Nak Khid

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Everything posted by Nak Khid

  1. He has more credentials that the typical doom economist on youtube who is promoting gold My the way what is your opinion of having a certain percentage of gold in savings - and can it be digital gold or does it have to be physical?
  2. Recently I've come across two arguments against the right that every citizen should have the right to vote 1) people should have the right to vote only if they are educated enough 2) people should only have the right to vote if they pay taxes or in some way put money or labor into the economy, otherwise there are just takers and vote form that perspective Both of these ideas have some logic but also raise a lot of worries about marginalization and unfairness and could be too easily corrupted in their implementation.
  3. Do you know any of Pema Chödrön's book who was for a time a student of Trungpa?
  4. There are two main forms of mediation in Theravada. Samatha which is concentration meditations where you become tranquil by shutting things out by focusing on something, such as the breathing or in other traditions chanting or thinking a word or phrase repetitiously. Vipassana is not focusing on one thing. It is being aware of the moment, all thoughts , feelings, physical sensations and taking note of them. You call each one out (mentally) "yes I I see you" then you let is pass So if you focus on thoughts that are alluring that might fit into Samantha but in Vipassana you are not supposed to cling to anything including pleasant thoughts or sensations. So everything comes and goes. You notice a pain in your back, you notice boredom, you notice a feeling of peacefulness, you notice a bad memory, you notice a good memory, you notice the urge to do a bad habit. So if the thought of a doing a bad habit comes up you note it and then let it pass and it may come and go several times. So does the meditation resolve the bad habit? Not necessarily. It could make you more aware of a problem but it might not solve it. You might need some therapy techniques to control it, some things that might be out of the Vipassana Monks have it easier. They out themselves in a situation where a lot of the temptations are removed. In Thailand they allow you to be a monk for short periods like a few months a year (but say goodbye to the hair) Anyway the Goeneka based retreats also do that but you are doing a lot of meditation already and could try living like that for a while. If you don;t like it you could quit and return to your digital art. However as for the bad habits (what are they?) you said you are "using meditation as a semi escape from my bad habits" so the best thing for you may not be deserving between mediation and digital art but addressing those bad habits directly. You may need somebody to help you who specializes in that. In the mean time some self hypnosis techniques can be powerful. The subconscious is in a better wave state just before sleep and just after. Try this for a minimum of four days either right before you go to sleep or add to it at the end. Should not take long. In a question and command form "Can I stop____________and__________and____________ ? (put the habits here) and then "Yes, stop___________and___________and" Mark 40 lines end point on a piece of paper. So write "Can I stop smoking and drinking? Yes, stop smoking and drinking" 40 times and as you do it say it out loud (normal volume) Then you go to sleep. Wake up and do it again write after you wake up. You will start to see result then continue doing it, a month to make it stick so you don't slide back. This should be done gung ho commitment. You can also add to it a meditation where you focus on this thought. These should be real bad habit not asceticism of thing that most people would not say are bad habits. the subconscious mind is like a dog and responds to repetition. Speak it and writing at at the same time also reinforces it. Shinzen, the will known Zen Buddhist who trained in monasteries had to get some conventional therapy for some bad habits. Being an expert meditator was not enough. And a therapist or therapeutic hypnotist and also be somewhat of an accountability partner. IF you try the above , you mark each day you do it on a calendar. Those are links in a chain. After a month you may feel like you defeated your habits but three month later, you are getting some urges, you have been around the wring people. Then you must remove yourself from the environment and go back to this technique or with an expert who specializes. You are looking at two things meditation and art. But there is a third thing, the habits and that needs direct attention because that can destroy the other two eventually.
  5. Survival is not relative, without air you will die in minutes It's not arbitrary. You can't suddenly decide to stop breathing and live to the next day. Instinct is not relative. It's particular behavior that people are biologically born with. Saying "it's relative" does not resolve any philosophical point made, is not a catch all argument
  6. This is his take on it and he mentions God several times but in Zen they don't talk about God generally and they don't say the Ox is God They say the Ox is in fact something transcended However Leo doesn't say the Ox is God He says : "the Ox represents the practice and discipline required in seeking the dharma " and "to catch a rabbit not to catch a snare when you have caught the rabbit you no longer need the snare the Ox is used in the same way as a means of achieving awakening to Buddha nature we created a snare called the Ox but once you have understood Buddha nature you no longer need the Ox" Yes this would be the traditional Zen interpretation, the Ox is something that is eventually transcended ______________________________ Shinzen Young in these short videos on the Ten Bulls(ox) he defines the ox as the nature of consciousness 1) 2) 3) _____________________________________________________________________ there are many resources here, various versions and commentary
  7. you may not be free yet , look at the periods.
  8. The documentary was not in expose mode, it was mainly very complimentary. They mention his alcohol abuse and philandering (which his wife seems to had come to accept) , not that dark but to some questionable One point of the film is that he didn't hide anything However some had made more serious allegations
  9. Good questions, this is not what I want. However we are looking at this hypothetical. Hypothetically students, no, they wouldn't be able to vote As for the unemployed they would be allowed to vote if they had worked a certain amount of time in say a 3-5 year time period before the present and allowances would be made for people in special circumstances, recovering from a serious accident etc
  10. watch the video I posted"How Vivikenanda used his Third Eye Power" earlier in the thread it discusses these book reading powers
  11. You just been elected president. You wanted free high education but couldn't get it through the legislature. A civics test is conducted , 30 million fail and this new law says they can't vote, some of them even had the higher education The scenario is you don't have complete control of the education system and then it is proposed people who are not educated should not have the right to vote. Or the situation is that you are not president but you have been given the opportunity to vote on a referendum, the future voter right will only be extended to those educated enough to vote Then the other scenario, only tax payers can vote, this would be considered income tax payers, So people of a household living on public assistance would not have the right to vote since they are not paying income tax and therefore the thinking goes not they have not "invested" in the government (this will come about under the Tucker Carlson presidency of 2024) . Retried people would be either not allowed to vote or they could vote if they had worked a certain number of years
  12. These ideas I am not advocating just had noticed people bringing them up and had never thought about it much before It would be biased against poor people if such poor people were necessarily uneducated. I suppose in such a case people might have to pass a civics test to to vote yet rulers throughout history have been able to impose their will In such a system either the stay at home parent would not have the right to vote or they would have the right to vote because they could be considered contributors to the household of the working partner
  13. when you mediate do thoughts of the bad habits come up?
  14. Right and wrong are not arbitrary they are related to survival. To say survival exists is not a precise statement. It would be more accurate to say animals exist and have a survival instinct . Since survival is not a thing although the word is a noun. That things exist, survival instincts etc, would exclude those people who claim nothing exists all is illusion. or imaginary. If one gets pain in the stomach it is not a matter of preference. Chemical signals are delivered to the brain and the discomfort produced suffering which is a physical survival mechanism. The signal indicates to the person something is physically wrong internally and needs to be addressed. If you don't this uncomfortable suffering continues like an alarm bell. Prohibition on murder is not an arbitrary notion. "Wrongs" are considered to be something that puts a person's life or well being at stake. So if murder was made legal people would not feel safe and they would have good reason not to. So it's not an arbitrary notion.
  16. It is also wrong to kill somebody and deprive them from living the rest of their life, even if you kill them by a painless method the obvious answer to this
  17. Definition of wrong wrong 1a: an injurious, unfair, or unjust act : action or conduct inflicting harm without due provocation or just cause
  18. So is murder love ? Not "love" . love without the quotes