Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. @Sizeable Oof For reference purposes for people reading this thread. Please add the title and location of the video in your opening post also in fairness to Leo complete sentence verbatim quotes and time stamp for the time in the video, thanks
  2. To address what question? "You are God" , Leo and others say this frequently in this forum A Rolls Royce is not an event it's a physical object
  3. you kidding me? Leo has numerous videos defining enlightenment including the ones I posted and also one called "How To Become Enlightened - The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed!" and a pinned thread called Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment Let's not get bogged down in definitions. Was Osho a highly awakened person and can a highly awaken person maintain that they are not God and a second question, would a highly awakened person parade around multiple Rolls Royces or similar materilaistic displays?
  4. We're going by Leo's definition ___________________________________________ additionally Excerpts from “Theory Z” (from Abraham Maslow's : The Farther Reaches of Human Nature) 1. For transcenders, peak experiences and plateau experiences become the most important things in their lives…. 2. They speak more easily, normally, naturally, and unconsciously the language of Being (B-language), the language of poets, of mystics, of seers, of profoundly religious men… 3. They perceive unitively or sacrally (i.e., the sacred within the secular), or they see the sacredness in all things at the same time that they also see them at the practical, everyday D-level … 4. They are much more consciously and deliberately metamotivated. That is, the values of Being…, e.g., perfection, truth, beauty, goodness, unity, dichotomy-transcendence … are their main or most important motivations. 5. They seem somehow to recognize each other, and to come to almost instant intimacy and mutual understanding even upon first meeting… 6. They are more responsive to beauty. This may turn out to be rather a tendency to beautify all things… or to have aesthetic responses more easily than other people do… 7. They are more holistic about the world than are the “healthy” or practical self-actualizers… and such concepts as the “national interest” or “the religion of my fathers” or “different grades of people or of IQ” either cease to exist or are easily transcended… 8. [There is] a strengthening of the self-actualizer’s natural tendency to synergy—intrapsychic, interpersonal, intraculturally and internationally…. It is a transcendence of competitiveness, of zero-sum of win-lose gamesmanship. 9. Of course there is more and easier transcendence of the ego, the Self, the identity. 10. Not only are such people lovable as are all of the most self-actualizing people, but they are also more awe-inspiring, more “unearthly,” more godlike, more “saintly”…, more easily revered… 11. … The transcenders are far more apt to be innovators, discoverers of the new, than are the healthy self-actualizers… Transcendent experiences and illuminations bring clearer vision … of the ideal …of what ought to be, what actually could be, … and therefore of what might be brought to pass. 12. I have a vague impression that the transcenders are less “happy” than the healthy ones. They can be more ecstatic, more rapturous, and experience greater heights of “happiness” (a too weak word) than the happy and healthy ones. But I sometimes get the impression that they are as prone and maybe more prone to a kind of cosmic sadness … over the stupidity of people, their self-defeat, their blindness, their cruelty to each other, their shortsightedness… Perhaps this is a price these people have to pay for their direct seeing of the beauty of the world, of the saintly possibilities in human nature, of the non-necessity of so much of human evil, of the seemingly obvious necessities for a good world… 13. The deep conflicts over the “elitism” that is inherent in any doctrine of self-actualization—they are after all superior people whenever comparisons are made—is more easily solved—or at least managed—by the transcenders than by the merely healthy self-actualizers. This is made possible because they … can sacralize everybody so much more easily. This sacredness of every person and even of every living thing, even of nonliving things … is so easily and directly perceived in its reality by every transcender … 14. My strong impression is that transcenders show more strongly a positive correlation—rather than the more usual inverse one—between increasing knowledge and increasing mystery and awe… For peak-experiencers and transcenders in particular, as well as for self-actualizers in general, mystery is attractive and challenging rather than frightening … I affirm … that at the highest levels of development of humanness, knowledge is positively, rather than negatively, correlated with a sense of mystery, awe, humility, ultimate ignorance, reverence … 15. Transcenders, I think, should be less afraid of “nuts” and “kooks” than are other self-actualizers, and thus are more likely to be good selectors of creators … To value a William Blake type takes, in principle, a greater experience with transcendence and therefore a greater valuation of it… 16. …Transcenders should be more “reconciled with evil” in the sense of understanding its occasional inevitability and necessity in the larger holistic sense, i.e., “from above,” in a godlike or Olympian sense. Since this implies a better understanding of it, it should generate both a greater compassion with it and a less ambivalent and a more unyielding fight against it…. 17. … Transcenders … are more apt to regard themselves as carriers of talent, instruments of the transpersonal, temporary custodians so to speak of a greater intelligence or skill or leadership or efficiency. This means a certain peculiar kind of objectivity or detachment toward themselves that to nontranscenders might sound like arrogance, grandiosity or even paranoia…. Transcendence brings with it the “transpersonal” loss of ego. 18. Transcenders are in principle (I have no data) more apt to be profoundly “religious” or “spiritual” in either the theistic or nontheistic sense. Peak experiences and other transcendent experiences are in effect also to be seen as “religious or spiritual” experiences…. 19. … Transcenders, I suspect, find it easier to transcend the ego, the self, the identity, to go beyond self-actualization. … Perhaps we could say that the description of the healthy ones is more exhausted by describing them primarily as strong identities, people who know who they are, where they are going, what they want, what they are good for, in a word, as strong Selves… And this of course does not sufficiently describe the transcenders. They are certainly this; but they are also more than this. 20. I would suppose… that transcenders, because of their easier perception of the B-realm, would have more end experiences (of suchness) than their more practical brothers do, more of the fascinations that we see in children who get hypnotized by the colors in a puddle, or by the raindrops dripping down a windowpane, or by the smoothness of skin, or the movements of a caterpillar. 21. In theory, transcenders should be somewhat more Taoistic, and the merely healthy somewhat more pragmatic. 22. …Total wholehearted and unconflicted love, acceptance … rather than the more usual mixture of love and hate that passes for “love” or friendship or sexuality or authority or power, etc. 23. [Transcenders are interested in a “cause beyond their own skin,” and are better able to “fuse work and play,” “they love their work,” and are more interested in “kinds of pay other than money pay”; “higher forms of pay and metapay steadily increase in importance.”] Mystics and transcenders have throughout history seemed spontaneously to prefer simplicity and to avoid luxury, privilege, honors, and possessions. … 24. I cannot resist expressing what is only a vague hunch; namely, the possibility that my transcenders seem to me somewhat more apt to be Sheldonian ectomorphs [lean, nerve-tissue dominated body-types] while my less-often-transcending self-actualizers seem more often to be mesomorphic [muscular body-types] (… it is in principle easily testable).
  5. If you watch the video in the opening post Osho is asked "Do you consider yourself a God?" He answers "there is no God so how can I consider myself a God?" "God is the greatest lie invented by man" He was not asked about an external God
  6. You might want to look at the following options. Get some cognitive therapy and study how it works, start working on something creative that will occupy your thoughts away from paradoxical mystical questions and philosophical abstractions. If this fails look into getting being prescribed an anti-psychotic medication. And go out and do regular things and read books and videos on regular stuff and forums in this website other than this one.
  7. LEOISMS Is this an accurate Leoism? If so we can add this one to the list
  8. The term "scientific spirituality" is not Leoistic
  9. What is the difference in using the term "fully awakened" and "enlightened" ? Many would say that is synonymous. And isn't evil one of the lowest ego states? Awakened mind or devilry ?
  10. The way to do this is to do some volunteer work helping people and interacting with people. You must put yourself in interactive situations with common people and not try to approach this intellectually. Just put yourself in such a situation and slowly the empathy will come into you and you will be able to connect to humanity again. Your mind may resist it in the beginning but that will pass
  11. Why would you want to overcome a fear of something that is possibly similar to something that left left you in the ER ? You have not mentioned your motive for wanting this
  12. I wonder if there are other spiritual teachers using this word "devilry" and what words particular teachers use use that are synonymous
  13. would you put pineapple on it or are you a purist?
  14. What do you think of this forum Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality as compared to the Serious Emotional Problems forum? The later doesn't have nearly as much mystical or "New Age" tone as the former
  15. Suppose you were to have ignored the monkey mind and decided to change your life at that point to behave 24/7 to the best of your ability in what you would see as in a continuous enlightened manner?
  16. This article argues that an "ego-death" brought on by a psychedelic experience does not by itself does not lead to a permanent higher state of consciousness, that to be in a permanent state of higher consciousness you still need a "self system". This corresponds to what Leo has said. That he has had many powerful intense awakening experiences but they have not led to a permanent awakening. But is a sudden intense awakening experience brought on intentionally either by use of psychedelics or rigorous mediation techniques even necessary for a permanent awakening? That is the question And how do we even know what that "permanent awakening" or "enlightenment " is a real thing or just a type of behavior?
  17. Please write an original Haiku and keep the syllables per line 5-7-5 and as an added challenge avoid nature themes on the first poem you write 5 7 5 ___________________________________________________________ If you wish you can also do a 3-5-3 Haiku which some people think is closer to Japanese form 3 5 3
  18. Ten Facts per second Is what was promised to us Digital brain scan
  19. You could meet some without having to commit to loyalty. "Guru" implies the Hindu type. You could meet some of them or the other types of spiritual teachers. I'm saying this because meeting them i person has that dynamic of communication that you can't get online. It might be fun. You could video it.