Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. yes Vodka makes you bad, Tequilla is the love drink
  2. what are examples of It's still going on to this day?
  3. In Nondual traditions hallucinations are considered to be delusions, forms of Maya in Advaita Vedanta and Makyo in Zen
  4. that's the path to enlightenment for some
  5. There are monks who go into isolation for long periods. They don't describe it as a state of love Also if you sit alone and say "I love myself " over and over. It might work for a little while. But it wears thin after a while, see failures of the self esteem movement There are also people that help people to the extent of wearing themselves out. It's a balance that's need, not these romantic notions, extremes of "unconditional" , "absolute" and "infinite" and "purity" I don't love some habits I have, some behaviors I I have. I could sit back and try to love then away but it's not going to work
  6. that is not love it's a loyalty vow. caring see the "ing" ? That is a clue love is going on, it's doing "no matter what" is a pledge not an action. Love is an active feeling Love is not accepting everything, that is a devil trick. Theories about conditions and unconditions that is not the practice of love That is intellectualizing what is a feeling and trying to impose hierarchies Self love occurs when you do what you say you are going to do. Not when you sit there in a state of narcissism Self love develops when you love other beings, it come back to you in a circle If your work is only inner it remains selfish. helping somebody with good will for 5 minutes is a greater love than sitting for 2 hours trying to evoke a fantasized love state. test it for one week and get back to me. The more "love" is analyzed the more it is suppressed. We also need awareness and to see things as they are clarity
  7. ________________________________CLICK HERE ^^ . . Sadhguru LIVE conversation with Neurologist Steven Laureys JUN 17, 2020 2PM EST (U.S) Steven Laureys is a Belgian neurologist. He is recognized worldwide as a leading clinician and researcher in the field of neurology of consciousness. Prof. Laureys graduated as a Medical Doctor from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, in 1993. While specializing in neurology he entered a research career and obtained his M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Medicine working on pain and stroke using in vivo microdialysis and diffusion MRI in the rat (1997). Drawn by functional neuroimaging, he moved to the Cyclotron Research Center at the University of Liège, Belgium, where he obtained his Ph.D. studying residual brain function in the vegetative state in 2000. He is board-certified in neurology (1998) and in end-of-life and palliative medicine (2004). He currently leads the Coma Science Group at the Cyclotron Research Centre of the University of Liège, Belgium. He is clinical professor of neurology, at the Liège University Hospital and Research Director at the National Fund for Scientific Research. Laureys is chair of the World Federation of Neurology's Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Research Group and of the European Neurological Society's Subcommittee on Coma and Disorders of Consciousness.[2] Since 2009, he is invited professor at the Royal Academy of Belgium. In 2010, he was invited to give a research lecture at Nobel Forum. His team assesses the recovery of neurological disability and of neuronal plasticity in severely brain damaged patients with altered states of consciousness by means of multimodal functional neuroimaging. It aims at characterizing the brain structure and the residual cerebral function in patients who survive a severe brain injury: patients in coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state and locked in syndrome. The importance of this project is twofold. First, these patients represent a problem in terms of diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and daily management. Second, these patients offer the opportunity to explore human consciousness, which is presently one major conundrum neurosciences have to solve. Indeed, these patients present a complete, nearly graded, range of conscious states from unconsciousness (coma) to full awareness (locked-in syndrome). This research confronts clinical expertise and bedside behavioral evaluation of altered states of consciousness with state-of-the-art multimodal imaging combining the information from positron emission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), structural MRI, electroencephalography (EEG), event related potential (ERP) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) data. 2017 Consciousness in babies | Steven Laureys | TED talks
  8. Helping your fellow human being is not self righteousness, it is a fantastic thing. It revolutionizes your soul Love is a feeling. It can be beneficial sometimes or you could love something destructive. It's a feeling like sadness, joy, happiness, boredom, all feelings which come and go. But if you want to talk about conditions and and positions, now you are not talking about love. You are talking about an intellectual philosophical position. Love in it's highest form is caring If you want to turn it into "unconditional love" which "none of us understand" now you are talking about a useless abstract, extreme form of mental masturbation an intellectual construct "None of us understand unconditional love." you say You are boxed in and tied down by your own statement Love is not something to understand it is something to do and feel not to divide into categories and philosophical hierarchies People who talk about love all the time often they do so because they are in search of it
  9. This thing you are calling a intense mind trip satori like experience is heroin. When you have an orgasm heroin-like chemicals are released in the brain Addiction to masturbation is actually addiction to natural brain heroin, to get a head rush to distract you from facing reality. Try the following these rules for two weeks 1) don't touch your penis unless it is fully hard already and then only if you want to. "Morning wood" is not included 2) don't watch porn in order to make your penis hard 3) don't intentionally sexually fantasize because you want to masturbate so you can have an orgasm and feel that natural heroin that distracts you from facing reality So I am not saying don't masturbate or don't watch porn or don't let sexual fantasies or real sex occur but go by these rules and stop clinging to them. So you are not quitting sexuality. I'm saying understand what is going on. The brain produces a chemical during orgasm. If you become addicted to it it is not really about sex it's about being a natural heroin addict There is a type of mediation that instead of wasting your semen you sit in mediation you focus mentally on you groin and taking that energy and imagining it going slowly up the spine to the brain. This is a type of kundalini mediation, redirecting the energy inward instead of spilling it on the floor This is only one type of meditation. Another type is mindful noting which is more important. You sit still for 20-45 minutes each day with a timer. If a thought or feeling comes into your head you label it mentally it doesn't matter how, "thought, thought Thought" "fear, fear fear" "breast, breast breast" " itch, itch, itch" "chocolate, Chocolate, chocolate" "sex, sex sex" "anger, anger, anger" "wind sound" "wind sound" "wind sound" "peace, peace , peace" "boredom, boredom, boredom" This is a self observational type of meditation. You are sitting and just noting each thought or feeling that comes and goes and not dwelling on any of them. You can dwell on them later but not during the meditation. The thought can keep coming up, just note it each time and let it rise and fall. The thoughts don't come back to back, there are some gaps, gaps of thinking nothing. That is the base. You can't shut your mind off but you can become less and less reactive to fears and urges. This leads to liberation
  10. That is nonsense unconditional love is so simple and direct children can understand it People that tell you you can't understand it are liars trying to take something away and sell it back to you, Love is not everything and to love everything, torturing people, eating a plate of shit, etc that is not love. It is just a mindfuck , a philosophical position with the word "love" taped to it This is unconditional love, it's something that happens all the time >>
  11. The better question is " can you suffer in a way that dissolves the ego?" The answer is no valuable experience on what causes suffering
  12. 2016 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ World Justice Project WJP Rule of Law Index 2020 Over the last five years, countries experiencing the largest average annual percentage drop in the rule of law were Egypt (-4.6 %), Venezuela (-3.9%) Cambodia (-3.0%), Philippines (-2.5%), Cameroon (-2.4%), Hungary (-2.1%), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (-2.1%). The single biggest decline by factor over the past five years was Egypt’s and Poland’s score for Constraints on Government Powers, with an average annual decline of -8.5% and -6.8%, respectively. ___________________________________________________________________________________
  13. what about college professors having three ways with students?
  14. Live: Atlanta Official Announces Charging Decision In Rayshard Brooks Death The prosecutor says the police are not even allowed to fire a taser at someone if they are running away. in the video at which the picture of the red car is shown,(time 13:00) He claims that Rayshard Brooks fired the taser twice at the officer and missed both times, that the taser can only make two shots, and the police would have known that but he was necessarily shot in the back twice when he was 18 feet after the taser was no longer a threat One gun shot also hit a car
  15. That's this theory, everything is good because it exists. Don't try to change or improve anything because everything is perfect as it is "infinite love"
  16. Ok given what you are saying is there anything bad about raping a child?
  17. what about raping a child? Is that absolute love? How would you define what raping a child is?