mystical Visionary Enlightenment 2. Emptiness/Silence Enlightenment You can see that visions or perceptual effects might not come into conflict with a mystical tradition necessarily. However even in a more mystical tradition they may or may not acknowledge chemically induced visions. The Emptiness/ Silence enlightenment tradition is more monastic. Psychedelic chemicals and alcohol violate their precepts and in some of these traditions even having a vision during meditation alone could be regarded as delusion. I'm not saying one type of enlightenment is more valid than another but what I notice is that a lot of modern spiritual teachers will mix knowledge inspired by both traditions and we can see how these visionary experiences could lead to discrepancies. For instance one mediator may have visionary experiences, perhaps using long periods and special breathing techniques to induce these states But a person who does mindful meditation may never have a visionary experience and if they did once in a while be instructed to see it as like a distracting thought. They have probably been used to plenty boredom as well as peaceful states. Enduring the boredom doesn't always lead to a blissful state it may just be another of passing feelings and "seeing things as the are" and accepting the boredom. And then if someone take a lot psychedelics you can see what potentially could happen. If then they enter a practice with emphasis on emptiness and silence or some hybrid practice with a mixed appraoch it could feel relatively a lot more boring and much harder to endure. Similarly even meditating in a meditation tradition more open to visionary experiences but without the psychedelic, hours might be needed to replicate a psychedelically induced state that occurred in only minutes. You might have an explanation to make it all work theoretically but I am noticing people in this conundrum.
Oh many different towns or cities have you lived in?
For what reasons?
Nak Khid replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
A presidential debate is not only for entertainment it is to test a persons ideas by hard questions, things they might avoid or spin otherwise -
Nak Khid replied to WHO IS's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
watch both videos, at minimum the first one, take notes of complete sentence quotes Leo doesn't define God like you do -
Nak Khid replied to WHO IS's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
LEO GURA- ADVANCED SPIRITUAL EXPLANATION "Love is absolute acceptance of everything " _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LEO GURA - What Is Love? - Part 2 - THE BRUTAL NATURE OF LOVE Have you watched both of these? -
So you want to meditate for 5 years on a Mountaintop? I hear this come up a lot. The idea of mediating on a mountaintop. There would be no distractions right? But consider, the logistics if one were to actually try to do this. First of all you have to have the right mountaintop and most would have challenging conditions to consider. You could easily die form weather conditions or lack of food. Depending on where you were you might have to spend a lot of time of survival. Maybe there is a monastery not too far away, maybe there is not. Maybe you have stocked up on yearly supplies of canned or grain or other food rations or maybe not you are in a place where there is a garden or enough food to eat in the forest. Maybe there are cold temperature conditions or other climate conditions to contend with, weather, wild animals Suppose you break your ankle in a remote location. Do you have a cell phone for emergencies or did you decide that was cheating so you diidn't? There are many variables
(June 2018 video) Here's the click bait story, the headline according to the Today how , Australia choose to headline it on their youtube site Dalai Lama starts eating pizza during interview When we look at the the interview in the beginning there was no pizza around. They brought out the pizza and asked him to try it but if you look at the headline they make it seem like it was his idea Then there is a break in the interview and they show another clip where they brought him a pizza and told him it was "one with everything". This is variation an old joke usually > Q. What did the Buddhist monk say to the hot dog vendor? A. Make me one with everything. He takes the hotdog and gives his money. When the vendor accepts his money without saying anything, the Buddhist asks about his change."Change comes from within," says the vendor. Would this same reporter be trying to joke around with props the pope? I doubt it. Then aft the Dalai Lama plays along and takes a bite out of it you here the reporter say "I wouldn' t eat it" (apparently turned off by the knowledge that it was a vegetarian pizza) Anyway the Dalai Lama does have a sense of humor. However despite the reporter says "one with everything" a few times hoping that the Dali Lama would get the joke he does not seem to. At the end of the interview the Dali Lama hugs him and whispers something in his ear. Later this reporter, Karl Stefanovic is sitting with his fellow anchors and one asks him what the Dali Lama said. He has to be asked twice and then he says the Dalai Lama said "we might be one with everything" . Do you believe that's what he said? I suspect it was something else and he still didn't get the joke and it was what it looked like a second fail. This same idiot reporter tried the exact same joke on him way back in 2011 and the Dai Lama didn't get it then either because he probably does not recognize "one with everything" as a stereotypical expression This is an entertaining thread but also irritating to see the lack of respect. Excuse my for the triviality of this yet even dumb mini interviews with fools, guards can go down and something heavier might skip in The reporter in his introduction says "he kindly agreed to sit down and have another chat with us and I thought I'd had a few things about him I found out he's got a fear of flying we found out his thoughts on women replacing him and how much he's enjoying his retirement from political life" In the interview Stefanovic brings up out of the blue to the Dali Lama "so you were a nervous flyer" the Dalai Lama says: (excerpts) > no, in early period yes there's some turbulence, then come some water here (points to palms referring to sweat) .... nowadays not much.... the other day other night from Singapore to Sydney on one occasion (with hands gesturing turbulent flapping motion of plane) quite serious over city< some people shouting but then O.K.... so that's good well I think (it's a ) reminder, our life is not very sure how long will remain, as a Buddhist practitioner it is important to think about impermanence every day every moment Stefanovic: especially on a plane, the worry is that if the Dali Lama is worried about flying on the plane then all of us should be worried. _________________________________________________ Interestingly the reporter, Karl Stefanovic instead of waiting for a reaction by the Dalai Lama to " all of us should be worried." he changes the topic. We can learn from fools he actually did ask a profound question here amidst the jokes and irreverence. I think he may have been wondering if the apparent "head" of Buddhism was afraid of death and if he wasn't maybe he could overcome his own fear of death and perhaps he also gets nervous on planes sometimes. And then when he found out that the Dali Lama himself was nervous on planes (at least used to be) he may have thought "I thought maybe meditation would help me overcome my fear of death but if the Dalai Lama has only become used to recently it is probably due to desensitization and not meditation and renunciation, what relief now I don't have to waste my time with that stuff" And as soon as he found out that the Dali Lama had had sweaty palms about flying he didn't want to hear anything further about how he might try to address the issue of "worry" . So you see the title of this mini interview is Dalai Lama starts eating pizza during interview but the real title would be if the Dali Lama is worried about flying on the plane then all of us should be worried (and Buddhism discredited) But is the Dalai Lama really the pinnacle of Buddhist practice? He was groomed to be a leader not specifically to be the foremost embodiment of the practice Sometimes people ask him if he is enlightened and he says he isn't. He was asked if he knew any enlightened people. He replied that he was not aware of anyone sufficiently advanced that could be referred to as enlightened. Whatever the case may be he seems to be a very nice person with a good sense of humor and advocate of compassion ________________________________________________ How was the Dalai Lama selected? The current Dalai Lama was enthroned when he was 4 ½ years old and renamed Tenzin Gyatso. The search for him began soon after the 13th Dalai Lama died. Disciples closest to the Dalai Lama set to identify signs indicating the location of his rebirth. There are usually predictions about where and when a Dalai Lama will be reborn, but further tests and signs are required to ensure the proper child is found. In the case of the 13th Dalai Lama, after his death, his body lay facing south. However, after a few days his head had tilted to the east, and a fungus, which was viewed as unusual, appeared on the northeastern side of the shrine containing the body. This was interpreted to mean that the next Dalai Lama could have been born somewhere in the northeastern part of Tibet. Disciples also checked Lhamoi Latso, a lake that is traditionally used to see visions of the location of the Dalai Lama’s rebirth. The district of Dokham, which is in the northeast of Tibet, matched all of these signs. A 2-year-old boy, named Lhamo Dhondup, was just the right age for a reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, based on the time of his death. When the search party, consisting of the 13th Dalai Lama’s closest monastic attendants, arrived at his house, there were immediate signs that this was the one they were looking for. Dalai Lama memoirs The 14th Dalai Lama recounts in his memoirs about his early life that he remembered recognizing one of the monks in the search party, even though he was dressed as a servant. The search party did not show who they were to the villagers, to prevent any manipulation of the process. As a little boy, he remembers asking for the rosary beads the monk wore around his neck. These beads were previously owned by the 13th Dalai Lama. After this meeting, the search party came back again to test the young boy with further objects of the previous Dalai Lama. He was able to correctly choose all items including a drum used for rituals and walking stick
Nak Khid replied to infinitelove's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Uh oh, sexism -
Nak Khid replied to infinitelove's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
God sometimes gets super impressed by all he has created and zones out on it but like everything else the feeling is temporary and he sometimes gets depressed by certain things. Despite what is commonly believed he controls most things but not everything -
Nak Khid replied to infinitelove's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sometimes God gets blown away by all the things he created but like everything else the feeling is temporary at least that's what he says -
Nak Khid replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
what LOC level is Ananada Devi , Ramaji's partner? -
Beef production is significantly worse than that of dairy. Do you eat meat?
2015, Guardian UK https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2015/oct/21/almond-milk-quite-good-for-you-very-bad-for-the-planet Emine Saner Almond milk: quite good for you – very bad for the planet Sales of the non-dairy milk alternative are on the rise. But the super-healthy nuts – mostly grown in drought-hit California – need millions of litres of water to be produced. Think twice before you pour it on your cereal Snoop around the contents of an “eat clean” aficionado’s grocery basket and chances are, among the organic cauliflower and mountain of avocados, you will come across a carton of almond milk. A few years ago, those avoiding cow’s milk because of lactose intolerance or for ethical reasons were drinking soya, but health scares have seen a rising demand for alternative plant “milks”, including rice, hemp and – most popular – almond. This week, Waitrose said almond milk had overtaken soya as its customers’ preferred dairy alternative. Almonds are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. The nuts (or seeds, if you are a botanical pedant) are packed full of vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant chemicals, as well as protein, healthy fats and fibre, and eating almonds is associated with a lowered risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s, among other conditions. Alarm as almond farms consume California's water It makes sense, then, to assume almond milk is packed with healthy properties. On cartons of Alpro (“enjoy plant power”), one of the market leaders that uses almonds grown in the Mediterranean, there is a picture of an almond breaking open as if this elixir of good health is exploding out of it. But, like many other brands, Alpro’s almond content is just 2% – the biggest ingredient is water, followed by sugar. Like most others, it also contains additives such as stabilisers and emulsifiers. The amount of sugar is less than the natural sugars found in cow’s milk, so it has fewer calories, but there is also less protein – 0.5g to the 3.5g you’ll get in the same amount of cow’s milk. Protein, says Helen Bond, spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, “gives a feeling of fullness, it helps you to feel fuller for longer, and a lot of people are trying to get their protein intake up”. Dairy, she adds, “is a really great source of a readily available form of calcium, so you need to look for plant-based milk that is fortified with calcium, essential for maintaining bones as we get older”. Like quinoa, another staple of hip “health” obsessives before it, production of almond milk also appears to have a hefty environmental impact. More than 80% of the world’s almond crop is grown in California, which has been experiencing its worst drought on record. It takes 1.1 gallons (5 litres) of water to grow one almond, and thanks to the big profits they bring in, almond orchards continue to be planted (this isn’t to say cow’s milk, which takes about 100 litres of water to produce 100ml of milk, is more environmentally friendly – more that its production is not concentrated in one area of the globe). Last year, an apocalyptic piece for Mother Jones by Tom Philpott, who has long detailed the environmental ravages of this crop in California, summed up the problems: almond farmers drilling thousands of feet down into aquifiers to pump out water has resulted, in some areas, in subsidence of around 11 inches a year, which “threatens vital infrastructure like bridges, roads, and irrigation canals” and could trigger earthquakes. https://www.motherjones.com/food/2014/07/your-almond-habit-sucking-califoirnia-dry/ Furthermore, insatiable demand for almonds is harming honeybees, already an embattled species. Almond trees need to be pollinated but bringing in 1.6m hives to California every year, “into an area dripping with insecticides is a recipe for disaster” writes Philpott (up to 25% of the hives were damaged in 2014), including whole colonies killed off; this spring they fared better after guidelines were issued about pesticide-use during the trees’ blooming season). It’s enough – or should be – to make anyone spit out their almond milk latte in alarm.
Nak Khid replied to Jahmaine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Cannibus makes you appreciate the moment then laziness and paranoia sets in. you became attached to the moment -
Nak Khid replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
wait a minute the earlier level is toxic apathy and shame Don't you think there could be some fun elements to pride and anger? Look at the bright side of pride and anger. Anger can get you out of bed and off to the protest Remember when Jesus knocked over the tables? (just don't over-do it and get toxic ) @LfcCharlie4 1) what is on level 1-29 ? 2) Also I'm looking at LOC 200-299 Land of Selfish Heroes > (boldness and generosity) Are you sure Ramaji got this right? Generosity is a form of greed ? It seems to me generosity should have a high rank on this chart 3) Also the term "selfish hero". Does Ramaji think heroes are all selfish or are their also selfless heroes? There are some people that will put themselves in danger to help people. Is that 500-599 Bonfires of Sacrifice? -
Nak Khid replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
seriously? -
Nak Khid replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
what level is Mike Tyson on ? -
this is a good book, a classic Professional Arranger Composer by Russell Garcia
Nak Khid replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You did not say you can't learn swimming by debating. you said this I didn't understand what you meant because you put a comma in the sentence that doesn't have to be there and the fact that it is there suggested to me the two statements were unconnected. However I see you meant this: " You cannot teach people swimming or connect them to being with debates" But it is said a little oddly. Most people don't use "connect them to being" as a general term If you just said " You cannot teach people swimming by debating" That is nice and clear. But if two swimming teachers were to debate the best way of teaching people to swim they could challenge each other and learn from each other as to what was the best method or one might learn one small improvement on their own method but not necessarily change their overall method. It would be the same situation if they were spiritual practitioners representing different methods You said this but did not explain or prove why. In fact it is wrong. The whole point of debating is to be exposed with an opposite point of view made by a person with different experiences yet addressing the same topic.