Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. False. God is not a synonym for everything False and destructive deception False Then you have fallen in love with evil and that is wrong. "Up is Down" "Hot is Cold" , these sort of statements are meaningless attempts to try to dismantle a person's discernment . Rape, torture and murder are not things to be love. They are destructive and cause suffering. You have been mis-taught and misguided. This is not what the Sages teach, nor those of healthy mind. It's simple, don't poison the water The basic problem are these grandiose mindgames, hypothetical extreme questions designed to confuse and daze and result in a divorce one from treating oneself and others humanely, an entranced stupor
  2. Infinity Doesn't Exist - Daniel Holden
  3. Could you give some detail on you you received rasa ? You say near enough fortnightly for 9 months, I assume that means about 18 times total. What was the cost? And when you heard about it did you immediately think it was possible or did it take you a while to become convinced? thanks
  4. "Open your mind to the possibility that evil does not exist at all that is just a fabrication of your mind that means that the most evil thing you can imagine, imagine that it's not actually evil' ~Leo Gura ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And will our minds be opened to the extent of committing an act of evil? I would like to know of any other person who teaches that one should devote time to imagining murder and rape are good.
  5. There is no proof that infinity exists. It is an axiom of the mainstream mathematical community, which means it is assumed OPEN YOUR MIND
  6. 1966 _______________
  7. Maybe if you're anti-reality. The tree does make a sound regardless of you being there or not You would have to be egocentric to think otherwise. One hand can't clap, another answer to a trick question ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You ain't God , get over yourself
  8. what if there's a conspiracy to call people conspiracy theorists?
  9. if you open your mind too much your brain falls out, so don't go overboard
  10. It is numbers game and a networking game You are currently working at Macy's ?
  11. A conspiracy theory may be true. Some may be somewhat plausible but others completely ridiculous and not worth the time listening to the details of
  12. the test would be do an experiment with a group of people, maybe 30-40 they are blindfolded and told they will be lightly touched on the head, safely and painlessly and with no reason given, no mention of shakipatand the subjects would not be Indian so they would have even less chance to guess what the experiment was about Half the people are touched on the forehead by the guru who says they can transfer shakipat the other by an ordinary non-guru person Then the people are interviewed after and asked if they noticed and differences after the touch. They continue to be not informed about the details of test and are interviewed a week later to see again if they reported any changes, experiment over So then you compare the half that were touched by the guru with the other half that weren't
  13. Shaktipat Levels of intensity Levels In Kashmir Shaivism, depending on its intensity, Śaktipāt can be classified as: tīvra-tīvra-śaktipāta - the so-called "Super Supreme Grace" - produces immediate identity with Śiva and liberation; such a being goes on to become a siddha master and bestows grace from his abode (Siddhaloka), directly into the heart of deserving aspirants[5] tīvra-madhya-śaktipāta - "Supreme Medium Grace" - such a being becomes spiritually illuminated and liberated on his own, relying directly on Śiva, not needing initiation or instruction from other exterior guru. This is facilitated by an intense awakening of his spiritual intuition (pratibhā) which immediately eliminates ignorance[5] tīvra-manda-śaktipāta - "Supreme Inferior Grace" - the person who received this grace strongly desires to find an appropriate guru, but he does not need instruction, but a simple touch, a look or simply being in the presence of his master is enough to trigger in him to the state of illumination[5] madhya-tīvra-śaktipāta - "Medium Supreme Grace" - a disciple who receives this grace desires to have the instruction and initiation of a perfect guru; in time he becomes enlightened. However, he is not totally absorbed into this state during his lifetime and receives a permanent state of fusion with Śiva after the end of his life[6] madhya-madhya-śaktipāta - "Medium Middle Grace" - such a disciple will receive initiation from his guru and have an intense desire to attain liberation, but at the same time he still has desire for various enjoyments and pleasure; after the end of his life, he continues to a paradise where he fulfills all his desires and after that he receives again initiation from his master and realizes permanent union with Śiva[7] madhya-manda-śaktipāta - "Medium Inferior Grace" - is similar to "Medium Middle Grace" except that in this case the aspirant desires worldly pleasures more than union with Śiva; he needs to be reincarnated again as a spiritual seeker to attain liberation[7] manda - "Inferior Grace" - for those who receive this level of grace, the aspiration to be united with Śiva is present only in times of distress and suffering; the grace of Śiva needs to work in them for many lifetimes before spiritual liberation occurs
  14. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ They do use the term here although but Hindu practitioners might not consider it legit
  15. That would be a conspiracy about Leo not a theory of Leo's. A conspiracy theory could be true or false. When people use the term in a negative way they are talking about the majority of conspiracy theories that have very weak evidence. Something to consider is that people who have conspiracy theories, for instance that the 26 people killed in the Sandy Hook shootings was fake will point to various things they think are suspicious But these various things they think are hard to explain can be explained by other wacky theories not just their wacky theory and having an explantion does not means it is what really happened. The various details they bring up don't prove their particular theory is correct. It just may show some details are not clear. It could be possible that an official explanation is false but if this is the case it doesn't mean if they could prove that an official explanation is false that then their particular alternative theory is true but they often act like it does. Could you quote some of these Leo comments on conspiracy theories and what thread they are in?
  16. Each chemical is different. Each one would have to be tested to see if there are any long term physical effects on the brain with heavy use
  17. A conspiracy theory usually involves a secret plot That is different. A conspiracy theory is where somebody has a theory about a secret plot going on that most people don't know about
  18. I also think Leo does not buy the shaktipat concept but it seems easy to test it to see what you think
  19. Leo talk about some physical problems he is dealing with. I think chronic fatigue was one but I don't think he thinks it's related to the psychedelics but he can correct me if I am wrong.
  20. This is a great bat eating video. It goes nicely with Coca Cola. (don't watch on a full stomach)
  21. I notice COVID-19 conspiratorialists love to talk about vaccine as if it is coming out in a couple of weeks and people will be mandatory to take it. SARS Severe (or sudden]) acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease of zoonotic origin that surfaced in the early 2000s caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus ( SARS-CoV-1), As of 2020, there is no cure or protective vaccine for SARS that has been shown to be both safe and effective in humans. The technical name for COVID-19 cornonvirus is SARS-CoV-2