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Everything posted by iceprincess

  1. @Ry4n I've tried l-theanine, doesn't do anything for me. in Leo's nootropics video he said you don't become addictive or dependant on it. he said he has no problems cycling off of it
  2. it's such a stupid question and in no way am I trying to undermine muslim people I just wanna know some background details. the only explanation I come across is severe oppression from the west. why is it that places like Saudi Arabia and Dubai have thrived but most of the Middle East and Africa is so underdeveloped. what are some practical solutions for them to progress, what would need to happen. explain to me like I'm 5.
  3. yeah but I'm talking about excessive exposure to screens. fall semester is gonna be online so I'm gonna be staring at them all day lol
  4. @Leo Gura I didn't watch your full video and you've probably done a shit ton of research already so this might not be helpful but have you ever tried angamardhana? it's a hatha yoga practice that sadhguru does for peak physical health. I was reading comments about it and a lot of people have mentioned how miraculous it is for their energy levels and some even said it's helped their thyroid issues.
  5. appreciate all the great advice and support guys
  6. @mandyjw I can't be vulnerable with guys, it's always been hard for me to be naked and comfortable and submissive with men. I always get so nervous and rigid. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact I was sexually molested by a family member but it's okay I'm slowly getting through it
  7. I guess I'm just scared because I never came with a guy before and I was reading a lot of articles saying that a lot of girls can't orgasm through penetration and they just have to accept it and be okay with it . I saw an article that says the distance from your urethra to your vagina correlates with how well you orgasm lol thats probably bull shit but I just don't wanna be that girl, I wanna squirt and have mind blowing orgasms and do it multiple times! please tell me that its possible with every girl, as long as I know that it's something every girl can work on and it doesn't depend on your external anatomy then I can take care of the rest
  8. @Leo Gura yeah I saw it it was really helpful ty
  9. I took a lot of maca but it didn't really do anything for my libido, just gave me a natural boost of energy. it probably didn't work cause I'm 21 so I got a pretty healthy libido
  10. Has anyone done hatha yoga through a trained hatha yoga teacher who did the program at sadhguru's ashram? i'm gonna be starting surya kriya, Bhuta shuddhi and yogasanas and I'll do angamardhana later. just wanted to know what benefits you've experienced, how has it changed your emotional and psychological health, your perception, consciousness etc. also how long does each session take? all 4 modules together are $1000 lol so it better be worth it.
  11. EVERYONE HERE HAS TO LISTEN TO TAME IMPALA, best modern psychedelic band
  12. I want in depth details. what is her personality like, what is she like in bed, how you want her to fit in with your life, etc.
  13. @Leo Gura I'm dying to know what your type is
  14. @Gili Trawangan thank you lol you actually answered my question
  15. smh a man's whole career and reputation can get flushed down the toilet if just one women complains about an interaction like this. if this happened to a man he'd brag about it to all of his friends. I mean I understand, guys don't care too much about being sexually exploited the same way that girls do but where do you draw the line between what's appropriate and what's not. same way with comedy, if we're too cautious it's not really fun anymore. and it all depends on context too. someone like russel brand can get away with saying provocative shit to a women but if it was some possum looking ass overweight guy he'd get kicked out of the club. how do we decide what's reprehensible and what's not.
  16. yeah that's what i was debating between
  17. one of the daughters in the video was able to transcend stage red and escape the church. she did a ted talk about why she left.
  18. a lot of people are saying they're kind of happy these violent riots and lootings are happening because this is the only way to get justice and without brutal force they wouldn't be able to bring attention to this issue and bring change. i personally don't think destroying innocent people's property and completely erasing their life savings justifies trying to make the world a better place. i just wanna hear your opinions on this because a lot of people are kind of in support or at least trying to justify this. also do you think this will motivate positive change in the police force? something tells me that these policemen who are in constant fear of being attacked by this ongoing violence and dealing with rioters who are majority young black men ( i watched a lot of the live coverage) is just gonna perpetuate their beliefs and judgements about how they should deal with criminals especially black criminals. idk help me see this situation clearly
  19. i got into law of attraction and was watching aaron dought's videos, leo's loa video popped up on my feed and i watched it but i didn't think much of it. after that he just started popping up on my feed more and started watching his stage orange videos. he was already making those 2 hr+ vids when i discovered him. when i looked through his whole archive and saw how he began making vids on how to make girls squirt to very in depth videos on metaphysics and epistemology i knew this guy was the shit.
  20. @Moon yes definitely we need to find a way to be financially independant. the government can help us to some extent but my mom has a variant of schizophrenia and she is incapable of working long hours so being financially independant sounds like a pipe dream right now especially because i'm in university and a few years later my sister will be in univeristy as well. although our student loans cover everything. also the fact is divorce is extremely frowned upon in my culture it almost rarely happens. my mom says she's gonna leave him a million times but she is too scared to leave him and face society this way and fend for herself and tbh she just doesn't have that strength mentally or physically. my ultimate dream is to make a steady income by myelf and just send them both off to their families back in asia, that way they can grow old peacefully without eachother and with their loved ones. i would hate for both of my parents to have to live with eachother for another 30 years
  21. my dad is notorious for his anger issues. everyone in our family and our cultural community is well aware of how hot tempered he can be. he has never apologized for his anger and he thinks it is completely justified and that everyone else is the problem. in the shower, he wants all the shampoo bottles and soap on the upper right side corner. one time one of us forgot and left our shampoo on the upper left side corner and he flipped his shit and started screaming and draining all of our bottles into the toilet and flushing them down. that's just one example, i have way too many to count. i remember when i was 2 years old i was crying and fussing like a baby as any normal baby would and i remember he just erupted and was screaming and kicking our computer and i remember I had to apologize to him when i was legit a toddler. my point is how do i deal with him, i still have to live with my family for a few more years until i'm done school. i try to shut him out but then he also gets angry and makes me feel guilty that he works so hard for us and he's really lonely and super jealous of how close me and my sister are with our mom. he's not always so bad he has his good streaks but you just never know when it's all gonna go to shit again. i'm pretty sure he's the reason my mom is mentally ill. please give me some tips because i don't wanna succumb to his anger and make him take advantage of me but it seems that no matter what he's gonna erupt in flames again. i can't leave him either with my poor mother and sister, sometimes i wish they could get a divorce but we already can't support ourselves with my dad's income. please give me some reasonable advice thanks
  22. @coughie yeah i've been thinking about this approach for awhile. i already sometimes try to get really angry on purpose so that he's scared around me and that usually works for awhile until i get nice again but it just seems top hypocritical to deal with him the same way he would deal with the rest of us, by showing anger and igniting fear in the rest of us. i dont always wanna fight fire with fire but for now it has sure helped. he told my mom he's scared to say anything to me even though i don't react the way he does i just raise my voice and act very annoyed i dont throw things around. i can't believe he can't connect the dots that the way he is sometimes scared to make me mad is how the rest of us feel x43834384
  23. @Leo Gura what are your thoughts on cheating? not why men cheat but how a couple should deal with problems of infidelity? what does cheating imply about the relationship and the cheater's relationship to himself and his girlfriend?