Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. Trump’s Impeachment Will Likely Help Him Get Reelected by John Burnett November 26, 2019 __________________________________ not sure I agree with this but provocative title
  2. Yes Meditation could be tranquil and relaxing or it can bring out some negative feelings and be hard to bear. When you meditate you can encounter boredom and that boredom can bring out old memories and trauma that you might have to deal with , learn to let go of or forgive. That could take time to restructure because some of these can have habitaulized and the brain likes to fall back on this like a routine so it becomes a structure you have to break and slowly rebuild. Then you take a psychedelic and that could also bring up old traumas but it's not going to mixed into boredom. It's going to be mixed with strange perceptions and sometime visual or aural effects. It could be wonderful or scary but it's not going to be boring. That's why they call it a trip. Then when you return to doing sober mediation the boredom one sometimes has to work through can become twice as boring relative to the psychedelic experience where you know that will be exotic experience, whether awesome or scary So there can be insights of a trip and insights in meditation but the insights are different It could take you years to appreciate the less dramatic outer perceptual experience and realize it's true depth
  3. List of Insightful quotes that are practical Something said might be true but how useful is it? List Insight and Wisdom quotes that are practical to some degree. Please Add one in B bold print
  4. Mathematics is universal. Look at any country in the world. They are using the same mathematics to engineer their whole infrastructure, buildings, bridges, electronics, etc
  5. @V-8 1) What level do you think you are on here? 2) Also what do you see as the best method of ascending these levels? What is the best way to do it? Psychotherapy? Psychedelics? Or just seeing it as a philosophical system or set of principle one can then just follow rather than see it as more psychologically oriented? Or is the best way by joining a Spiral Dynamics organization where there is a group dynamic? 3) I don't advocate meditation for everybody, just if you want to do it. But what is your experience with it? How much have you done? Did it bore you? Have you ever done 20 minutes or an hour? If so how many times? 4) Do you think forms of stoic contemplation or other contemplation are useful or to similar to meditation? 5) You quote a lot. How primary are books to your growth? 6) Do you see Spiral Dynamics as unique or just a good organization of classical ideas and wisdom traditions? 7) Do you prefer radical transformation or gradual? What is the most reliable method of radical transformation? 8) Did you see this -- 8) cont' Did you read Maslow's : The Farther Reaches of Human Nature which is quoted in that thread? What to you think of this later Transcendence stage he added?
  6. ________________________ insight noun (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation ____________________________ You suggest certain chemicals are insight, that certain chemicals understanding of certain problems. That means if we took one of these chemicals and with a few hours and have greater insight than a Zen master who had spent his whole life mediation and studying ancient texts. or to get spoken wisdom merely watch one of the youtube videos where somebody records themselves during a psychedelic trip and describes it as it's going on, just write that down and we have greater wisdom than the spiritual classics, The Bhagavad Gita, the Upshinads, The Dhammapada, The Tao Te Ching, Autobiography of a Yogi, etc etc Why isn't the insight and wisdom in these live trip reports being transcribed into books and replacing all this old stuff? And why did these old Asian traditions get canonized when Ayahuasca and Iboga shamen have been using these substances for many hundreds of years? Where are their classic texts? Why don't they have famous spiritual books? Why are these Buddhist monks, mindfulness practitioners, the Rupert Spiras, Sadhgurus doing all these lectures when it's the Ayahuasca and Iboga shamen who ingest these insight substances who have 10X more insight and wisdom than these other traditions which little or none of these substances ? The Mexicans have been doing Psilocybin for hundreds of longer years. Where is the Mexican Psilocybin Sacred text and if there is one why isn't it far above in insight and wisdom than these Asian Spiritual texts or Greek classics? Texts aside, why aren't these psychedelic shamans traveling the world and taking over the spiritual scene giving talks and answering deep questions people have? Why don't Princeton mathematics students drop acid before tests? _______________________________________________ And how do you know that the "insight" in the experience of psychedelics is the same "insight" described by Zen masters or Hindu gurus? could the perception that certain types of altered mind states are insight also be imaginary, merely exotic? Let's hear the unique wisdom coming out of the psychedelic experience that is not found in non-psychedelic traditions. It can only be experienced? So it's a type of feeling then? Why even bother to speak about it for hours then? A tool? Yes, it could be. But this chemical is truth itself? Or that mythologizing sensation? If this is the case and you say you have been taking the latest research chemicals that hardly anyone even knows about then where is this unique insight? Your latest thing was "Everything is imaginary" . I could show you several books which have that same statement in them or "Everything is an illusion" which is nearly synonymous in many books. So if you say you are on the vanguard of insight due to this chemicals where are the insights where people are all flocking to your videos and saying "that's incredible no one has ever said that before" . Why aren't you organizing a tour to bring your insight to the world? Why aren't people saying " I have been studying Zen and Vipasanna for years and have done long retreats in Japan and Nepal but I just heard this Mexican Bufo shaman and what he said blew all that away" Why aren't we hearing that? I do like to listen to your lectures but I think some things get exaggerated. Things appearing very true but may not be. In facy imagined to be true
  7. . Some pharmaceutical drugs have warnings on them about potential risk of inspiring suicidal thoughts. There are many different psychedelic chemicals and some are very different from each other. And there are new research chemicals in this class that are created on an ongoing basis. Their effects on the brain are not understood and different chemicals in this class have different effects. So how can you know what effects they could have?
  8. I disagree with both, these all encompassing statements are useless If everything in the world were colored blue no one would have a word for color or blue
  9. That means PsychedSubstance must have have many insights on a deeper level than Zen masters, despite his goofy personality
  10. you mean taking research chemicals from China nobody has ever taken before? .
  11. no, the truth will be useless to you if you have not first relieved your suffering independently of it
  12. Ram Dass on Psychedelics and Enlightenment
  13. First decide on a time you want to sleep and also a 2 hour point in time before that. Set up an alarm, maybe on your phone for these two times. This 2 hour point has to be sober of drugs or alcohol if not a longer period. No electronic distractions allowed, no internet, phone off, no movies or tv. Just. book reading allowed. Record in a journal half a page on how you are feeling that day to get it out of your head. When you get to the time you want to sleep use the William Hoff breathing technique which really slows things down. Count 30 breathes. When you inhale inhale to full lung capacity powerfully. At this point don't hold it there juts exhale with no special intent or trying to slow down the exhale. Just let it out fairly quickly naturally, don't eve think about the exhale and go to the next powerful inhale. So one inhale and one exhale counts as one, do 30. At this point your lungs will have a lot of oxygen built up in then and you will be very slowed down and hardly even feel like hardly breathing. You will still be breathing but it will be slow. Don't try to push it to 40 or 50 breathes, that will through it off balance if used for this sleep purpose and you will need to get to the mental part, the next step Next use one of these hypnosis sleep apps like " Relax & Sleep Well" and don't resist it follow through the whole thing. Don't try to get imaginative or creative during this just focus on shutting down and going to sleep. The imaginative stuff can come in dreams after you are asleep so you want to get there first, to sleep.
  14. Help us to understand the steps here how one thing leads to another in sequence, need detail 1) You smoke marijuana or do psychedelics. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it but why do you so this 2) You wind up in the hospital Why? How does that happen? 3) They give you psychiatric medications. Then you say you come back off the high and it feels insane. What do you mean by this? You come down off the marijuana or psychedelic high and that feels insane? Why? Why would coming down feel like you are insane? Doe this mean when you are sober that you are having so much anxiety that the marijuana and psychedelics are temporarily distracting you from that?
  15. thus ( Lysergic acid diethylamide is pure insight ) ________________________ insight noun (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation ____________________________ This means certain chemicals are understanding of certain problems. What is an example of a problem that Lysergic acid diethylamide has solved that has not been solved in other ways?
  16. I think you would agree psychedelics are chemicals and these chemicals alter the chemistry of the brain and this causes sensory effects and changes in perception in unpredictable ways
  17. Makyō The term makyō is a Zen term that means “ghost cave” or “devil’s cave.” It is a figurative reference to the kind of self-delusion that results from clinging to an experience and making a conceptual “nest” out of it for oneself. Makyō is essentially synonymous with illusion, but especially in reference to experiences that can occur within meditation practice. In Philip Kapleau's The Three Pillars of Zen, Hakuun Yasutani explained the term as the combination of ma meaning devil and kyo meaning the objective world. This character for “devil” can also refer to Mara, the Buddhist “tempter” figure; and the character kyo can mean simply region, condition or place. Makyō refers to the hallucinations and perceptual distortions that can arise during the course of meditation and can be mistaken by the practitioner as "seeing the true nature" or kenshō. Zen masters warn their meditating students to ignore sensory distortions. These can occur in the form of visions and perceptual distortions, but they can also be experiences of blank, trance-like absorption states. In the Zen school, it is understood that neither category of experience – however fascinating they may be – is a true and final enlightenment. Contemplative literature contains numerous descriptions of the perceptual distortion produced by meditation. It is characterized in some schools as "going to the movies," a sign of spiritual intensity but a phenomenon that is considered distinctly inferior to the clear insight of settled practice. In some Hindu schools it is regarded as a product of the sukshma sharira, or "experience body," in its unstable state, and in that respect is seen to be another form of maya, which is the illusory nature of the world as apprehended by ordinary consciousness. Tibetan contemplative literature uses the parallel term nyam, which fall into three categories, usually listed as clarity, bliss, and non-conceptuality. Many types of meditation phenomena can be classed under this rubric, and are generally tied to the reorganization of the body's subtle energies that can occur in meditation.
  18. It depends on what you want out of it