Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. A conspiracy theory might have quite a bit of truthful information surrounding it
  2. That would be a start but first see if you can find on youtube or some website if you can verify he claims that or maybe somebody else know if he says that for sure and where He said in 2016 he had been taking 5 Meo for 8 years
  3. A conspiracy theory is a theory. It can't be compared to hard and clear evidence of a murder plot. Why do people like conspiracy theories? Often because. it makes them seem like they are part of a small group that know something that the average person doesn't. Another reason is that they may have a preconceived notion that a certain group is to blame for everything and some particular theory supports that idea. These are the two big motivations I think. Another motivation is that it can be create. You can impress people wit the cleverness of the theory That doesn't mean conspiracies don't exist. It doesn't mean that there are not real secret plots going on. But since they are so easy to make up people do so, tons every day. The internet has made it very easy. Anybody can make a youtube video it could go viral
  4. Many practitioners of psychedelics don't say they are a path to enlightenment. They more often call it awakening experience, one of many. An enlightenment means you are permanently changed. So to suggest that psychedelics are not a path to enlightenment does not disprove psychedelics giving someone a feeling of awakening. So to consider if psychedelics are in fact a path to enlightenment first begin by finding a person who says they were enlightened by psychedelics. That would be a start
  5. I don't believe in it. To me it's a placebo, like the healing touch of a Christian preacher, "laying on hands" they call it which may work but often does not. I don't think shortcuts will work. However shaktipat seems easy enough to try.
  6. Look at all these various goals. Take one that you can do in a month that will be of most benefit to your life. Then stick to this more a month no matter how excruciating it may be at times and always do this first thing in the day as much as possible in the day and put not essential activity at lower priority. Work at it in 20 minutes intervals with a 5 minute break in between. The break is timed with an alarm, no exceptions. At the end of each day and week you will begin to like yourself. It comes about by focusing on one thing at a time
  7. Shaktipat Shaktipat in Hinduism is the transfer of spiritual energy from the teacher to the student in order to awaken the kundalini. Shaktipat is said to be transmitted by a guru with a sacred word or mantra, or by a look, thought or touch – the last usually to the ajna chakra or agya chakra or third eye of the recipient. Leo has been trying to get enlightened by 5 Meo for years and many trips However shaktipat is supposed to be instant. So you could start with that method and see what happens. If neither of these short cut methods work you may have to opt for the long way. Think of it like training to be a classical pianist
  8. Here we have have a video, in their own words, the enlightenment stories of Eckhart Tolle Adyashanti’ Mooji Rupert Spira Sadhguru None of them says Practices + psychedelics > Practices Some of them say psychedelics are a distraction from becoming enlightened but that doesn't mean it's correct Are any of them enlightened? There is no precise agreed upon definition of what enlightenment is or test to determine if someone is enlightened. There is no way to prove that enlightenment means anything other than a feeling that person has that they are enlightened and then other people saying they are. There may or may not be something more to it.
  9. An "awakening" is considered to be something that could be a momentary thing or permanent. "Enlightenment" is usually assumed to be a permanent change. I have not heard of someone claiming to have been enlightened by 5 Meo Dmt or in combination with other practices but someone may
  10. Hypersexuality Hypersexuality is extremely frequent or suddenly increased libido. It is currently controversial whether it should be included as a clinical diagnosis. used by mental healthcare professionals. Nymphomania and satyriasis were terms previously used for the condition in women and men, respectively. Hypersexuality is known to present itself as a symptom in connection to a number of mental and neurological disorders. Some people with borderline personality disorder (sometimes referred to as BPD) can be markedly impulsive, seductive, and extremely sexual. Sexual promiscuity, sexual obsessions, and hypersexuality are very common symptoms for both men and women with BPD. On occasion for some there can be extreme forms of paraphilic drives and desires. "Borderline" patients, due in the opinion of some to the use of splitting, experience love and sexuality in unstable ways. People with bipolar disorder may often display tremendous swings in sex drive depending on their mood. As defined in the DSM-IV-TR, hypersexuality can be a symptom of hypomania or mania in bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder. Pick's disease causes damage to the temporal/frontal lobe of the brain; people with Pick's disease show a range of socially inappropriate behaviors.[
  11. Is there anybody who says they are enlightened that they got enlightened by using 5Meo? Leo says is not permanently enlightened, that he just feels he is when taking it
  12. I thought you were having concentration problems
  13. try to keep an open mind ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You are God. You are Nak Khid
  14. You might a have neurological disorder. I recommend you see an accredited neuropsychologist . You may have a brain disorder or disease which can be evaluated by testing. If they recommend some sort of treatment you do not have to accept it and you can get other opinions and decide what do do after some thought. You may also have no physiological problem but it's best to have some testing done to see if you might have something inherited, a brain injury or disease.
  15. what is an example of one of your compulsive thoughts?
  16. what would be evidence of results? and what is the specific problem you are having? You can't complete tasks which you you planned to do?
  17. Positive an negative reviews of the popular Muse Head band
  18. that is a monitor for analysis not a bidofeedback machine. The purpose of the above is to analyze brain activity while taking a drug. A biofeedback machine gives you an audio sound or visual display which varies according to different brain wave states so that the user can tell when they are in one of these states
  19. Two major types of meditation are concentration meditation aimed at tranquility and awareness meditation aimed at awareness in order seeing things clearly (insight meditation). Which is a higher state is debated and subjective In meditation you remove yourself from outside stimuli and sit still. By excluding outside stimuli if you are a compulsive thinker by awareness meditation you can become familiar with your mental habits and over time learn not to react to them, letting thoughts rise and fall quickly without clinging to them as much. You might pay attention to your breath while doing this and you would notice the irregularity of each breath, sounds in the room, thoughts, physical sensations. You become highly attuned to the present moment and it's impermanence. I assume this is what you already do. Some would say if you keep doing this, it's a higher form of meditation and it will reward you if you keep doing it. At the same time you can learn some cognitive therapy to recognize negative thought patterns, notice them in mediation and then realize how they are distortions an exaggerations of reality not seeing things as they are. Others might say concentration meditation leads to a higher state. You can do both you don't have to choose. But if you are going to do concentration meditation instead of being aware of every unique thing going on, you might instead count the breaths in repetitive sets. And in doing various forms of this meditation separately, gaze with open eyes at a candle flame or with closed eyes repeat a word or phrase over and over again ( often meaningless, just used as an object to focus on) . Your mind might wander put you have selected an object to focus on and this selection reminds you to keep returning to it. This is a repetitious activity. If you expect enlightenment that expectation will be a distraction. Almost more important than this is that remove multi-tasking as much as possible from your life and do written tracking of your progress. In the previous day your write down some time slots for things you will do. So you do these things and after the time period ends you write down a brief comment on the amount of distractions you had. You don't beat yourself up over the distractions. You record them in in doing so over time they will lessen. This will be a repetitious, therapeutic routine done over a long period of time. Enlightenment will come when it wants to , next week or twenty years for now. Right now you need to deal with the compulsive thinking. Enlightenment is far down the road after you start to reduce the compulsive thinking for a while and you can do this by trying a few methods out and then dedicating to one or two for a long period of time. You have realized concentration is one of you weaknesses and that it is a useful tool but it will take a lot of work to get it. There is no way around that and there are two types. One is the meditation form where you focus on one thing, a word, a flame, or count of breaths. There are distractions that come along a way but they will come and go. You have committed a regular time for this and you have established on object of concentration you can keep returning to for that period. The second, just as important or more so is that this is applied to time blocks to do tasks in your life where you stick to doing one task at a time and this might involved multiple different parts but that is accepted. Other tasks must not be done at the same time and if you can sometimes shut the phone off. Reduce distracting habits but don't worry about eliminating them entirely. The point is you have to focus on concentration in all aspects of your life not just in meditation and task concentration is a different type then the meditation form and is very practical. Each form enhances the other. Thinking about enlightenment now is putting the cart before the horse and if you focus on that without having made significant progress in concentration it will manifest as a distraction. Enlightenment may come next month or in fifty years. It comes when it wants to so if you accept that and improve your concentration you will be closer to it. But that is hard work, like doing 100 push ups. It's exercise. But it's rewards are many. It's an essential tool
  20. If you want something up to date also look see Richard D. Wolff on youtube. He also has books
  21. You don't have to by into all of this but there may be one or two things you might use _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes Nak Khid. I see
  22. Thich Nhat Hanh teaches on Right View
  23. Somebody can recall a dream or a trip. So why is there a threat to insights? There are different types of meditation with different aims. Other types of meditation might be purposed toward having a mystical experience that might be a visionary dream-like experience similar to a degree with artist imagination. In Vipassana also known as Insight meditation but the type of insight they are talking about is different. insight noun. an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding The method in Vipassana is in a way opposite of forms of mediation which lead toward mystical or ecstatic experience (although occasionally they might experience sensations of that type) The goal in Vipassana is to "see things as they are". So when the practitioner sits they still themselves and begin to observe what their body and mind are doing and quickly note them by mentally labeling them, "thought" "thought" "thought" or in noticing an irregularity in one's breath "irregularity" , a stiffness in the back "stiffness" "Stiffness" . Maybe earlier in the day you got angry and remember it for a moment "angry " "angry" "angry" . Etc. etc. You can't stop the mind from bringing up these thoughts and feelings. This process of labeling is a way of letting go of these various things that the mind brings up and trains the mind not to become attached to them. Sometimes sitting still like that for a time some weirder mystical visionary things might happen or profound sense of tranquility might happen, but are labeled in the same way and not clung to, not something to "bring back" . So the type of insight they are talking about here is to become more still to the point where you can become aware of how all of these thing the mind brings up, whether it's an itch on the back, a mystical experience, boredom, an emotion, these are all treated the same way. The "insight" part is not some revelation or intense experience it's observation of how the mind generates reactions to things so that when not meditating one can have a clearer relatively more objective view of reality when not meditating. So sitting and not doing anything, not taking in any outside stimulation it gives you a better situation to notice all the automatic and repetitive feelings, and thoughts that the mind generates. Being human we never fully eliminate these things we just become better at being aware of our mind's little alarms and realize we have the option not to react to them if we don't want to and let them rise and fall more quickly. In the dream state the mind is free to wander and the brain paralyzes the body so it is safe for you not to get up and wander around with your eyes closed. Then when awake another part of the brain engages and it has a survival instinct. This part of the brain does it's best to distinguish real from illusion to beware of threats to one's existence. Suppose you have a dream and you hear a dog bark. So what? But while sleeping there's still part of your brain ready to detect something external if it occurs. You are sleeping and you hear your dog bark. Your survival brain says "you need to check why the dog is barking at 3 A.M., could someone be trying to break in the house? Did the dog get hurt?". So the brain will allow wandering imaginative thoughts to occur if they are internal but not if outside stimuli occurs. If this happens this other part jumps out and tries to distinguish what is real and what is not real. Sometimes a dream gets scary and the brain is not sure if it's real so it might wake you up to check on things. And if you ingest certain chemicals and it could disrupt the brain's ability to make this distinction to varying degrees. One can prepare for that It's subjective and monks are instructed not to say if they are considered to be "enlightened" or not. Some traditions may regard "enlightenment" as a mystical visionary experience or a state of bliss. Others may regard it as the most sober, in a sense, condition possible, awareness, not of the infinity of the universe but acute awareness of the present the sound of an acorn hitting the ground on a Thursday at 6:24, the detail of it.